Lobby Animations

From PSU Cyril Wiki
Revision as of 11:28, 11 December 2007 by Samurai Silhouette (talk | contribs) (I guess this field is to summarise what I changed. I just added what players would see in the lobby animation menu if they were to play female characters.)

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  • f1 - Sit on the ground
  • f2 - Greet
  • f3 - Wave
  • f4 - Happy
  • f5 - Cheer / Clap
  • f6 - Bow down / Apologize
  • f7 - Question
  • f8 - Kiss
  • f9 - Frustration
  • f10 - Mock
  • f11 - Cry
  • f12 - Bored
  • 1 - Team pose left
  • 2 - Team pose center
  • 3 - Team pose right
  • 4 - Event pose 1
  • 5 - Event pose 2
  • 6 - Event pose 3
  • 7 - Event pose 4
  • 8 - Event pose 5
  • 9 - Sexy pose
  • 0 - SUV weapon pose
  • q - Comedy
  • w - Laugh
  • e - Shake hands / Point
  • r - Turn around / Call
  • t - Conversation
  • y - Agree
  • u - Disagree
  • i - Embarrassed
  • o - Disappointed
  • p - Punch / Slap
  • a - Angry
  • s - Surprised
  • d - Fall down
  • f - Taunt
  • g - Scratch
  • h - Nanoblast
  • j - Jump
  • k - Kick
  • l - Cautious
  • z - Bow
  • x - Throw / Pick up
  • c - Turn
  • v - Spin
  • b - Dance
  • n - Dance 1
  • m - Dance 2

Opposite gender animations can be accessed by using these hotkeys in conjunction with the shift key or, alternatively, via the lobby action menu activating them while pressing the shift key.


Simple Mail | Cut-in chat | Lobby Animations | Partner cards | Teams | Chat macros | Chat commands