Duel in the Ruins

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Phantasy Star Universe ver.1
This mission has not been upgraded to Ambition of the Illuminus standards. Unless noted otherwise, all enemy and area drops are based on the original Phantasy Star Universe ver.1 charts.

Duel in the Ruins
Start lobby Foran Waterfall
Start counter Denes Lake Area
End lobby Denes Lake
Version Phantasy Star Universe
Field Denes RELICS
Mission type Co-op mission
Party size 1-6 players (2+ recom.)
Enemy elements Neutral Lightning Light

A De Ragnus stands in the way of a team investigating a new route that may lead to the Denes RELICS central control room. Defeat the De Ragnus!

Mission requirements and rewards

LV Req. LV Enemy LV Rank S Rank A Rank B Rank C
Meseta Points Meseta Points Meseta Points Meseta Points
C 1 20+ 2275 46 1512 30 750 15 0 0
B 20 30+ 2950 56 1962 37 975 18 0 0
A 35 50+ 4200 76 2800 50 1400 25 0 0
S 55 80+ 5700 100 3800 66 1900 33 0 0
PA Fragment x1
S2 80 110+ 6500 112 4325 74 2162 37 0 0
PA Fragment x2
S3[1] 100 145+ 13375 228 8912 152 4450 76 0 0
PA Fragment x3

Enemy information

Enemy name Enemy buffs Ele. Mission LV C Mission LV B Mission LV A Mission LV S Mission LV S2 Mission LV S3
Galvapas Light 30 275 40 361 x x x x x x x x
Go Vahra Lightning x x x x 50 104 80 194 110 294 145 434
Go Vahra Sword.gif Lightning x x x x 50 124 80 232 110 352 145 520
Go Vahra Sword.gif Shield.gif Lightning x x x x 50 149 80 279 110 423 145 624
Golmoro Light 20 44 30 64 50 104 80 194 110 294 145 434
Polavohra Lightning 20 176 30 256 50 416 80 776 110 1176 145 1736
Polty Lightning 20 26 30 38 50 62 80 116 110 176 145 260
Vahra Lightning 20 44 30 64 x x x x x x x x
Vahra Sword.gif Lightning 20 52 30 76 x x x x x x x x
Vahra Sword.gif Shield.gif Lightning 20 63 30 92 x x x x x x x x
Volfu Lightning 20 44 30 64 50 104 80 194 110 294 145 434
Volfu Crown.gif Lightning 20 66 30 96 50 156 80 291 110 441 145 651
Zamvapas Light x x x x 60 576 90 963 120 1436 155 2038
Rare enemy
Jaggo Light 20 220 30 320 50 520 80 970 110 1470 145 2170
De Ragnus Neutral 25 1404 35 1924 55 3094 85 5434 115 8164 150 11804

Item drops

Enemy name Special drops Mission LV C Mission LV B Mission LV A Mission LV S Mission LV S2 Mission LV S3
Galvapas -- Sakano-zashi Ripa-zashi x x x x
Go Vahra Vahra Nail
[B] Vahra Claw
x x [B] Dual Durandal [B] Heavy Twins [B] 2-headed Ragnus [B] 2-headed Ragnus
Golmoro -- Twin Stinger Twin Sucker Last Survivor [B] Mijin-Misaki [B] Ran-Misaki [B] Ran-Misaki
Jaggo Jaggo Delma
Meow Mustache
Mega / Knight Tero / Hit Giga/Bullet PP Save Giga/Bullet PP Save Cati / Bullet PP Save Cati / Bullet PP Save
Polavohra -- Baton Scepter Crozier Thunder Cannon [B] Meteor Cannon [B] Meteor Cannon
Polty Acids [B] Stinger [B] Sucker [B] Survivor [B] Survivor Buccaneer Buccaneer
Vahra Vahra Nail Twin Buster Dual Pallasch x x x x
Volfu -- Ortotore Louktore Rayratore Rayratore [B] Giza-Misaki [B] Giza-Misaki
Zamvapas -- x x Asami-zashi Shiratsuno-zashi [B] Deva-zashi Deraga-zashi
De Ragnus Burn / Resist
De Ragnus Dorso
Kubara Wood
Perpa / Hit
Nanosilica, -carbon
Par Wood
[B] Twin Buster
[B] Twin Stinger
[B] Twin Autogun
[B] Greasegun
[B] Baton
[B] Busterline
[B] Stellaline
[B] Zeetline
Nanosilica, -carbon
[B] Dual Pallasch
[B] Twin Sucker
[B] Twin Lockgun
[B] Cresline
[B] Megaline
Mega / Knight
Nanosilica, -carbon
[B] Dual Durandal
[B] Last Survivor
[B] Dual Railgun
[B] Vulcan
[B] Crozier
[B] Midiline
[B] Teroline
[B] Phantom Line
Solid / Hit S
Nanosilica, -carbon,
Par Walna
[B] Bone Dance
[B] Sharp Twins
[B] Maser Cannon
[B] Evil Twins
[B] Yasminakov 0002
[B] Weld Line
Cati / Hit
Par Walna
[B] Nightwalker
[B] Double Agito
[B] Heavy Twins
[B] Thunder Cannon
[B] Deathmaker
[B] Twin Tornado
[B] Drumline
[B] Catiline
[B] Delette Line
[B] Storm Line
Bloody Shower
Gerard Line
Vijerina / Hit
Par Walna
[B] Nightwalker
[B] Double Agito
[B] Heavy Twins
[B] Thunder Cannon
[B] Deathmaker
[B] Twin Tornado
[B] Drumline
[B] Delette Line
[B] Storm Line
[B] Catiline
Normal box Koltova Noodles
Steamed Milk
Mixed Juice
Kubara Wood
Mega-, Giganite
Gamo-, Zepotite
Par Wood, Ash
Par Wood, Ash Tera-, Petanite
Par Wood, Ash,
Tera-, Petanite
Chico-, Hapotite
Par Wood, Ash,
Ebon, Walna
Tera-, Petanite
Chico-, Hapotite
Par Ebon, Walna
Tera-, Petanite
Chico-, Hapotite
Par Ebon, Walna
Fruit Something Sweet -- -- -- -- -- --
Area drops
(Base level tier)
-- 1-8★ ores
2-9★ ores
[B] Twin Crea Saber
[B] Crea Saber
4-11★ ores
Copernia, Armania,
[B] Twin Crea Saber
[B] Crea Saber
6-12★ ores
Copernia, Armania,
Goldania, Morbinia,
[B] Twin Crea Saber
[B] Crea Saber
7-12★ ores
Copernia, Armania,
Goldania, Morbinia,
[B] Twin Crea Saber
[B] Crea Saber
7-15★ ores
Copernia, Armania,
Goldania, Morbinia,
Area drops
(Base tier +10)[2]
2-9★ ores
[B] Twin Crea Saber
[B] Crea Saber
3-10★ ores
Copernia, Armania
[B] Twin Crea Saber
[B] Crea Saber
5-12★ ores
Copernia, Armania,
Goldania, Morbinia
[B] Twin Crea Saber
[B] Crea Saber
7-15★ ores
Copernia, Armania,
Goldania, Morbinia,

Enemy spawn chart

Map route Pattern Block 1 details Block 2 details Rare spawn
Facing northwest
A-1 Second spawn:
Vahra x4
Initial spawn:
Volfu x3
A-2 Second spawn:
Volfu x4
Initial spawn:
Golmoro x3
A-3 Second spawn:
Golmoro x4
Initial spawn:
Vahra x3
A-X Second spawn:
Golmoro x4
Initial spawn:
Vahra x3
Block 2 gate warp:
Jaggo x3
Facing southwest
B-1 Second spawn:
Vahra x3
Initial spawn:
Volfu x3
B-2 Second spawn:
Golmoro x3
Initial spawn:
Vahra x3
B-3 Second spawn:
Volfu x3
Initial spawn:
Golmoro x3
B-X Second spawn:
Volfu x3
Initial spawn:
Vahra x3+2
Block 2 gate warp:
Jaggo x3
Facing west
C-1 Second spawn:
Volfu x3
Initial spawn:
Golmoro x3
C-2 Second spawn:
Golmoro x3
Initial spawn:
Vahra x3
C-3 Second spawn:
Vahra x3
Initial spawn:
Volfu x3
C-X Second spawn:
Vahra x3
Initial spawn:
Vahra x3+2
Block 2 gate warp:
Jaggo x3
  • Pattern A, block 1: Initial spawn is always Polty x4+6.
  • Pattern B, block 1: Initial spawn is always Polty x5.
  • Pattern C, block 1: Initial spawn is always Polty x5.
  • Pattern A, 3 and X: Identical until the rare spawn.

Reference notes

  1. S3 difficulty is available only to Ambition of the Illuminus players.
  2. The area drops listed here apply only to Galvapas and Zamvapas as they are ten levels above the mission's base enemy level. In a few cases, however, the extra levels are not enough to move their area drops into the next tier, hence certain columns being merged together.