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TECHNICS (often referred to as "Techniques") are the manifestation of the catalytic reaction between an individual's psychic abilities and photon energy. They can only be cast by Forces, and one must have an appropriate weapon equipped (either a Wand or Rod) in order to be able to cast a TECHNIC. Each weapon has a set number of slots used to equip TECHNICS. The Wand offers two slots while the Rod has four. TECHNIC disks, which can be purchased in stores around Gurhal, are used to learn a base lv.1 TECHNIC. From there, as a Force uses a TECHNIC in battle, the level of that TECHNIC will increase along with its power, range and other attributes.

TECHNICS are essentially PSU's equivalent of magic. It should be noted however, that TECHNICS and magic have appeared together in the original Phantasy Star games and are thus not the same. TECHNICS are mental or psychic abilities, whereas magic is generally more spiritual, tapping into external forces (in most universes, mana).

TECHNIC Elements

There are six Elements that TECHNICS are based on: Fire, Ice, Thunder, Earth, Light and Dark. Respectively, the six TECHNIC family names for these elements are Foie, Barta, Zonde, Diga, Grants and Megid. The offensive TECHNICS all seem to have a 'base' form as well as Gi-, Ra-, Dam- and Nosu- forms, which are eventually weaker, but can more easily hit multiple targets simultaneously.

There are also the healing TECHNICS Resta and Reverser, and support TECHNICS, that can either temporarily increase an ally's statistics using beneficial Status Effects, or temporarily decrease an opponent's. The beneficial versions seem to go by the -al suffix; the malevolent ones by -deal. The names seem to use prefixes based on their element, which presumably have certain stats affiliated with them. This system seems to be parallel to the one used for Buff Items and their names.

TECHNIC Stacking

It's worth noting that if you link TECHNICS from the same Element to a Wand or Rod, the power of those techs will be boosted. The more of an element you have the bigger the boost. The bonus is an additional 4% for each same-element TECHNIC beyond the first one. Therefore, the maximum boost for Wand-types will be 4%; that of Rod-types 12%. Putting TECHNICS from different elements on a weapon (even, for example, 3 Fire and 1 Ice TECHNIC) will make the weapon elementally neutral, however.

Offline Experience Patterns

Pattern TNL at 1 TNL growth 1-11 Total to 11 TNL at 11 TNL growth 11-21 Total to 21 TNL at 21 TNL growth 21-30 Total to 30 Members Pattern
#1 16 10 610 40 20 1910 64 40 3926 Reverser
#2 24 10 690 60 20 2190 96 40 4494 Foie, Diga
#3 32 10 770 80 30 2920 128 60 6232 Noszonde, Nosmegid
#4 16 20 1060 40 40 3260 64 80 6716 Megistal
#5 32 10 770 80 30 2920 192 60 6808 Nosdiga
#6 48 10 930 120 30 3480 192 60 7368 Agdeal, Defdeal, Zoldeal
#7 32 20 1220 120 40 4220 192 80 8828 Damfoie, Dambarta, Damdiga, Dammegid
#8 48 20 1380 120 40 4380 192 80 8988 Rafoie, Rabarta, Razonde, Radiga, Ramegid
#9 48 20 1380 120 40 4380 196 80 9024 Resta
#10 64 20 1540 160 40 4940 256 80 10124 Agtal, Defbal, Zodial, Gizonde, Lentis, Retial
#11 64 30 1990 160 60 6290 256 90 11834 Gifoie
#12 64 30 1990 160 60 6290 256 120 12914 Barta, Gibarta, Zonde, Gidiga, Deezas, Megid, Regrants
#13 96 40 2760 240 60 7860 382 120 15618 Giresta, Megiverse


Element JP Name EN Name Description
フォイエ Foie Fire-based attack TECHNIC. Shoots a ball of fire in a straight line in front of the caster.
Explodes upon hitting an enemy. Can cause Burn Status.
ラ・フォイエ Rafoie Fire-based attack TECHNIC. Creates a blast of fire in front of the caster, damaging enemies around it.
Can cause Burn Status. Hits up to three targets.
ダム・フォイエ Damfoie Fire-based attack TECHNIC. A TECHNIC that generates a continuous flame in front of the caster, draining their weapon's PP at a fixed rate depending on how long the casting button is held.
ギ・フォイエ Gifoie Fire-based attack TECHNIC. Generates a wall of flames around the caster damaging any enemies within range.
アグタール Shifta Fire-based support TECHNIC. Temporarily increases the ATP of the caster and their allies.
アグディール Jellen Fire-based support TECHNIC. Temporarily decreases the ATP of enemies.
バータ Barta Ice-based attack TECHNIC. Generates cold air which travels in a straight path in front of the caster hitting multiple enemies.
Can cause Freeze Status.
Level 1 Tech
Cost : 10 PP
Damage : 101%
ラ・バータ Rabarta Ice-based attack TECHNIC. Creates a block of ice in front of the caster, damaging enemies around it.
Can cause Freeze Status.
ダム・バータ Dambarta Ice-based attack TECHNIC. A TECHNIC that generates a continuous blast of frigid air in front of the caster, draining their weapon's PP at a fixed rate depending on how long the casting button is held.
ギ・バータ Gibarta Ice-based attack TECHNIC. Generates a wall of ice around the caster damaging any enemies within range.
デフパール Deband Ice-based support TECHNIC. Temporarily increases the DFP of the caster and their allies.
デフディール Zalure Ice-based support TECHNIC. Temporarily decreases the DFP of enemies.
ゾンデ Zonde Thunder-based attack TECHNIC. Generates a bolt of lightning which will penetrate an enemy in front of the caster.
Can cause Shock Status.
Level 1 Tech
Cost : 10 PP
Damage : 106%
ラ・ゾンデ Razonde Thunder-based attack TECHNIC. Generates a thunderbolt in front of the caster, damaging enemies in a radius.
Can cause Shock Status.
ギ・ゾンデ Gizonde Thunder-based attack TECHNIC. Generates a dome of thunder over the caster, damaging any enemies within range.
ノス・ゾンデ Noszande Thunder-based attack TECHNIC. Generates a ball of electricity which automatically pursues an enemy as long as the casting button is held down. Can hit multiple targets near the point of inpact.
ゾディアール Zodial Thunder-based support TECHNIC. Temporarily increases the ATA and EVP of the caster and their allies.
ゾルディール Zoldeel Thunder-based support TECHNIC. Temporarily decreases an enemy's ATA and EVP.
ディーガ Diga Earth-based attack TECHNIC. Launches a ball of fire and rock with a parabolic flight path.
This ball explodes upon impact. May inflict Silence Status.
Level 1 Tech
Cost : 8 PP
Damage : 231%
ラ・ディーガ Radiga Earth-based attack TECHNIC. When cast a mass of fire and rock will is summoned from the ground at a distance.
Will damage up to three enemies caught in the blast radius. May inflict Silence Status.
Level 1 Tech
Cost : 16 PP
Damage : 141% Magic.
ダム・ディーガ Damdiga Earth-based attack TECHNIC. A TECHNIC that continually generates poisonous fog in front of the caster, draining their weapon's PP at a fixed rate depending on how long the casting button is held.
ギ・ディーガ Gidiga Earth-based attack TECHNIC. Causes the ground beneath the caster to violently break apart damaging any enemies within the attack radius. May inflict Silence Status.
ノス・ディーガ Nosdiga Earth-based attack TECHNIC. Generates serpents that automatically pursues an enemy as long as the casting button is held down. The number of serpents increases with the level of this TECHNIC.
ディーザス Dizas Earth-based support TECHNIC. Temporarily generates a field around the caster which decreases the damage taken from melee attacks.
レスタ Resta Light-based healing TECHNIC. Uses the power of photons to heal and restore the cells of a body.
Restores the HP of the caster and allies.
ギ・レスタ Giresta Light-based healing TECHNIC. Allows the caster to revive a fallen ally. It also increases the body's healing abilities by adding an automatic HP regeneration effect.
レジェネ Reverser Light-based healing TECHNIC. Uses the power of photons to enable properties of immunity.
Removes all negative Status Effects.
レグランツ Regrant Light-based attack TECHNIC. Consumes PP at a fixed rate depending on how long the casting button is held. This TECHNIC generates explosions of light which damage enemies and possibly the caster.
レンディス Rentis Light-based support TECHNIC. Temporarily generates a field around the caster which decreases the damage taken from ballistic attacks.
レティアール Retier Light-based support techqniue. Temporarily increases the TAP and MST of the caster and their allies.
メギド Megid Dark-based attack TECHNIC. Launches a gravity sphere in front of the caster.
Has a low probability of completely incapacitating an enemy in battle.
ラ・メギド Ramegid Dark-based attack TECHNIC. Generates a gravitational field in front of the caster damaging any enemies within the attack radius.
ダム・メギド Dammegid Dark-based attack TECHNIC. Consumes PP at a fixed rate depending on how long the casting button is held. This TECHNIC generates a gravitational field in front of the caster which can cause infection.
ノス・メギド Nosmegid Dark-based attack TECHNIC. Generates a sphere of gravity that automatically pursues an enemy as long as the casting button is held down. The amount of damage dealt depends on the caster's remaining HP.
メギバース Megiverse Dark-based support TECHNIC. This TECHNIC restores the caster's HP by absorbing it from enemies. Consumes PP at a fixed rate depending on how long the casting button is held.
メギスタール Megistar Dark-based support TECHNIC. The ultimate support TECHNIC which temporarily raises all attributes of the caster in exchange for a large amount of HP.

External Links


Photon arts | Skills | Bullets | TECHNICs | Item synthesis | Weapon grinding | Set bonuses | Partner machines | Elements | Status effects | Stats | Formulae | Enemies | Enemy spawn charts | Photon Fortune

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