The Big Push (GC mission)

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GUARDIANS Chronicle This article pertains to a mission which was available only during the limited-time event GUARDIANS Chronicle.

The Big Push
Clyez City
Start lobby Clyez City: 5th Floor
Start counter GUARDIANS HQ
End lobby Clyez City: 5th Floor
Version Ambition of the Illuminus
Field VR: Habirao RELICS
Mission type Event mission
Party size 1-4 players
Enemy elements Ice Light Dark

Armed Servants at the confinement device on Neudaiz have reported a large-scale attack by SEED-Forms. Protect the photon generator terminals.

Mission requirements and rewards

LV Req. LV Enemy LV Rank S Rank A Rank B Rank C
Meseta Points Meseta Points Meseta Points Meseta Points
C 1 15+ 12000 200  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?
Megi-drop x2
B 20 40+ 15000 280  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?
Megi-drop x4
A 50 80+ 21000 340  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?
Megi-drop x6
S 75 125+ 27000 420  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?
Megi-drop x8
S2 100 155+ 30000 480  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?
Megisphere x1
S3 120 180+ 36000 540  ?  ? 12000 270 0 203
Megisphere x1

Enemy information

Enemy name Enemy buffs Ele. Mission LV C Mission LV B Mission LV A Mission LV S Mission LV S2 Mission LV S3
Block 1
Ageeta Ice 15 40 40 100 80 232 125 424 155 -- 180 --
Ollaka Ice 16 72 41 172 81 394 126 716 156 -- 181 --
Ubakrada Ice 18 320 43 720 83 1624 128 2928 158 -- 183 --
Block 2
Deljaban Dark x x x x 83 406 128 732 158 -- 183 --
Deljaban Sword.gif Shield.gif Staff.gif Boot.gif Dark x x x x 83 584 128 1054 158 -- 183 --
Delsaban Dark 18 80 43 180 x x x x x x x x
Delsaban Sword.gif Shield.gif Staff.gif Boot.gif Dark 18 115 43 259 x x x x x x x x
Dilnazen Dark 19 336 44 736 84 1648 129 2960 159 -- 184 --
Dilnazen Sword.gif Shield.gif Staff.gif Boot.gif Dark 19 483 44 1059 84 2373 129 4262 159 -- 184 --
Galdeen Dark 17 60 42 140 82 320 127 578 157 -- 182 --
Rare enemy
Jaggo Light 19 -- 44 920 84 -- 129 -- 159 4900 184 --
Block 3
Gohmon Light 17 90 42 210 x x x x x x x x
Gohmon Sword.gif Shield.gif Staff.gif Boot.gif Light 17 129 42 302 x x x x x x x x
Olgohmon Light x x x x 82 480 127 868 157 -- 182 --
Olgohmon Sword.gif Shield.gif Staff.gif Boot.gif Light x x x x 82 691 127 1249 157 -- 182 --
Rappy Polec Light 16 72 41 172 81 394 126 716 156 -- 181 --
Tengohg Light 19 352 44 772 84 1730 129 3106 159 -- 184 --

Item drops

Enemy name Special drops Mission LV C Mission LV B Mission LV A Mission LV S Mission LV S2 Mission LV S3
Block 1
Ageeta -- [B] Hel-senba [B] Assino-senba [B] Kotoha-senba [B] Baji-senba Oka-senba [B] Oka-senba
Ollaka Ollaka Meat Snihoh Burzaihoh Falgohoh [B] Katsuno-zashi Cresaud+ [B] Cresaud+
Ubakrada -- [B] Bastara [B] Murasamera [B] Kusanagira [B] Okanoh Asura-senba [B] Asura-senba
Area drops Relic Edge 1-7★ ores
[B] Ryo-Sabrac
[B] Sabrac
3-10★ ores
Olpad, Rubinad
[B] Ryo-Sabrac
[B] Sabrac
6-12★ ores
Olpad, Rubinad,
Tormad, Citrad,
Berilad, Diad
[B] Ryo-Sabedoc
[B] Murasamerac
7-15★ ores
Olpad, Rubinad,
Tormad, Citrad,
Berilad, Diad,
Recnad, Suffad
[B] Psycho Wand
7-15★ ores
Olpad, Rubinad,
Tormad, Citrad,
Berilad, Diad,
Recnad, Suffad
[B] Psycho Wand
7-15★ ores
Olpad, Rubinad,
Tormad, Citrad,
Berilad, Diad,
Recnad, Suffad
[B] Psycho Wand
Block 2
Deljaban Deljaban Blade
[B] Del Jagnus
[B] Deljabaner
x x [B] Buccaneer [B] Crimson Tiga De Ragac [B] Tiga De Ragac
Delsaban -- Brand Durandal x x x x
Dilnazen -- Ryo-Nafli Assino-zashi Katsuno-zashi [B] Gizaha-zashi Ryo-Creasabra+ [B] Ryo-Creasabra+
Galdeen -- Bow Genshi [B] Hiken [B] Kubiri-hiken [B] Shura-hiken [B] Okarodoc Okarodoc
Jaggo Jaggo Delma
Meow Mustache
Perpa / Hit Tero / Hit Giga/Bullet PP Save Cati / Bullet PP Save Cati / Bullet PP Save Cati / Bullet PP Save
Area drops Relic Edge 1-7★ ores
[B] Ryo-Sabrac
[B] Sabrac
3-10★ ores
Olpad, Rubinad
[B] Ryo-Sabrac
[B] Sabrac
6-12★ ores
Olpad, Rubinad,
Tormad, Citrad,
Berilad, Diad
[B] Ryo-Sabedoc
[B] Murasamerac
7-15★ ores
Olpad, Rubinad,
Tormad, Citrad,
Berilad, Diad,
Recnad, Suffad
[B] Psycho Wand
7-15★ ores
Olpad, Rubinad,
Tormad, Citrad,
Berilad, Diad,
Recnad, Suffad
[B] Psycho Wand
7-15★ ores
Olpad, Rubinad,
Tormad, Citrad,
Berilad, Diad,
Recnad, Suffad
[B] Psycho Wand
Block 3
Gohmon -- Starra Canara x x x x
Olgohmon -- x x Majimra [B] Uransara [B] Creawand+ Creawand+
Rappy Polec White Glove [B] Helixen [B] Marguisa [B] Card Regina [B] Card Regas Creasabra+ [B] Creasabra+
Tengohg Tengohg Ala [B] Gigasaud [B] Calaud [B] Tengoh Bow [B] Daiga-Misaki Shide-Misaki [B] Shide-Misaki
Area drops Relic Edge 1-7★ ores
[B] Ryo-Sabrac
[B] Sabrac
3-10★ ores
Olpad, Rubinad
[B] Ryo-Sabrac
[B] Sabrac
6-12★ ores
Olpad, Rubinad,
Tormad, Citrad,
Berilad, Diad
[B] Ryo-Sabedoc
[B] Murasamerac
7-15★ ores
Olpad, Rubinad,
Tormad, Citrad,
Berilad, Diad,
Recnad, Suffad
[B] Psycho Wand
7-15★ ores
Olpad, Rubinad,
Tormad, Citrad,
Berilad, Diad,
Recnad, Suffad
[B] Psycho Wand
7-15★ ores
Olpad, Rubinad,
Tormad, Citrad,
Berilad, Diad,
Recnad, Suffad
[B] Psycho Wand
Block 4
Clear box Virus / Resist
Neu Wood, Ash Neu Wood, Ash,
Neu Ash, Ebon,
Neu Ash, Ebon,
Neu Ebon, Walna Neu Ebon, Walna
Clear box x2, left
(B1 perfect clear)
-- Hard / Night
Mega / Wall
Me / HP Restore
Hard / Night
Me / HP Restore
Solid / Knight
Tero / Wall
Orpad / Guard
Tero / HP Restore
Solid / Knight
Orpad / Guard
Hard / HP Restore
Solid / Knight
Orpad / Guard
Orpa / HP Restore
Solid / Knight
Orpad / Guard
Orpa / HP Restore
Clear box x2, right
(B2 perfect clear)
Gourmet Chocolat
Gourmet Cake
Tear of Light
-- -- -- -- -- --
Clear box x2, front
(B3 perfect clear)
Meteoric Metal
[B] Me-senba
Ageha-senba Twin Kamui Japanese version
Farrastol Xbox 360 version
Black Meteora
[B] Har-senba
[B] Orpa-senba
Twin Kamui Japanese version
Farrastol Xbox 360 version
Black Meteora
[B] Serafi-senba
Twin Kamui Japanese version
Farrastol Xbox 360 version
Black Meteora
[B] Serafi-senba
Twin Kamui Japanese version
Farrastol Xbox 360 version
Black Meteora
[B] Serafi-senba