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(List of TECHNICs)
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| style="font-weight: bold;text-align: center;" | PP Usage
| style="font-weight: bold;text-align: center;" | PP Usage
| align="center" |  || align="center" |  || align="center" | || align="center" |  || align="center" |   
| align="center" |  || align="center" |  || align="center" | 96 With AT || align="center" |  || align="center" |   
| style="font-weight: bold;text-align: center;" | Tech %
| style="font-weight: bold;text-align: center;" | Nr. of Dizas
| align="center" | || align="center" | || align="center" | || align="center" | || align="center" |  
| align="center" | 1 || align="center" | 2 || align="center" | 3 || align="center" | 4 || align="center" | 5
| style="font-weight: bold;text-align: center;" | SE
| style="font-weight: bold;text-align: center;" | SE
| align="center" | || align="center" | || align="center" | || align="center" |  || align="center" |  
| align="center" | Cut phys. dam. Lv2 || align="center" | Cut phys. dam. Lv3 || align="center" | Cut phys. dam. Lv4 || align="center" |  || align="center" |  

Revision as of 19:50, 4 November 2010

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It needs to be cleaned up to a higher standard of quality.

TECHNICs (often referred to as "Techniques") are the manifestation of the catalytic reaction between an individual's psychic abilities and photon energy. They can be cast by Forces, Guntechers, Wartechers, Fortetechers, Acrotechers, and Masterforces.

A character must have an appropriate weapon equipped (a Wand, Rod or TCSM) in order to be able to cast a TECHNIC. Each weapon has a set number of slots used to equip TECHNICs. The Wand and TCSM each offer two slots while the Rod has four.

TECHNIC disks, which can be purchased in Weapon shops around Gurhal or bought at the Neudaiz GUARDIANS branch using PA Fragments, are used to learn a base lv.1 TECHNIC. From there, as a character uses a TECHNIC in battle, the level of that TECHNIC will increase along with its power, range and other attributes. However, TECHNICs are considered one of the hardest of the 3 PA's to level due to the rapid growth rate of experience needed between levels.

TECHNICs are essentially PSU's equivalent of magic. It should be noted however, that TECHNICs and magic have appeared together in the original Phantasy Star games and are thus not the same. TECHNICs are mental or psychic abilities, whereas magic is generally more spiritual, tapping into external forces (in most universes, mana).

Attack cap -- -- 20 -- 30 30 -- -- 40 -- -- 30 -- -- 50
Assist cap -- -- 20 -- 30 30 -- -- 40 -- -- 50 -- -- 10


There are six Elements that TECHNICs are based on: Fire, Ice, Lightning, Ground, Light and Dark. Respectively, the six TECHNIC family names for these elements are Foie, Barta, Zonde, Diga, Grants and Megid.

The offensive TECHNICs seem to have a 'base' form, and possibly Gi-, Ra-, Dam- and Nos- forms, which are eventually weaker, but can more easily hit multiple targets simultaneously.

  • Basic TECHNICs: Foie and Diga fire a single projectile, hitting a single target. Barta, Zonde and Megid fire a single projectile that pierces foes without limit.
  • Ra-class TECHNICs hit up to 3 targets (4 targets at level 31+, 5 targets at level 41+) in an area a certain distance away from your character.
  • Gi-class TECHNICs hit up to 6 targets in an area around your character.
  • Dam-class TECHNICs repeatedly hit multiple targets in an area close to your character as long as the button is held down, until a time limit is reached. The direction can be adjusted within a 90° angle in the direction your character faces. Your character can't move while channeling.
  • Nos-class TECHNICs: Nosdiga sends out 1-3 homing ground-based projectiles (depending on level) that hit on contact. Noszonde and Nosmegid send out 1 floating projectile which explodes and hits a small area after a minimum length of time passes and the casting button is released. The projectile homes in on a target within a certain range/angle while the button is held down. Your character can't move while the projectile homes in on a target. At higher levels, they can cause knockdown, effectively stopping a smaller foe for a short time.

There are also the healing TECHNICs Resta and Reverser, and support TECHNICs, that can either temporarily increase an ally's statistics using beneficial Status Effects, or temporarily decrease an opponent's.

TECHNIC Stacking

If multiple TECHNICs of the same Element are linked to a Wand or Rod, the power of those techs will be boosted. For each same-element TECHNIC beyond the first, a 4% is added to the TECHNIC strength . Therefore, the maximum boost for Wand-types will be 4%; for Rod-types, 12%. However, putting TECHNICs from different elements on a weapon (even, for example, 3 Fire and 1 Ice TECHNIC) will make the weapon elementally neutral, negating any bonus.

List of TECHNICs


TECH foie.gif JP Name Element Type Description Price Target Range Rarity
フォイエ Fire Projectile Attacks by shooting a fireball that explodes. 500 Single Long 1★
Stat/Level Lv 1-10 Lv11-20 Lv21-30 Lv31-40 Lv41-50
PP Usage 9/8(6) 12/10(8) 14/12(9) 16/14(11) 19
Tech % 221-230 232-250 252-270 271-280 282-300
SE Burn Lv2 Burn Lv3 Burn Lv4 Burn Lv4 Burn Lv4
TECH rafoie.gif JP Name Element Type Description Price Target Range Rarity
ラ・フォイエ Fire Blast Attacks enemies in front of the user with a powerful flame. 1500 Area (3)/(4 @ 31+) Medium 2★
Stat/Level Lv 1-10 Lv11-20 Lv21-30 Lv31-40 Lv41-50
PP Usage 19/16(12) 24/20(16) 28/24(19) 33/28(22) 38
Tech % 131-140 141-150 152-170 171-180 181-190
SE Burn Lv1 Burn Lv2 Burn Lv3 Burn Lv3 Burn Lv3
TECH damfoie.gif JP Name Element Type Description Price Target Range Rarity
ダム・フォイエ Fire Channeled Stream Spews flame based on the length of button input and PP spent. 4000 Area (small) Short 3★
Stat/Level Lv 1-10 Lv11-20 Lv21-30 Lv31-40 Lv41-50
PP Usage 10/9(7) 14/12(9) 21/18(14) 26/22(17) 31
Tech % 101-110 111-120 121-130 131-140 142-160
SE Burn Lv3 Burn Lv3 Burn Lv3 Burn Lv3 Burn Lv3
TECH gifoie.gif JP Name Element Type Description Price Target Range Rarity
ギ・フォイエ Fire Blast Attacks surrounding enemies with a wall of fire around the user. 12000 Area (medium) Self 4★
Stat/Level Lv 1-10 Lv11-20 Lv21-30 Lv31-40 Lv41-50
PP Usage 24/20(16) 31/26(20) 38/32(25) 45/38(30) 52
Tech % 121-130 131-140 141-150 151-160 162-180
SE Burn Lv1 Burn Lv2 Burn Lv3 Burn Lv3 Burn Lv?
TECH shifta.gif JP Name Element Type Description Price Target Range Rarity
アグタール Fire Field Supports allies by boosting attack power for a set period of time. 9000 Area (medium) Self 6★
Stat/Level Lv 1-10 Lv11-20 Lv21-30 Lv31-40 Lv41-50
PP Usage 38/32(25) 40(32) 48(38) 56(44) 64
Duration 2 min 3 min 4 min 5 min 6 min
SE Lv1 +11% Lv2 +15% Lv3 +19% Lv4 +23% Lv5 +27%
TECH jellen.gif JP Name Element Type Description Price Target Range Rarity
アグディール Fire Field Reduces enemy attack power for a set period of time. 6000 Area (medium) Self 6★
Stat/Level Lv 1-10 Lv11-20 Lv21-30 Lv31-40 Lv41-50
PP Usage 38/32(25) 40(32) 48(38) 56(44) 64
Duration 30 sec 1 min 90 sec 2 min 150 sec
SE Lv1 -11% Lv2 -15% Lv3 -19% Lv4 -23% Lv5 -27%


TECH barta.gif JP Name Element Type Description Price Target Range Rarity
バータ Ice Ground Projectile Attacks enemies with a projectile of ice. 500 Line Long 1★
Stat/Level Lv 1-10 Lv11-20 Lv21-30 Lv31-40 Lv41-50
PP Usage 12/10(8) 15/13(10) 19/16(12) 22/19(15) 26
Tech % 111-120 121-130 131-140 141-150 151-160
SE Freeze Lv1 Freeze Lv1 Freeze Lv1 Freeze Lv2 Freeze Lv3
TECH rabarta.gif JP Name Element Type Description Price Target Range Rarity
ラ・バータ Ice Ground Blast Attacks enemies in front of the user with a blast of ice that damages. 1500 Area (3)/(4 @ 31+) Medium 2★
Stat/Level Lv 1-10 Lv11-20 Lv21-30 Lv31-40 Lv41-40
PP Usage 19/16(12) 24/20(16) 28/24(19) 33/28(22) 38
Tech % 121-130 131-140 142-160 161-170 171-180
SE Freeze Lv1 Freeze Lv2 Freeze Lv3 Freeze Lv3 Freeze Lv4
TECH dambarta.gif JP Name Element Type Description Price Target Range Rarity
ダム・バータ Ice Channeled Ground Blast Spews ice based on the length of button input and PP spent. 4000 Area (small) Short 3★
Stat/Level Lv 1-10 Lv11-20 Lv21-30 Lv31-40 Lv41-50
PP Usage 9/8(6) 14/12(9) 19/16(12) 24/20(16) 28
Tech % 101-110 111-120 121-130 131-140 142-160
SE Freeze Lv3 Freeze Lv3 Freeze Lv3 Freeze Lv4 Freeze Lv4
TECH gibarta.gif JP Name Element Type Description Price Target Range Rarity
ギ・バータ Ice Blast Attacks surrounding enemies with a wall of ice around the user. 12000 Area (medium) Self 4★
Stat/Level Lv 1-10 Lv11-20 Lv21-30 Lv31-40 Lv41-50
PP Usage 24/20(16) 31/26(20) 38/32(25) 45/38(30) 52
Tech % 111-120 121-130 131-140 141-150 152-170
SE Freeze Lv1 Freeze Lv2 Freeze Lv3 Freeze Lv3 Freeze Lv4
TECH deband.gif JP Name Element Type Description Price Target Range Rarity
デフパール Ice Field Supports allies by boosting defense for a set period of time. 9000 Area (medium) Self 6★
Stat/Level Lv 1-10 Lv11-20 Lv21-30 Lv31-40 Lv41-50
PP Usage 38/32(25) 40(32) 48(38) 56(44) 64
Duration 2 min 3 min 4 min 5 min 6 min
SE Lv1 +11% Lv2 +15% Lv3 +19% Lv4 +23% Lv5 +27%
TECH zalure.gif JP Name Element Type Description Price Target Range Rarity
デフディール Ice Field Supports allies by reducing enemy defense for a set period of time. 6000 Area (medium) Self 6★
Stat/Level Lv 1-10 Lv11-20 Lv21-30 Lv31-40 Lv41-50
PP Usage 38/32(25) 40(32) 48(38) 56(44) 64
Duration 30 sec 1 min 90 sec 2 min 150 sec
SE Lv1 -11% Lv2 -15% Lv3 -19% Lv4 -23% Lv5 -27%


TECH zonde.gif JP Name Element Type Description Price Target Range Rarity
ゾンデ Lightning Projectile Attacks enemies with a single, penetrating bolt of lightning. 500 Line Long 1★
Stat/Level Lv 1-10 Lv11-20 Lv21-30 Lv31-40 Lv41-50
PP Usage 12/10(8) 15/13(10) 19/16(12) 22/19(15) 26
Tech % 126-135 136-145 146-155 156-165 166-175
SE Shock Lv1 Shock Lv1 Shock Lv1 Shock Lv2 Shock Lv3
TECH razonde.gif JP Name Element Type Description Price Target Range Rarity
ラ・ゾンデ Lightning Blast Attacks with a lightning strike that damages enemies. 1500 Area (3)/(4 @ 31+) Medium 2★
Stat/Level Lv 1-10 Lv11-20 Lv21-30 Lv31-40 Lv41-50
PP Usage 19/16(12) 24/20(16) 28/24(19) 33/28(22) 38
Tech % 126-135 136-145 147-165 166-175 176-185
SE Shock Lv1 Shock Lv2 Shock Lv3 Shock Lv3 Shock Lv4
TECH gizonde.gif JP Name Element Type Description Price Target Range Rarity
ギ・ゾンデ Lightning Blast Attacks surrounding enemies with a ball of lightning above the user's head. 12000 Area (medium) Self 4★
Stat/Level Lv 1-10 Lv11-20 Lv21-30 Lv31-40 Lv41-50
PP Usage 24/20(16) 31/26(20) 38/30(25) 45/38(30) 52
Tech % 111-120 121-130 131-140 141-150 152-170
SE Shock Lv1 Shock Lv2 Shock Lv3 Shock Lv3 Shock Lv4
TECH noszonde.gif JP Name Element Type Description Price Target Range Rarity
ノス・ゾンデ Lightning Homing Projectile Attacks enemies with homing ball of lightning while the button is held down. 50 PAF Area (small) Long 5★
Stat/Level Lv 1-10 Lv11-20 Lv21-30 Lv31-40 Lv41-50
PP Usage 36/30(24) 40/34(27) 45/38(30) 50/42(33) 55
Tech % 131-140 146-155 162-180 181-190 193-220
SE Shock Lv2 Shock Lv3 Shock Lv3 Shock Lv3 Shock Lv3
TECH zodial.gif JP Name Element Type Description Price Target Range Rarity
ゾディアール Lightning Field Supports allies by boosting accuracy and agility for a set period of time. 9000 Area (medium) Self 6★
Stat/Level Lv 1-10 Lv11-20 Lv21-30 Lv31-40 Lv41-50
PP Usage 38/32(25) 40(32) 48(38) 56(44) 64
Duration 2 min 3 min 4 min 5 min 6 min
SE Lv1 +11% Lv2 +15% Lv3 +19% Lv4 +23% Lv5 +27%
TECH zoldeel.gif JP Name Element Type Description Price Target Range Rarity
ゾルディール Lightning Field Reduces enemy accuracy and agility for a set period of time. 6000 Area (medium) Self 6★
Stat/Level Lv 1-10 Lv11-20 Lv21-30 Lv31-40 Lv41-50
PP Usage 38/32(25) 40(32) 48(38) 56(44) 64
Duration 30 sec 1 min 90 sec 2 min 150 sec
SE Lv1 -11% Lv2 -15% Lv3 -19% Lv4 -23% Lv4 -27%


TECH diga.gif JP Name Element Type Description Price Target Range Rarity
ディーガ Ground Parabolic Projectile Attacks with a projectile that explodes when it hits an enemy. 500 Single Long 1★
Stat/Level Lv 1-10 Lv11-20 Lv21-30 Lv31-40 Lv41-50
PP Usage 9/8(6) 12/10(8) 14/12(9) 16/14(11) 19
Tech % 231-240 242-260 262-280 281-290 292-310
SE Silence Lv2 Silence Lv3 Silence Lv4 Silence Lv4 Silence Lv4
TECH radiga.gif JP Name Element Type Description Price Target Range Rarity
ラ・ディーガ Ground Ground Blast Attacks enemies in front of the user with a mass that damages. 1500 Area (3)/(4 @ 31+) Medium 2★
Stat/Level Lv 1-10 Lv11-20 Lv21-30 Lv31-40 Lv41-50
PP Usage 19/16(12) 24/20(16) 28/24(19) 33/28(22) 38
Tech % 141-150 151-160 162-180 181-190 191-200
TECH damdiga.gif JP Name Element Type Description Price Target Range Rarity
ダム・ディーガ Ground Channeled Stream Spews poison based on the length of button input and PP spent. 4000 Area (small) Short 3★
Stat/Level Lv 1-10 Lv11-20 Lv21-30 Lv31-40 Lv41-50
PP Usage 10/9(7) 14/12(9) 21/18(14) 25/21(16) 28
Tech % 111-120 121-130 131-140 141-150 152-170
SE Poison Lv3 Poison Lv3 Poison Lv3 Poison Lv4 Poison Lv4
TECH gidiga.gif JP Name Element Type Description Price Target Range Rarity
ギ・ディーガ Ground Ground Blast Attacks surrounding enemies with a massive earthquake. 12000 Area (medium) Self 4★
Stat/Level Lv 1-10 Lv11-20 Lv21-30 Lv31-40 Lv41-50
PP Usage 24/20(16) 31/26(20) 38/32(25) 45/38(30) 52
Tech % 131-140 141-150 151-160 161-170 172-190
TECH nosdiga.gif JP Name Element Type Description Price Target Range Rarity
ノス・ディーガ Ground Homing Ground Projectile Summons serpents that attack enemies while the button is held down. 75 PAF Single Long 5★
Stat/Level Lv 1-10 Lv11-20 Lv21-30 Lv31-40 Lv41-50
PP Usage 24/20(16) 31/26(20) 38/32(25) 45/38(30) 52
Tech % 131-140 146-155 161-170 171-180 181-190
SE Stun Lv2 Stun Lv2 Stun Lv2 Stun Lv2 Stun Lv3
TECH dizas.gif JP Name Element Type Description Price Target Range Rarity
ディーザス Ground Field AOTI only. Creates a field that reduces damage from physical attacks 1000 AMP Area (small) Self 6★
Stat/Level Lv 1-10 Lv11-20 Lv21-30 Lv31-40 Lv41-50
PP Usage 96 With AT
Nr. of Dizas 1 2 3 4 5
SE Cut phys. dam. Lv2 Cut phys. dam. Lv3 Cut phys. dam. Lv4


TECH resta.gif JP Name Element Type Description Price Target Range Rarity
レスタ Light Field Uses the power of photons to regenerate body cells, restoring HP. 800 Area (medium) Self 1★
Stat/Level Lv 1-10 Lv11-20 Lv21-30 Lv31-40 Lv41-50
PP Usage 30(24) 40(32) 50(40) 45(36) 40
Tech %
TECH giresta.gif JP Name Element Type Description Price Target Range Rarity
ギ・レスタ Light Field Revives allies downed during battle. Adds HP recovery. 90 PAF Area (medium) Self 8★
Stat/Level Lv 1-10 Lv11-20 Lv21-30 Lv31-40 Lv41-50
PP Usage 48/40(32) 50(40) 60(48) 70(56) 80
Tech %
SE HP Recovery Lv1 HP Recovery Lv2 HP Recovery Lv3 HP Recovery Lv3 HP Recovery Lv4
TECH reverser.gif JP Name Element Type Description Price Target Range Rarity
レジェネ Light Field Cures any status abnormalities. 1000 Area (medium) Self 2★
Stat/Level Lv 1-10 Lv11-20 Lv21-30 Lv31-40 Lv41-50
PP Usage 9/8(6) 10(8) 12(9) 14(11) 16
Tech %
TECH regrant.gif JP Name Element Type Description Price Target Range Rarity
レグランツ Light Channeled Blast Converts the HP into an attack based on length of button input and PP. 90PAF Area (large) Self 7★
Stat/Level Lv 1-10 Lv11-20 Lv21-30 Lv31-40 Lv41-50
PP Usage 7/6(4) 10/9(7) 14/12(9) 18/15(12) 21
Tech % 71-80 81-90 91-100 102-120 123-150
TECH rentis.gif JP Name Element Type Description Price Target Range Rarity
レンティス Light Field AOTI only. Creates a field that reduces damage from TECHNIC attacks. 1000 AMP Area (small) Self 6★
Stat/Level Lv 1-10 Lv11-20 Lv21-30 Lv31-40 Lv41-50
PP Usage
Tech %
TECH retier.gif JP Name Element Type Description Price Target Range Rarity
レティアール Light Field Boosts TECHNIC and mental energy for party members. 9000 Area (medium) Self 6★
Stat/Level Lv 1-10 Lv11-20 Lv21-30 Lv31-40 Lv41-50
PP Usage 32(25) 40(32) 48(38) 56(44) 64
Duration 2 min 3 min 4 min 5 min 6 min
SE Lv1 +11% Lv2 +15% Lv3 +19% Lv4 +23% Lv5 +27%


TECH megid.gif JP Name Element Type Description Price Target Range Rarity
メギド Dark Projectile Attacks by shooting a ball, with a small chance of incapacitating. 99 PAF Line Long 1★
Stat/Level Lv 1-10 Lv11-20 Lv21-30 Lv31-40 Lv41-50
PP Usage 24/20(16) 30/25(20) 36/30(24) 42/35(28) 48
Tech % 136-145 146-155 156-165 166-175 176-185
SE Incapacitate Lv1 Incapacitate Lv2 Incapacitate Lv3 Incapacitate Lv3 Incapacitate Lv4
TECH ramegid.gif JP Name Element Type Description Price Target Range Rarity
ラ・メギド Dark Blast Attacks enemies in front with a damaging gravity field. 4500 Area (3)/(4 @ 31+) Medium 2★
Stat/Level Lv 1-10 Lv11-20 Lv21-30 Lv31-40 Lv41-50
PP Usage 19/16(12) 24/20(16) 28/24(19) 33/28(22) 38
Tech % 121-130 131-140 142-160 161-170 171-180
SE Confusion Lv1 Confuse Lv2 Confuse Lv3 Confuse Lv3 Confuse Lv3
TECH dammegid.gif JP Name Element Type Description Price Target Range Rarity
ダム・メギド Dark Channeled Stream Creates a well based on length of button input and PP spent. 6000 Area (small) Short 3★
Stat/Level Lv 1-10 Lv11-20 Lv21-30 Lv31-40 Lv41-50
PP Usage 10/9(7) 14/12(9) 21/18(14) 26/22(17) 31
Tech % 121-130 131-140 141-150 151-160 162-180
SE Infection Lv2 Infection Lv2 Infection Lv2 Infection Lv3 Infection Lv3
TECH nosmegid.gif JP Name Element Type Description Price Target Range Rarity
ノス・メギド Dark Homing Projectile Creates a homing gravity well while the button is held down. 75 PAF Area (small) Long 5★
Stat/Level Lv 1-10 Lv11-20 Lv21-30 Lv31-40 Lv41-50
PP Usage 36/30(24) 40/34(27) 45/38(30) 50/42(33) 55
Tech % 126-135 141-150 157-175 177-195 198-225
SE HP Charge Lv2 HP Charge Lv3 HP Charge Lv3 HP Charge Lv3 HP Charge Lv3
TECH megiverse.gif JP Name Element Type Description Price Target Range Rarity
メギバース Dark Channeled Field Damages & steals HP based on length of button input and PP spent. 75 PAF Area (medium) Self 7★
Stat/Level Lv 1-10 Lv11-20 Lv21-30 Lv31-40 Lv41-50
PP Usage 18/15(12) 24/20(16) 30/25(20) 36/30(24) 42
Tech % 101-110 111-120 121-130 131-140 142-160
SE HP steal Lv1 HP steal Lv2 HP steal Lv3 HP steal Lv3 HP Steal Lv3
TECH megistar.gif JP Name Element Type Description Price Target Range Rarity
メギスタール Dark Field Boosts all abilities by giving up a large amount of HP. 25 PAF Self Self 8★
Stat/Level Lv 1-10 Lv11-20 Lv21-30 Lv31-40 Lv41-50
PP Usage 76/64(51) 64(51) 64(51) 64(51) 64
Tech %
SE Boost all stats Lv1 +11% Boost all stats Lv2 +15% Boost all stats Lv3 +19% Boost all stats Lv4 +23% Boost all stats Lv5 +27%

External Links


Photon arts | Skills | Bullets | TECHNICs | Item synthesis | Weapon grinding | Set bonuses | Partner machines | Elements | Status effects | Stats | Formulae | Enemies | Enemy spawn charts | Photon Fortune