Protectors ε

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Spring Event This article pertains to a mission which was available only during the limited-time Spring Event.

Protectors ε
Start lobby Clyez City: 5th Floor
Start counter GUARDIANS HQ
End lobby Clyez City: 5th Floor
Version Ambition of the Illuminus
Field VR: Training Space
Mission type Event mission
Party size 1-4 players
Enemy elements Neutral Fire Ice Lightning Light Dark

The Unification Point is nearly upon us. To prepare, we'd like you to participate in a combat-specialized training simulation.
Holupe Dence

Mission requirements and rewards

LV Req. LV Enemy LV Rank S Rank A Rank B Rank C
Meseta Points Meseta Points Meseta Points Meseta Points
C 1 10+ 3600 51 2700 38 1800 25 900 12
10 AMP 8 AMP 5 AMP 3 AMP
B 15 35+ 7200 102 5400 76 3600 51 1800 25
15 AMP 12 AMP 9 AMP 5 AMP
A 50 75+ 10800 154 8100 115 -- -- 2700 38
18 AMP 14 AMP -- 7 AMP
S 80 100+ 14400 205 10800 153 -- 102 3600 51
22 AMP 18 AMP 14 AMP 10 AMP
S2 100 150+ 18000 256 -- -- 7200 -- 4500 64
26 AMP -- 16 AMP 12 AMP
S3 130 175+ 20000 320 15000 240 10000 160 5000 80
30 AMP 24 AMP 19 AMP 15 AMP
Mission restrictions
Various weapon restrictions by type Cannot use nanoblasts
Cannot use SUV weapons Traps cannot be used

Mission details

  • At the beginning of this mission, certain weapon restrictions will be put in place based on your Guardian type. The following chart details which weapons your type will be able to use from the start.
Type Weapons
Type Weapons
Type Weapons
Twin handguns
  • As the mission progresses, individual restrictions (including the use of traps, SUVs and nanoblasts) can be lifted one at a time. After clearing certain rooms of all enemies, a switch will appear. When activated, three containers will appear in place of the switch. By breaking one (or all) of these containers, one of three things will randomly occur:
    • A list of three restrictions will appear, giving you the option to lift one restriction for the duration of the mission.
    • Reinforcement enemies will appear.
    • All previously unlocked restrictions will be revoked for one minute.
  • By completing the secret action of this mission, five additional boxes will appear at the end of the mission, offering a chance at obtaining Final Impact. The secret action can be completed by doing the following:
    • VR: Stage 1 - Successfully defuse the bomb by destroying either the red or blue target on either side of it. No reliable pattern to determine which color to hit has been determined, meaning you must select a color at random.
    • VR: Stage 2 - Locate the three hint switches to determine a set of enemies to kill in the second to last room. By successfully killing the correct enemies, four laser fences will unlock, giving you access to numerous boxes, one of which may drop Genfu Sealed.
      • In the first room, search the northwest wall with your Goggles until you find a blue light. Destroy it and the first hint switch will appear.
      • In the second room, activate the two floor buttons at the north end at the same time. This will make it possible to walk through a wall behind a tree in the southwest corner. Search the cave wall at the left end of the passage with your Goggles until you find a blue light. Destroy it and the second hint switch will appear.
      • In the third room, stand on the two buttons to make a blue light appear on the surface of the water at the north bank. Destroy the light with a long-range weapon to make the third hint switch appear.
        • When a hint switch is pressed, a clue will appear on the screen which can be used to identify what enemies to kill in the second to last room. Be sure to kill them in the same order as the hints. Two of each enemy will appear, so if you accidentally kill one of the wrong enemy, you still have a chance to correct your mistake by killing both of the correct enemy first. However, if you kill both of the wrong enemy, you will be unable to complete the secret action. (The following translations are based on the Japanese version of the event; English version hints may differ.)
          • I was about to get toasted! That breed wasn't around before!: Sageeta (fire)
          • There! Had enough, ya little runt?! ...Huh? W-Wait! No swarming! No barta, please!: Sageeta (ice)
          • I'm too hungry to go another step... That red hide would make a good veggie wrap.: Ollaka (fire)
          • I'm hurting, tired and hungry! They're not appetizing in blue...: Ollaka (ice)
          • Hot-hot-hot! Ow! Got me again! I'm not getting burned this time, Cyclops!: Gohmon/Olgohmon (fire)
    • VR: Stage 3 - In the second half of this area, numerous invisible tripwire lasers are set up across the floor. (These can be spotted with your goggles, however.) While fighting off the enemies that appear, do not cross any of these lasers, otherwise, a massive bomb will be set off and the secret action will be failed. Upon successfully clearing the area without activating the security system, four additional boxes will appear in the area's next room.

Enemy information

Enemy name Enemy buffs Ele. Mission LV C Mission LV B Mission LV A Mission LV S Mission LV S2 Mission LV S3
VR: Stage 1
Armed Servant (Taguba) Neutral 10 43 35 133 75 322 100 457 150 817 175 997
Armed Servant (Obme) Light 10 50 35 155 75 375 100 533 150 963 175 1163
Armed Servant (Basta) Lightning 10 36 35 111 75 268 100 381 150 681 175 831
VR: Stage 2
Sageeta Fire 10 21 35 66 75 161 100 228 150 408 175 --
Sageeta Ice 10 21 35 66 75 161 100 228 150 408 175 --
Ollaka Fire 10 36 35 111 75 268 100 381 150 681 175 --
Ollaka Ice 10 36 35 111 75 268 100 381 150 681 175 --
Gohmon Fire 10 43 35 133 x x x x x x x x
Gohmon Sword.gif Fire 10 51 35 159 x x x x x x x x
Gohmon Shield.gif Staff.gif Boot.gif Fire 10 51 35 159 x x x x x x x x
Gohmon Ice 10 43 35 133 x x x x x x x x
Gohmon Sword.gif Ice 10 51 35 159 x x x x x x x x
Gohmon Shield.gif Staff.gif Boot.gif Ice 10 51 35 159 x x x x x x x x
Gohmon Sword.gif Shield.gif Staff.gif Boot.gif Ice 10 61 35 191 x x x x x x x x
Olgohmon Fire x x x x 75 322 100 457 150 817 175 --
Olgohmon Sword.gif Fire x x x x 75 386 100 548 150 980 175 --
Olgohmon Shield.gif Staff.gif Boot.gif Fire x x x x 75 386 100 548 150 980 175 --
Olgohmon Ice x x x x 75 322 100 457 150 817 175 --
Olgohmon Sword.gif Ice x x x x 75 386 100 548 150 980 175 --
Olgohmon Shield.gif Staff.gif Boot.gif Ice x x x x 75 386 100 548 150 980 175 --
Olgohmon Sword.gif Shield.gif Staff.gif Boot.gif Ice x x x x 75 463 100 658 150 1176 175 --
VR: Stage 3
GSM-05B Bomalta Lightning 10 72 35 222 75 537 100 762 150 1362 175 --
GSM-05M Tirentos Lightning 10 72 35 222 75 537 100 762 150 1362 175 --
Grinna Bete C Lightning 10 206 35 636 75 1539 100 2184 150 3904 175 --
VR: Stage 4
Distova Lightning 10 48 35 148 75 358 100 508 150 908 175 --
Vahra Lightning 10 48 35 148 x x x x x x x x
Vahra Sword.gif Lightning 10 57 35 177 x x x x x x x x
Vahra Shield.gif Lightning 10 57 35 177 x x x x x x x x
Vahra Sword.gif Shield.gif Lightning 10 69 35 213 x x x x x x x x
Vahra Shield.gif Staff.gif Boot.gif Lightning 10 -- 35 -- x x x x x x x x
Vahra Crown.gif Sword.gif Shield.gif Lightning 10 103 35 319 x x x x x x x x
Go Vahra Lightning x x x x 75 358 100 508 150 908 175 --
Go Vahra Sword.gif Lightning x x x x 75 429 100 609 150 1089 175 --
Go Vahra Shield.gif Lightning x x x x 75 429 100 609 150 1089 175 --
Go Vahra Sword.gif Shield.gif Lightning x x x x 75 515 100 731 150 1307 175 --
Go Vahra Shield.gif Staff.gif Boot.gif Lightning x x x x 75 -- 100 -- 150 -- 175 --
Go Vahra Crown.gif Sword.gif Shield.gif Lightning x x x x 75 773 100 1097 150 1961 175 --
Jarba Lightning 10 206 35 636 75 1539 100 2184 150 3904 175 --
Jarba Sword.gif Lightning 10 247 35 763 75 1846 100 2620 150 4684 175 --
Jarba Shield.gif Staff.gif Boot.gif Lightning 10 247 35 763 75 1846 100 2620 150 4684 175 --
VR: Stage 5
De Ragnus Neutral 15 2210 40 5460 80 12610 105 17810 155 30810 180 --
VR: Stage 6
Alterazgohg Light Dark 15 3060 40 7560 80 17460 105 24660 155 42660 180 --

Item drops

Enemy name Special drops Mission LV C Mission LV B Mission LV A Mission LV S Mission LV S2 Mission LV S3
VR: Stage 1
Armed Servant (Taguba) G Traps [B] Ulrod [B] Slyrod [B] Granarod [B] Howrod Lumira / Spread Lumira / Spread
Armed Servant (Obme) -- Compadri Baybari Roksari Ulteri Nasuyoteric Nasuyoteric
Armed Servant (Basta) -- [B] Lacanata [B] Halbenata [B] Futsnata [B] Gatranata Mugunburgac [B] Mugunburgac
Normal box Ortacarbon Soural
Neu Ash
Neu Ash
 ? Ydral
Neu Ebon
 ? Metapolymer
Area drops Photon Drop Xbox 360 version
Yama Soulstone Japanese version
1-7★ ores
[B] Rodoc
2-9★ ores
[B] Rodoc
6-12★ ores
Olpad, Rubinad,
Tormad, Citrad,
Berilad, Diad
[B] Granarodoc
7-15★ ores
Olpad, Rubinad,
Tormad, Citrad,
Berilad, Diad,
Recnad, Suffad
[B] Halarodoc
7-15★ ores
Olpad, Rubinad,
Tormad, Citrad,
Berilad, Diad,
Recnad, Suffad
[B] Halarodoc
[B] Kazarodoc
7-15★ ores
Olpad, Rubinad,
Tormad, Citrad,
Berilad, Diad,
Recnad, Suffad
[B] Halarodoc
[B] Kazarodoc
VR: Stage 2
Sageeta -- [B] Rapit [B] Gorapit [B] Pegita [B] Dori Crea-zashi+ [B] Crea-zashi+
Ollaka Ollaka Meat Snihoh Saiyuhoh Falgohoh [B] Nokoku-zashi Cresaud+ [B] Cresaud+
Gohmon -- Starra Septara x x x x
Olgohmon -- x x Lidra [B] Uransara [B] Creawand+ Creawand+
Normal box Gourmet Cake  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?
Special box
(Behind laser fences)
Genfu Sealed Olpad Rubinad Amethad Diad Suffad Suffad
Neu Ork
Area drops Photon Drop Xbox 360 version
Varna Waterstone Japanese version
1-7★ ores 2-9★ ores
6-12★ ores
Olpad, Rubinad,
Tormad, Citrad,
Berilad, Diad
[B] Ryo-Misakic
[B] Misakic
7-15★ ores
Olpad, Rubinad,
Tormad, Citrad,
Berilad, Diad,
Recnad, Suffad
[B] Fuka-Misakic
[B] Daiga-Misakic
7-15★ ores
Olpad, Rubinad,
Tormad, Citrad,
Berilad, Diad,
Recnad, Suffad
[B] Fuka-Misakic
[B] Yamata-Misakic
[B] Daiga-Misakic
[B] Zanshu-Misakic
7-15★ ores
Olpad, Rubinad,
Tormad, Citrad,
Berilad, Diad,
Recnad, Suffad
[B] Fuka-Misakic
[B] Yamata-Misakic
[B] Daiga-Misakic
[B] Zanshu-Misakic
VR: Stage 3
GSM-05B Bomalta Inverter Circuit
[B] Assault [B] Repeater [B] Yasminakov 0002 Phantom Apocalypsic [B] Apocalypsic
GSM-05M Tirentos Inverter Circuit
Assault Repeater Yasminakov 0002 Drumline Orpa / Hit Charge Orpa / Hit Charge
Grinna Bete C -- [B] Twin Brand [B] Dual Pallasch [B] Sharp Twins [B] 2-headed Ragnus [B] Deathrain Deathrain
Normal box -- 2-11★ Nano-types
2-5★ Moat. wood
Rubinad  ?  ?  ? Recnad
11-14★ Nano-types
Special box
(If security was
not triggered)
-- Mega / Knight Mega / Knight Hard / Night Solid / Knight Lumirus/Kaos Knight Lumirus/Kaos Knight
Area drops Photon Drop Xbox 360 version
Indra Thunderstone Japanese version
1-7★ ores
[B] Wandoc
2-9★ ores
[B] Wandoc
6-12★ ores
Copernia, Armania,
Goldania, Morbinia,
[B] Prestoc
Meteor Cannoc
7-15★ ores
Copernia, Armania,
Goldania, Morbinia,
Titania, Recnad
Meteor Cannoc
Neddle Cannoc
7-15★ ores
Copernia, Armania,
Goldania, Morbinia,
Titania, Recnad
Meteor Cannoc
Neddle Cannoc
7-15★ ores
Copernia, Armania,
Goldania, Morbinia,
Titania, Recnad
VR: Stage 4
Distova Truffles Pike Partizan Berdys Evil Twins Creasword+ [B] Creasword+
Vahra Vahra Nail Twin Brand Dual Pallasch x x x x
Go Vahra Vahra Nail
Go Vahra Nail
[B] Vahra Claw
x x [B] Sharp Twins [B] 2-headed Ragnus Twin Crea Saber+ [B] Twin Crea S+
Jarba -- Pikenata Parzanata [B] Nokoku-zashi [B] Halarod Feril Line [B] Feril Line
Normal box Kubara Wood
Mysterious Meter
Me / Quick
Sta / Force
Gi / Smart
Mega / Knight
Stella / Power S
Stella / Hit S
Mega / Wall
Mega / Rainbow
Me / HP Restore
Mega / Stamina
Me / Quick
Mega / Knight
Stella / Power S
Stella / Hit S
Mega / Wall
Mega / Rainbow
Me / HP Restore
Me / Quick
Te / Force S
Mega / Knight
Hard / Night
Tero / Wall
Tero / Rainbow
Tero / HP Restore
Giga / Stamina
Solid / Knight
Orpad / Guard
Hard / HP Restore
Hard / Stamina
Cati / Power
Lumirus/Kaos Knight
Tero / All Save
Cati / Hit
Cati / Rainbow
Orpad / Guard
Orpa / HP Restore
Hizeri / Concentrate
Hizeri / Force
Hizeri / Mind
Vijerina / Power
Lumirus/Kaos Knight
Tero / All Save
Vijerina / Hit
Lumirus / Wall
Vijeri / Rainbow
Orpad / Guard
Lumira / HP Restore
Hizeri / Stamina
Area drops Photon Drop Xbox 360 version
Vayu Windstone Japanese version
1-7★ ores 2-9★ ores
6-12★ ores
Copernia, Armania,
Goldania, Morbinia,
[B] Double Sabic
7-15★ ores
Copernia, Armania,
Goldania, Morbinia,
Titania, Lithnia,
[B] Sweet Deathic
7-15★ ores
Copernia, Armania,
Goldania, Morbinia,
Titania, Lithnia,
[B] Sweet Deathic
[B] Double Agitoc
7-15★ ores
Copernia, Armania,
Goldania, Morbinia,
Titania, Lithnia,
[B] Sweet Deathic
[B] Double Agitoc
VR: Stage 6
Clear box Burn / Resist
Confuse / Resist
De Ragnus Dorso
Alteraz Kauda
Illuminus Tag
Unknown 307
Parum Fountain
A-Photon Reactor
Haktora Sealed
Gi / Smart
Gi / Magic
Mega / Knight
Car / Hit
[B] Swordoc
[B] Brebacle
[B] Matohonoh
[B] Double Sabic
[B] Twin Brand
[B] Twin Knife
[B] Hiken
[B] Busterline
[B] Ridol-senba
Haktora Sealed
Magga S'bina
Gi / Smart
Har / Magic
Mega / Knight
Hard / Night
[B] Hanzoc
[B] Matohonoh
[B] Double Sabic
[B] Dual Slasher
[B] Twin Ripper
[B] Mijin-Misaki
[B] Fuma-hiken
[B] Midiline
[B] Ridol-senba
Haktora Sealed
Peace Breaker
Har / Magic
Hard / Night
[B] Bone Dance
[B] Hugecuttuc
[B] Sweet Deathic
[B] Fuma-senba
Shuzak Sealed
Aoryu Sealed
[B] Granahodora
[B] Serafi-senba
Haktora Sealed
Shuzak Sealed
Aoryu Sealed
Heavy Twins
Bloody Shower
Thunder Cannon
Gerard Line
Hizeri / Mind
Vijerina / Hit
Heart Key Spellstone
Dragon Scale
Neu Ork
[B] Kan Yuc
[B] Grentacle
[B] Okanoh
[B] Gekitsnata
[B] Nightwalker
[B] Ragan-Ragan
[B] Double Agitoc
[B] Heavy Twins
[B] Yamata-Misaki
[B] Sanzu-hiken
[B] Thunder Cannon
[B] Twin Tornado
[B] Drumline
[B] Deathmaker
[B] Nasuyoteri
[B] Granahodora
[B] Gerard Line
[B] Yiel-senba
Clear box
(Secret action clear)
Final Impact -- -- -- -- -- --