Updates/November 2007

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The following updates occurred in November of 2007.

Update 032

November 30, 2007

Seasonal events

  • The autumn event has ended with this update.

1Up Platinum Cup

This update marks the beginning of the rewards period earned during the 1Up Platinum Cup! This period originally was planned to last for two weeks, but due to a rollback being necessary on the 360 servers, the reward period has been extended to a total of three weeks. Rewards include:

  • Superholy Photon Fortune for all races.
  • Free makeovers at Lumilass.
  • 50% discount on all clothes and parts.
  • 15% increase to all weapon and line shield synthesis success rates.
  • Free [B] Twin Fluor. Bulbs delivered to all players' common boxes. (This must be claimed by January 31, 2008.)

New missions

Two new Ambition of the Illuminus missions have been added.

Mission name Ranks Start lobby Start counter End lobby
Sacred Stream C-S Ohtoku City COG: Pavilion of Air Pavilion of Air: Top
White Beast C-S Pavilion of Air: Top Shitenkaku Area Shitenkaku

The first chapter of Episode 3 was also released with this update.

Mission name Ranks Start lobby Mission counter End lobby
Despair and Hope 1 C-A Clyez City: 5th Floor GUARDIANS HQ Block A Refugee Camp
Despair and Hope 2 C-A Block A Refugee Camp Block B Area Clyez City: 5th Floor

New items

  • A number of new clothing and parts sets were released for Ambition of the Illuminus players.
    • Fujifiji set (male clothes)
    • Kouze set (male clothes)
    • Hulauna set (female clothes)
    • Vatavara set (female clothes)
    • Apollos set (male parts)
    • Bacolone set (female parts)
  • Casino Voloyal's prize counter has been updated with new decorations and jukebox discs. New decorations were added to Clyez City's Variety Shop.
  • With the new missions, numerous new weapon and line shield boards were added as possible drop items.

Update 031

November 16, 2007

Seasonal events

  • Halloween has come to an end with this update.
  • The autumn event has begun with decorations going up in Clyez and Ohtoku Cities.

1Up Platinum Cup

  • The 1Up Platinum Cup is now over. We hope everyone had a great time with this event! Altogether, 4,212,511 Gurhal Check Points were earned!

Ambition of the Illuminus updates

In preparation for the upcoming release of Ambition of the Illuminus, numerous updates have been made to the game. These updates apply only to the PC/PS2 servers for this date, but will be applied to the Xbox 360 servers on November 20, when the expansion becomes available for purchase and download via Xbox Live.

System changes

  • Players are now able to speak with NPC lobby attendants to move from main lobbies to any field lobbies they have visited following this update.
  • Photon arts caps have been increased from LV30 to LV40, of course depending on restrictions set in place by a player's battle type. Visual indications of a photon art at LV31+ will only be seen by players who have the expansion.
  • The character level cap was increased to LV110, while Guardian type caps have been increased to LV15.
  • Protransers now have a new ability which allows them to see traps without goggles. The goggles must still be used, however, to uncover and disarm traps.
  • Party members are now able to chat during certain cutscenes, such as boss entrances and death scenes.
  • Players are now able to enter first-person mode while seated.
  • A small delay has been added between switching from normal to first-person view, thus resolving certain glitches.

Your room, synthesis and grinding

  • A new shop search system has been introduced, which allows players to perform much more detailed searches for items in player shops. This update also allows players to view the prices, stats and other information of items in the search results window without having to go to a player's shop. The shop must be visited, of course, if a player wishes to purchase the item.
  • Synthesis success rates have been increased along with the chances of receiving higher elemental attributes on lines shields and striking weapons.
  • Synthesis failure has been adjusted to allow more more unique and varied items to result from a failed synthesis.
  • In the event of a failed weapon grind, the weapon will no longer be destroyed. Instead, any previous successful grinds will be lost and the maximum number of grinds the weapon can handle will be decreased by one.

Battle system

  • The new exact attack and exact counterattack moves have been introduced. Though usable in Phantasy Star Universe, the full visual effects of these moves will be visible only to Ambition of the Illuminus players.
  • Normal striking attacks will now recover photon points to the weapon being used. Critical hits will recover more PP.
  • The elemental attribute damage equation has been adjusted, allowing for low percentage and non-elemental weapons to inflict more damage than before. Likewise, to balance things out with this change, the base damage and defense of players has been adjusted.
  • Positive stat bonuses now remain on players even while using SUV weapons and nanoblasts.
  • Weapon and line shield drops will now have random elements and percentages added to them.
  • Meseta drops will increase when there are more players in a party.
  • The default for item distribution has been changed to "set random." Furthermore, when the distribution is designated "set random" or "set in order," any Meseta picked up will be divided evenly between party members. "Give finder" will give the full amount to whoever picks it up.
  • Certain low-power photon arts have been tweaked to make them more powerful.
  • Large enemies have received a reduction in stamina, making it possible for even low-level status effects to work against them.
  • The Hanzo and all Kubara striking weapons have been upgraded to make them work better with photon arts.
  • A rebalance was performed on the following partner machines: GH143, GH423, GH433, GH443 and GH453.

Items and shops

  • NPC shops will now pay more for certain items when sold back. Many items, such as various traps, have also received a reduction in price.
  • Certain customization options at Lumilass have received a price reduction.
  • A new trap, Burn Trap EX, was introduced to NPC shops.
  • Many B-rank units have become available in NPC shops.

New missions

Following the release of Ambition of the Illuminus on November 20, the following new missions will be playable by those who have the expansion.

Mission name Ranks Start lobby Start counter End lobby
AMF HQ Recovery C-S Holtes City: West District AMF Headquarters AMF Metro Platform
Military Subway C-S Metro Linear Platform Central Command Area AMF Central Command
Scarred Planet C-S Holtes City: East District Flyer Base Old Rozenom City
Lightning Beasts C-S Old Rozenom City Paracabana Coast Area Paracabana Coast
Sakura Blast C-S Kugo Hot Springs Saguraki Area Saguraki C.D.
Caves of Ice C-S Vio Tonga Granigs Mine Area Granigs Mine
Awoken Serpent C-S Granigs Mine Voloyal Area Casino Voloyal

These new missions will introduce numerous new enemies as well as item drops.

New weapons, items and types

  • Ambition of the Illuminus players will have access to four new weapon categories: whips, slicers, RCSMs and TCSMs.
  • New clothing and parts will be released for all races.
  • Chikki Kyoren-jin and Visshi Grudda, two new photon arts, will be released.
  • Acrofighter and Acrotecher are available to Ambition of the Illuminus players.

Update 030

November 09, 2007

1Up Platinum Cup

The 1Up Platinum Cup has made it to its fourth and final week. Now all four free/co-op event missions are available one last time. Also, a third bonus mission has been added to each mission!

Mission name Ranks Start lobby Start counter End lobby
Invisible Road C-A Clyez City: 3rd Floor CLUB: Commune Clyez City: 3rd Floor
United Front C-A Clyez City: 3rd Floor CLUB: Commune Clyez City: 3rd Floor
Deadly Brilliance C-A Clyez City: 3rd Floor CLUB: Commune Clyez City: 3rd Floor
Elements of Unrest C-A Clyez City: 3rd Floor CLUB: Commune Clyez City: 3rd Floor

Update 029

November 02, 2007

1Up Platinum Cup

Moving into the third week of the 1Up Platinum Cup, Deadly Brilliance takes a breather while a new mission moves into its place.

Mission name Ranks Start lobby Start counter End lobby
Elements of Unrest C-A Clyez City: 3rd Floor CLUB: Commune Clyez City: 3rd Floor

Also, be sure to check out Items Trading Post, as you can now receive Song for Death and the Rappy Suit if you qualify!

Update history

2012 January | February | March | April | May | June
July | August | September

2011 January | February | March | April | May | June
July | August | September | October | November | December

2010 January | February | March | April | May | June
July | August | September | October | November | December

2009 January | February | March | April | May | June
July | August | September | October | November | December

2008 January | February | March | April | May | June
July | August | September | October | November | December

2007 January | February | March | April | May | June
July | August | September | October | November | December

2006 October | November | December