PSP talk:Shops

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I originally tested TCSMs a fair amount for PP, and the pattern seemed to hold, so I extrapolated to all other weapons. Since the pattern hasn't been violated (i.e., no weapon of lower rank has been able to upgrade for more than one of higher rank, and a higher rank hasn't gotten less than a lower rank), I assume it works, even though for most weapons besides TCSMs I've only tested one weapon of each rank to get the numbers.

Also, it may be possible to get slightly higher or lower increments in some cases; since I usually only did one test per weapon+rank, I may have missed a higher or lower increment that simply didn't appear in the test I ran. Part of me thinks that some increments are rarer than others (which could essentially be an extension of the current theory), but I'm not going to gather the data to test it.

RoloTomassi 19:35, 21 April 2009 (CDT)