Ranged weapon boards

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JP Name EN Name Photon # Ore # Metal # Wood # Uses SR Buy Price Vendor Location Comments
基板/ハンドガン [B] Handgun Im-photon 1 Acenaline 1 Meganite 1 Par Wood 1 5 1★ 180 Parum --
基板/ピスタトル [B] Pistatore Im-photon 1 Acenaline 1 Meganite 1 Neu Wood 1 5 1★ 180 Neudaiz --
基板/ブドゥキ・ハド [B] B'duki Had Im-photon 1 Acenaline 1 Meganite 1 Mot Wood 1 5 1★ 180 Moatoob --
基板/パワーガン [B] Powergun Im-photon 2 Wenceline 1 Meganite 2 Par Wood 2 5 2★ 350 Parum --
基板/パウワトル [B] Powertore Im-photon 2 Wenceline 1 Meganite 2 Neu Wood 2 5 2★ 350 Neudaiz --
基板/ブドゥキ・パム [B] B'duki Pam Im-photon 2 Wenceline 1 Meganite 2 Mot Wood 2 5 2★ 350 Moatoob --
基板/オートガン [B] Autogun Im-photon 3 Aporaline 1 Meganite 3 Par Wood 3 5 3★ 1000 Parum --
基板/オルトトル [B] Ortotore Im-photon 3 Aporaline 1 Meganite 3 Neu Wood 3 5 3★ 1000 Neudaiz --
基板/ブドゥキ・オガ [B] B'duki Oga Im-photon 3 Aporaline 1 Meganite 3 Mot Wood 3 5 3★ 1000 Moatoob --
基板/ロックガン [B] Lockgun Im-photon 5 Dianaline 2 Giganite 2 Par Ash 2 3 4★ 4300 Parum --
基板/ロオクトル [B] Louktore Im-photon 5 Dianaline 2 Giganite 2 Neu Ash 2 3 4★ 4300 Neudaiz --
基板/ブドゥキ・ロガ [B] B'duki Roga Im-photon 5 Dianaline 2 Giganite 2 Mot Ash 2 3 4★ 4300 Moatoob --
基板/ビートガン [B] Beatgun Im-photon 5 Marseline 3 Giganite 4 Par Ash 4 3 5★ 9250 Parum --
基板/ビイタトル [B] Betatore Im-photon 5 Marseline 3 Giganite 4 Neu Ash 4 3 5★ 9250 Neudaiz --
基板/ブドゥキ・ビイ [B] B'duki Be Im-photon 5 Marseline 3 Giganite 4 Mot Ash 4 3 5★ 9250 Moatoob --
基板/レールガン [B] Railgun Im-photon 5 Upteline 3 Giganite 7 ??? wood 7 3 6★ 23400 Parum When using Kubara Wood as the wood component, makes Handguc.
基板/レイラトル [B] Rayratore Im-photon 5 Upteline 3 Giganite 7 ??? wood 7 3 6★ 23400 Neudaiz When using Kubara Wood as the wood component, makes Pistatorec.
基板/ブドゥキ・レイ [B] B'duki Re Im-photon 5 Upteline 3 Giganite 7 ??? wood 7 3 6★ 23400 Moatoob When using Kubara Wood as the wood component, makes B'duki Hadoc.
基板/ビームガン [B] Beamgun Im-photon 10 Kerseline 6 Teranite 3 Par Ebon 3 3 7★ 60000 Parum --
基板/レイガン [B] Raygun Im-photon 10 Vestaline 6 Teranite 6 ??? wood 6 3 8★ 110000 Parum When using Kubara Wood as the wood component, makes Beamguc.
基板/パイソン [B] Python Im-photon 10 Vulcaline 6 Teranite 9 Par Ebon 9 3 9★ 165000 Parum --


JP Name EN Name Photon # Ore # Metal # Wood # Uses SR Buy Price Vendor Location Comments
基板/シッガ・ダムド [B] Shigga Damud Im-photon 1 Acenaline 1 Gamotite 1 Mot Wood 1 5 1★ 180 Moatoob --
基板/シッガ・スプッド [B] Shigga Spud Im-photon 2 Wenceline 1 Gamotite 2 Mot Wood 2 5 2★ 350 Moatoob --
基板/シッガ・ワッダ [B] Shigga Wadda Im-photon 3 Aporaline 1 Gamotite 3 Mot Wood 3 5 3★ 1000 Moatoob --
基板/シッガ・ビグル [B] Shigga Bigul Im-photon 5 Dianaline 2 Zepotite 2 Mot Ash 2 3 4★ 4300 Moatoob --
基板/シッガ・アムザ [B] Shigga Amza Im-photon 5 Marseline 3 Zepotite 4 Mot Ash 4 3 5★ 9250 Moatoob --
基板/シッガ・スタム [B] Shigga Stam Im-photon 5 Upteline 3 Zepotite 7 ??? wood 7 3 6★ 23400 Moatoob When using Kubara Wood as the wood component, makes Shigga Damduc.
基板/シッガ・ボマ [B] Shigga Boma Im-photon 10 Kerseline 6 Chicotite 3 Mot Ebon 3 7★ 60000 Moatoob --
基板/シッガ・ブラダ [B] Shigga Brada Im-photon 10 Vestaline 6 Chicotite 6 ??? wood 6 3 8★ 110000 Moatoob When using Kubara Wood as the wood component, makes Shigga Bomac.
基板/シッガ・ビネス [B] Shigga Bines Im-photon 10 Vulcaline 6 Chicotite 9 Mot Ebon 9 9★ 165000 Moatoob --
-- [B] Shigga Desta Im-photon 15 Junaline 2 Hapotite 3 Mot Walna 3 10★ -- -- Drop: 100+ Vanda Merha


JP Name EN Name Photon # Ore # Metal # Wood # Uses SR Buy Price Vendor Location Comments
基板/マシンガン [B] Machinegun Im-photon 1 Acenaline 1 Meganite 1 Par Wood 1 5 1★ 180 Parum --
基板/マッガン [B] Maggan Im-photon 1 Acenaline 1 Meganite 1 Mot Wood 1 5 1★ 180 Moatoob --
基板/アサルト [B] Assault Im-photon 2 Wenceline 1 Meganite 2 Par Wood 2 5 2★ 350 Parum --
基板/マッガ・アザ [B] Magga Aza Im-photon 2 Wenceline 1 Meganite 2 Mot Wood 2 5 2★ 350 Moatoob --
基板/グリースガン [B] Greasegun Im-photon 3 Aporaline 1 Meganite 3 Par Wood 3 5 3★ 1000 Parum --
基板/マッガ・グリス [B] Magga Gres Im-photon 3 Aporaline 1 Meganite 3 Mot Wood 3 5 3★ 1000 Moatoob --
基板/リピーター [B] Repeater Im-photon 5 Dianaline 2 Giganite 2 Par Ash 2 3 4★ 4300 Parum --
基板/マッガ・リト [B] Magga Rit Im-photon 5 Dianaline 2 Giganite 2 Mot Ash 2 3 4★ 4300 Moatoob --
基板/ガトリング [B] Gatling Im-photon 5 Marseline 3 Giganite 4 Par Ash 4 3 5★ 9250 Parum --
基板/マッガ・ガト [B] Magga Gat Im-photon 5 Marseline 3 Giganite 4 Mot Ash 4 3 5★ 9250 Moatoob --
基板/バルカン [B] Vulcan Im-photon 5 Upteline 3 Giganite 7 ??? wood 7 3 6★ 23400 Parum When using Kubara Wood as the wood component, makes Machineguc.
基板/マッガ・バル [B] Magga Bar Im-photon 5 Upteline 3 Giganite 7 ??? wood 7 3 6★ 23400 Moatoob When using Kubara Wood as the wood component, makes Maggac.
基板/ビームバルカン [B] Beam Vulcan Im-photon 10 Kerseline 6 Teranite 3 Par Ebon 3 3 7★ 60000 Parum --
基板/ヤスミノコフ [B] Yasminakov 0002 Im-photon 10 Vestaline 6 Teranite 6 ??? wood 6 3 8★ 110000 Parum When using Kubara Wood as the wood component, makes Beam Vulcanic.
基板/ドラムライン [B] Drumline Im-photon 10 Vulcaline 6 Teranite 9 Par Ebon 9 3 9★ 165000 Parum --


JP Name EN Name Photon # Ore # Metal # Wood # Uses SR Buy Price Vendor Location Comments
基板/ライフル [B] Rifle Im-photon 1 Acenaline 1 Gamotite 1 Par Wood 1 5 1★ 180 Parum --
基板/ライホウ [B] Raihoh Im-photon 1 Acenaline 1 Gamotite 1 Neu Wood 1 5 1★ 180 Neudaiz --
基板/スナイパー [B] Sniper Im-photon 2 Wenceline 1 Gamotite 2 Par Wood 2 5 2★ 350 Parum --
基板/スナイホウ [B] Snihoh Im-photon 2 Wenceline 1 Gamotite 2 Neu Wood 2 5 2★ 350 Neudaiz --
基板/ブラスター [B] Blaster Im-photon 3 Aporaline 1 Gamotite 3 Par Wood 3 5 3★ 1000 Parum --
基板/ブライホウ [B] Brahoh Im-photon 3 Aporaline 1 Gamotite 3 Neu Wood 3 5 3★ 1000 Neudaiz --
基板/シューター [B] Shooter Im-photon 5 Dianaline 2 Zepotite 2 Par Ash 2 3 4★ 4300 Parum --
基板/サイユウホウ [B] Saiyuhoh Im-photon 5 Dianaline 2 Zepotite 2 Neu Ash 2 3 4★ 4300 Neudaiz --
基板/ヴァルズアイ [B] Vullseye Im-photon 5 Marseline 3 Zepotite 4 Par Ash 4 3 5★ 9250 Parum --
基板/ブルザイホウ [B] Burzaihoh Im-photon 5 Marseline 3 Zepotite 4 Neu Ash 4 3 5★ 9250 Neudaiz --
基板/ファルガン [B] Falcon Im-photon 5 Upteline 3 Zepotite 7 ??? wood 7 3 6★ 23400 Parum When using Kubara Wood as the wood component, makes Riflic.
基板/ハルゴウホウ [B] Falgohoh Im-photon 5 Upteline 3 Zepotite 7 ??? wood 7 3 6★ 23400 Neudaiz When using Kubara Wood as the wood component, makes Raihoc.
基板/アサシン [B] Assasin Im-photon 10 Kerseline 6 Chicotite 3 Par Ebon 3 3 7★ 60000 Parum --
基板/バースト [B] Burst Im-photon 10 Vestaline 6 Chicotite 6 ??? wood 6 3 8★ 110000 Parum When using Kubara Wood as the wood component, makes Assassic.
基板/ファントム [B] Phantom Im-photon 10 Vulcaline 6 Chicotite 9 Par Ebon 9 3 9★ 165000 Parum Pair with Phantom Line for Armor stat boost
基板/ブラックパルズ [B] Blackbull Im-photon 15 Junaline 2 Hapotite 2 ??? wood 3 1 10★ -- -- Drop: Dulk Fakis and Dimmagolus lvl 80-99


JP Name EN Name Photon # Ore # Metal # Wood # Uses SR Buy Price Vendor Location Comments
基板/アルテイリ [B] Alteri Im-photon 1 Acenaline 1 Gamotite 1 Neu Wood 1 5 1★ 180 Neudaiz --
基板/ダルテイリ [B] Dalteri Im-photon 2 Wenceline 1 Gamotite 2 Neu Wood 2 5 2★ 350 Neudaiz --
基板/コヌパダリ [B] Compadri Im-photon 3 Aporaline 1 Gamotite 3 Neu Wood 3 5 3★ 1000 Neudaiz Drop: Bysha type-otsu32 Lv16
基板/リカルバリ [B] Rikalbari Im-photon 5 Dianaline 2 Zepotite 2 Neu Ash 2 3 4★ 4300 Neudaiz --
基板/ベイアバリ [B] Baybari Im-photon 5 Marseline 3 Zepotite 4 Neu Ash 4 3 5★ 9250 Neudaiz --
基板/ヒカウリ [B] Hikauri Im-photon 5 Upteline 3 Zepotite 7 ??? wood 7 3 6★ 23400 Neudaiz When using Kubara Wood as the wood component, makes Alteric.
基板/ハンマテリ [B] Hanmateri Im-photon 10 Kerseline 6 Chicotite 3 Neu Ebon 3 3 7★ 60000 Neudaiz --
基板/テンゴウボウ [B] Tengoh Bow Im-photon 10 Kerseline 6 Olpad 15 Tengohg Ala 1 1 7★ -- -- Drop: Lv 60+ Tengohg
基板/ロクサイリ [B] Roksari Im-photon 10 Vestaline 6 Chicotite 6 ??? wood 6 3 8★ 110000 Neudaiz When using Kubara Wood as the wood component, makes Hanmateric. Drop: Boss Box, Eastern Peril S2
基板/ウルアテリ [B] Ulteri Im-photon 10 Vulcaline 6 Chicotite 9 Neu Ebon 9 3 9★ 165000 Neudaiz Grove of Fanatics S
基板/コヒブミテリ [B] Kohibumiteri Im-photon 40 Junaline 15 Tormad 15 Love Letter 1 1 10★ -- -- Supposedly dropped from Lv.80+ Rappy Amure.
基板/リカウテリ [B] Rikauteri Im-photon 15 Merculine 15 Hapotite 5 ??? wood 5 1 11★ -- -- When using Kubara Wood as the wood component, makes Rikauteric.

Twin handguns

JP Name EN Name Photon # Ore # Metal # Wood # Uses SR Buy Price Vendor Location Comments
基板/ツインハンドガン [B] Twin Handgun Im-photon 1 Acenaline 1 Gamotite 1 Par Wood 1 5 1★ 180 Parum --
基板/リョウピスタトル [B] Ryo-Pistatore Im-photon 1 Acenaline 1 Gamotite 1 Neu Wood 1 5 1★ 180 Neudaiz --
基板/アルブ・ハド [B] Arb Had Im-photon 1 Acenaline 1 Gamotite 1 Mot Wood 1 5 1★ 180 Moatoob --
基板/ツインパワーガン [B] Twin Powergun Im-photon 2 Wenceline 1 Gamotite 2 Par Wood 2 5 2★ 350 Parum --
基板/リョウパウワトル [B] Ryo-Powertore Im-photon 2 Wenceline 1 Gamotite 2 Neu Wood 2 5 2★ 350 Neudaiz --
基板/アルブ・パム [B] Arb Pam Im-photon 2 Wenceline 1 Gamotite 2 Mot Wood 2 5 2★ 350 Moatoob Drop: Lapucha Lv15
基板/ツインオートガン [B] Twin Autogun Im-photon 3 Aporaline 1 Gamotite 3 Par Wood 3 5 3★ 1000 Parum --
基板/リョウオルトトル [B] Ryo-Ortotore Im-photon 3 Aporaline 1 Gamotite 3 Neu Wood 3 5 3★] 1000 Neudaiz --
基板/アルブ・オガ [B] Arb Oga Im-photon 3 Aporaline 1 Gamotite 3 Mot Wood 3 5 3★ 1000 Moatoob --
基板/ツインロックガン [B] Twin Lockgun Im-photon 5 Dianaline 2 Zepotite 2 Par Ash 2 3 4★ 4300 Parum --
基板/リョウロオクトル [B] Ryo-Louktore Im-photon 5 Dianaline 2 Zepotite 2 Neu Ash 2 3 4★ 4300 Neudaiz --
基板/アルブ・ロガ [B] Arb Roga Im-photon 5 Dianaline 2 Zepotite 2 Mot Ash 2 3 4★ 4300 Moatoob --
基板/デュアルビートガン [B] Dual Beatgun Im-photon 5 Marseline 3 Zepotite 4 Par Ash 4 3 5★ 9250 Parum drop: lv40 Seed-VANCE
基板/リョウビイタトル [B] Ryo-Betatore Im-photon 5 Marseline 3 Zepotite 4 Neu Ash 4 3 5★ 9250 Neudaiz --
基板/アルブ・ビガ [B] Arb Biga Im-photon 5 Marseline 3 Zepotite 4 Mot Ash 4 3 5★ 9250 Moatoob --
基板/デュアルレールガン [B] Dual Railgun Im-photon 5 Upteline 3 Zepotite 7 ??? wood 7 3 6★ 23400 Parum When using Kubara Wood as the wood component, makes Twin Handguc
基板/リョウレイラトル [B] Ryo-Rayratore Im-photon 5 Upteline 3 Zepotite 7 ??? wood 7 3 6★ 23400 Neudaiz When using Kubara Wood as the wood component, makes Ryo-Pistatorec
基板/アルブ・レガ [B] Arb Rega Im-photon 5 Upteline 3 Zepotite 7 ??? wood 7 3 6★ 23400 Moatoob When using Kubara Wood as the wood component, makes Arb Hadoc
基板/バレットマスター [B] Bulletmaster Im-photon 10 Kerseline 6 Chicotite 3 Par Ebon 3 3 7★ 60000 Parum --
基板/エビルツインズ [B] Evil Twins Im-photon 10 Vestaline 6 Chicotite 6 ??? wood 6 3 8★ 110000 Parum When using Kubara Wood as the wood component, makes Bulletmastric.
基板/デスメイカー [B] Deathmaker Im-photon 10 Vulcaline 6 Chicotite 9 Par Ebon 9 3 9★ 165000 Parum --

Laser cannons

JP Name EN Name Photon # Ore # Metal # Wood # Uses SR Buy Price Vendor Location Comments
基板/レーザーカノン [B] Laser Cannon Im-photon 10 Kerseline 6 Chicotite 3 Par Ebon 3 3 7★ 60000 Parum --
基板/メーザーカノン [B] Maser Cannon Im-photon 10 Vestaline 6 Chicotite 6 ??? wood 6 3 8★ 110000 Parum When using Kubara Wood as the wood component, makes Laser Cannoc.
基板/サンダーカノン [B] Thunder Cannon Im-photon 10 Vulcaline 6 Chicotite 9 Par Ebon 9 3 9★ 165000 Parum --
基板/デガーナ・カノン [B] Degahna Cannon Im-photon 10 Vulcaline 2 Rubinad 15 Adahna Cannon 1 1 9★ - -- A,B,C Mission finds
-- [B] Meteor Cannon Im-photon 15 Junaline 2 Hapotite 3 ??? wood 3 1 10★ -- -- Drop: lvl 100+ polavohra


JP Name EN Name Photon # Ore # Metal # Wood # Uses SR Buy Price Vendor Location Comments
基板/グッレ・ネイダ [B] Gur Neda Im-photon 10 Kerseline 6 Chicotite 3 Mot Ebon 3 3 7★ 60000 Moatoob --
基板/グッレ・ナパッム [B] Gur Napam Im-photon 10 Vestaline 6 Chicotite 6 ??? wood 6 3 8★ 110000 Moatoob When using Kubara Wood as the wood component, makes Gur Nedac.
基板/グッレ・ミサッル [B] Gur Missal Im-photon 10 Vulcaline 6 Chicotite 9 Mot Ebon 9 3 9★ 165000 Moatoob --


Rank Name Price Required materials Uses Ver. Comments
7★ [B] Kikami 60000 Im-photon x10 Kerseline x6 3 Phantasy Star Universe --
Teranite x3 Neu Ebon x3
8★ [B] Ageha-kikami 110000 Im-photon x10 Vestaline x6 3 Phantasy Star Universe Using Kubara Wood in the ??? slot can produce a Kikamic.
Teranite x6  ??? x6
9★ [B] Mira-kikami 165000 Im-photon x10 Vulcaline x6 3 Phantasy Star Universe --
Teranite x9 Neu Ebon x9
Rank Name Price Required materials Uses Ver. Comments
10★ [B] Shi-kikami -- Im-photon x15 Junaline x2 1 Phantasy Star Universe Using Kubara Wood in the ??? slot can produce a Shi-kikamic.
Petanite x3  ??? x3


Rank Name Price Required materials Uses Ver. Comments
7★ [B] Cubo Upinde 60000 Im-photon x10 Kerseline x6 3 Phantasy Star Universe --
Teranite x3 Mot Ebon x3
8★ [B] Cubo Dunga 110000 Im-photon x10 Vestaline x6 3 Phantasy Star Universe Using Kubara Wood in the ??? slot can produce a Cubo Upindec
Teranite x6  ??? x6
9★ [B] Cubo Upinde 165000 Im-photon x10 Vulcaline x6 3 Phantasy Star Universe --
Teranite x9 Mot Ebon x9
10★ [B] Cubo Musrana -- Im-photon x15 Junaline x2 1 Phantasy Star Universe Using Kubara Wood in the ??? slot can produce a Cubo Musranac
Petanite x3  ??? x3
11★ [B] Cubo Tuma -- Im-photon x15 Merculine x2 1 Phantasy Star Universe Using Kubara Wood in the ??? slot can produce a Cubo Tumac
Petanite x5  ??? x5