PSP:Rare enemies

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LV HU/FM drops RA/GM drops FO/MF drops AM/PT drops Missions
1-19 Mega / HP Restore Mega / HP Restore Mega / HP Restore Mega / HP Restore Dark Satellite C
20-39 Hard / HP Restore Hard / HP Restore Hard / HP Restore Hard / HP Restore SEED Awakened C, Dark Satellite B
40-59 DB Line DB Line DB Line DB Line SEED Awakened B, Dark Satellite A
60-79 De Colte Line De Colte Line De Colte Line De Colte Line SEED Awakened A, Dark Satellite S
80-99 Lumirus Line Lumirus Line Lumirus Line Lumirus Line SEED Awakened S
Black Heart All missions listed above.


LV HU/FM drops RA/GM drops FO/MF drops AM/PT drops Missions
1-19  ?  ?  ?  ? Desert Terror C, Caves of Ice C
20-39 Giga / Hit Giga / Hit Giga / Hit Giga / Hit Awoken Serpent C, Desert Terror B, Caves of Ice B
40-59  ?  ?  ?  ? Awoken Serpent B, Desert Terror A, Caves of Ice A
60-79  ?  ?  ?  ? Awoken Serpent A, Desert Terror S, Caves of Ice S
80-99 Lumirus / Hit Lumirus / Hit Lumirus / Hit Lumirus / Hit Awoken Serpent S
Secrit Cross
Loveheart Line
Solid / Bullet Save
All missions listed above.

Lutus Jigga

LV HU/FM drops RA/GM drops FO/MF drops AM/PT drops Missions
1-19  ?  ?  ?  ? --
20-39 Master System Master System Master System Master System The Holy Ground C
40-59 Genesis Genesis Genesis Genesis The Holy Ground B
60-79 Sega Saturn Sega Saturn Sega Saturn Sega Saturn The Holy Ground A
80-99 Dreamcast Dreamcast Dreamcast Dreamcast The Holy Ground S
Mark III
Killing Hearts
Gigas Espada
All missions listed above.


LV HU/FM drops RA/GM drops FO/MF drops AM/PT drops Missions
1-19  ?  ?  ?  ? --
20-39 Master System Master System Master System Master System Sleeping Warriors C
40-59 Genesis Genesis Genesis Genesis Sleeping Warriors B
60-79 Sega Saturn Sega Saturn Sega Saturn Sega Saturn Sleeping Warriors A
80-99 Dreamcast Dreamcast Dreamcast Dreamcast Sleeping Warriors S
Mark III
Killing Hearts
Gigas Espada
All missions listed above.


LV HU/FM drops RA/GM drops FO/MF drops AM/PT drops Missions
1-19 Perpa / Power Perpa / Power Papillon Dance Perpa / Power Fight for Food C, Plains Overlord C, (Ecosystem Defense) C
20-39 Rappy Fan Rappy Fan Rappy Fan Rappy Fan Fight for Food B, Plains Overlord B, Sleeping Warriors C, The Holy Ground C, The Dual Sentinel C, (Ecosystem Defense) B, Horned Beast C
40-59 Rappy Fan Rabol Rappy Rabol Rappy Rabol Rappy Fight for Food A, Plains Overlord A, Sleeping Warriors B, The Holy Ground B, The Dual Sentinel B, (Ecosystem Defense) A, Horned Beast B
60-79 Rabol Rappy Rabol Rappy Rabol Rappy Rabol Rappy Fight for Food S, Sleeping Warriors A, The Holy Ground A, The Dual Sentinel A, (Ecosystem Defense) S, Horned Beast A
80-99 Lumirus / Power Lumirus / Power Rappy Madog Rappy Madog Plains Overlord S, Sleeping Warriors S, Lightning Beasts S, The Holy Ground S, The Dual Sentinel S, Horned Beast S
Rappy Tip
Rappy Tippies
Rappy Mode
All missions listed above.

Rappy Igg

LV HU/FM drops RA/GM drops FO/MF drops AM/PT drops Missions
1-19  ?  ?  ?  ? --
20-39  ?  ?  ?  ? Dancing Birds C
40-59  ?  ?  ? Al Tippies Dancing Birds B
60-79  ?  ? Hard / Rainbow  ? Dancing Birds A
80-99 Orpad / Rainbow Madam Brella Amore Tippies Madam Brella Dancing Birds S
Kohibumiteri All missions listed above.