The Magashi Plan (script)

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Work has begun in order to install photon generators for the confinement systems on each planet, to prepare for the unification point. As if to obstruct this work, a large number of SEED have begun to attack throughout the Gurhal System. As the GUARDIANS build photon reserves by gathering mushrooms, they are also carrying out large-scale missions to stop the attacks. A message has just been received from Guardians assigned to an eradication mission on Moatoob.

GUARDIANS HQ: Meeting Room

([Player] walks in. Sees Lou.)

  • Lou: There you are, [Player]. I will outline this mission for you. Presently, the majority of GUARDIANS forces are focused on a series of large-scale eradication missions. However... We've received word from the Mobile Defense Force on Moatoob about the discovery of what is believed to be Illuminus remnants occupying a former Alliance Military facility. With the loss of their unifying force, Howzer, the Illuminus is not currently considered to be a threat, and the eradication missions are still our primary focus. However, though it is unconfirmed, reports have come in that Renvolt Magashi has been sighted. If it is true that Magashi is afoot, we cannot ignore this matter. As a clone of Howzer, there is a danger that Magashi could become the new leader, and the Illuminus could be reborn. At this stage, it should be a job for the Intelligence Section. however they are all tied up in the eradication missions, as is the majority of the Mobile Defense Force. For this reason, we are asking you to handle this mission, as you have already fulfilled your personal quota in eradication missions.
[Mission Explanation]
  • This is a single player mission of high difficulty. The story will unfold as the Shred the Darkness event progresses.
  • There is no reward for clearing this mission. However, the item drop rate is higher than normal missions and the creatures are stronger.
  • The mission is over if you become incapacitated. No Scape Dolls.
  • When replaying, you can skip scenes you've already viewed by selecting the option at the mission's start.
  • Lou: This mission involves infiltrating enemy areas on your own and is extremely difficult. I will help you in whatever way I can from Headquarters, but please do not overexert yourself.

(Fade to black.) (Opening Theme)

The Magashi Plan


The Magashi Plan

The Magashi Plan

Former AMF Facility: Block A-1

([Player] walks in. Lou appears over the Comm.)

  • Lou: [Player], can you hear me? It appears you have successfully infiltrated the facility. Please wait a moment while I scan the area. ... ...!? Please be careful, [Player]. It appears that there are a large number of SEED-Forms within the facility. There were no reports of this... Why all of a sudden...? Well, it can't be helped. Please continue the search for Magashi while eliminating the SEED-Forms. There is a possibility that our communications will be monitored, so I will refrain from contacting you except in emergencies. Please stay vigilant.
  • (Trial start)
  • [Eliminate the SEED and find Magashi!]

([Player] fights through Block A-1.)

Former AMF Facility: Block A-2

([Player] fights through Block A-2.)

  • Renvolt Magashi: Graaaaaaaugh!
    Helga attacks Magashi.

(At a distance, [Player] sees Helga Neumann and a wounded Renvolt Magashi. Helga attacks Magashi with an explosion. Magashi is damaged.)

  • Helga Neumann: Heh heh heh! You're a tough little nut, aren't you?
  • Renvolt Magashi: Pff...

(Helga sees [Player].)

"I am Helga. Helga Neumann."
  • Helga Neumann: Hm? It never ends with you Guardians, does it? It's a pleasure to meet you. I am Helga. Helga Neumann. I trust you'll remember me, [Player]. Hm? Is it so strange that I know your name? Your reputation precedes you, you know. Or perhaps you're just being modest? To come this far, you must have had to defeat all of those terrible monsters by yourself, huh? With such strength, I wonder if that makes you the real monster. Oh, and those creatures? I sent them out to toy with him, there. What?

(Helga sees Magashi has gotten away.)

  • Helga Neumann: ... *Sigh* He got away, thanks to you. well, it doesn't matter. In the shape he's in, he won't make it out of here. You have business with him too, no? Then it's a race to see who gets to him first. Heh heh!

(Helga walks away.)

  • Helga Neumann: You'd better hurry, or I won't leave much for you to find!
  • [Pursue the escaping Magashi!]

Former AMF Facility: Block B-1

([Player] fights through Block B-1.)

Former AMF Facility: Block B-2

([Player] fights through Block B-2.) ([Player] runs into Leo and Tonnio.)

  • Tonnio Rhima: Hey.
  • Leogini Berafort: So you're all right, [Player]? Lou had us come infiltrate the facility too.
  • Tonnio Rhima: The eradication missions are goin' great, so we came to Moatoob to lend you a hand. You can thank us later. Heh.

([Player] looks around anxiously.)

  • Tonnio Rhima: Hey, why are you all worked up? What's goin' on?

([Player] explains the situation.)

  • Leogini Berafort: Magashi!? No, we didn't pass anything that seemed suspicious. That means he's got to be somewhere up ahead. Looks like there are two routes.
  • Tonnio Rhima: Let's split up and track him down. But first we should share info keys.
  • Leogini Berafort: We should be able to unlock both routes now. Pick a route, and Tonnio and I will take the other one.
  • Tonnio Rhima: All right! Pick a route. There's no time to waste!

([Player] tries to go back.)

  • Leogini Berafort: Tonnio and I will take the route that you don't.
  • Tonnio Rhima: Pick a route. There's no time to waste!

Route C-1

Former AMF Facility: Block C-1

  • ([Player] fights through Block C-1.)

Former AMF Facility: Block A-2

  • ([Player] runs in to find the empty area where Helga and Magashi were first seen. Lou appears over the Comm.)
  • Lou: [Player]. Lou here. I have been monitoring the situation from here. The energy signal I believe belongs to Magashi has disappeared. Perhaps he was terminated by Helga. But if Helga is alive... No, never mind. Do not let it concern you. There is no need to continue to the mission. Please return immediately.
  • (Trial end)

Route C-2

Former AMF Facility: Block C-2

([Player] fights through Block C-2.)

Former AMF Facility: Central

([Player] walks in. Finds Magashi sitting, still damaged.)

  • Renvolt Magashi: Ugh...
  • Helga Neumann: Aww, I lost.
  • Renvolt Magashi: Helga!
  • (Helga appears on an area above. [Player] and Magashi turn their attention towards her.)
  • Helga Neumann: Heh heh. You won the race, [Player]. I guess that's why they call you an ace Guardian, no? But as long as that puppet is turned into scrap metal, I guess it doesn't matter who got here first.

(Helga disappears[1], then reappears by some switches. She activates laser fences, trapping [Player] and Magashi together.)

  • Helga Neumann: The final stage is set. I'll watch from here. So go ahead, fight amongst yourselves.

(Helga laughs. [Player] protests.)

Let this be a heroic final battle!
  • Helga Neumann: Oh? What's this? Don't you remember who you enemy is? Your goal is to eliminate Magashi, isn't it? Or are the Guardians so soft that they refuse to fight a wounded enemy? You should know, he looks ready to fight you with everything he's got.
  • Renvolt Magashi: Helga, although it infuriates me to play right into your hands. It would seem that this may be my last stand. If so, then rather than falling prey to one of these creatures, I would rather fall by the hand of a powerful adversary like [Player]. Let this be a heroic final battle!
  • Helga Neumann: Yes! Go ahead! Hack each other to pieces! Heh heh heh heh... Ah ha ha ha ha!

(Magashi attacks [Player].)

  • Renvolt Magashi: Here I come, [Player]!
  • Helga Neumann: I expect you'll put on quite a show. Do make it a good one!

(One minute later.)

  • Renvolt Magashi: Don't hold back, [Player]! Is this all you've got? Don't make me laugh!
  • Helga Neumann: This is boring. Come on, entertain me!

Magashi defeated

Magashi destroyed.
  • Helga Neumann: Heh heh heh heh... Ah ha ha ha ha! So he became a heap of unsightly trash after all! Oh, what a feeling!

(Laser fences deactivate. Helga disappears[1] then reappears near Magashi's body.)

  • Helga Neumann: Puppets must never be allowed to disobey their human masters. Not even one who's a copy of Howzer. I thank you, [Player]. You've saved me ever so much hassle. To show my gratitude, I'll let you in on something good. This Magashi you've destroyed... It was defective! All Magashi units were supposed to self-destruct. But this one disobeyed. He wanted to die as a warrior in battle, or some such nonsense! It was quite the disagreeable situation, but it's all behind us now. I will take my leave of you now. Perhaps we will meet again, [Player]. Farewell.

(Helga disappears[1] away with Magashi's body.)

  • (Trial end)

Magashi survives

  • Renvolt Magashi: Hmmm... Guardian! What is this rubbish?! Is it sympathy?
  • Helga Neumann: ...Heh.
  • Renvolt Magashi: This body does not have long. I don't know what you are planning. But I'll see to it that you finish this! This ends now!

(Magashi rushes at [Player], but Lou interrupts through the comm.)

  • Lou: Please Wait.
  • Renvolt Magashi: What?!
  • Helga Neumann: Huh?!

(Laser fences deactivate. Lou runs in.)

  • Lou: [Player], are you all right? Communications were being jammed inside the facility, so I've come here myself.
  • Renvolt Magashi: Hmph... You again. It doesn't matter. I'll fight both of you!
  • Lou: Please Wait. This facility will soon self-destruct.
  • Renvolt Magashi: What?!
  • Lou: I believe it is of Helga's doing. She must have urged you two to fight in order to gain time. In any case, our first priority is to escape. I have already seen to it that Tonnio and Leo have evacuated.
  • Helga Neumann: Aww, this is no fun. What a talkative little puppet. Still...

(Helga disappears[1].)

  • Lou: !!

(Helga reappears by the switches again. She locks the exits.)

  • Helga Neumann: Now you can't escape, can you? You were careless, Guardian puppet.
  • Lou: ...
  • Helga Neumann: Heh heh heh... Ah ha ha ha ha! You're all so very foolish. Well, you can amuse yourselves by fighting until you all blow up.
  • Renvolt Magashi: Ha. You're the foolish one, Helga!
  • Helga Neumann: What?!
  • Renvolt Magashi: You were bait. You planned to die so you could kill [Player]!
  • Helga Neumann: Yes, that's right! I'm no match for [Player] in a fair fight at the moment. But this is the will of the SEED. And I am replaceable.

  • Lou: ?? So you are a clone?
  • Helga Neumann: Yes, I am. I'm a copy of a person, created using SEED cells... And now that this power is stable, you're no longer needed, Magashi. Even if I die, there are more of me. Although my original has already died...
  • Renvolt Magashi: So you are completely replaceable? That is pathetic! You no longer think for yourself, but bow to the SEED's will. You're a mere catalyst. You have no interest even in your own death. You may call me a puppet. But you lack any sense of self, YOU'RE the puppet!
  • Helga Neumann: Hah! Nonsense, spoken by scrap metal! You speak of "self"? That's nothing more than a bug in your personality program.
  • Lou: That is not true. Even a Copy CAST is capable of having a heart.
  • Renvolt Magashi: Heart... Such a tired platitude. But it's not such a bad thing.
"Heart?! Ugh... Just the mere thought makes me physically ill."
  • Helga Neumann: Heart?! Ugh... Just the mere thought makes me physically ill. Ridiculous! Ugh...
  • Lou: Helga. You of all people should know.

(Helga sways and staggers with each word.)

  • Helga Neumann: Know what?! Ugh... My head... Stop. Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! STOP!

(Fade to white. Fade in. Magashi and [Player] and Lou stare with wide eyes and open mouths. Lou maintains a serious expression. )

  • Lou: What is this?
SEED-Helga gets away.

(Helga has changed into her SEED-Form. She disappears[1] and reappears by an exit. Other SEED-Forms appear.)

  • Renvolt Magashi: This woman was created as a catalyst for the SEED's new ability to infect anything. She is able to summon SEED-Forms, but it would seem the copies have a limit.
  • SEED-Helga: *Pant* *Pant* Grrgh! If I have to keep talking to this lot, I think I'll go crazy. I... I need to get away from here.

(Helga limps away then disappears[1] out an exit.)

  • Lou: Helga, stop.
  • Renvolt Magashi: I have no choice. I will assist you!

(SEED-Forms attack.)

  • Lou: Be careful... The enemy is powerful. Magashi, please do not get in our way.
  • Renvolt Magashi: Heh. I may be damaged, but I won't lose to you!

(More SEED-Forms appear)

  • Renvolt Magashi: Ha! What's wrong? You seem to be struggling.
  • Lou: Your concern is not necessary.
  • Renvolt Magashi: Heh heh... So you say! Prove it!

(All SEED-Forms defeated, [Player], Lou and Magashi exhausted.)

  • Renvolt Magashi: *Pant* *Pant* I never imagined I would fight alongside Guardians.
  • Lou: Indeed.
  • Renvolt Magashi: Heh heh. But it would seem we are completely trapped. I would enjoy continuing our earlier battle but I seem to have completely lost interest.
  • Lou: Your lack of interest does not concern me. We cannot allow you to remain active. You've sacrificed many lives. You must face retribution. Prepare yourself, Magashi.

(Magashi and Lou prepare to fight, but [Player] steps between them. [Player] disagrees with Lou and questions Magashi.)

  • Lou: What are you doing, [Player]?
  • Renvolt Magashi: Bwa ha ha! It seems that something is troubling [Player]. What is it? Out with it!

What are Copy CASTs?

  • Lou: Copy CASTs are different from regular CASTs. They were originally created as military machines with programing to simulate a human's combat abilities. They were created by humans during the 500-year race war in order to suppress the other races. In other words, they are clones of humans, shaped like CASTs. However, their existence was made illegal 100 years ago, during the forming of the Alliance. Their manufacture has been forbidden ever since. Their lives were short and they were erased from history. In the 100 years since, the remaining ones have, for the most part, died. and most do not know of their existence. Multiple Copy CASTs could be manufactured with the same specs. Information between the copies could be shared. This is an ability that CASTs, as individual life forms, do not have.
  • Renvolt Magashi: Hmph. Don't make me laugh. "An ability CASTs do not have." you say? That's an interesting statement, coming from you. Don't you think so, [Player]?
  • Lou: Oh? So then you know, Magashi. It is true. I have abilities that other CASTs lack. There are multiple Lou units, and we share information between ourselves in real time. The truth is, the Lou units are the only successful case of Copy CAST technology being applied to CASTs. It is currently forbidden for any non-Lou unit to utilize this system. Though unlike CAST copies, Lou units are not machines, but living CASTs. When it was discovered there were multiple Magashi units, it was theorized that they utilized a similar system as the Lou units. But that idea was rejected quickly. This is because before it was declared forbidden, the success of the Lou units was never duplicated, despite countless attempts. Also, he had too aggressive a demeanor to be a CAST.

([Player] questions Lou.)

  • Lou: Because Copy CASTs faithfully simulate people's thoughts, they are more emotionally expressive than CASTs.
  • Renvolt Magashi: Indeed, I am a Copy CAST based on Howzer. The Illuminus conspired with GRM to revive old technologies. Copy CASTs were a perfect tool for the Illuminus.
  • Lou: Copy CASTs have no sense of self, you see. They are thinking machines, obedient to humans. If the original human is sharp enough, they could have the ability to draw information from their CAST-copies from a distance, and under the right circumstances, could even control them. That was the basis for outlawing them. However, Magashi, it seems you were somehow able to oppose your master's will. How did that happen?
  • Renvolt Magashi: Heh...

(Facility begins self-destruction.)

Magashi, what are you?

  • Renvolt Magashi: My my! You ask such rude, probing questions! But whatever, I will humor you. The "Magashi" units were formerly attached to the Endrum Collective under Howzer. We manipulated the alliance Military for the Illuminus from the shadows. As copies of Howzer, we faithfully followed Howzer's will. Though over time, unaware amongst ourselves, though Howzer's orders were followed, we didn't always accept them fully. The first time we had that sense of self clarity was... Ah yes, it was the day we were first defeated by Ethan Waber. Howzer's intention was to turn all eyes in the Gurhal System to the Endrum Collective. During the premature celebration of the partial success during the unification point, we worked toward the creation of HIVES, the SEED-Virus and Sochee in secret. For that purpose, we wanted it to be perceived that Renvolt Magashi was dead, and so we stayed out of the spotlight.
  • Lou: However, one of your units was driven by revenge. He turned unto a SEED-Form and confronted Ethan at the Egam Holy Grounds.
  • Renvolt Magashi: That's right, you were there with Ethan, weren't you? That was the first time I disobeyed Howzer's orders. I used the SEED's instinctive drive to stop the unification point and used an experimental SEED-Form to attack Ethan. And was utterly defeated.
  • Lou: But you appeared before us again.
  • Renvolt Magashi: That's right. Because I acted on my own will, Howzer intervened. He took direct control of my thoughts and actions, moving me to a HIVE to drive SEED-Virus research. However, while I was pretending to obey, I became aware of a transmitter Professor Taragi, one of the kidnapped researchers, was in possession of. I decided to ignore it, as I believed that Ethan Waber would follow it to the HIVE.
  • Lou: You are persistent.
  • Renvolt Magashi: I used the power of Dulk Fakis to challenge him again, but was unable to claim victory. The Wabers are definitely a force to be reckoned with. When Howzer was still a person within the organization there was someone who was always one step ahead of him. The Arkguard. He was jealous of Olson Waber. I came to think that perhaps my obsession with Ethan Waber came from Howzer's influence. When I realized that, I lost all feelings of vengeance. However, after ignoring his orders twice, Howzer did not forgive us Magashi units. He judged that there was a bug in our thought programs and eliminated all Magashi units, removing only a sample of Dulk Fakis data, and started mass producing a new series. These new Magashi units did not have the same experience and had rather low combat abilities. The were inferior copies, though they served as a stopgap measure until the SEED cell-based clone technology was perfected.
  • Lou: That must be why the Magashi units we have fought recently have been relatively easy to defeat.
  • Renvolt Magashi: However, a single unit of the condemned Magashi units escaped Howzer's destruction and successfully transplanted his memories into the new models and was able to masquerade as one. Me.
  • Lou: That means that though you are a Copy CAST, you have a sense of self... A heart?
  • Renvolt Magashi: Heh. Well now... I don't know if this is a heart or just a programming glitch. But YOU know, don't you? But this need to fight, this pride, this belongs to no one else. This is mine!

(Facility begins self-destruction.)

What was wrong with Helga?

  • Renvolt Magashi: As you yourself heard, she is a clone made of SEED cells. Also it would seem that when one of them dies, their memories are transferred to the other clones. Apparently there was an occurrence of the clones going out of control when the memories of one of them was transferred. I heard that part of their memories were encrypted by Howzer. What we just saw probably had something to do with those encrypted memories. I imagine she must know more about those memories than I do.
  • Lou: ...

(Facility begins self-destruction.)

Facility begins self-destruction.

(Area shakes.)

  • Lou: ?!
  • Renvolt Magashi: It begins!

(Fade to white. Fade in. Background explosions. Exits blown open. Magashi is separated from the Guardians by fires.)

  • Lou: Magashi!
  • Renvolt Magashi: Escape! Over there! While you still can!
  • Lou: What will you do?
  • Renvolt Magashi: I will follow Helga. I need to repay her for her interference. I have no further use for you, anyway. [Player]! Until we meet again...

(Magashi runs off. [Player] attempts to follow, but is stopped by Lou.)

  • Lou: [Player]. We have to go now, before it is too late.

Escape route

  • [Reach the objective before time runs out!]
  • Lou: Only 300 seconds remain until detonation. Our escape route has already been secured. Please avoid unnecessary combat.

(SEED-Forms appear.)

  • Lou: We are almost there, [Player].

([Player] and Lou escape.) (Fade to black.)

  • [Trial end][Reached objective!]


The party managed to escape the explosion in the nick of time, but the fates of Renvolt Magashi and Helga Neumann remain unknown. The GUARDIANS Intelligence Section determined that no further progress could be made and the mission was declared over. But a deeper mystery remains. What is Helga Neumann? As darkness shrouds the Gurhal System, the days of returning peace still appear to be a long way off.

  • [Mission "The Magashi Plan" end]

Reference notes

Lou's reaction to SEED-Helga during Shred the Darkness compared to now.

Green text is not literally green. Green text indicates parts added or removed by post event version. Red text is literally red.

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Helga sometimes moves using effects similar to despawning and respawning over distances.