Updates/April 2008

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The following updates occurred during April of 2008.

Update 048

April 25, 2008

Maximum Attack G

Maximum Attack G has begun! The following missions now are available at GUARDIANS HQ in Clyez City!

Mission name Ranks Start lobby Start counter End lobby
Maximum Attack G C-S Clyez City: 5th Floor GUARDIANS HQ Clyez City: 5th Floor
Program DF C-S Clyez City: 5th Floor Bonus Counter Clyez City: 5th Floor
Gifts from Beyond -- Clyez City: 5th Floor GUARDIANS HQ Clyez City: 5th Floor
Hit the Counter! -- Clyez City: 5th Floor GUARDIANS HQ Clyez City: 5th Floor

New items

System updates

  • Type level cap has been increased to LV20.
  • The number of targets that a sword can hit (with both normal and photon art attacks) has been increased.
  • The slicer skill Chikki Kyoren-jin has received the following modifications:
    • The base attack power of the first attack has been changed from 202% to 161%.
    • The base attack power of the second attack has been changed from 342% to 182%.
    • PP cost has been reduced.
  • The following adjustments have been made to rifles:
    • Elemental rifle bullets have received an increase in elemental percentage, attack power and attack accuracy. Non-elemental bullets did not receive this increase.
    • The PP cost of Killer Shot at LV31+ has been reduced.
    • The knockdown effect has been added to all elemental rifle bullets at LV31+. Non-elemental bullets (Killer Shot, Mayalee Shot) did not receive this effect.
    • Normal rifle bullets (non-photon art bullets) have received a PP cost reduction.
  • The following adjustments have been made to laser cannons:
    • The elemental percentage of low level laser cannon bullets has been increased.
  • Gifoie, Gibarta, Gizonde, Gidiga, Nosdiga, Noszonde and Nosmegid have received PP cost reductions.
  • Adjustments have been made to the following missions to disallow players from semipermanently engaging enemies in battle (for the purpose of AFK leveling photon arts, for example):
  • Guntechers have received the following adjustments:
    • Proficiency with wands has been upgraded from A to S.
    • Base TP has been increased.
  • Fighgunners have received the following adjustment:
    • Proficiency with machineguns, handguns and twin handguns has been upgraded from A to S.
  • Fortetechers have received the following adjustment:
    • Base HP has been increased.
  • Hunters have received the following adjustment:
    • Base HP, ATP and DFP at Hunter LV10 have been modified.
  • The required amount of MP to progress from one level to the next as an Acrofighter or Acrotecher has been corrected.

Update 047

April 23, 2008
The following update was applied only to the Xbox 360 servers on this date. It was also accompanied by a title update.

System updates

  • Points earned during any GUARDIANS Boost Road will be shared between all characters in a single account instead of only the one who earned them.
  • Meseta values will be displayed in different colors depending on its amount.
    • Prices from 1 to 99,999 will continue to be displayed in white text.
    • Prices from 100,000 to 999,999 will be displayed in light blue text.
    • Prices from 1,000,000 to 9,999,999 will be displayed in green text.
    • 10,000,000 to 99,999,999 will be displayed in gold text.
  • The method of synthesizing and storing Grinders has been changed slightly. Now you must have at least five open spaces of a particular Grinder grade in either your inventory or partner machine's storage in order to synthesize that grade of Grinder. For example, if you have 95 (of a possible 99) Grinder A+3 in your storage, you will not be able to synthesize any A grade Grinder until some space is freed up.
  • The price confirmation window now will be displayed even if you purchase an item requiring individual inventory space.
  • Rare free missions will no longer have a chance of appearing after completing a story mission.
  • To combat Photon Gacha scamming, players must now wait one second when purchasing an item from the Gacha that is priced over 100,000 Meseta.
  • The following glitches have been fixed:
    • Second machinegun glitch
    • Photon Gacha text overflow

Update 046

April 18, 2008

Seasonal events

  • After a three week run, Easter has ended and the Rappy Paskas have gone back into hiding for another year.
  • Spring is in full swing across Gurhal. In celebration of the season, the residents of Clyez and Ohtoku Cities have decorated their common areas with blossoming cherry trees.

Update 045

April 04, 2008

New missions

A new party mission difficulty has been released along with its respective recruitment mission.

Mission name Ranks Start lobby Start counter End lobby
Her Secret Mission S[1] Ohtoku City GUARDIANS Branch Ohtoku City
Ohtoku Standby Area -- Ohtoku City GUARDIANS Branch Ohtoku City
  1. S-rank difficulty of Her Secret Mission is exclusive to Ambition of the Illuminus.

New items

Update history

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