Talk:Innocent Girl

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Modified EXP values

With the release of the supplemental update on the JP side, difficulties B and A had their EXP payouts reduced. This chart has the new values.

Enemy name Enemy buffs Ele. Mission LV C Mission LV B Mission LV A
VR: Grasslands
Polty Lightning 30 115 75 214 150 --
Vahra Lightning 30 192 x x x x
Go Vahra Lightning x x 75 358 150 --
Grass Assassin Lightning 30 864 75 1611 150 --
VR: Metro Linear
Rogue Mazz Fire 30 192 75 358 150 --
Rogue Wikko Ground 30 192 75 358 150 --
Galdeen Dark 30 153 75 286 150 --
Delp Slami Dark 40 302 85 501 160 --
SEED-Vance Dark 35 954 x x x x
SEED-Vitace Dark x x 80 1668 155 --
VR: Plant
Bafal Bragga Fire 35 999 80 1746 155 --

Please feel free to update any missing values. - EspioKaos 23:09, 30 March 2009 (CDT)

Local servers

According to Ruby Eclipse (in an informal chat at the mission carnival event area), the US/EU servers will NOT be getting this mission. However, he said he and Edward are trying to work it out so all players will be able to get both the Vivienne Fluge and the Whitill Wing that Japanese players had the option of receiving. --beatrixkiddo 23:05, 31 January 2009 (CST)

  • At all? Uh... Huh? S-T-H 01:29, 1 February 2009 (CST)
    • Yeah, unfortunate, hm? --beatrixkiddo 02:28, 1 February 2009 (CST)
    • One of the best missions to level low-level characters outside of events, has decent drops on A ([B] Shigga Pakuda springs to mind) and is the only non-event way to get Weapons Badges until sometime in 2014 when we get MAG' S-S2 (assuming they're putting the badges back in the mission)? If we truly aren't getting this, this is fucked up. There's no reason for us NOT to get it. - Mewn 03:40, 1 February 2009 (CST)
      • If Gifts from Beyond+ manages to retain trading for other event currency, we'd really seem out of it (unless again badges manage to make their way into MAG'). The other drops I'm not too concerned about as they're available elsewhere. It does seem very rewarding in general though. I am however interested in the mission itself and seeing some odd enemy/area combinations. This is clearly a solid original mission with story/NPCs/etc. that doesn't appear to have much preventing a local version. --S-T-H 06:58, 1 February 2009 (CST)
  • Eh... I'm really hoping he's mistaken or was told wrong. That's some bullshit if they'd rather scrap the mission in full instead of making some adjustments to bypass the gifting part. - EspioKaos 10:22, 1 February 2009 (CST)
    • Oh lordy, I hope so. Or at least add the weapon badges back into MAG'. Sab 12:15, 1 February 2009 (CST)
  • Well I went back and re-read my logs. I THOUGHT maybe I remembered wrong, and he merely said "no tie-in" as in no importing, not necessarily "no tie-in mission" but...

13:58:14 <Public> Ahura Mazda(20036884) Will there be an import option for the US ver

13:58:22 <Public> Ahura Mazda(20036884) Or are we gonna get gypped out of that

13:58:28 <Public> Ahura Mazda(20036884) and the PSP tie-in mission

13:58:41 <Public> Ruby Eclipse(20009599) Ahura, we won't have the tie-in mission

13:58:50 <Public> Ahura Mazda(20036884) Lovely

13:58:51 <Public> Ruby Eclipse(20009599) But edward and I are already

13:58:57 <Public> Ruby Eclipse(20009599) looking at ways to get one (if not both)

13:59:03 <Public> Ruby Eclipse(20009599) of those items for all players here

13:59:14 <Public> Ahura Mazda(20036884) but no 150+ enemies and the other

13:59:18 <Public> Ahura Mazda(20036884) nice stuff about that mission

13:59:18 <Public> Ruby Eclipse(20009599) If we have our way US/UK players will actually

13:59:25 <Public> Ruby Eclipse(20009599) get both, which is more than Japanese players

  • There you have it, sadly. --beatrixkiddo 13:30, 1 February 2009 (CST)
    • That's bullshit. --Qwerty 13:34, 1 February 2009 (CST)
    • Seems it's possible that we might get it as a regular content update, though I'll believe it once I see it. - Mewn 02:22, 2 February 2009 (CST)
      • I do remember that interview, but it only seemed to mention the unavailability of crossover functionality. It just seems really odd that they would come out and say explicitly 'we won't get this mission' after bringing up all those times that there were still options for giving the items out without the connection. The other thing is that they don't ever seem to be that straightforward with upcoming stuff. Maybe they just didn't get it yet for review or maybe that was mentioned in the sense of PSP coming up. Again though, coming out and stating something like that is quite odd if they weren't somehow told specifically. Perhaps it does just apply to the PSP launch/features. --S-T-H 02:39, 2 February 2009 (CST)
  • Four and a half months. Anyway, we of course did get the mission, just without needing to access the character data for PSP. Without even needing a PSP in Japan to do this, I have to wonder why this whole thing even matters that much. --S-T-H 07:16, 14 June 2009 (UTC)


I've been wondering, does anyone knows exactly why theres badge drops in this mission? --MMSP15 Created1 10:28, 30 July 2008 (CDT)

  • It's what SonicTeam wanted.  ;) At least it'll give those who weren't able to collect enough badges during MAG a chance at some of the stuff from Gifts from Beyond, which in turn keeps that mission going and theoretically adds the potential of new items being added to it somewhere in the future. - EspioKaos 10:41, 30 July 2008 (CDT)
  • I've run this a good 50+ times, but a friend of mine told me that the mission no longer appears for them. The only explanation that I can think of is that downloading your character data in order to get the rewards from Al puts a run limit on the mish. Their alt got the reward, but can still access the mission, but I have no idea for how much longer. Is there any concrete info regarding this little problem? I don't want to grab my wings and then find out that I'm no longer able to farm walna and polymers :( Not to mention badges. Hiro 01:28, 2 August 2008 (CDT)
    • This is the first I've heard of this happening. I've checked the official site, and it doesn't mention a limit on the number of times you can play it. Just went through the mission guide at the Japanese wiki; no mention of it there, either. - EspioKaos 09:47, 2 August 2008 (CDT)

Agito Edge

Reporting that I found an agito edge on B rank of Innocent girl. Screenshotted: . I'll be running the mission more for frags so I'll add in if I find other stuff you'd expect to find on Arank. Raujinn 11:42, 23 November 2008 (CST)

  • Cool, thanks! I'll update the template with this. - EspioKaos 12:00, 23 November 2008 (CST)