Endrum Remnants

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Phantasy Star Universe ver.1
This mission has not been upgraded to Ambition of the Illuminus standards. Unless noted otherwise, all enemy and area drops are based on the original Phantasy Star Universe ver.1 charts.

Endrum Remnants
Seabed Plant
Start lobby Underwater Plant
Start counter Old Mellvore Area
End lobby Denes Lake
Version Phantasy Star Universe
Field Underwater Plant
Mission type Free mission
Party size 1-6 players
Enemy elements Neutral Lightning

Remnants of the Endrum Collective have occupied an underwater energy plant, demanding the release of their leader, Harness. Neutralize them.

Mission requirements and rewards

LV Req. LV Enemy LV Rank S Rank A Rank B Rank C
Meseta Points Meseta Points Meseta Points Meseta Points
C 1 15+ 225 5 150 3 75 1 0 0
B 25 35+ 500 9 325 6 162 3 0 0
A 35 45+ 1425 26 950 17 475 8 0 0
S 50 80+ 1675 30 1112 19 550 9 0 0
PA Fragment x1
S2 65 105+ 7525 130 5012 86 2500 43 0 0
PA Fragment x2
S3[1] 105 155+ 15350 261 10225 174 5112 87 0 0
PA Fragment x3

Enemy information

Enemy name Enemy buffs Ele. Mission LV C Mission LV B Mission LV A Mission LV S Mission LV S2 Mission LV S3
Grinna Bete C Lightning 19 180 39 352 49 438 84 885 109 1247 159 2107
GSM-05 Seeker Lightning 15 51 35 111 45 141 80 291 105 411 155 711
GSM-05B Bomalta Lightning 15 51 35 111 45 141 80 291 105 411 155 711
Special Ops (Assault) Neutral 15 34 35 74 45 94 80 194 105 274 155 474
Special Ops (Kanohne) Neutral 15 47 35 103 45 131 80 271 105 383 155 663
YG-01K BUGGE Lightning 15 44 35 96 45 122 80 252 105 356 155 616
YG-01Z BUG Lightning 15 44 35 96 45 122 80 252 105 356 155 616
Rare enemy
YG01U BUGGES Lightning 15 44 35 96 45 122 80 252 105 356 155 616
Grinna Bete S Lightning 19 210 39 410 49 510 84 1030 109 1450 159 2450

Item drops

Enemy name Special drops Mission LV C Mission LV B Mission LV A Mission LV S Mission LV S2 Mission LV S3
Grinna Bete C -- [B] Twin Brand [B] Dual Pallasch [B] Dual Slasher [B] Heavy Twins [B] 2-headed Ragnus [B] Deathrain
Grinna Bete S Grinna Bete S Sniper Shooter Vullseye Phantom [B] Blackbull Gudda Igga
GSM-05 Seeker Inverter Circuit
Assault Repeater Gatling Drumline [B] Muzzlefever [B] Needle Cannon
GSM-05B Bomalta Inverter Circuit
[B] Assault [B] Repeater [B] Gatling [B] Drumline Phantom Apocalypsic
Special Ops (Assault) G Traps [B] Ryo-Nafli [B] Ryo-Sagazashi [B] Assino-zashi [B] Mijin-Misaki [B] Ran-Misaki Shide-Misakic
Special Ops (Kanohne) G Traps [B] Sniper [B] Shooter [B] Vullseye [B] Burst [B] Phantom Elsralac
YG-01Z BUG [B] Recov. items [B] Brand [B] Pallasch [B] Durandal [B] Falchion Cubo Mamba Deathraic
YG-01K BUGGE [B] Recov. items [B] Staff [B] Scepter [B] Cane [B] Crozier [B] Mira-kikami [B] Delpic
YG01U BUGGES Inverter Circuit [B] Fluorescent Bulb [B] Fluorescent Bulb [B] Fluorescent Bulb Ageha-kikami Shi-kikami Lumira / HP Restore
Normal box Slaterian
Kubara Wood
Gamo-, Chicotite
Nanosilica, -carbon
Gamo-, Chicotite
Nanosilica, -carbon,
Gamo-, Chicotite
Nanosilica, -carbon,
Gamo-, Chico-,
Nanocarbon, -resin,
Chico-, Hapotite
Nanoresin, -polymer
Perori Mate
Shield Gum
Chico-, Hapotite
Nanoresin, -polymer
Clear box -- Harnium
Par Wood, Ash
 ?  ? Par Ebon Stelnium
Par Ebon, Par Walna
Steln-, Catilium
Nanoresin, -polymer
Par Ebon, Par Walna
Area drops -- 1-7★ ores
[B] Crea Dagger
2-9★ ores
[B]Twin Crea Dagger
[B] Crea Dagger
3-10★ ores
Copernia, Armania
[B]Twin Crea Dagger
[B] Crea Dagger
6-12★ ores
Copernia, Armania,
Goldania, Morbinia,
[B]Twin Crea Dagger
[B] Crea Dagger
7-12★ ores
Copernia, Armania,
Goldania, Morbinia,
[B]Twin Crea Dagger
[B] Crea Dagger
7-15★ ores
Copernia, Armania,
Goldania, Morbinia,
[B] Hugecuttuc
[B] Kan Yuc

Enemy spawn chart

Pattern Map route Block 1 details Block 2 details Block 3 details Rare spawn
Door and right ramp.
A-1 Initial spawn:
GSM-05 Seeker x4+2
Initial spawn:
GSM-05 Seeker x4 →
Special Ops (Kanohne) x2
Initial spawn:
Special Ops (Kanohne) x5
A-2 Initial spawn:
Special Ops (Kanohne) x4
→ GSM-05B Bomalta x4
Initial spawn:
Special Ops (Kanohne) x3
Initial spawn:
GSM-05B Bomalta x4+2
A-3 Initial spawn:
YG-01Z BUG x4 →
YG-01K BUGGE x2+1
Initial spawn:
GSM-05B Bomalta x4+2
Initial spawn:
GSM-05 Seeker x4+4
A-X Initial spawn:
YG-01Z BUG x4 →
YG-01K BUGGE x2+1
Initial spawn:
Special Ops (Kanohne) x3
+ GSM-05 Seeker x4
Initial spawn:
GSM-05 Seeker x4+4
Block 2: YG-01U BUGGES x2

Block 3: YG-01U BUGGES x4 + Grinna Bete S x3

Checkpoint in short hallway with red gate ahead.
B-1 Initial spawn:
GSM-05 Seeker x4 →
Special Ops (Kanohne) x2
Initial spawn:
GSM-05 Seeker x3 +
GSM-05B Bomalta x3
Initial spawn:
Special Ops (Kanohne) x5
B-2 Initial spawn:
Special Ops (Kanohne) x3
Initial spawn:
GSM-05 Seeker x2 →
Special Ops (Kanohne) x3
Initial spawn:
GSM-05B Bomalta x4
B-3 Initial spawn:
GSM-05B Bomalta x4+2
Initial spawn:
YG-01Z BUG x4
Initial spawn:
GSM-05 Seeker x4
B-X Initial spawn:
GSM-05B Bomalta x4+2
Initial spawn:
GSM-05 Seeker x2 +
Special Ops (Kanohne) x3
Initial spawn:
GSM-05B Bomalta x5
Block 2: YG-01U BUGGES x3

Block 3: YG-01U BUGGES x4 + Grinna Bete S x3

Down ramp with door ahead.
C-1 Initial spawn:
GSM-05B Bomalta x5
Initial spawn:
YG-01Z BUG x4+
Initial spawn:
GSM-05 Seeker x4
C-2 Initial spawn:
YG-01K BUGGE x3 &
YG-01Z BUG x1+2
Initial spawn:
Special Ops (Kanohne) x4
→ GSM-05B Bomalta x4
Initial spawn:
GSM-05B Bomalta x4
C-3 Initial Spawn:
Special Ops (Kanohne) x3 &
Special Ops (Assault) x1+2
Initial spawn:
GSM-05 Seeker x4+2
Initial spawn:
Special Ops (Kanohne) x5
C-X Initial Spawn:
Special Ops (Kanohne) x3 &
Special Ops (Assault) x1+2
Initial spawn:
Special Ops (Kanohne) x4
→ GSM-05B Bomalta x4
Initial spawn:
GSM-05B Bomalta x4+5
Block 2: YG-01U BUGGES x2

Block 3: YG-01U BUGGES x4 + Grinna Bete S x3

Reference notes

  1. S3 difficulty is available only to Ambition of the Illuminus players.