Updates/June 2008

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The following updates occurred during June of 2008.

Update 053

June 20, 2008

Seasonal events

New items

System updates

Update 052

June 13, 2008

New free mission

One new free mission has been added.

Mission name Ranks Start lobby Start counter End lobby
Lonely Laboratory C-S Underground Lake Il Cabo Area Il Cabo Base

New items

System updates

  • A bug which affected recruitment missions was fixed. Originally, all party members had to be at the mission counter before the leader began the mission, otherwise only the party members at the counter would be able to enter the standby area.

Update 051

June 6, 2008

New free mission

One new free mission has been added.

Mission name Ranks Start lobby Start counter End lobby
The Dark God C-S Rykros Rykros Core Area Falz Memoria

New story mission

The fourth chapter of Episode 3 has been released.

Mission name Ranks Start lobby Start counter End lobby
Farewell to Mother 1 C-A Clyez City: 5th Floor GUARDIANS HQ AMF Headquarters
Farewell to Mother 2 C-A AMF Headquarters Central Command Area Clyez City: 5th Floor

New items

  • Clyez City's Variety Shop has been updated with some new room decorations.
  • Casino Voloyal's exchange counter has received some new items.

Seasonal lobby

  • It's wedding time once again in Gurhal! Wedding lobbies will be up in all cities from now until June 20.

System updates

  • Photon art experience payout has been boosted with the following multipliers:
    • Skills will level 2x faster.
    • Bullets will level 3x faster.
    • TECHNICs will level 2x faster.
  • The following updates which were added to the Xbox 360 servers on April 23rd now apply to the PC/PS2 servers.
    • Points earned during any GUARDIANS Boost Road will be shared between all characters in a single account instead of only the one who earned them.
    • Meseta values will be displayed in different colors depending on its amount.
      • Prices from 1 to 99,999 will continue to be displayed in white text.
      • Prices from 100,000 to 999,999 will be displayed in light blue text.
      • Prices from 1,000,000 to 9,999,999 will be displayed in green text.
      • 10,000,000 to 99,999,999 will be displayed in gold text.
    • The method of synthesizing and storing Grinders has been changed slightly. Now you must have at least five open spaces of a particular Grinder grade in either your inventory or partner machine's storage in order to synthesize that grade of Grinder. For example, if you have 95 (of a possible 99) Grinder A+3 in your storage, you will not be able to synthesize any A grade Grinder until some space is freed up.
    • The price confirmation window now will be displayed even if you purchase an item requiring individual inventory space.
    • Rare free missions will no longer have a chance of appearing after completing a story mission.
    • To combat Photon Gacha scamming, players must now wait one second when purchasing an item from the Gacha that is priced over 100,000 Meseta.
  • A bug which affected the Ryusaikanoc has been fixed. Before, this weapon's name displayed incorrectly as Ryusaikanoh. Also, no description appeared in its info windows and the weapon could not be dropped, sold or traded.
  • The Tyrant Spadac has received a significant boost to the amount of PP it gains with each grind level.
  • The method of finding rare free missions has been modified as follows:
    • There is no need to disband after completing a mission, as only the current party leader will see a rare mission.
    • The more party members you have, the higher your chances of finding a rare mission.
    • Your chances of finding a rare mission also increase depending on the amount of time spent in a mission. However, spending more than thirty minutes in a mission will not increase your chances above the maximum probability. Also, if less than five minutes are spent in a single mission, there is no chance of a rare mission appearing.
    • If players join mid-mission, in order for their play time to go toward increasing the chances of finding a rare mission, they must have been in the mission for at least 80% of the total time spent.
  • Changes have been made to some of the enemy drops in AOTI missions.
  • Modifications have been made to the partner characters Lou and Karen.
  • Changes have been made to certain enemy spawns in the missions White Beast and Dancing Birds.
  • A new category, Old Event Missions, was added to GUARDIANS HQ. Photon Eraser Return now appears here.

Update history

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2008 January | February | March | April | May | June
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