Rappy Noel

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Rappy Noel
Version Phantasy Star Universe
Enemy type Rare enemy
Enemy size Small
Classification Seasonal rare enemy
Elements Light
Christmas version of the Rappy.


  • --


Stat modifiers Boosts
HP 300% ATP 190% ATA 90% Crown.gif --
TP 80% DFP 100% EVP 210% Sword.gif --
MST 100% STA 70% EXP 500% Shield.gif --
Status effect susceptibility
Burn Freeze Shock Silence Confusion Infection Poison Stun Sleep Incapacitation ATP down DFP down ATA down
Half damage

Item drops

LV Phantasy Star Universe Ambition of the Illuminus
Drop items Missions Drop items Missions
1-9 -- Replaces Rappy during Christmas. -- Replaces Rappy during Christmas.
10-19 -- --
20-29 -- --
30-39 -- --
40-49 -- --
50-59 [B] Rabol Rappy [B] Rabol Rappy
60-69 [B] Rabol Rappy [B] Rabol Rappy
70-79 [B] Rabol Rappy [B] Rabol Rappy
80-99 [B] Dagger of Serafi [B] Dagger of Serafi
100-124 [B] Dagger of Serafi [B] Dagger of Serafi
125-149 -- [B] Dagger of Serafi
150-174 -- [B] Dagger of Serafi
175-189 -- [B] Dagger of Serafi
190-199 --  ?
200 --  ?
Rappy Feather
Serafi Feather
Christmas Tree
All missions listed above. R. Noel Madog Japanese version
Rappy Feather
Serafi Feather
Christmas Ork Japanese version
Christmas Tree
All missions listed above.

Image gallery

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