Chat commands

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Chat commands cover a wide variety of functions which are accessed by inputting simple text-based commands and variables.

Changing line shields

This command lets you change your equipped line shield on the fly, without having to sift through your inventory menus, a rather convenient feature, particularly if the necessity arises in the middle of a battle. The basic structure of this command is /command element inventory slot.

Command shieldline shield sl
Element neutral n
fire, flame f
ice i
thunder t
earth e
light l
dark d
Inventory slot A number indicating the location
of the line shield in your inventory.

For example, by typing /sl t, you will equip the first lightning line shield in your inventory. However, if you have three lightning line shields, you can use the inventory slot function to identify which one specifically you want to equip. By typing /sl t 2, you will equip the second of three line shields identified in your command. Keep in mind that if you pick up a line shield that fits the criteria of one of your elemental and numeric commands, you risk throwing off your ordering.

Changing weapons

This command enables you to change equipped weapons on the fly without having to browse your action palette. Instead, you will jump directly to a predefined slot on your action palette. The basic format of this command is /command action palette slot.

Command weapon wp
Action palette
A number from 1 to 6 indicating
a slot on your action palette.

Action palette slots are identified by counting down from the first empty slot, indicated by two white dashes in your palette. The first slot below the empty slot is 1, the second is 2, etc.


This command lets you easily add a person to your blacklist. The basic format is /command user ID.

Command blacklist bl
User ID The user ID of the person you
want to add to your blacklist.

Lobby actions

This command lets you perform male and female lobby actions, regardless of your character's gender. The basic format is /command lobby action. Spaces are shown between words here for clarity, however when using this command, do not include spaces between the command and lobby action.

Command malt falt
Lobby action f2-f12, 0-9, a-z

By typing /falth, your character, regardless of gender, will perform the female nanoblast animation. Likewise, /malth will perform the male nanoblast animation.

The only lobby action which does not work with this command is f1 (sit on the ground). While typing /faltf1 or /maltf1 will make your character sit on the ground, they will only perform the action using the animation for their gender.

Deck of cards

The card command selects a random card from a deck of 53. The format of this command is /command number of cards.

Command card
Number of
The number of cards you
want to draw from 1 to 10.

The basic command, /card, will draw a single card from a deck of 53 playing cards. However, you can draw up to ten cards at once by including a numeral (1-10) after the command. For example, /card 7 will draw seven cards.

Note that the 53 card limit of a deck is recognized only while in your room. While in a lobby or mission, it is possible to draw the same card multiple times, however the same card cannot be pulled twice in your room unless the deck is shuffled. By using the /card shuffle command, you can initialize the deck at any point, so that all cards are available to be drawn again.


The dice command rolls a six-sided die. The format of this command is /command number of dice.

Command dice
Number of
The number of dice you
want to roll from 1 to 5.

The basic command, /dice, will roll a single six-sided die. However, it is possible to roll up to five dice at once by including a numeral (1-5) after the command. For example, /dice 4 will roll four dice.

Partner machine commands

Partner machine chat commands have no true functionality other than for amusement with your friends. These commands can be used only while in your room.

Banned words

This command lets you ban the use of certain words (only one at a time) in your room. If you or another player says a banned word, it will be censored and your partner machine will react to its utterance. The standard format of this command is /command banned word.

Command pm ng
Banned word The word you would like to ban.

For example, by typing /pm ng Hello, the word "Hello" will be registered with your partner machine as a banned word. If you or someone in your room says "Hello," the word will be censored, and your partner machine will say, "That word is banned." Only the owner of a room can establish banned words, and once all players have left the room, the word ban will be lifted. A ban can also be lifted by typing the basic command without a target word, /pm ng.

Word replacement

This command lets you replace a selected word in speech with another word while in your room. If you or another player says the selected word, it will be automatically replaced with whatever word has established by the room's owner as its replacement. The format of this command is /command word 1 word 2.

Command pm ch
Word 1 The word which will be
replaced with word 2.
Word 2 The word which will
replace word 1 when said.

For example, by typing /pm ch Moatoob dirtball, if anyone in your room says "Moatoob," that word will automatically be replaced with "dirtball" in their speech bubble. Only the owner of a room can establish replacement words, and once all players have left the room, the word replacement filter will be removed. This function can also be removed by typing the basic command without target words, /pm ch.

Sentence prefixes

This command lets you establish a prefix which will be applied to the beginning of all sentences said by anyone in your room. The format of this command is /command prefix.

Command pm top
Prefix The word which will be added to
the beginning of all sentences.

For example, by typing /pm top Hurrah!, the word "Hurrah!" will be added to the start of anything said by anyone in your room. Only the room owner can establish a sentence prefix, and once all players have left the room, the established prefix will be removed. It can also be removed by typing the basic command without a defined prefix, /pm top

Sentence suffixes

This command lets you establish a suffix which will be applied to the end of all sentences said by anyone in your room. The format of this command is /command suffix.

Command pm end
Suffix The word which will be added to
the end of all sentences

For example, by typing /pm end eh?, the word "eh?" will be added to the end of anything said by anyone in your room. Only the room owner can establish a sentence suffix, and once all players have left the room, the established suffix will be removed. It can also be removed by typing the basic command without a defined suffix, /pm end

Hit & blow

This command initiates a guessing game in which you and other players will guess an unknown number based on hints given to you by your partner machine. The command format is /command number of digits.

Command hitblow
Number of
The number of digits (from 3 to 9)
in the number to be guessed.

For example, /hitblow 3 will initiate a game in which the unknown number is three digits long. Once the game has begun, players will begin guessing three digit numbers. Following each guess, the refereeing partner machine will say if any of the numbers are both correct and in the correct column (a hit). If, for example, the unknown number is 458, and one player guesses 568, the partner machine will announce a single hit for the 8 (however, which of the three number is correct will not be identified), as it is the correct number for the third column. Even though a 5 was guessed, it will not be counted as a hit since it was not guess in the correct column. The game will continue until a player guesses the correct number, at which point the winner will be announced along with the total amount of time and turns taken to guess the correct number.

This game can be played only in your room, and only the owner of a room can initiate it. If a game is initiated without specifying a number of digits, /hitblow, it will default to four digits. If a game is active and all players leave the room, the game will end.

Online status

This command lets you set your own unique status to be displayed above your character's head. The basic format of this command is /command status.

Command os
Status The text you would like
to use for your current status.

By typing /os Looking for a party!, the text "Looking for a party!" will be displayed above your character's head. Whatever text you set as your current status will remain in effect until you clear it. Your online status can be cleared by typing the basic command, /os.

Character name view

This command lets you set the style you would like to view character names and information as it appears over character heads. The format of this command is /command style.

Command name
Style O, o No display
N, n Name only
L, l Name and level
G, g Gamertag
A, a
I, i
P, p
Partner card number
T, t
J, j
Type and type level

For example, by typing /name p, each player's partner card number will be displayed above their head. If you enter the basic command without a style specified, /name, character information will default to name and online status.

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