Talk:Ethan Waber

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Ethan's type

The page has Ethan listed as a Fighgunner, and, given his equipment, I can see why. However, his battle type in-game is listed as Hunter (read: the L3 data above his head). Should that be corrected? - Alkaiser 20:15, 13 February 2008 (CST)

  • I thought he was changed to Fighgunner in a recent update. (The one that upgraded select partner machines to more varied types.) I guess the only way to check right now is in one of the story missions where he joins you as an NPC. If I decide to go back and play Flash of Ruin or Despair and Hope (I still need to S that one, anyway.) anytime soon, I'll check. - EspioKaos 21:19, 13 February 2008 (CST)
  • Yeah, I was thinking that myself, but I was bored when I decided to do my daily Curtz beating and checked his class, and lo and behold, he was listed as a Hunter. Unfortunately, I'm on the PS2, so I can't take a screenshot. Should it be left as is until further confirmation? - Alkaiser 02:33, 14 February 2008 (CST)
  • I just checked Flash of Ruin 1. Ethan is listed as a Hunter there too. He was a Fighgunner since 1up, which was where the battle type info for other characters came from. This change looks recent. --Zoamel Gustav 06:24, 14 February 2008 (CST)
  • I just that I should let everyone know. Ethan does not use a DB's sword, he uses a Lightning Blackheart. I already changed it so everything's good. - Malphas 23:03, 30 June 2008 (PST)
  • He used the Blackheart as a rogue & DB's sword in non-story mode missions when he is invited.(he used a DB's when i was playing anyway) - Tiger katsune

Ethan's equipment

  • No. Ethan(Rogue) uses it. The one that uses DB's sword is the Ethan who gives his card in episode three, chapter six. It's the same Ethan, it's just that he's not a Rogue anymore. - Amaury 23:02, 30 June 2008 (CDT)

Ethan's Partner Card

Ok, so i have Ethan's partner card online and it comes up blank when i select it. Is this a glitch? - Tiger katsune

  • It's a glitch. I saw a note on this at the JP 360 site (in their post-maintenance notes), but since I saw no mention on the English site, I figured it only affected the JP version. Guess not; now it seems to be only the 360 version. Nothing to worry about, really. They say they're working on getting the problem resolved. - EspioKaos 09:52, 24 December 2008 (CST)
    • Ok, in a recent update the glitch was fixed :3 tiger 22:42, 2 February 2009 (CST)