Special Ops (Kanohne)

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Special Ops (Kanohne)
Special Ops (Kanohne).jpg
Version Phantasy Star Universe
Enemy type Humanoid
Enemy size Medium
Classification Normal enemy
Elements Neutral

Kanohne is an Endrum Collective Special Ops CAST that uses rifles. It will cast Resta when low on HP. It is very evasive and will roll way from danger.


Other notes

  • This enemy's name is a derivative of the German word kanone, meaning cannon.


Stat modifiers Boosts
HP 180% ATP 160% ATA 80% Crown.gif --
TP 200% DFP 100% EVP 100% Sword.gif --
MST 130% STA 100% EXP 140% Shield.gif --
Status effect susceptibility
Burn Freeze Shock Silence Confusion Infection Poison Stun Sleep Incapacitation ATP down DFP down ATA down
Half damage

Item drops

LV Phantasy Star Universe Ambition of the Illuminus
Drop items Missions Drop items Missions
1-9 [B] Rifle -- [B] Rifle --
10-19 [B] Sniper Endrum Remnants C, Desert Goliath C [B] Sniper --
20-29 [B] Blaster -- [B] Blaster Restorations 2 C, Ambition's End 1 C
30-39 [B] Shooter Endrum Remnants B, Desert Goliath B [B] Shooter Restorations 2 B, Security Breach C
40-49 [B] Vullseye Endrum Remnants A, Desert Goliath A [B] Vullseye Ambition's End 1 B
50-59 [B] Falcon -- [B] Falcon Restorations 2 A, Ambition's End 1 A
60-69 [B] Assassin -- [B] Assassin --
70-79 [B] Assassin -- [B] Assassin --
80-99 [B] Burst Endrum Remnants S, Desert Goliath S [B] Burst Security Breach B
100-124 [B] Phantom Endrum Remnants S2, Desert Goliath S2 [B] Phantom Security Breach A
125-149 -- -- [B] Phantom --
150-174 -- -- Elsralac Desert Goliath S3, Security Breach S, Endrum Remnants S3
175-189 -- -- Elsralac --
190-199 -- -- Viridia Card --
200 -- --  ? --
G Traps All missions listed above. G Traps All missions listed above.

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