Ark to the Future

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Gurhal Channel 5
This article contains information on content which has not yet been released outside of the Japanese PC servers. This content should be introduced to the Xbox 360 servers in a future update.

Maximum Attack Infinity This article pertains to a mission which will be available only during the limited-time event Maximum Attack Infinity.

Ark to the Future
Start lobby Clyez City: 5th Floor
Start counter GUARDIANS HQ
End lobby Clyez City: 5th Floor
Version Ambition of the Illuminus
Field Clad 0
Mission type Event mission
Party size 1-6 players
Enemy elements Neutral Fire Ice Lightning Ground Light Dark

(The VR program of Clad 0 suddenly went out of control, and now many strange phenomena have began occurring inside the ship! Protect the colony!)

Mission requirements and rewards

LV Req. LV Enemy LV Rank S Rank A Rank B Rank C
Meseta Points Meseta Points Meseta Points Meseta Points
C 1 10+ 11860 210 8900 160 5340 100 0 0
B 20 40+ 14820 260 11120 200 6680 120 0 0
A 45 80+ 18520 320 13890 240 8340 150 0 0
S 75 120+ 23140 400 17360 300 10420 180 0 0
S2 100 150+ 28920 490 21690 370 13020 230 0 0
S3 120 175+ 36150 610 27120 460 16280 280 0 0

Mission details

  • You begin the mission in the central lobby of Clad 0. The perimeter of the lobby is lined with warps which will take you to different routes. Initially, only the northeast route is available, however the remaining three routes will be unlocked through the event reward panels.
  • Located in the Clad 0 lobby, there is a computer terminal which will allow you to change the background music of the mission. Music changes are on an individual basis, so each player can select a song of their preference (or elect to have a song chosen at random by the game). You can select from the followings songs:
1. Habirao F.D. 8. Save This World 15. Eathan
2. Overture 9. THIS IS MY HAPPINESS 16. Raia
3. Brave Fight 10. Dreams Dreams 17. Tricktrack
4. Floader 11. Burning Hearts ~炎のANGEL~ 18. A longing to ancient times
5. Striker 12. きみのためなら死ねる 19. You have nowhere to go
6. Lunga 13. 赤ちゃんはどこからくるの? 20. Nostalgia in Solitude PART2
7. Mirei 14. SONIC HEROES 21. Revolution to the origin PART2 (default BGM)
  • Each area has a secret action which, if completed successfully, will add four clear boxes to the end of the mission.
    • Northeast area: In block 1, destroy the Barta turrets you encounter and scan the yellow chip that appears with your Goggles. If the chip turns green, collect it to clear the secret action. If it turns red, leave the chip alone and move on to the next turret. Repeat the process until you find the green chip.
    • Southeast area: In either block 1 or 2, three leader monsters will appear simultaneously. (Sageetas or Gohmons/Olgohmons in block 1; Nava Luddas or Vandas/Vanda Merhas in block 2.) Destroy all three monsters at the same time or within a very short period of each other to clear the secret action.
    • Southwest area: In block 2, after clearing the first room, head through the fake wall on the east side of the room. Here you will find an intersection with a switch at one part and a door on the other end. Press the switch to open the door which leads to a new room with four boxes spread out in it. After pressing the switch, you will have approximately 20-25 seconds to destroy the boxes and find and collect a yellow chip.
    • Northwest area: You will come across four colored discs in block 1 and 2 (two per block) as you progress. Remember the order you see them in, as this indicates the order you must press the red, green, blue and yellow switches that are on the floor in block 3.
  • On rare occasions after clearing block 3 of any route, an alarm will sound and the message "Clad 0 under enemy attack!" will appear while the screen flashes red. At this point, you have the option to take a flashing, rainbow-colored warp back to Clad 0 to subdue the invaders, or you can continue on to the normal boss by approaching the blue laser fence that appears in front of the boss warp. If you choose to return to Clad 0, the boss warp will appear in the center of the lobby after all of the enemies have been defeated.

Enemy information

Enemy name Enemy buffs Ele. Mission LV C Mission LV B Mission LV A Mission LV S Mission LV S2 Mission LV S3
Northeast Area: Block 1
Badira Fire 10 28 40 -- 80 -- 120 -- 150 -- 175 --
Mizura Fire 10 62 40 -- 80 -- 120 -- 150 -- 175 --
Vahra Fire 10 48 40 -- x x x x x x x x
Go Vahra Fire x x x x 80 -- 120 -- 150 -- 175 --
Shagreece Fire 10 72 40 -- 80 -- 120 -- 150 -- 175 --
Northeast Area: Block 2
Go Bajilla Fire 10 28 40 -- 80 -- 120 -- 150 -- 175 --
Vahra Fire 10 48 40 -- x x x x x x x x
Go Vahra Fire x x x x 80 -- 120 -- 150 -- 175 --
Distova Fire 10 48 40 -- 80 -- 120 -- 150 -- 175 --
Polavohra Fire 15 272 45 -- 85 -- 125 -- 155 -- 180 --
Northeast Area: Block 3
Golmoro Light 10 48 40 -- 80 -- 120 -- 150 -- 175 --
Rygutass Light 10 200 40 -- 80 -- 120 -- 150 -- 175 --
Svaltus Light 15 564 45 -- 85 -- 125 -- 155 -- 180 --
Lutus Jigga Light 15 564 45 -- 85 -- 125 -- 155 -- 180 --
Northeast Area: VR System Depths
Svaltus Light 15 564 45 -- 85 -- 125 -- 155 -- 180 --
De Ragnus Neutral 15 1768 45 -- 85 -- 125 -- 155 -- 180 --
Southeast Area: Block 1
Sageeta Ice 10 30 40 -- 80 -- 120 -- 150 -- 175 --
Sageeta Crown.gif Ice 10 -- 40 -- 80 -- 120 -- 150 -- 175 --
Kakwane Light 10 52 40 -- 80 -- 120 -- 150 -- 175 --
Gohmon Ice 10 61 40 -- x x x x x x x x
Gohmon Crown.gif Ice 10 92 40 -- x x x x x x x x
Olgohmon Ice x x x x 80 -- 120 -- 150 -- 175 --
Olgohmon Crown.gif Ice x x x x 80 -- 120 -- 150 -- 175 --
Kagajibari Light 15 321 45 -- 85 -- 125 -- 155 -- 180 --
Southeast Area: Block 2
Nava Ludda Fire 10 30 40 -- 80 -- 120 -- 150 -- 175 --
Nava Ludda Ground 10 30 40 -- 80 -- 120 -- 150 -- 175 --
Nava Ludda Crown.gif Ground 10 46 40 -- 80 -- 120 -- 150 -- 175 --
Vanda Fire 10 52 40 -- x x x x x x x x
Vanda Crown.gif Fire 10 79 40 -- x x x x x x x x
Vanda Merha Fire x x x x 80 -- 120 -- 150 -- 175 --
Vanda Merha Crown.gif Fire x x x x 80 -- 120 -- 150 -- 175 --
Dilla Griena Fire 13 283 43 -- 83 -- 123 -- 153 -- 178 --
Kog Nadd Light 15 299 45 -- 85 -- 125 -- 155 -- 180 --
Southeast Area: Block 3
Bul Buna Fire 10 61 40 -- 80 -- 120 -- 150 -- 175 --
Gohmon Fire 10 61 40 -- x x x x x x x x
Olgohmon Fire x x x x 80 -- 120 -- 150 -- 175 --
Kamatoze Ice 15 336 45 -- 85 -- 125 -- 155 -- 180 --
Bil De Vear Ice 15 299 45 -- 85 -- 125 -- 155 -- 180 --
Southeast Area: VR System Depths
De Rol Le Ice 15 2448 45 -- 85 -- 125 -- 155 -- 180 --
Southwest Area: Block 1
Special Ops (Assault) Neutral 10 60 40 -- 80 -- 120 -- 150 -- 175 --
Special Ops (Kanohne) Neutral 10 82 40 -- 80 -- 120 -- 150 -- 175 --
Special Ops (Solda) Neutral 10 82 40 -- 80 -- 120 -- 150 -- 175 --
Special Ops (Vobis) Dark 10 60 40 -- 80 -- 120 -- 150 -- 175 --
Southwest Area: Block 2
SEED-Guardian (Kn) Neutral 10 60 40 -- 80 -- 120 -- 150 -- 175 --
SEED-Guardian (Sa) Neutral 10 60 40 -- 80 -- 120 -- 150 -- 175 --
SEED-Guardian (Sh) Neutral 10 82 40 -- 80 -- 120 -- 150 -- 175 --
SEED-Guardian (Tw) Neutral 10 82 40 -- 80 -- 120 -- 150 -- 175 --
Southwest Area: Block 3
GSM-05M Tirentos Lightning 10 90 40 -- 80 -- 120 -- 150 -- 175 --
YG-01K BUGGE Lightning 10 77 40 -- 80 -- 120 -- 150 -- 175 --
Renvolt Magashi Dark 15 680 45 -- 85 -- 125 -- 155 -- 180 --
Grinna Bete C Lightning 15 365 45 -- 85 -- 125 -- 155 -- 180 --
Southwest Area: VR System Depths
YG-01Z BUG Lightning 15 88 45 -- 85 -- 125 -- 155 -- 180 --
YG-01K BUGGE Lightning 15 88 45 -- 85 -- 125 -- 155 -- 180 --
Mother Brain Lightning 15 2584 45 -- 85 -- 125 -- 155 -- 180 --
Northwest Area: Block 1
Pannon Dark 10 -- 40 -- x x x x x x x x
Bel Pannon Dark x x x x 80 -- 120 -- 150 -- 175 --
Delsaban Dark 10 -- 40 -- x x x x x x x x
Deljaban Dark x x x x 80 -- 120 -- 150 -- 175 --
Delp Slami Dark 10 -- 40 -- 80 -- 120 -- 150 -- 175 --
Zasharogan Dark 15 -- 45 -- 85 -- 125 -- 155 -- 180 --
Northwest Area: Block 2
Delsaban Dark 10 -- 40 -- x x x x x x x x
Deljaban Dark x x x x 80 -- 120 -- 150 -- 175 --
Delp Slami Dark 10 -- 40 -- 80 -- 120 -- 150 -- 175 --
Dilnazen Dark 13 -- 43 -- 83 -- 123 -- 153 -- 178 --
Jusnagun Dark 13 -- 43 -- 83 -- 123 -- 153 -- 178 --
Northwest Area: Block 3
Delsaban Sword.gif Shield.gif Staff.gif Boot.gif Dark 10 -- 40 -- x x x x x x x x
Deljaban Sword.gif Shield.gif Staff.gif Boot.gif Dark x x x x 80 -- 120 -- 150 -- 175 --
Gaozoran Dark 10 -- 40 -- 80 -- 120 -- 150 -- 175 --
Gaozoran Shield.gif Dark 10 -- 40 -- 80 -- 120 -- 150 -- 175 --
Carriguine Dark 15 -- 45 -- 85 -- 125 -- 155 -- 180 --
Carriguine Sword.gif Shield.gif Staff.gif Boot.gif Dark 15 -- 45 -- 85 -- 125 -- 155 -- 180 --
SEED-Argine Dark 15 -- 45 -- 85 -- 125 -- 155 -- 180 --
Northwest Area: VR System Depths
Dark Falz (2nd form) Dark 15 -- 45 -- 85 -- 125 -- 155 -- 180 --
Clad 0: Entrance
Rogue (Jasse) Neutral 10 -- 40 -- 80 -- 120 -- 150 -- 175 --
Rogue (Ogg) Neutral 10 -- 40 -- 80 -- 120 -- 150 -- 175 --
Rogue Mazz Fire 10 -- 40 -- 80 -- 120 -- 150 -- 175 --
Rogue Wikko Ground 10 -- 40 -- 80 -- 120 -- 150 -- 175 --

Item drops

Northeast area

Enemy name Special drops Mission LV C Mission LV B Mission LV A Mission LV S Mission LV S2 Mission LV S3
Block 1
Badira -- [B] Brandline [B] Cresline [B] Ganna Line [B] Storm Line De Ragan Slayic [B] De Ragan Slayic
Mizura [B] Recov. items Knife Ripper Survivor Card Regina [B] Rattlesnake Rattlesnake
Vahra Vahra Nail Twin Brand Dual Slasher x x x x
Go Vahra Vahra Nail
Go Vahra Nail
[B] Vahra Claw
x x [B] Heavy Twins [B] 2-headed Ragnus Twin Crea Saber+ [B] Twin Crea S+
Shagreece -- Sniper Vullseye Phantom Phantom Ragan-Ragac [B] Ragan-Ragac
Normal box Kubara Wood
Ano Relic
-- -- -- -- -- --
Area drops Photon Drop Xbox 360 version
Relic Edge
Ishana Sourcestone Japanese version
1-7★ ores
[B] Ryo-Sabrac
[B] Sabrac
3-10★ ores
Olpad, Rubinad
[B] Ryo-Sabrac
[B] Sabrac
6-12★ ores
Olpad, Rubinad,
Tormad, Citrad,
Berilad, Diad
[B] Ryo-Sabedoc
[B] Murasamerac
7-15★ ores
Olpad, Rubinad,
Tormad, Citrad,
Berilad, Diad,
Recnad, Suffad
[B] Psycho Wand
7-15★ ores
Olpad, Rubinad,
Tormad, Citrad,
Berilad, Diad,
Recnad, Suffad
[B] Psycho Wand
7-15★ ores
Olpad, Rubinad,
Tormad, Citrad,
Berilad, Diad,
Recnad, Suffad
[B] Psycho Wand
Block 2
Go Bajilla -- [B] Raduke [B] Rogaduke [B] Graldike [B] Ebrozike Tyrant Spadac [B] Tyrant Spadac
Vahra Vahra Nail Twin Brand Dual Slasher x x x x
Go Vahra Vahra Nail
Go Vahra Nail
[B] Vahra Claw
x x [B] Heavy Twins [B] 2-headed Ragnus Twin Crea Saber+ [B] Twin Crea S+
Distova Truffles Pike Halbert Berdys Evil Twins Creasword+ [B] Creasword+
Polavohra -- Staff Cane Thunder Cannon [B] Meteor Cannon Crea Saber+ [B] Crea Saber+
Normal box Kubara Wood
Ano Relic
-- -- -- -- -- --
Area drops Photon Drop Xbox 360 version
Relic Edge
Ishana Sourcestone Japanese version
1-7★ ores
[B] Ryo-Sabrac
[B] Sabrac
3-10★ ores
Olpad, Rubinad
[B] Ryo-Sabrac
[B] Sabrac
6-12★ ores
Olpad, Rubinad,
Tormad, Citrad,
Berilad, Diad
[B] Ryo-Sabedoc
[B] Murasamerac
7-15★ ores
Olpad, Rubinad,
Tormad, Citrad,
Berilad, Diad,
Recnad, Suffad
[B] Psycho Wand
7-15★ ores
Olpad, Rubinad,
Tormad, Citrad,
Berilad, Diad,
Recnad, Suffad
[B] Psycho Wand
7-15★ ores
Olpad, Rubinad,
Tormad, Citrad,
Berilad, Diad,
Recnad, Suffad
[B] Psycho Wand
Block 3
Golmoro -- Twin Knife Twin Ripper [B] Mijin-Misaki [B] Ran-Misaki Tamagiri-zashic [B] Tamagiri-zashic
Rygutass Rygutass Wing Japanese version
A-Photon Reactor
[B] Blaster [B] Assassin [B] Blackbull Blackbull [B] Kaza-kikami Kaza-kikami
Svaltus Svaltus Edge Gigush Calibur Caliburn [B] Svaltus Sword [B] Svaltus Sword [B] Svaltus Sword
Lutus Jigga Svaltus Edge
Gigush Calibur Hard / Hit Charge [B] Kan Yu Elsral [B] Elsral
Normal box Kubara Wood
Ano Relic
-- -- -- -- -- --
Area drops Photon Drop Xbox 360 version
Relic Edge
Ishana Sourcestone Japanese version
1-7★ ores
[B] Ryo-Sabrac
[B] Sabrac
3-10★ ores
Olpad, Rubinad
[B] Ryo-Sabrac
[B] Sabrac
6-12★ ores
Olpad, Rubinad,
Tormad, Citrad,
Berilad, Diad
[B] Ryo-Sabedoc
[B] Murasamerac
7-15★ ores
Olpad, Rubinad,
Tormad, Citrad,
Berilad, Diad,
Recnad, Suffad
[B] Psycho Wand
7-15★ ores
Olpad, Rubinad,
Tormad, Citrad,
Berilad, Diad,
Recnad, Suffad
[B] Psycho Wand
7-15★ ores
Olpad, Rubinad,
Tormad, Citrad,
Berilad, Diad,
Recnad, Suffad
[B] Psycho Wand
VR System Depths
Svaltus Svaltus Edge Gigush Calibur Caliburn [B] Svaltus Sword [B] Svaltus Sword [B] Svaltus Sword
De Ragnus Gekka
Shijima Akatsuki
Magical Wand
Support Line
Burn / Resist
Note Seed
De Ragnus Dorso
Dragon Scale
Photon Booster
Zero Photon
Ice Sword Pi
B'duki Hadoc
Car / Hit
[B] Twin Brand
[B] Twin Knife
[B] Assault
[B] Twin Powergun
[B] Staff
[B] Busterline
[B] Stellaline
Ice Sword Pi
Mega / Knight
[B] Dual Slasher
[B] Gatling
[B] Midiline
Kokuintou Kagachi
Peace Breaker
Ushino Koku
Solid / Hit S
[B] Bone Dance
[B] Maser Cannon
[B] Evil Twins
[B] Yasminakov 0002
[B] Crimson Line
Ice Sword Lum
Kokuintou Kagachi
Ushino Koku
Cati / Hit
[B] Nightwalker
[B] Double Agito
[B] Heavy Twins
[B] Thunder Cannon
[B] Evil Twins
[B] Twin Tornado
[B] Storm Line
Bloody Shower
H44 Missouri
Ushino Koku
[B] Nightwalker
[B] Heavy Twins
[B] Thunder Cannon
[B] Twin Tornado
Spintail Diska
Floating Edges
Bloody Shower
Black Meteora
H44 Missouri
Ushino Koku
Gerard Line
Vijerina / Hit
[B] Nightwalker
[B] Ragan-Ragan
[B] Thunder Cannon
[B] Deathmaker
[B] Twin Tornado
[B] Drumline
[B] Gerard Line

Southeast area

Enemy name Special drops Mission LV C Mission LV B Mission LV A Mission LV S Mission LV S2 Mission LV S3
Block 1
Sageeta -- [B] Rapit [B] Rogapit [B] Ranpegi [B] Dori Crea-zashi+ [B] Crea-zashi+
Kakwane Kakwane Tail Brahoh [B] Vish [B] Vish Kuseb [B] Vish Adan [B] Vish Feara [B] Vish Feara
Gohmon -- Starra Canara x x x x
Olgohmon -- x x Majimra [B] Uransara [B] Creawand+ Creawand+
Kagajibari -- Histacle Rivetacle Mira-kikami [B] Hoshi-kikami [B] Bajura Bajura
Normal box Kubara Wood -- -- -- -- -- --
Area drops Twin DB Swords
Photon Drop Xbox 360 version
-- -- -- -- Flowen's Soul Flowen's Soul
Block 2
Nava Ludda -- [B] B'duki Oga [B] B'duki Re [B] B'duki Biso [B] B'duki Boa Vish Diragac [B] Vish Diragic
Vanda Vanda Derma Shigga Spud Shigga Amza x x x x
Vanda Merha Vanda Derma x x Shigga Bines [B] Shigga Desta Alseva Cresa+ [B] Alseva Cresa+
Dilla Griena Griena Tentacle Japanese version Al Naf Aldaga Rippa Cubo Mamba [B] Cubo Musrana Germinus Ganuc Germinus Ganuc
Kog Nadd -- Mukuke Mukrudi Muktrand [B] Mugunruk Rabol Bistat [B] Rabol Bistat
Normal box Kubara Wood -- -- -- -- -- --
Area drops Twin Ruby Bullet
Photon Drop Xbox 360 version
-- -- -- -- Twin Grip Twin Grip
Block 3
Bul Buna Bul Buna Lung Arb Pam Arb Biga Arb Rega [B] Deathmaker [B] Shigga Baret Shigga Baret
Gohmon -- Starra Canara x x x x
Olgohmon -- x x Majimra [B] Uransara [B] Creawand+ Creawand+
Kamatoze -- Ryo-Branera Ryo-Deran Giza-Misaki [B] Fuka-Misaki Lumira / Magic Lumira / Magic
Bil De Vear Bil De Vear Horn [B] Soda Gigassa [B] Soda Caliba [B] Ank Pikor [B] Bil De Axe [B] Bil De Axe Bil De Horn Axe
Normal box Kubara Wood -- -- -- -- -- --
Area drops Twin Varista
Photon Drop Xbox 360 version
-- -- -- -- Chain Edge Chain Edge
VR System Depths
De Rol Le Note Seed  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?

Southwest area

Enemy name Special drops Mission LV C Mission LV B Mission LV A Mission LV S Mission LV S2 Mission LV S3
Block 1
Special Ops (Assault) G Traps [B] Ryo-Nafli [B] Assino-zashi [B] Mijin-Misaki [B] Ran-Misaki Shide-Misakic  ?
Special Ops (Kanohne) G Traps [B] Sniper [B] Vullseye [B] Burst [B] Phantom Elsralac Elsralac
Special Ops (Solda) G Traps [B] Shigga Spud [B] Shigga Amza [B] Shigga Brada [B] Shigga Bines Shigga Pakudac Shigga Pakudac
Special Ops (Vobis) -- [B] Blaster [B] Falcon [B] Burst [B] Phantom Gur Hanabic  ?
Normal box Perori Mate
Shield Gum
Kubara Wood
-- -- -- -- -- --
Area drops Arbalest Grip
Piercing Blitz
Moola Shadestone
1-7★ ores
[B] Swordoc
3-10★ ores
Copernia, Armania
[B] Swordoc
6-12★ ores
Copernia, Armania,
Goldania, Morbinia,
[B] Hanzoc
7-15★ ores
Copernia, Armania,
Goldania, Morbinia,
Titania, Lithnia,
[B] Hugecuttuc
7-15★ ores
Copernia, Armania,
Goldania, Morbinia,
Titania, Lithnia,
[B] Hugecuttuc
[B] Kan Yuc
7-15★ ores
Copernia, Armania,
Goldania, Morbinia,
Titania, Lithnia,
[B] Hugecuttuc
[B] Kan Yuc
Block 2
SEED-Guardian (Kn) -- [B] Brass Knuckles [B] Graters [B] Gudda Godda [B] Gudda Gant [B] Gudda Gant [B] Gudda Gant
SEED-Guardian (Sa) -- [B] Buster [B] Falchion [B] Rapier [B] Buccaneer [B] Buccaneer [B] Buccaneer
SEED-Guardian (Sh) -- [B] Blaster [B] Falcon [B] Burst [B] Phantom [B] Phantom [B] Phantom
SEED-Guardian (Tw) -- [B] Twin Autogun [B] Dual Railgun [B] Evil Twins [B] Deathmaker [B] Deathmaker [B] Deathmaker
Normal box Perori Mate
Shield Gum
Kubara Wood
-- -- -- -- -- --
Area drops Arbalest Grip
Piercing Blitz
Moola Shadestone
1-7★ ores
[B] Swordoc
3-10★ ores
Copernia, Armania
[B] Swordoc
6-12★ ores
Copernia, Armania,
Goldania, Morbinia,
[B] Hanzoc
7-15★ ores
Copernia, Armania,
Goldania, Morbinia,
Titania, Lithnia,
[B] Hugecuttuc
7-15★ ores
Copernia, Armania,
Goldania, Morbinia,
Titania, Lithnia,
[B] Hugecuttuc
[B] Kan Yuc
7-15★ ores
Copernia, Armania,
Goldania, Morbinia,
Titania, Lithnia,
[B] Hugecuttuc
[B] Kan Yuc
Block 3
GSM-05M Tirentos Inverter Circuit
Assault Gatling Drumline Drumline Orpa / Hit Charge Orpa / Hit Charge
YG-01K BUGGE [B] Recov. items [B] Staff [B] Cane [B] Crozier [B] Ageha-kikami [B] Delpic Delpic
Renvolt Magashi Magashi Head
Magashi Arms
Magashi Torso
Magashi Legs
Omega Acid
Two-headed Ragnus Two-headed Ragnus Two-headed Ragnus Two-headed Ragnus Two-headed Ragnus Two-headed Ragnus
Grinna Bete C -- [B] Twin Brand [B] Dual Slasher [B] Heavy Twins [B] 2-headed Ragnus [B] Deathrain Deathrain
Normal box Perori Mate
Shield Gum
Kubara Wood
-- -- -- -- -- --
Area drops Arbalest Grip
Piercing Blitz
Moola Shadestone
1-7★ ores
[B] Swordoc
3-10★ ores
Copernia, Armania
[B] Swordoc
6-12★ ores
Copernia, Armania,
Goldania, Morbinia,
[B] Hanzoc
7-15★ ores
Copernia, Armania,
Goldania, Morbinia,
Titania, Lithnia,
[B] Hugecuttuc
7-15★ ores
Copernia, Armania,
Goldania, Morbinia,
Titania, Lithnia,
[B] Hugecuttuc
[B] Kan Yuc
7-15★ ores
Copernia, Armania,
Goldania, Morbinia,
Titania, Lithnia,
[B] Hugecuttuc
[B] Kan Yuc
VR System Depths
YG-01Z BUG [B] Recov. items Helixen Marguisa Viedima Cubo Mamba Deathraic Deathraic
YG-01K BUGGE [B] Recov. items [B] Staff [B] Cane [B] Crozier [B] Mira-kikami [B] Delpic Delpic
Mother Brain Note Seed  ?  ?  ?  ?  ? Brain Spiral

Northwest area

Enemy name Special drops Mission LV C Mission LV B Mission LV A Mission LV S Mission LV S2 Mission LV S3
Block 1
Pannon Altim Crim
Pannon Jelly
Unknown Meat
[B] Branera [B] Derdira x x x x
Bel Pannon Altim Crim
Unknown Meat
Bel Pannon Jelly
x x [B] Crenata Lidra Twin Crea Dagger+ [B] Twin Crea D+
Delsaban -- Brand Durandal x x x x
Deljaban Deljaban Blade
[B] Del Jagnus
[B] Deljabaner
x x [B] Buccaneer [B] Crimson Tiga De Ragac [B] Tiga De Ragac
Delp Slami -- [B] Ryokadanoh [B] Kouhakanoh [B] Raihakanoh [B] Ryusaikanoh Asura-hikec [B] Asura-hikec
Zasharogan -- Lacanata Gungnata Gatranata [B] Gekitsnata Mugunburga [B] Mugunburga
Normal box  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?
Area drops Twin DB Swords
Piercing Blitz
Brahma Skystone
-- -- -- -- Flowen's Soul Flowen's Soul
Block 2
Delsaban -- Brand Durandal x x x x
Deljaban Deljaban Blade
[B] Del Jagnus
[B] Deljabaner
x x [B] Buccaneer [B] Crimson Tiga De Ragac [B] Tiga De Ragac
Delp Slami -- [B] Ryokadanoh [B] Kouhakanoh [B] Raihakanoh [B] Ryusaikanoh Asura-hikec [B] Asura-hikec
Dilnazen Dilnazen Arm Japanese version Ryo-Nafli Assino-zashi Katsuno-zashi [B] Gizaha-zashi Ryo-Creasabra+ [B] Ryo-Creasabra+
Jusnagun -- Twin Powergun Dual Beatgun Deathmaker [B] Gudda Skela Rabol Vijeri [B] Rabol Vijeri
Normal box  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?
Area drops Twin DB Swords
Piercing Blitz
Brahma Skystone
-- -- -- -- Flowen's Soul Flowen's Soul
Block 3
Delsaban -- Brand Durandal x x x x
Deljaban Deljaban Blade
[B] Del Jagnus
[B] Deljabaner
x x [B] Buccaneer [B] Crimson Tiga De Ragac [B] Tiga De Ragac
Gaozoran Gaozoran Rod Ulrod Hajirod Howrod [B] Gaozoran Rod Gaozoran Rod Gaozoran Rod
Carriguine Carriguine Blade -- [B] Double Saber [B] Carriguiruc [B] Carriguiruc [B] Carriguiruc [B] Carriguiruc
SEED-Argine -- Ryokadanoh [B] Ohsobra [B] Yoakisobra [B] Raikasobra Rabol Nico [B] Rabol Nico
Normal box  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?
Area drops Twin DB Swords
Piercing Blitz
Brahma Skystone
-- -- -- -- Flowen's Soul Flowen's Soul
VR System Depths
Dark Falz Note Seed  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?

Clad 0

Enemy name Special drops Mission LV C Mission LV B Mission LV A Mission LV S Mission LV S2 Mission LV S3
Rogue (Jasse) -- [B] B'duki Pam [B] B'duki Be [B] B'duki Re [B] Cubo Mamba De Ragnuc De Ragnuc
Rogue (Ogg) -- [B] Seva Brada [B] Seva Drada [B] Seva Falsan [B] Muktrand Seva Cresa+ [B] Seva Cresa+
Rogue Mazz -- [B] Soda Brekka [B] Soda Accas [B] Ank Barde [B] Ank Pikor Ank Butic [B] Ank Buti
Rogue Wikko -- Rapit Rogapit Pegita Ranpegi Bajurac  ?
Area drops -- 1-7★ ores
[B] Twin Daggac
[B] Daggac
3-10★ ores
Copernia, Armania
[B] Twin Daggac
[B] Daggac
6-12★ ores
Copernia, Armania,
Goldania, Morbinia,
[B] Dual Streac
[B] Rapid Streac
7-15★ ores
Copernia, Armania,
Goldania, Morbinia,
Titania, Lithnia
7-15★ ores
Copernia, Armania,
Goldania, Morbinia,
Titania, Lithnia
7-15★ ores
Copernia, Armania,
Goldania, Morbinia,
Titania, Lithnia