PSP talk:Clothes and parts

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Clothing and parts template request

I've no idea how to create templates, so I would like to make a request for one. The idea would be to have something similar to what we see in the "Stats, drops and pricing" section of a Unit (example). The drops section is fine, but the difference would be we would only need to display the following info for stats and pricing:

Manufacturer (CUBIC DESIGN, Kubara product, MIYA-B, ROAR ROARS, SHELL) (See notes)
Type (Bottom, Full set, Shoes, Top)

Buy price (N/A or enter value)
Shop location (N/A or specify shop)

Notes regarding the manufacturers' icons:

  • Kubara product's symbol is the same as the Kubara equipment.
  • SHELL-CAST and SHELL-CASEAL symbols are both the same as the GRM symbol for equipment. Grouping them simply as SHELL would probably be fine.
  • CUBIC GIRL, CUBIC MODE, CUBIC STAR are all part of CUBIC DESIGN and have the same symbol so probably no distinction is required.
  • MATOI, MINAMO, MUTAN are all part of MIYA-B and have the same symbol so probably no distinction is required.
  • Do-GAIM, monivan, ASFA are all part of ROAR ROARS and have the same symbol so probably no distinction is required.

However you want to do it, if someone could setup these templates I would be happy to begin chipping away at the female clothing right away since that is what I am currently playing. Just give me the blanks or let me know if more information is needed and I'll get started.

Grimnoir 02:44, 24 March 2009 (CDT)

  • For the pricing, you should probably just use the usual pricing info template; since there's no sell price, that will just remain Unknown for everything. I've created templates Clothing stats and Parts stats to show the type and manufacturer. I've added such a table to the Mikunas Set page as an example. RoloTomassi 10:21, 29 March 2009 (CDT)
    • Awesome, that looks like it would work out just fine. I'll start working on some of the female clothes immediately. Grimnoir 14:53, 29 March 2009 (CDT)

Shirt/Pants sets and Pants/Shoes sets

I didn't even realize this until now (shows how much I actually look at the clothes shops...), but there are purchasable items that are "partial" sets. For example, the Maydi Suit available at Parum is a set consisting of Shirt and Pants only, any shoes may be equipped with it. Similarly sets like the Smartia Bottoms consist of only Pants and Shoes, allowing any Shirt to be used with them. I haven't seen any Shirt/Shoes sets yet. But at any rate, this would mean that the template needs to be editted to include the icons for these in order to have them properly added into the item lists. Grimnoir 17:20, 30 March 2009 (CDT)

  • More on this: I found the icons over in the PSU sections of the wiki:

    Pants/Shoes -> Bottom set -> {{Bottom set icon}} -> Bottom set
    Shirt/Pants -> Top set -> {{Top set icon}} -> Top set

    All that is needed is for them to be added into the clothing stats template somehow so the individual pages can display them properly. Grimnoir 18:16, 30 March 2009 (CDT)
  • It may be a bit late to be updating this, but I noticed this a while ago when I started filling out the shop clothes, and updated the templates accordingly. I also just now updated the two above-mentioned (and one extra: Western Bottoms W) pieces of (female) top/bottom clothing that had already been created. Crossing my fingers, but that should be everything now... RoloTomassi 22:33, 15 May 2009 (CDT)

ah... clothing colors?

I'm a noob, I'll admit that. but shouldn't there be a table or something containing all the possible color variations. I'm probably not even posting this in the right place. but I think since this helps improve the wiki, it shouldn't be deleted.