PSU Cyril Wiki:Item Database

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Item Database?

You heard right.

This is, easily, the most ambitious project PSUPedia as a site has embarked on. A constantly evolving database that will cover the HUNDREDS of Weapons, Armors, Units, Consumables, Synthesis Boards, Materials, My Room decorations and other miscellaneous items in the game that I can't recall right now.

We have split the Database into twelve categories of items:

  • Armor: Rather obvious, any armor in the game
  • Attire: Clothing and CAST Parts.
  • Buff: Items like Retaride and Zodiaride that temporarily increase your stats, similar to certain TECHNICS.
  • Disk: Any Photon Art Disks, i.e. the item you get when you buy a Photon Art, that you then select to learn.
  • Grinder: Items used for the strengthening of weapons, Grinder Materials and Boards don't go here, but in their relevant sections.
  • Ingredient: Any item used purely for Item Synthesis, including but not limited to Photons, Ores, Metals, Monster Parts, Chemicals, Natural Materials and Wood.
  • Ornament: My Room decorations.
  • Restorative: Any consumable item used to heal, revive, or get rid of status effects. Examples include Monomate, Moon Atomizer and Cosmo Atomizer.
  • Synthesis Board: Used for any synthesis boards. These usually go on the same article as the item they create, for example the Saber page has the weapon data first, followed by the data for the Saber Synthesis Board.
  • Trap: Used for any Traps.
  • Unit: Used for all Units.
  • Weapon: Used for all Weapons.

How do you expect to be able to cover all of the items?

I don't. Not on my own, anyway. There's only so much I can do and so many hours in the day, as the saying goes. I will need the help of the community, however small. This is your chance to get involved!

What do you need, exactly?

Any information we don't have basically. But here is a rundown of what I could use:

  • Images of any visible items - this includes, but is not limited to: Weapons, SUV Weapons, Armours with visible effects besides the Shield Line coloration and My Room decorations.
    • If you wish to upload pictures or send them to me at [email protected], please make them png files. You can convert stuff using XNview. For the love of God DO NOT send me JPEG files; I'm not about to make compromises on image quality here.
    • Try and get nice high resolution images that show the effect/weapon clearly too. If you can pull off a nice action shot of a weapon, great. But don't send me crappy action shots that don't show the weapon well. Avoid Photon Arts if they obscure the weapon in any way.
    • Even if there is already an image for the item, send it anyway, it might be better. The PSUpedia gallery needs sorting so new folders can be created and new images uploaded as well, but for the moment the 'Image Dump' links in Database articles don't work so don't bother with them.
    • Try and follow this naming format for such images: itemname.png. If there is already, say, a Saber.png file call yours Saber1.png, then Saber2.png, and so on. Don't use spaces in your filenames, if possible. So an image for Twin Brand would be TwinBrand.png.
  • What we call 'Verification Images'. Basically, these are images that show the stats, and description of an item, and are used for proving data (since it's so easy to falsify information on a Wiki) and also for the purposes of translating item descriptions.
    • JPEGs are ok for Verification images, since they don't need to be ultra-high quality (and because XNview fails at converting the menus to PNG without making them glow for some bizarre reason).
    • Clearly mark if the images you are sending in are for Extra/Story Mode, as the stats are often completely different.
    • For Weapons, the Verification Images we need are the first and last pages of the info you get when highlighting weapons in a shop and in your inventory. Ignore the second page, it's just PAs and stuff and not useful.
    • For Armour and Units, all three pages are necessary.
    • For Consumables, failed Synthesis Items, Monster Parts, Synthesis Materials, and My Room decorations you only get one page. We need that.
    • Boards are slightly different. To get a Board verification image, enter your Board into your PM, then highlight it as if you were going to do a Synthesis with that board (even if you don't have the materials). Send in the picture, which should look like this.
    • If there is already a nice set of verification images for an item, don't bother sending in any for that item. That really should be common sense though.
    • Naming format for verification images: <itemname>Verification<number>. For example, a Saber would have SaberVerification1.png and SaberVerification2.png. If an item has only one verification image, like Monomate use MonomateVerification.png. For Board Verification images use <itemname>Synth.png. For example, Board/Saber would be SaberSynth.png.
  • Actually inputting the data is nice, but while the templates are easy enough to use they can be a bit daunting and confusing at first. Check out the Item Templates and an example Weapon Page. I'll get examples of other items up when I can. If you can't or won't edit the actual page itself, leave any information on the article's Talk page, please. That's just as good really, as I can probably edit the page to include your information.
Example Pages

What do I get for this?

The nice feeling that comes from helping the community, probably. If you think this will bring you glory and adulation and whatever, you're probably in the wrong place. Feel free to credit yourself in any images you upload, or ask me to credit you if you send me images, but don't credit yourself in an article, please.

Any other questions?

Use the Talk page for this article if you want to ask any questions.