Grinna Bete C

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Grinna Bete C
Grinna Bete C.jpg
Version Phantasy Star Universe
Enemy type Machinery
Enemy size Large
Classification Normal enemy
Elements Lightning

The Grinna Bete C is a type of large, bipedal robot often employed by Parum factions. Unlike the superior (and rare) S variant, Grinna Bete C is limited to using semi-automatic blasters.


  • Fires several rounds from its blasters. This can prove deadly to motionless players on higher difficulties.
  • Stomps the ground with its foot when harassed at striking-range.
  • Rushes forward with an energy wave enveloping its front.


Stat modifiers Boosts
HP 200% ATP 200% ATA 100% Crown.gif --
TP 100% DFP 200% EVP 100% Sword.gif --
MST 70% STA 130% EXP 430% Shield.gif --
Status effect susceptibility
Burn Freeze Shock Silence Confusion Infection Poison Stun Sleep Incapacitation ATP down DFP down ATA down
- - - - - - -
Half damage

Item drops

LV Phantasy Star Universe Ambition of the Illuminus
Drop items Missions Drop items Missions
1-9 [B] Twin Saber Valley of Suspicion 1 C [B] Twin Saber --
10-19 [B] Twin Brand Endrum Remnants C, Desert Goliath C, Desert's End 2 C [B] Twin Brand AMF HQ Recovery C, Military Subway C
20-29 [B] Twin Buster Desert's End 2 B, Valley of Suspicion 1 B [B] Twin Buster AMF HQ Recovery B, Military Subway B, (Passport to Subspace) C
30-39 [B] Dual Pallasch Endrum Remnants B, Desert Goliath B, Valley of Suspicion 1 A [B] Dual Pallasch Security Breach C
40-49 [B] Dual Slasher Endrum Remnants A, Desert Goliath A, Desert's End 2 A [B] Dual Slasher --
50-59 [B] Dual Durandal -- [B] Dual Durandal AMF HQ Recovery A, Military Subway A
60-69 [B] Death Dancer -- [B] Death Dancer --
70-79 [B] Sharp Twins -- [B] Sharp Twins (Bladed Legacy/R)
80-99 [B] Heavy Twins Endrum Remnants S, Desert Goliath S [B] Heavy Twins AMF HQ Recovery S, Military Subway S, Security Breach B
100-124 [B] 2-headed Ragnus Endrum Remnants S2, Desert Goliath S2 [B] 2-headed Ragnus Security Breach A, (Passport to Subspace) B
125-149 -- -- [B] 2-headed Ragnus --
150-174 -- -- [B] Deathrain Desert Goliath S3, Security Breach S, Endrum Remnants S3
175-189 -- -- Deathrain (Passport to Subspace) A
190-199 -- -- Photon Rectenno --
200 -- --  ? --
-- All missions listed above. -- All missions listed above.

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