Shred the Darkness (script)

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MDF: Special Operations HQ

([Player] walks in to join eleven other Guardians being briefed on the operation by President Laia Martinez.)

  • Laia Martinez: Welcome, everyone! As you know... Everyone is working to ensure the success of the upcoming unification point by installing photon generators for every confinement device. But it almost seems like the SEED know this, and waves of creatures have started attacking the RELICS where the confinement devices are. It goes without saying, if something happens to the photon generators or confinement devices, they can't be activated for the unification point. The GUARDIANS have been put in charge of getting rid of the attacking creatures. This operation will be called "Shred the Darkness." Now I'm going to outline everything, so listen up!

Shred the Darkness

Select a mission to hear about it in detail.

  • [Roar of Flames]
  • [The Big Push]
  • [The 4th System]
  • [The Magashi Plan]
  • [Dark Crystal Seeker]
  • [GBR Event Info]
  • View total points
  • Exit

Roar of Flames

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Mission outline

  • Laia Martinez: There's been reports of large-scale fire infections around the Denes RELICS. It's not at the planetary level it was at before, not yet at least, but it isn't something we can ignore. The native creatures are becoming aggressive faster than expected, and the effect has reached into the RELICS themselves. Because of the photon generator in the depths of the RELICS, we need to act fast and get rid of those creatures.

Mission explanation

[Roar of Flames]

  1. Your goal is to eradicate the waves of creatures.
  2. This mission can be undertaken alone, but partners are recommended.


The Big Push

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Mission outline

  • Laia Martinez: Armed Servants have begun photon generator installation at the confinement system on Neudaiz. But creatures started attacking them right away. They're going directly for the generator. It's like they know just where to attack to cause the most damage. There are too many, and the Armed Servants can't hold them off alone. Hurry to the site and defend the generator!

Mission explanation

[The Big Push]

  1. Your goal is to prevent the creatures from reaching the specified area.
  2. The blue area on your radar is the area that is to be defended. If it's invaded, it will turn red.
  3. If an invaded area remains red for three seconds, the defense gauge on the right side of the screen will go down. After ten times, the defense gauge runs out and you will have failed.
  4. By defeating creatures and moving to a new block, your depleted defense gauge will be fully restored.
  5. After defeating all creatures, you'll receive bonus containers depending on how much of each blocks's defense gauge remains. Each block's defense gauge has ten units. For each block with at least five units remaining, you'll qualify to receive a bonus container.
  6. Selecting to return to the lobby after becoming incapacitated will render the mission a failure.
  7. By accessing nearby switches, you can activate a laser fence that will repel creatures for ten seconds. If there are creatures inside when the switch is activated, however, you may increase your risk.
  8. Once a switch is accessed, it cannot be reused until one minute has elapsed. But as long as enough time has passed, there is no limit to the number of times a switch can be used. If a switch is surrounded by a yellow aura, it can be accessed.
  9. If you fail to hold off the invasion and your defense gauge is depleted, the energy contained in the photon generator will cause an explosion that will encompass the entire area and cause severe damage. There is a danger of the player becoming incapacitated, so take note of your defense gauge.


The 4th System

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Mission outline

  • Laia Martinez: We can't just rely on defense. In this mission we strike first! There are plans to install a photon generator on Rykros. This will help in the activation of the fourth confinement system. The problem is, according to information from the front lines... On Rykros, a new variety of SEED core has been discovered. This variety is much more infections, and emits a noxious gas. This will prevent a smooth installation of the photon generator. We want you to purify these new SEED cores.

Mission explanation

[The 4th System]

  1. Your objective is to purify the SEED cores in the dark-infected areas, and eliminated the SEED-Forms.
  2. Though it's possible for a lone player to achieve an S rank, purification requires at least three players.
  3. To purify a SEED core, the surrounding SEED-Blewmes must first be destroyed, as they will emit a shield that absorbs all attacks.
  4. To destroy a SEED-Blewme, the surrounding SEED-Zoma must first be destroyed.
  5. In areas affected by dark-infection, SEED-Zoma emit a triangular barrier around their centers. This barrier absorbs attacks similar to that of the SEED-Blewmes.
  6. The verteces of each point of the triangle are called photon points and are what maintain the barrier. By standing on top of these points, the barrier's power can temporarily be disrupted. When a barrier has been eliminated, a yellow light will appear.
  7. When three Guardians are standing on each of the photon points, the barrier's power will be lost, at which point the SEED-Zoma can be hit with striking or TECHNIC attacks. However, the SEED-Zoma will notice this disruption and react. Roughly ten seconds after noticing, a blast wave will be emitted, striking all enemies detected within a fixed radius. This explosion will increase an area's infection and the SEED-Zoma's barriers will no longer be able to be disrupted, making purification impossible.
  8. When standing on a photon point, a force-field disruption sound will be emitted, so listen carefully.
  9. Once everyone is in place on the photon points, the defense mechanism will begin, so if even a single Guardian steps off their point, the SEED-Zoma barrier will be restored and the blast wave countdown will continue. When a barrier is disabled, a SEED-Zoma will emit a yellow light.
  10. The area to be affected by a blast wave will be shown in red on your radar.


The Magashi Plan

Select information category.

Mission outline

  • Laia Martinez: This is normally a matter for the GUARDIANS Intelligence Section, but we have received some troubling intel... We've received reports that Illuminus remnants are taking advantage of the "Shred the Darkness" operation and are moving to cause unrest. But because of the operation, we can't spare the manpower... So we're asking for help from those who have reached their quota for acquiring [Megispheres]. Lou of the GIS is handling this operation, so talk to her. It'll probably be quite a tough mission. Be careful, all right?

Mission explanation

[The Magashi Plan]

  1. This is a single-player mission linked to Story Mode.
  2. [Megispheres] are required to accept this mission.
    • Difficulty C: 5 spheres
    • Difficulty B: 10 spheres
    • Difficulty A: 15 spheres
    • These are individual quotas based on each Guardian's ability level.
    • View the point total to see which missions yield the most [Megispheres].
  3. You can keep tabs on how the Magashi Plan mission status has changed when you view the point total.


Dark Crystal Seeker

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Mission outline

  • Laia Martinez: As you're all aware, creatures are becoming more aggressive due to our preparations for the unification point. There is only one course of action. The GUARDIANS R&D Division is working with the major manufacturers, GRM, Yohmei and Tenora Works, and have succeeded in their cooperative efforts to improve their base weapon models. But they're difficult to manufacture, requiring photons of higher purity. Those crystals are called "spheres." Spheres are reportedly found in areas of high infection. Recent mission sites seem to be prime candidates for sphere collection. The amount of weapons provided will depend on the amount of spheres. Be sure to use the new support facility.

Mission explanation

[Dark Crystal Seeker]

  1. By collecting [Megispheres] during the event, you can trade for various rare items.
    • Besides [Megispheres], there are [Megi-drops] and [Megi-photons] to collect that you can turn into [Megispheres].


GBR Event Info

[Current Class]

  • Rookie, Standard, Ace, Elite, Hero, Master,

[Bonus Information]

  • Drop rate increased +##%

[Clear Points Information]

  • 1: Roar of Flame: ##pt(s)
  • 2: The Big Push: ##pt(s)
  • 3: The 4th System: ##pt(s)

View total points

[Total Points]

  • Total Creatures Defeated: #
  • [The Magashi Plan] status: [Initial state], [Tonnio, Leo joined], [All Guardians]
  • Operation Missions: [Roar of Flames] [The Big Push] [The 4th System]
  • Creature defeated totals are current as of mission selection.


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