Talk:Protectors γ

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Clear box research

Enemy name Special drops Mission LV C Mission LV B Mission LV A Mission LV S Mission LV S2
De Rol Le Te / PP Generate
Freeze / Resist
Note Seed
De Rol Le Carapace
Gudda Waya
Magga Gres
Rabol Mega
[B] Soda Clayma
[B] Koltova Gun
[B] Rogapit
[B] Rabol Perpa
[B] Rabol Ridla
Gudda Breba
Magga Bar
Rabol Hard
[B] Ank Barde
[B] Zaks Breba
[B] Koltova Gun
[B] Pegita
[B] Rabol Patte
Gudda Godda
Magga Draga
[B] Zaks Bogoda
[B] Koltova Gun
[B] Dori
[B] Rabol Asted
[B] Rabol Cati
Gudda Gant
[B] Soda Riban
[B] Mugunburga
[B] Zaks Gabot
[B] Delpi
[B] Rabol Cati
[B] Rabol Buti
Alterazgohg Confuse / Resist
Note Seed
Alteraz Kauda
[B] Ryo-Misaki
[B] Hiken
[B] Hel-senba
[B] Yonoi-senba
[B] Brebacle
[B] Matohonoh
[B] Mijin-Misaki
[B] Gi-senba
[B] Assino-senba
[B] Ridol-senba
[B] Badernoh
[B] Futsnata
[B] Fuka-Misaki
[B] Gatranata
[B] Sanzu-hiken
Hizeri / Mind
[B] Gekitsnata
[B] Okanoh
[B] Yamata-Misaki
[B] Sanzu-hiken
[B] Nasuyoteri
[B] Cati-senba
[B] Serafi-senba
Misc. synthesis
Meteoric Metal
Dallgun Snapshot
Ortasilica, Ortacarbon
Metasilica, Metacarbon
Neu Wood, Neu Ash
Mot Wood, Mot Ash
Carlian, Peparian
Soural, Speral
Armania, Goldania
Ortacarbon, Ortaresin
Neu Ash
Mot Ash, Mot Ebon
Ortaresin, Ortapolymer
Metaresin, Metapolymer
Neu Ebon
Mot Ebon
Neu Ebon
Mot Walna
Slaterian, Cladorian
Ortaresin, Ortapolymer
Metaresin, Metapolymer
Neu Walna
Mot Walna

JP ver. comparison chart

This chart lists all items that dropped from the JP version of this mission. Please use the following color-coding to identify items.

  • Red background: Not confirmed to drop in EN version.
  • Gray background: Assumed item drops, not confirmed in either JP or EN version.
  • White background: Confirmed to drop in EN version.
Item type LV C LV B LV A LV S LV S2
Gudda Waya Gudda Breba Gudda Godda Gudda Gant Gudda Gant
Twin sabers
 ?  ?  ?  ? Tiga De Ragan
Twin daggers
Ryo-Crezashi Ryo-Crezashi Gizaha-zashi Togeha-zashi Togeha-zashi
Nafli-zashi  ?  ?  ?  ?
Hiken Hiken Shura-hiken Sanzu-hiken Sanzu-hiken
 ? Kaurasuhoh Mizurakihoh Mizurakihoh Mizurakihoh
 ?  ?  ? B'duki Boa B'duki Boa
Magga Gres Magga Bar Magga Draga Magga Guin Magga Guin
Rapit Rogapit  ? Ranpegi Ranpegi
Line shields
 ?  ?  ?  ? Yiel-senba
Line shields
Rabol Mega Rabol Hard  ?  ? Rabol Rolei
Head units
 ?  ?  ?  ? Hizeri / Mind
Arm units
 ?  ?  ?  ? Lumirus/Kaos Knight
Body units
Confuse / Resist Confuse / Resist Confuse / Resist Confuse / Resist Confuse / Resist
Body units
Freeze / Resist Freeze / Resist Freeze / Resist Freeze / Resist Freeze / Resist
Extra units
Te / PP Generate Te / PP Generate Te / PP Generate Te / PP Generate Te / PP Generate
Metal Carlian Carlian  ?  ?  ?
Metal Peparian Peparian Peparian  ?  ?
Metal  ? Slaterian Slaterian Slaterian Slaterian
Metal  ?  ?  ? Cladorian Cladorian
Metal Soural Soural  ?  ?  ?
Metal Speral Speral Speral  ?  ?
Metal  ? Cyral Cyral Cyral Cyral
Metal  ?  ?  ? Ydral Ydral
Biomaterial Note Seed Note Seed Note Seed Note Seed Note Seed
Biomaterial Meteoric Metal Meteoric Metal Meteoric Metal Meteoric Metal Meteoric Metal
Biomaterial Bloody Score α Bloody Score α Bloody Score α Bloody Score α Bloody Score α
Biomaterial Alteraz Kauda Alteraz Kauda Alteraz Kauda Alteraz Kauda Alteraz Kauda
Biomaterial De Rol Le Carapace De Rol Le Carapace De Rol Le Carapace De Rol Le Carapace De Rol Le Carapace
Biomaterial Dallgun Snapshot Dallgun Snapshot Dallgun Snapshot Dallgun Snapshot Dallgun Snapshot
Hard material Ortasilica  ?  ?  ?  ?
Hard material Ortacarbon Ortacarbon  ?  ?  ?
Hard material  ? Ortaresin Ortaresin Ortaresin Ortaresin
Hard material  ?  ? Ortapolymer Ortapolymer Ortapolymer
Hard material Metasilica  ?  ?  ?  ?
Hard material Metacarbon Metacarbon  ?  ?  ?
Hard material  ? Metaresin Metaresin Metaresin Metaresin
Hard material  ?  ? Metapolymer Metapolymer Metapolymer
Gemstone Armania Armania Armania Armania Armania
Gemstone Goldania Goldania Goldania Goldania Goldania
Gemstone  ?  ? Morbinia Morbinia Morbinia
Gemstone  ?  ? Titania Titania Titania
Gemstone  ?  ?  ? Lithnia Lithnia
Wood Neu Wood Neu Wood  ?  ?  ?
Wood Neu Ash Neu Ash  ?  ?  ?
Wood  ? Neu Ebon Neu Ebon Neu Ebon Neu Ebon
Wood  ?  ?  ? Neu Walna Neu Walna
Wood Mot Wood Mot Wood  ?  ?  ?
Wood Mot Ash Mot Ash  ?  ?  ?
Wood  ? Mot Ebon Mot Ebon Mot Ebon Mot Ebon
Wood  ?  ?  ? Mot Walna Mot Walna
Synthesis board
[B] Soda Clayma  ? [B] Soda Joggi [B] Soda Riban [B] Soda Riban
 ? [B] Brebacle [B] Gotsdacle [B] Grentacle [B] Grentacle
 ?  ? [B] Futsnata [B] Gatranata [B] Gekitsnata
 ?  ? [B] Muktengek [B] Muktengek [B] Mugunburga
 ? [B] Matohonoh [B] Badernoh [B] Bragnoh [B] Okanoh
 ? [B] Ank Barde [B] Ank Dedda [B] Ank Zagza [B] Ank Zagza
Twin claws
[B] Ryo-Misaki [B] Mijin-Misaki [B] Fuka-Misaki [B] Yamata-Misaki [B] Yamata-Misaki
 ? [B] Zaks Breba [B] Zaks Bogoda [B] Zaks Gabot [B] Zaks Gabot
[B] Hiken  ?  ? [B] Sanzu-hiken [B] Sanzu-hiken
 ?  ?  ?  ? [B] Nasuyoteri
[B] Koltova Gun [B] Koltova Gun [B] Koltova Gun  ?  ?
[B] Rogapit [B] Pegita [B] Dori [B] Coni [B] Coni
 ?  ?  ?  ? [B] Delpi
Line shields
[B] Hel-senba [B] Gi-senba [B] Sori-senba  ? [B] Cati-senba
Line shields
[B] Yonoi-senba [B] Assino-senba [B] Michi-senba  ? [B] Yamata-senba
Line shields
[B] Ridol-senba [B] Ridol-senba [B] Fuma-senba [B] Serafi-senba [B] Serafi-senba
Line shields
[B] Rabol Perpa [B] Rabol Patte [B] Rabol Asted [B] Rabol Asted [B] Rabol Asted
Line shields
[B] Rabol Ridla  ?  ? [B] Rabol Cati [B] Rabol Cati
Line shields
 ?  ?  ? [B] Rabol Orpad [B] Rabol Vijeri
Line shields
 ?  ?  ?  ? [B] Rabol Buti

VR: Block B-c

Item type LV C LV B LV A LV S LV S2
Rayharod Hajirod Howrod Halarod Kazarod
Head units
Me / Quick  ? Har / Quick Har / Quick Har / Quick
Head units
Te / TECH Charge Te / TECH Charge Te / TECH Charge Sori / TECH Charge Sori / TECH Charge
Head units
 ?  ?  ?  ? Har / Smart
Head units
Te / Force S Te / Force S Te / Force S Cati / Force S Orpa / Force
Mats. Metal Soural  ?  ?  ?  ?
Metal Speral Speral  ?  ?  ?
Metal  ? Cyral Cyral Cyral Cyral
Metal  ?  ?  ? Ydral Ydral
Wood Neu Wood  ?  ?  ?  ?
Wood Neu Ash Neu Ash  ?  ?  ?
Wood  ? Neu Ebon Neu Ebon Neu Ebon Neu Ebon
Wood  ?  ? Neu Walna Neu Walna Neu Walna
Wood Kubara Wood Kubara Wood Kubara Wood Kubara Wood Kubara Wood
Synthesis board
[B] Rayharod [B] Hajirod [B] Howrod [B] Halarod [B] Kazarod
Line shields
[B] Hel-senba [B] Me-senba  ?  ?  ?
Line shields
[B] Yonoi-senba [B] Ageha-senba  ?  ?  ?

VR: Block C-b

Item type LV C LV B LV A LV S LV S2
Lacanata  ?  ? Gekitsnata Gekitsnata
Double sabers
 ?  ? Yoakisobra Raikasobra Raikasobra
Twin daggers
Ryo-Stizashi Assino-zashi Katsuno-zashi Gizaha-zashi  ?
Stina-zashi Ripa-zashi  ?  ? Shiraha-zashi
Misaki  ? Giza-Misaki Daiga-Misaki Zanshu-Misaki
 ? Hiken  ?  ? Sanzu-hiken
Line shields
Yoi-senba Gi-senba Ga-senba Cardia-senba Cardia-senba
Mats. Hard material Ortasilica Ortasilica  ?  ?  ?
Hard material Ortacarbon Ortacarbon  ?  ?  ?
Hard material  ? Ortaresin Ortaresin Ortaresin Ortaresin
Hard material  ?  ?  ? Ortapolymer Ortapolymer
Wood Neu Wood  ?  ?  ?  ?
Wood Neu Ash Neu Ash  ?  ?  ?
Wood  ?  ? Neu Ebon Neu Ebon Neu Ebon
Wood  ?  ?  ? Neu Walna Neu Walna
Synthesis board
[B] Lacanata [B] Halbenata  ? [B] Gekitsnata [B] Gekitsnata
Double sabers
 ?  ?  ?  ? [B] Raikasobra
Twin daggers
[B] Ryo-Stizashi [B] Assino-zashi  ?  ?  ?
 ?  ?  ? [B] Shura-hiken  ?
Line shields
 ?  ?  ? [B] Cardia-senba [B] Lumira-senba

Drop notes

  • I'm going to add that I just pulled a Delpi {b} from a boss box, you may want to add it to the event drops. Night 11:22, 9 July 2009 (UTC)
  • Thanks! (S2, right?) - EspioKaos 14:29, 9 July 2009 (UTC)

It appears that B-c is similar to Dancing Birds and C-b is similar to Sakura Blast on clear drops. It also seems that we're already out of sync on what's listed in the various charts. --S-T-H 03:39, 12 July 2009 (UTC)

  • I saw a Kubara Wood from a B-c clear box on C. Not sure if we're keeping track of those too. --S-T-H 23:13, 12 July 2009 (UTC)
    • Might as well add it to the chart. Odd it's not dropping that frequently, though. I really can't clearly recall seeing much (if any) so far. - EspioKaos 02:39, 13 July 2009 (UTC)

Just pulled a Bloody Score α from the clear boxes of Protectors γ on A difficulty. Description: Sheet music for the guitar, marred by bullet holes and blood. Qeylissa 13:17, 26 July 2009 (UTC)

  • Thanks for the info, Qeylissa! - EspioKaos 15:23, 26 July 2009 (UTC)

Tiga De Ragan, Rabol Rolei, and Lumirus/Kaos Knight have been added as of the past maintenance. At least a couple other drops have probably been removed, so we'll probably want to represent what dropped when somehow. Fortunately, it's probably all relevant to De Rol Le at 150+. --S-T-H 22:58, 26 July 2009 (UTC)

Normal box drop research

VR: Entrance

Item type LV C LV B LV A LV S LV S2
Mats. Hard material Ortasilica Ortasilica  ?  ?  ?
Hard material Ortacarbon Ortacarbon  ?  ?  ?
Hard material  ?  ? Ortaresin Ortaresin Ortaresin
Hard material  ?  ?  ? Ortapolymer Ortapolymer
Wood Neu Wood Neu Wood  ?  ?  ?
Wood Neu Ash Neu Ash Neu Ash  ?  ?
Wood  ?  ? Neu Ebon Neu Ebon Neu Ebon
Wood  ?  ?  ? Neu Walna Neu Walna

VR: Block B-a

Item type LV C LV B LV A LV S LV S2
Mats. Metal Soural Soural  ?  ?  ?
Metal  ? Speral Speral  ?  ?
Metal  ? Cyral Cyral Cyral Cyral
Metal  ?  ?  ? Ydral Ydral

VR: Block C-a

Item type LV C LV B LV A LV S LV S2
Mats. Metal Carlian Carlian  ?  ?  ?
Metal Peparian Peparian  ?  ?  ?
Metal  ?  ? Slaterian Slaterian Slaterian
Metal  ?  ?  ? Cladorian Cladorian
Wood Mot Wood  ?  ?  ?  ?
Wood Mot Ash Mot Ash  ?  ?  ?
Wood  ?  ? Mot Ebon Mot Ebon Mot Ebon
Wood  ?  ? Mot Walna Mot Walna Mot Walna

VR: Block C-c

Item type LV C LV B LV A LV S LV S2
Mats. Metal Meganite Meganite  ?  ?  ?
Metal Giganite Giganite  ?  ?  ?
Metal  ?  ? Teranite Teranite Teranite
Metal  ?  ?  ? Petanite Petanite
Metal Gamotite  ?  ?  ?  ?
Metal Zepotite Zepotite  ?  ?  ?
Metal  ? Chicotite Chicotite Chicotite Chicotite
Metal  ?  ?  ? Hapotite Hapotite

VR: Main Block 2

Item type LV C LV B LV A LV S LV S2
Mats. Hard material Ortasilica  ?  ?  ?  ?
Hard material Ortacarbon Ortacarbon  ?  ?  ?
Hard material  ?  ? Ortaresin Ortaresin Ortaresin
Hard material  ?  ?  ?  ? Ortapolymer
Gemstone Olpad Rubinad Amethad Diad Suffad
Synthesis board
Line shields
[B] Sta-senba [B] Me-senba  ?  ?  ?
Line shields
[B] Reiha-senba [B] Ageha-senba  ?  ?  ?

Box drops

Just trying to verify something here. Tycho edited out some of the normal box rows in the drop table, but according to the JP wiki, there are boxes (which drop Zon-spheres and Zon-drops) in blocks A-a and A-b, Habirao and Il Cabo, respectively. Is the JP wiki wrong, or were these accidental deletions? Or should we adjust these to special boxes since they may drop just these items? - EspioKaos 09:22, 28 August 2008 (CDT)

Additional drop info

  • I'm not quite sure how to add this in since the usual [[ ]] tags for new pages aren't working in that table, but the (lone) Kagajibari in this event mission drops [B] Bajura, not [B] Hoshi-Kikami. Unless, of course, this is another Gol Dova-grade drop mistake. Hiro 19:46, 21 August 2008 (CDT)
    • One of the the updates JP version got today was an adjustment on AOTI drops, maybe that's one of the things that changed. - Ezodagrom 19:52, 21 August 2008 (CDT)
    • Yeah, I noticed that earlier. I didn't want to make the change yet, though since our first encounter with LV150 Kagajibaris will be during the Mission Carnival where they should drop [B] Hoshi-kikami. Once that's come and passed, we can update the template accordingly. (I've made a note of it on my user page along with many other future changes for ease of reference.) - EspioKaos 23:25, 21 August 2008 (CDT)

Mission rewards

Rank collect discs
C 0 - 5
B 6 - 7
A 8 - 9
S 10 - 24

Oli 12:21, 1 July 2009 (UTC)

end boxes

collect discs end boxes
0 - 9 14
10 - 11 16
12 - 15 18
16 - 19 22
20 - 23 24
24 28

Oli 12:26, 1 July 2009 (UTC)

Disc locations

Block Location
Entrance Shoot down the mine floating in the air.
In the last area, look in the hidden passageway behind the warp.
Block A-a On the edge of the map, north-western corner.
In the center box after defeating all enemies.
Block A-b Hidden passage in a hallway, after the first warp.
Appears when all enemies are defeated in the last area.
Block A-c In the middle of the round room. (Must have 7Kv of mushrooms.)
Defeat all enemies in the last room. (Must have 16Kv of mushrooms.)
Block B-a Room before underground passage to area with the exit, after defeating all enemies.
Walk through a wall to access a hidden area; defeat all enemies.
Block B-b Southwest section of a room, use goggles on a pattern on the floor.
Defeat all enemies.
Block B-c Directly behind the warp in the gugg room.
Shoot down the fruit in a tree near the exit.
Block C-a On the other side of a door opened by four floor switches.
In the middle of a set of three boxes in the last area.
Block C-b Scan the tree with your goggles and cut it down.
Behind a door near the tree mentioned above.
Block C-c Inside a hidden room behind the photon charging cube.
Inside a hidden passageway opened by stepping on two floor switches.
Main block 2 Inside a hidden room at the top of the stairs.
Past the blue flame trap.
Last block Inside a box that appears on the middle of the raft 30 seconds into the battle.
Inside a box that appears on the field 30 seconds into the battle, in the middle of the northern end.

Direct translations from the JP wiki. We can modify the wording when the EN version comes out to make things more clear. - EspioKaos 19:21, 2 July 2009 (UTC)

  • Put some hopefully better descriptions. Sab 19:42, 3 July 2009 (UTC)