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The 14 character types in Phantasy Star Zero are built in the same way as Phantasy Star Online character classes. They also share much the same strength and weakness differences as in Phantasy Star Online. When it comes to weapons classes are grouped by Combat type (HU, RA, FO) and race (Human, Newman, Cast) only. Gender has not been shown to be a main issue with weapons. Class combination sets are grouped in the same manner on this page, using the games two letter codes. First letter is Race (Human, Newman, and Cast), second letter is job type (Hunter, Ranger, Force).

Just as a note, when I compare early game stats to late game stats, early game is LV1 and late is LV100. I haven't organized the LV30 and LV50 lists off the Japanese wiki.

HH - HUmar and HUmarl

HUmar and HUmarl characters are pretty much average when it comes to the Hunter classes. They lack the specialized Strength and Accuracy of a Cast, and the specialized Tech power and TP of a Newman. They do have enough in every stat to be a strong choice for a beginner character. Along with the five basic Techs (Foie, Barta, Zonde, Resta, and Anti), the 'Buff' techs Shifta and Deband are in the Hunter arsenal. Letting them make their already good Atp and Dfp better.

Start of the game they both have low total stats (13th and 11th spot respectively), end of game they get to a 8th and 7th respectively (without Materials, of course). Human Hunters have a wide range of usable weapons, most Melee weapons, Wands and Slicers from the Force collection, a large number of Handguns, and a decent number of Gunslashes and Mechguns.

NH - HUnewm and HUnewearl

Newman Hunters are the weakest physically of the Hunters. Holding low HP, Atp, and Dfp. They make up for it with the best Evade of any class, and high Tech and TP stats (superior to any class that isn't a Force). TP regeneration is useful as well, and comes with being a Newman. Like with the Human Hunters, Newmans carry the same set of Techs. Their advantage is better stats to use said techs.

They start with decent combined stats (6th and 3rd respectively), HUnewearl have the highest combined strength by the end of the game. HUnewm lagging behind a little in 3rd overall. They have access to most of the same weapons as a Human Hunter, but without the non-handgun ranged weapons. They gain a lot more access to Rods than any other non-Force.

CH - HUcast and HUcaseal

Cast Hunters have the strongest physical (HP, Atp, Dfp) stats of any class. However with the amazing upside comes the worst PP, Evade, and Tech of any class. However those stats are not the bread and butter of being a Hunter. So they don't suffer too much except for the lack of Evade. Casts have no Techs, so the low tech power isn't too much of a hindrance (they do weapon Force weapons, but Casts shouldn't be using those even if they can). Casts can buy and set traps, which no other race is able to do. They also have permanent trap vision, which is also useful. Final buff to make up for no techs is they have HP regeneration matching the Newman TP regeneration.

Even with very strong stats, the weak stats bring them down, on total the stat points at the start of game are low (5th for females, 10th for males). Late game they join the Newman Hunters at the top (2nd for female, 4th for males). Cast Hunters have access to most melee weapons, but the addition of a fair count of Rifles from the Ranged weapons (to go with handguns). They can also equip Wands and Slicers like the other Hunters, but their stats make those weapons less valuable.

HR - RAmar and RAmarl

The first of the Rangers, Humans again carry the more balanced stats. Accuracy is the stat for Rangers, and while Humans aren't as accurate as their robot compatriots they are better than every other group. TP is higher than you would expect, but this is to handle the use of Photon Arts. HP, Atp, and Dfp are better than a force (but that says very little), Tech is better than Casts (that says even less). So stat wise the Human Rangers are not much to look at. Unlike the Hunters, Rangers carry the 'Debuff' techs, Jellen and Zalure. To go with the collection of Attack and Healing techs.

Start of the game they are at 8th and 4th (respectively) with combined stats. However at the end of the game both classes are at the bottom of the list, females doing only marginally better than males. They carry a vast arsenal of Ranged weapons, with Sabers and Spears making up their melee arsenal. They can also use Wands and some Slicers, but the stats make those a questionable choice.

CR - RAcast and RAcaseal

Sporting the Highest Accuracy in the game, Cast rangers will be most likely to hit their marks. They also have superior HP, Atp, and Dfp to the squishier Human Rangers. However stat wise they are not much better than Human rangers as they have very low Evade, Tech, and TP (better than Hunter Casts, however). They lack in Techs, like all Casts, but have traps, trap vision, and regenerating HP to make up for it.

Despite the low stats, they do carry the highest combined stats at the start of the game. Which probably has something to do with Accuracy and Dfp being done on vastly different scales, as Accuracy starts in the triple digits with Defense in the lowly single digits. Late game however they fall to 10th and 9th place on the combined list. Cast Rangers carry the same weapon choices of their human counterparts, except they gain a few more Shields to use.

FH - FOmar and FOmarl

Forces carry low stats in pretty much every area. Humans would have the lowest if Newmans were not the other Force choice. HP, Atp, Dfp, and Ata are all really low. However TP, Evade, and Tech stats are all much higher than every other class. But stats are not everything with access to the highest level techniques and all techniques in the game. They have options.

Beyond having the highest TP in the game (for FOmarl), they come in at 9th and 7th for early game combined stats. Late game they get 6th and 5th in the grand scheme of things, which isn't bad. Weapon wise they don't get that many options. They have full access to Force weapons (for the most part), along with Sabers, Handguns, and Mechguns, as well as a few Daggers and Shields. Males get boosted power to Foie, Barta, and Zonde spells (120%). While Females get a boost to Grants (125%) and Resta (130%).

FN - FOnewm and FOnewearl

Newman Forces carry the lowest HP, Atp, Dfp, and Ata in the game, however they get the highest Tech power, great TP, and decent Evade. Like Human Forces they have access to every Tech, at the highest levels. They get the addition of claiming Newman TP regeneration. So if you're patient after clearing a room you can restore yourself some power to keep on casting in later rooms.

However Male Newmans have the worst stats at the start of the game, Females not doing much better landing in 12th on the list. Later game they rise a bit, but not by much, to 12th and 11th place. They also suffer from having the most limited weapon list outside of their own Force weapons. While the Sabers and Handguns are there, along with some Daggers and Shields, they lost the Human Force's collection of Mechguns. This is not to say they are useless. Males get the decent boost to every attack Tech (115% across the board), but suffer a limited power Resta (70%). Females carry a Megid to match FOmarl's Grants (125%), and the same boost to Resta (130%).

Source - Character stats
Source - Technic data