Enemy spawn charts

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Revision as of 05:31, 17 December 2006 by (talk) (Valley of Carnage)

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Also see: Category:Rare Monsters

The PSU's version of the telepipe trick just takes a little observation to tell whether you'll get a rare enemy spawn without having to go all the way to the end. The missions are sorted by planets, so find whichever one looks the best to you and get to hunting!

Extra info

Known rare enemies

Rare enemy name Comments
Rappy The basic rare enemy
Rappy Lantern (10/14~11/9) Halloween Rappy, replaces Rappy during that season.
Rappy Noel (12/7~12/25) Christmas Rappy, replaces Rappy during that season.
(Rappy Amure) Special Rappy presumably used for Valentine and/or White Day.
(Rappy Paska) Special Rappy presumably used for Easter.
Jaggo Moatoob's rare monster.
(Jaggo Acte)  ?
(Jaggo Amure)  ?
(Jaggo Sonichi)  ?
YG-01U BUGGES Rare enemy in the mission Endrum Remnants
Grinna Bete S Rare boss in the mission Endrum Remnants
Orgdus Rare boss in the mission Sleeping Warriors
Lutus Jigga Rare boss in the mission The Holy Ground
Da-beran Rare enemy in the missions (Tunnel Recovery) and (Satellite of Darkness)

Rare appearance useful info

  • The first mission of each location has 3 map patterns, and 3 rare enemy patterns.
  • Unlike PSO, not every enemy can turn into a rare. So you'll want to abandon mission if you don't get a rare enemy pattern.
  • Map patterns are set. A rare enemy will always spawn in the same block on the rare enemy pattern map.
  • There is still some uncertainty in regards to the ways rare enemies spawn (based on count).
  • In the charts, a + is used to denote enemies that appear after killing the first set.
  • The green row (Also marked as pattern X) is the map pattern with the rare enemy spawns.
  • A (*) means the enemy has the sword icon. A (*) means enemy has a shield icon.

Mission map patterns

Instructions: Take A-1 of the "Unsafe Passage" table for example, A is the Circle room route and the 1 is the spawn set. To get to the rappy spawn, you want the X set's spawn. 1 to 3 are the spawns you don't want, these are the dud spawn sets. If you get a 1 to 3 spawn, abandon the mission. It's a lot like a slot machine, you're not going to get all 7's on your first run, so you gotta keep trying.

Guardians Colony

Unsafe Passage

Pattern Map route Block 1
first spawn
Block 2
first spawn
Block 3
first spawn
Rare enemy:
where and #
Circle Room Route.
Pannon x1 Delsaban x4 Delsaban x2 Sendillan x2   -
A-2 Delsaban x5 Pannon x2 Delsaban x2   -
A-3 Pannon x2 Sendillan x3 Pannon x3 Pannon x2 Delsaben x3 -
A-X Pannon x2 Sendillan x3 Pannon x2 Delsaban x2 Train Tracks: Pannon x10 Block 3:
Rappy x2
Left Turn Route.
Pannon x3 further in Pannon x6 (respawn) Pannon x5 + Delsaben x5 Pannon x3 Delsaban x2 -
B-2 Delsaban x3 Pannon x3 Pannon x1 Sendillan x3 -
B-3 Pannon x3 further in Delsaban x5 Delsaban x4 Delsaban x3 Pannon x2 -
B-X Pannon x3 T's Right side:
Pannon x5
Delsaban x3 Pannon x2 Block 3: Delsaban x3 Rappy x2
Stomach-shaped Room Route.
Pannon x1 Delsaban x4 Pannon x1 Delsaban x2   -
C-2 Pannon x5
Train Track Room: Delsaban x5
Pannon x4
Pannon x4 + Sendillan x4   -
C-3 Pannon x2 Delsaban x3 Pannon x2 Delsaban x2   -
C-X Pannon x5
Train Track Room: Delsaban x5
Delsaban x1 Pannon x3
Pannon x4 Delsaban x4 - Block 2: Delsaban x1 Rappy x2
  • B map pattern's Block 2 enemy count are from going to the right at the T intersection.




Valley of Carnage

Pattern Map route Block 1
first spawn
Block 2
first spawn
Rare enemy:
where and #
Left Gate Route.
Vanda x3 Jishagara x1 Vanda x3 -
A-2 Jishagara x3 Kog Nadd x1 Vanda x3 -
A-3 Zoona x2 Kog Nadd x1 Lapucha x3 -
A-X Vanda x3
Jishagara x2
Block 2:
Jao x3
Northeast Route.
Jishagara x2 Zoona x1 Vanda(**)x3
B-2 Jishagara x2 Vanda x2  ? -
B-3 Vanda x3 Zoona x1 Vanda x 4 -
B-X Jishagara x2 Zoona x1 Vanda(**)x3
Block 2:
Jao x3
Northwest Route.
Jishagara x3 Vanda(**)x3
C-2 Vanda x4 Vanda x3 -
C-3 Vanda x3 Zoona x2 Lapucha x8 + Vanda (A lot) + Kogg Nad x1 -
C-X Jishagara x3 Vanda(**)x3
Block 2:
Jao x3
  • Map pattern A first spawn is from going up the hill to the right.

Para from HongFire.com says: I just tested the Jao C-X spawn pattern and it didn't give me a Jao.. needs more testing and another confirmation?

--Are you sure you didn't get C-1? It seems like Sega made one spawn pattern for each map almost identical to the rare spawn pattern. I've been trying to get Jaos too, and have had no luck either.

No I didn't get C-1. I counted the Vandas and they added up to the C-X spawn number.

-- I think the C-1 spawn count for block 2 might be wrong. I've never seen 3-3 spawn before, always 3-2-2, and I've never seen Jaos spawn. Also, it seems all the other block 2's that spawn with vandas first spawn 3-2-2, never 3-3.

Para: I just got another C-X spawn type with no Jao. I believe the current article on C-X is definitely incorrect and someone needs to determine the right one. It could be possible that the 3-3 Vanda Spawn in Block 2 is the real C-X?

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