The Big Push

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Shred the Darkness This article pertains to a mission which was available only during the limited-time event Shred the Darkness.

The Big Push
Clyez City
Start lobby Clyez City: 5th Floor
Start counter GUARDIANS HQ
End lobby Clyez City: 5th Floor
Version Ambition of the Illuminus
Field Habirao RELICS
Mission type Event mission
Party size 1-4 players
Enemy elements Ice Dark Light

Armed Servants at the confinement device on Neudaiz have reported a large-scale attack by SEED-Forms. Protect the photon generator terminals.

Mission requirements and rewards

LV Req. LV Enemy LV Rank S Rank A Rank B Rank C
Meseta Points Meseta Points Meseta Points Meseta Points
C 1 15+ 12000 200 -- -- -- -- 0 0
Megi-drop x2
B 20 40+ 15000 280 -- -- -- -- 0 0
Megi-drop x4
A 50 80+ 21000 340 -- -- -- -- 0 0
Megi-drop x6
S 75 125+ 27000 420 -- -- -- -- 0 0
Megi-drop x8
S2 100 155+ 30000 480 -- -- 10000 160 0 0
Megisphere x1

Mission details

The following information can be obtained in Shred the Darkness (prologue mission).

  1. Your goal is to prevent the creatures from reaching the specified area.
  2. The blue area on your radar is the area to be defended. If it's invaded, it will turn red.
  3. If an invaded area remains red for three seconds, the defense gauge on the right side of the screen will go down. After ten times, the defense gauge runs out and you will have failed.
  4. By defeating creatures and moving to a new block, your depleted defense gauge will be fully restored.
  5. After defeating all creatures, you'll receive bonus containers depending on how much of each block's defense gauge remains. Each block's defense gauge has ten units. For each block with at least five units remaining, you'll qualify to receive a bonus container.
  6. Selecting to return to the lobby after becoming incapacitated will render the mission a failure.
  7. By accessing nearby switches, you can activate a laser fence that will repel creatures for ten seconds. If there are creatures inside when the switch is activated, however, you may increase your risk.
  8. Once a switch is accessed, it cannot be reused until one minute has elapsed. But as long as enough time has passed, there is no limit to the number of times a switch can be used. If a switch is surrounded by a yellow aura, it can be accessed.
  9. If you fail to hold off the invasion and your defense gauge is depleted, the energy contained in the photon generator will cause an explosion that will encompass the entire area and cause severe damage. There is a danger of the player becoming incapacitated, so take note of your defense gauge.

Enemy information

Enemy name Enemy buffs Ele. Mission LV C Mission LV B Mission LV A Mission LV S Mission LV S2
Block 1
Ageeta Ice 15 40 40 100 80 232 125 -- 155 --
Ollaka Ice 16 72 41 172 81 394 126 -- 156 --
Ubakrada Ice 18 320 43 720 83 1624 128 -- 158 --
Block 2
Galdeen Dark 17 60 42 140 82 320 127 -- 157 --
Delsaban Dark 18 80 43 180 x x x x x x
Delsaban Sword.gif Shield.gif Staff.gif Boot.gif Dark 18 115 43 259 x x x x x x
Deljaban Dark x x x x 83 -- 128 -- 158 --
Deljaban Sword.gif Shield.gif Staff.gif Boot.gif Dark x x x x 83 -- 128 -- 158 --
Dilnazen Dark 19 336 44 736 84 -- 129 -- 159 --
Dilnazen Sword.gif Shield.gif Staff.gif Boot.gif Dark 19 483 44 1059 84 -- 129 -- 159 --
Block 3
Rappy Polec Light 16 72 41 172 81 394 126 -- 156 --
Gohmon Light 17 91 42 211 x x x x x x
Gohmon Sword.gif Shield.gif Staff.gif Boot.gif Light 17 131 42 303 x x x x x x
Olgohmon Light x x x x 82 -- 127 -- 157 --
Olgohmon Sword.gif Shield.gif Staff.gif Boot.gif Light x x x x 82 -- 127 -- 157 --
Tengohg Light 19 352 44 772 84 -- 129 -- 159 --
Rare enemy
Jaggo Light 19 -- 44 920 84 -- 129 -- 159 --

Item drops

Enemy name Special drops Mission LV C Mission LV B Mission LV A Mission LV S Mission LV S2
Block 1
Ageeta -- [B] Hel-senba [B] Assino-senba [B] Kotoha-senba [B] Baji-senba Oka-senba
Ollaka Ollaka Meat Snihoh Burzaihoh Falgohoh [B] Katsuno-zashi Cresaud+
Ubakrada -- [B] Bastara [B] Murasamera [B] Kusanagira [B] Okanoh Asura-senba
Enemy name Special drops Mission LV C Mission LV B Mission LV A Mission LV S Mission LV S2
Block 2
Galdeen -- Bow Genshi [B] Hiken [B] Kubiri-hiken [B] Shura-hiken [B] Okarodoc
Delsaban -- Brand Durandal x x x
Deljaban Deljaban Blade
[B] Del Jagnus
[B] Deljabaner
x x [B] Buccaneer [B] Crimson Tiga De Ragac
Dilnazen -- Ryo-Nafli Assino-zashi Katsuno-zashi [B] Gizaha-zashi Ryo-Creasabra+
Enemy name Special drops Mission LV C Mission LV B Mission LV A Mission LV S Mission LV S2
Block 3
Rappy Polec White Glove [B] Helixen [B] Marguisa [B] Card Regina [B] Card Regas Creasabra+
Gohmon -- Starra Canara x x x
Olgohmon -- x x Majimra [B] Uransara [B] Creawand+
Tengohg Tengohg Ala [B] Gigasaud [B] Calaud [B] Tengoh Bow [B] Daiga-Misaki Shide-Misaki
Jaggo Jaggo Delma
Meow Mustache
Perpa / Hit Tero / Hit Giga/Bullet PP Save Cati / Bullet PP Save Cati / Bullet PP Save
Enemy name Special drops Mission LV C Mission LV B Mission LV A Mission LV S Mission LV S2
Block 4
Clear box Virus / Resist
Meteoric Metal
Tear of Light
Gourmet Cake
Hard / Night
Mega / Wall
Me / HP Restore
Hard / Night
Mega / Wall
Me / HP Restore
Solid / Knight
Tero / Wall
Tero / HP Restore
Solid / Knight
Orpad / Guard
Hard / HP Restore
Solid / Knight
Orpad / Guard
Orpa / HP Restore
Area drops Relic Edge 1-7★ ores
[B] Ryo-Sabrac
[B] Sabrac
3-10★ ores
Olpad, Rubinad
[B] Ryo-Sabrac
[B] Sabrac
6-12★ ores
Olpad, Rubinad,
Tormad, Citrad,
Berilad, Diad
[B] Ryo-Sabedoc
[B] Murasamerac
7-15★ ores
Olpad, Rubinad,
Tormad, Citrad,
Berilad, Diad,
Recnad, Suffad
[B] Psycho Wand
7-15★ ores
Olpad, Rubinad,
Tormad, Citrad,
Berilad, Diad,
Recnad, Suffad
[B] Psycho Wand