Updates/January 2009

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The following updates occurred during January of 2009.

Update 067

January 23, 2009

Winter Mission Carnival

The Winter Mission Carnival has begun! The following missions are now available to play, all accessed from the previously unoccupied space on the 3rd floor of Clyez City.

Mission name Ranks Start lobby Start counter End lobby
Charged Puzzle C-S Clyez City: 3rd Floor Event Area Clyez City: 3rd Floor
World of Illusion α -- Clyez City: 3rd Floor Event Area Clyez City: 3rd Floor
Crystal Central -- Clyez City: 3rd Floor Event Area Clyez City: 3rd Floor
Carnival Lounge -- Clyez City: 3rd Floor Event Area Clyez City: 3rd Floor

System updates

New items

  • With the beginning of the Winter Mission Carnival, numerous new weapons, line shields and other items have been released.
  • Casino Voloyal's exchange counter has been updated with the rotation of room decorations from the Modern set to the Sweet/Berry set.
  • Shitenkaku's offering box has also received an update which introduces new colors of the Mikumiko Set.

Special bonuses

  • As compensation for the second rollback that the Xbox 360 servers suffered in late December, from January 23 through February 5, all players will be able to collect 10x the normal daily allowance of Vol Coins from Casino Voloyal.

Update 066

January 21, 2009

System updates

Party leader rights

  • To help combat clear/boss box booting, the party leader no longer has the right to remove a player from the party after a trial has been cleared.

Rare mission appearance adjustments

A bug with this update was discovered following this maintenance period which causes the rare mission text to not appear at all. This problem will be corrected with a future update, but in the meantime it is suggested that parties searching for rare missions split up after each run, as any party member may have received a rare mission flag without knowing it.

  • The method of finding a rare mission has been modified as follows:
    • Any party member can receive a rare mission; it is no longer exclusive to the leader.
    • When a party member receives a rare mission, a message will be displayed on the screens of all party members to say who received the mission.
    • Eligible players must be in the field at the time of a mission's end.
    • Eligible players must have been a part of the party for at least 80% of the total mission time.
    • The number of people in a party no longer affects the chances of receiving a rare mission.

Player shop pricing adjustments

  • The following changes have been made to the pricing system of player shops:
    • If you change the price of a duplicate item in your shop, the initial value displayed will default to the value of the remaining item instead of 0.
    • If you add an item to your shop that already exists, the initial value displayed when setting the price will default to the price of the item already in your shop instead of 0. In the case of multiple items with different values, the highest of those prices will become the default value.

Graphics modifications

  • Attack TECHNIC visuals have been adjusted at LV31+ so that only the caster will see the effect. Everyone else will see the TECHNIC in its LV21-30 form.

Item modifications

  • Photon Charges have been modified so that when used from the action palette on two single-handed weapons, instead of replenishing only 50% of the max PP of each weapon, it will refill all PP for each weapon.

PP recovery rate adjustments

  • All weapons have received adjustments to their PP recovery rate.

Party display at mission counters

  • The order parties are displayed at mission counters when you elect to join a party has been changed so that parties you are eligible to join will be displayed first. Preferences are set so that the order is based on the amount of time each party has spent in the mission as well as total party members. For example, parties which have just begun a mission will be displayed before parties which have been active for longer periods of time and therefore are more likely to be nearing the end of the mission.

Miscellaneous bug fixes

  • A glitch related to machinegun rate of fire has been fixed.
  • A bug related to receiving Ethan Waber's partner card at the end of Photon Harvest 2 has been fixed.
  • The price color for changing face types at Lumilass was displayed incorrectly. This has been corrected.
  • The Ruby Bullet's firing sound effect has been corrected so that it no longer sounds like the Varista.
  • Field traps in Rogues' Shortcut have been modified to correct their abnormal behavior.
  • Slowdown issues have been fixed in Sacred Stream that were caused when certain enemies were skipped.
  • A bug related to the photon art EXP boost has been corrected.
  • A graphical glitch for ver.1 users has been corrected in which the partner machines GH 470, GH 480 and GH 490 would not display properly.
  • Universe names are now left-aligned in the server selection menu.

Update 065

January 16, 2009

Seasonal lobbies

  • The New Year's lobby has wrapped up and been replaced with a reminder of the season. The winter lobbies will be in place in Clyez and Holtes City through February 19.


New items

  • With the changing of the seasonal lobbies, Bamboo is no longer on sale at Clyez City's Variety Shop. It has been replaced with Snowman, however, which will be available for the duration of the winter lobbies.

Update history

2012 January | February | March | April | May | June
July | August | September

2011 January | February | March | April | May | June
July | August | September | October | November | December

2010 January | February | March | April | May | June
July | August | September | October | November | December

2009 January | February | March | April | May | June
July | August | September | October | November | December

2008 January | February | March | April | May | June
July | August | September | October | November | December

2007 January | February | March | April | May | June
July | August | September | October | November | December

2006 October | November | December