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For shops on each world, visit:

Work in progress...

  • Dynamic vs Static (make it pretty)
  • Armor
  • Units

Dynamic vs Static

Weapons, Armor, Units, and Items are (entirely or partially) dynamic. The shop's contents cycle every 10 minutes, with no apparent pattern, but if you set your clock to time X, you'll always get the same shop contents.

Some shops may be "static", but their contents may still be controlled by progress in story mode.

TODO: Translate this better, or redo the same work (time that a given weapon will appear in a shop). It should probably be verified, in any case (in case some of it changed in the transition to the US market)... Also, that doesn't include armor, items, or units.


The weapons shops have dynamic contents that cycle every 10 minutes.

Your Story mode progress determines a certain line (either by weapon rank or rarity...?) up to which you may buy weapons. The GUARDIANS Colony Weapons shop will sell any weapons up to this line, but the world Weapons shops will generally sell weapons in a cluster close to this line (i.e., if the line is 6-stars or B-rank, they'll sell mostly 6-star/B-rank weapons).

Some weapons you will never find in any weapons shop. These include...


The content of Photon Art Disc shops is always the same, only limited by your Story mode progress.

The tables below summarize the contents of the Disc shops. Although the shops list their contents in one menu, the discs are split among types here to reduce length. The Bullets table has condensed the elemental Bullets (Fire, Ice, Lightning, Ground, Light, Dark) for each weapon into one row, to further reduce length; see Bullet disks for a full list of these discs.

Wpn Skill Cost Requirement
Tornado Break 1500 None
Bogga Danga 1200 Clear Story mode Ch ?
Dus Robado 1000 Clear Story mode Ch ?
Double sabers
Gravity Dance 2100 None
Anga Dugrega 1800 None
Twin sabers
Rising Crush 1400 Clear Story mode Ch ?
Twin daggers
Hishou Jinren-zan 1100 Clear Story mode Ch ?
Twin claws
Bukuu Rensen-ga 1600 None
Rising Strike 500 Clear Story mode Ch ?
Shunbu Shouren-zan 600 Clear Story mode Ch ?
Shousen Totsuzan-ga 900 None
Visshi Grudda 800 Clear Story mode Ch ?
Choutou Kantsu-jin 1300 Clear Story mode Ch ?
Wpn Elem. Bullets Cost Requirement
1500 None
900 None
1200 None
2000 Clear Story mode Ch ?
Laser cannons
1800 Clear Story mode Ch ?
Twin handguns
1000 None
600 None
1600 Clear Story mode Ch ?
1400 Clear Story mode Ch ?
800 None
Element TECHNIC Cost Requirement
Fire Foie 500 None
Rafoie 2500 Clear Story mode Ch ?
Gifoie 1500 Clear Story mode Ch ?
Ice Barta 600 None
Rabarta 3000 Clear Story mode Ch ?
Gibarta 1800 Clear Story mode Ch ?
Lightning Zonde 700 None
Razonde 3500 Clear Story mode Ch ?
Gizonde 6300 Clear Story mode Ch ?
Ground Diga 800 None
Radiga 4000 Clear Story mode Ch ?
Gidiga 2400 Clear Story mode Ch ?
Dark Megid 1000 Clear Story mode Ch ?
Ramegid 5000 Clear Story mode Ch ?





What sorts of units? (Magic, Stamina, etc)


Here you can buy Consumables and Traps.

This shop is the same at any location. The table below summarizes the available selection. Items with a yellow background are dynamic and may not always appear in the shop.

Item Cost Requirements
Monomate 50 None
Dimate 100 Clear Story mode Ch ?
Trimate 500 Clear Story mode Ch ?
Star Atomizer 1000 Clear Story mode Ch ?
Sol Atomizer 100 Clear Story mode Ch ?
Moon Atomizer 300 None
Agtaride 200 Clear Story mode Ch ?
Defbaride 200 Clear Story mode Ch ?
Retaride 200 Clear Story mode Ch ?
Zodiaride 200 Clear Story mode Ch ?
Photon Charge 300 None
Burn Trap G 200 None
Freeze Trap G 200 Clear Story mode Ch ?
Virus Trap G 200 Clear Story mode Ch ?
Confusion Trap G 200 Clear Story mode Ch ?
Burn Trap EX 500 Clear Story mode Ch ?
Freeze Trap EX 500 Clear Story mode Ch ?
Stun Trap EX 500 Clear Story mode Ch ?

PM goods

This shop is exclusive to the GUARDIANS Colony. See GUARDIANS Colony Shop: PM Goods for more information.


This shop is exclusive to the GUARDIANS Colony. See GUARDIANS Colony Shop: Makeovers for more information.


At clothes shops you can buy clothes and change the clothes you're wearing.

These shops always sell all available clothes depending on Story mode progress and shop location.

The clothes shops on Parum, Neudaiz, and Moatoob only sell items made natively (by CUBIC DESIGN, MIYA-B, or ROAR ROARS, respectively); the GUARDIANS Colony shop sells any available clothes. Parum also sells the Kubara clothes AMF Army Jacket/Bottoms Set (male and female) and the 410-450 Ossoria Dresses (female).

The types of clothing have a certain priority (having to do with their coverage), illustrated below.

Priority Clothing
1 Shirt Pants Shoes
2 Top
3 Full set

When you select clothing with a high priority, it will automatically replace any overlapping, currently equipped clothing of a lower priority. On the other hand, when you select clothing of a low priority, if overlapping clothing of a higher or equal priority is currently equipped, you will be asked whether you want to remove the overlapping clothing.

In addition, there are divided circles next to some items of clothing; each half of these circles may be either red or gray. Gray essentially means empty, while red means full. No two adjacent pieces of clothing (shirt and pants, pants and shoes, shirt and bottoms, top and shoes) may have opposing "full" halves. Only pants will have both halves red and no item will have both halves gray (this is equivalent to No Circle).

  • Example: consider a Shirt with a circle with the lower-half filled (red) next to it. This Shirt cannot be equipped at the same time as any Pants or Bottoms with a circle with the upper-half filled; it can, however, be equipped with any Shoes (since they're not adjacent), or with any Pants or Bottoms that either have no circle or a circle with the upper-half unfilled (gray). The following table may help to understand this.
This Shirt has the
bottom half of its "circle"
Cannot Equip
These items have the
top half of their "circle"
filled, so they cannot be
equipped with the sample.
Can Equip
These items have the
top half of their "circle"
empty, so they may be
equipped with the sample.


Every parts shop has the same selection, mitigated only by your Story mode progress.

Although GRM: SHELL makes all parts (except the few by Kubara), every world sells them (in contrast to the policy on clothes).

Every part except for those with a predetermined color scheme (the HUcase/RAcase Arms/Torso/Legs (female), the HUcas/RAcas Arms/Torso/Legs (male), and the Ossoria Sets (female & male)) has a CV alternate which switches the application of the CAST character's color scheme. For example, the alternate to Elaciel Arms is Elaciel Arms CV. Some of the CV parts have different prices than the originals; for a full accounting, see Female parts or Male parts.

Below are lists summarizing the selection in all parts shops.

Female parts

Rarity Shirt Pants Shoes Requirements
3★ Elaciel Arms Elaciel Torso Elaciel Legs None
Agriel Arms Agriel Torso Agriel Legs Clear Story mode Ch ?
4★ Digiel Arms Digiel Torso Digiel Legs Clear Story mode Ch ?
Epicarel Arms Epicarel Torso Epicarel Legs None
5★ Batrelle Arms Batrelle Torso Batrelle Legs None
Gimnael Arms Gimnael Torso Gimnael Legs Clear Story mode Ch ?
6★ Redmiel Arms Redmiel Torso Redmiel Legs Clear Story mode Ch ?
7★ Bacolone Arms Bacolone Torso Bacolone Legs Clear Story mode Ch ?
8★ Amorel Arms Amorel Torso Amorel Legs Clear Story mode Ch ?
Jenkel Arms Jenkel Torso Jenkel Legs None
9★ Valatines Arms Valatines Torso Valatines Legs Clear Story mode Ch ?
10★ Lucaral Arms Lucaral Torso Lucaral Legs Clear Story mode Ch ?
HUcase Arms HUcase Torso HUcase Legs Clear Story mode Ch ?
RAcase Arms RAcase Torso RAcase Legs Clear Story mode Ch ?
13★ 410 Ossoria Set Clear Story mode Ch 8
420 Ossoria Set Clear Story mode Ch 8
430 Ossoria Set Clear Story mode Ch 8
440 Ossoria Set Clear Story mode Ch 8
450 Ossoria Set Clear Story mode Ch 8

Male parts

Rarity Shirt Pants Shoes Requirements
3★ Raptus Arms Raptus Torso Raptus Legs None
Lobas Arms Lobas Torso Lobas Legs None
Gimnas Arms Gimnas Torso Gimnas Legs None
5★ Revsys Arms Revsys Torso Revsys Legs Clear Story mode Ch ?
6★ Boktos Arms Boktos Torso Boktos Legs Clear Story mode Ch ?
7★ Vilogis Arms Vilogis Torso Vilogis Legs None
Hounds Arms Hounds Torso Hounds Legs Clear Story mode Ch ?
Apollos Arms Apollos Torso Apollos Legs Clear Story mode Ch ?
8★ Evors Arms Evors Torso Evors Legs Clear Story mode Ch ?
Subarga Arms Subarga Torso Subarga Legs None
9★ Musagante Arms Musagante Torso Musagante Legs Clear Story mode Ch ?
10★ Granadas Arms Granadas Torso Granadas Legs Clear Story mode Ch ?
HUcas Arms HUcas Torso HUcas Legs Clear Story mode Ch ?
RAcas Arms RAcas Torso RAcas Legs Clear Story mode Ch ?
13★ 470 Ossoria Set Clear Story mode Ch 8
480 Ossoria Set Clear Story mode Ch 8
490 Ossoria Set Clear Story mode Ch 8


Here you can use Upgrade Grinders you've collected to upgrade any weapon as many as 10 times. Generally, upgrades will be 100% successful. However, in attempting to upgrade a Rare (meat) weapon, it may 'break' and turn into a Well-done weapon (keeping all upgrades applied to that point); if you manage to apply 10 upgrades without breaking the weapon, it becomes a Medium weapon.

Below is a table summarizing the range of increases for each weapon type and weapon rank.

As an example, in upgrading Caliburn (A-rank Sword) the full 10 times, the minimum total increase you will get to PP is 9*10 = 90, while the maximum will be 11*10 = 110; for Att., the minimum total increase will be ?*10 = ?, while the maximum wil be ?*10 = ?.

Weapon Type S2-rank S-rank A-rank B-rank C-rank
PP Att./Tech. PP Att./Tech. PP Att./Tech. PP Att./Tech. PP Att./Tech.
Sword  ?  ? 9-12  ? 9-11  ? 9-10  ? 9-10  ?
Knuckle  ?  ? 8-9  ? 8-9  ? 8-9  ? 8  ?
Spear -- -- 7-9  ? 7-8  ? 7-8  ? 7  ?
Double Saber -- -- 10-13  ? 10-12  ?  ?  ? -- --
Axe  ?  ? 8-11  ? 8-10  ? 8-9  ? -- --
Twin Saber  ?  ? 8-10  ? 8-9  ? 8-9  ? 8  ?
Twin Dagger  ?  ? 8-10  ? 8-9  ? 8-9  ? 8  ?
Twin Claw  ?  ? 9-11  ? 9-10  ? 9-10  ? 9  ?
Saber 9-11  ? 9-11  ? 9-10  ? 9-10  ? 9  ?
Dagger  ?  ? 9-11  ? 9-10  ? 9-10  ? 9  ?
Claw  ?  ? 10-12  ? 10-11  ? 10-11  ? -- --
Whip -- -- 7-9  ? 7-8  ? 7-8  ? 7  ?
Slicer -- -- 15-17  ? 15-16  ? 15-16  ? 15  ?
Rifle  ?  ? 16-19  ? 16-18  ? 16-17  ? 16-17  ?
Shotgun 11-13  ? 11-13  ? 11-12  ? 11-12  ? 11  ?
Longbow  ?  ? 13-15  ? 13-14  ? 13-14  ? 13  ?
Grenade 17-20  ? 17-20  ? 17-19  ?  ?  ? -- --
Laser Cannon -- -- 13-16  ? 13-15  ? 13-14  ? -- --
Twin Handgun  ?  ? 11-13  ? 11-12  ? 11-12  ? 11  ?
Handgun  ?  ? 7-9  ? 7-8  ? 7-8  ? 7  ?
Crossbow  ?  ? 9-12  ? 9-11  ?  ?  ? -- --
Card -- -- 8-10  ? 8-9  ?  ?  ? -- --
Machinegun  ?  ? 11-12  ? 11  ? 11  ? 11  ?
RCSM 0  ? 0  ? 0  ? 0  ? 0  ?
Rod  ?  ? 15-16  ? 15-16  ? 15-16  ? 15  ?
Wand  ?  ? 8-10  ? 8-9  ? 8-9  ? 8  ?
TCSM  ?  ? 11-12  ? 11  ? 11  ? 11  ?