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Neutral Rivetacle.

A powerful, mass-produced model knuckle adopted by the COG, for intermediate users.

Item details

  • No noteworthy details.

Stats, synthesis, etc.

Weapon stats
Mfr. Yohmei Rarity 5★ Ver. Phantasy Star Universe
PP 315 Att. 226 Tech. -- Acc. 186
244 Vari-
 ? Status effect
Board stats
Photon ??? photon x5 Ore Marseline x3
Metal Soldonium x4 Wood Neu Ash x4
[B] uses 3 Synth rate 68-86%
Synth time 0:30 [B] used [B] Rivetacle
Pricing information
Weapon Board
Buy price 18500 Buy price 9250
Sell price 3700 Sell price 462
Shop location Yohmei Shop Shop location MA-GRMS: Ohtoku
Grinding information
Stat 0/10 1/10 2/10 3/10 4/10 5/10 6/10 7/10 8/10 9/10 10/10
PP 315 323 329 333 337 341 345 349 353 363 379
Att. 226 232 238 248 260 272 279 286 293 300 307
Drop information
Source Level Ver. Type
Kagajibari 40-49 Phantasy Star Universe Ambition of the Illuminus
SEED-Ardite 30-39 Ambition of the Illuminus
Onmagoug 40-49 Phantasy Star Universe Synthesis board

Image gallery

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