GUARDIANS Branches (script)

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Episode 1

Clyez City Fifth Floor: GUARDIANS Headquarters

  • Human Male
  • Reporter

Holtes City: GUARDIANS Branch

  • Human Woman
  • Black Cast
  • Human Male

Dagora City: GUARDIANS Branch

  • Female Beast

Chapter 2

(Human Male)

  • Human Male: You grew up on the colony, didn't you? I can tell by your muscles. There are a lot of differences between the colony and solid ground. here, there's no such thing as discrimination, but thing on Parum are a little different. It might be strange, but you'll want to be prepared for hostility.


  • Human Male: When you arrive on Parum, be ready for anything.


  • Reporter: You're with the GUARDIANS, aren't you? I'm a correspondent with "Gurhal Channel 5"! This is the first time I've been on location. I'm going to accompany the GUARDIANS. I look forward to working with you!


  • Reporter: I look forward to working with you!

(Human Woman)

  • Human Woman: Since the SEED first appeared, the number of incoming SEED has increased dramatically. But even so, the majority of what I'm doing here is dealing with small-scale problems that the Alliance Military doesn't have time to deal with. They say the number of SEED that have fallen in just these past three months is already in the thousands... Where did the SEED come from and why?


  • Human Woman: In any case, we've just got to deal with the SEED as best we can!

(Black Cast)

  • Black Cast: A Rookie, eh? Lemmie teach you one thing, all right? When fighting enemies, try to take into account their main strength. Then attack with the opposite attribute! Your damage dealt will increase dramatically. On the other hand, if you try to play into their strength in your attacks, the damage will decrease significantly. Keep that in mind.

(Human Male)

  • Human Male: The humans on Parum are at the bottom of the social ranks. Discrimination here is a lot different than anything you'd see on the colony, isn't it? It was really hard for me at first, too.


  • Human Male: There are all kinds of different CASTs here. Soon you'll get the hang of things!

Chapter 3

(Human Male)

  • Human Male: You went to Parum? The CAST-run system isn't necessarily bad...But as long as they continue to look down their noses at other races, the tense atmosphere of Parum will stay the same.
  • (Again)
  • Human Male: Just as there are many different kinds of people and opinions, there are CASTs who feel differently, as well. I'm sure you'll be exposed to this eventually.


  • Reporter: What are RELICS like? I've never seen an actual RELICS site. If you ever get the chance to see one, tell me all about it! I'll write an article about it.

(Human Woman)

  • Human Woman: Did you notice that ever since the SEED appeared more RELICS have been discovered one after another? Thanks to the archaeologists, we're busy investigating RELICS left and right. But so many research teams have gone missing. It's kind of creepy.


  • Human Woman: What is it that's so dangerous about the RELICS?

(Black Cast)

  • Black Cast: There's a huge beast called the De Ragan that roams the Raffon Meadow. He can usually be found way up in the highlands. But ever since the SEED came, he's been sighted as low as the grasslands.


  • Black Cast: I've been so busy because of the SEED...

(Human Male)

  • Human Male: Do you understand what I said before, about there being all kinds of different CASTs? You've probably been met with some scorn yourself. I have to believe a day will come when we can all live together in harmony.


  • Human Male: Hold your head up high and do the best you can.

Chapter 4

(Human Male)

  • Human Male: I heard you had a run-in with the Endrum Collective. They try to claim their only focus is RELICS preservation. I don't really know myself.. They are a special unit division, after all. They don't have to answer to anyone. The Allied Military lets them run free, unchecked.


  • Human Male: I'd like to give them a good scare one of these days!


  • Reporter: The Endrum Collective... Magashi... And Dr. Daren? I don't know if I can make it a convincing article without more proof... but I'll do some investigating!


  • Reporter: I'll investigate the Endrum Collective myself.

(Human Female)

  • Human Female: Are you familiar with the Endrum Collective? They're a special division of the Alliance Military. They are currently focused on the preservation of RELICS sites. They've been exerting their authority all over the system. You should watch out for them.


  • Human Female: I don't care how special the Endrum Collective is. It doesn't justify their level of aggressiveness.

(Black Cast)

  • Black Cast: Recently, the number of creatures in the grasslands has increased dramatically. You've had the chance to see a De Ragan, haven't you?


  • Black Cast: Just getting to the newly discovered RELICS can be a difficulty... Investigating them is another challenge indeed!

(Human Male)

  • Human Male: In you find yourself caught in a fight with rogues, do be careful! Their modified machines can be a real pain. Their guns and attacks are terribly powerful. To be safe, it's a good idea to master one or two TECHNICs.


  • Human Male: The rogues' modded machines can be a particular pain. Their guns and attacks are awfully powerful. To be safe, it's a good idea to master one or two TECHNICs.

Chapter 5

(Human Male)

  • Human Male: I heard you got into a tussle with some pirates. Well, it's no big deal. Everyone loses sometimes. The question is, how do you come back from such a loss?


  • Human Male: Growth is recovering from and learning from your previous mistakes!


  • Reporter: You fought Tylor!? I'm glad you made it home safely! Tylor is a big shot, even to other rogues, isn't he? When you defeat Tylor, I'll make that into an article! Tell me first, all right?


  • Reporter: When you defeat Tylor, let me have exclusive rights to the story! Promise?

(Human Woman)

  • Human Woman: Rozenom City is called "Scholars City." Various different schools of all manner of subjects are found there. There are numerous universities and research institutes, too. With all the restrictions on travel, I doubt you'll get a chance to visit the city. But the greatest minds on Parum are gathered there. It is such a stimulating environment!


  • Human Woman: I hope you have the chance to travel to Rozenom City someday.

(Black Cast)

  • Black Cast: Your mission is sending you to Neudaiz, eh? Good Luck!


  • Black Cast: Good luck with the rest of your training!

(Human Male)

  • Human Male: You met Tylor? ...and came back home in one piece!? Hm? Tylor was a gentleman? *There are all kinds of rogues, too, I guess...


  • Human Male: If your story about Tylor is true, I'd like a shot at him someday myself!

Chapter 6

(Human Male)

  • Human Male: I hear you saved the Divine Maiden. It's all over town, in fact! I heard she had a close call, but now she seems to be up and about. Either you're really good, or you're really lucky. Either way, good job!


  • Human Male: Plain old recklessness can cost lives, but your courage is priceless. Never let go of it!


  • Reporter: You say you saved the Divine Maiden!? Does that mean you're a personal friend of hers? Can you get me an interview with you and the Maiden? I beg of you! The brave hero and the rescued heroine... Yes! I can definitely make this into a riveting article!


  • Reporter: Please, Ethan! Will you talk to the Divine Maiden about an interview!?

(Human Woman)

  • Human Woman: Recently, scientists have been disappearing with increasing frequency. One day without warning, they'll just suddenly disappear! There are skeptics who think it's a ploy on the scientists' behalf. Others think it's suicide or murder, but there hasn't been a single body recovered! What could possibly be causing it?


  • Human Woman: Rozenom City's renowned scientists have been disappearing, too.

(Black Cast)

  • Black Cast: What's wrong? You're almost done with your training, aren't you? Just a little more to go. Keep at it!


  • Black Cast: Don't drop your guard just because it's your last training mission!

(Human Male)

  • Human Male: Is Karen really on leave from GUARDIANS duty? She must have had an awful injury or something. No? I see... Karen overdoes it sometimes, pretending she's stronger than she really is. I was worried about her, you know.


  • Human Male: I hope Karen can come back soon!

(Female Beast)

  • Female Beast: This your first time on Moatoob? Lemmie tell you a little something. Even before the SEED came, the native creatures here evolved in this cruel environment. They are all extremely tough!


  • Female Beast: Be careful because there are some pretty brutal creatures around here!

Chapter 7

(Human Male)

  • Human Male: I heard Tonnio was your instructor. I'll bet it was tough answering to a roughneck like that. Huh? You aren't listening to me, are you? Forget it!


  • Human Male: You don't look like you've got time to talk today.


  • Reporter: You ran into Tylor again!? Tell me all ab- Never mind. You don't look like you have time for this.


  • Reporter: We'll talk more next time.

(Human Woman)

  • Human Woman: I heard a rumor that the Endrum Collective is behind the scientists' disappearances! Well, you don't look like you have time to listen now...


  • Human Woman: Next time, all right?

(Black Cast)

  • Black Cast: What happened to your training? You're not going to get very good scores by ignoring your missions... and running around on your own!


  • Black Cast: I'm not sure that dereliction of duty is the best way to start a GUARDIANS career....

(Human Male)

  • Human Male: What's wrong? ...Could it be about Karen!? Did something happen to her!? If there's something I can do, tell me!


  • Human Male: If there's something I can do, tell me!

(Beast Female)

  • Beast Female: It looks like your training is over. Now you're a real Guardian! That means... What? You must be in some kind of hurry. Fine, then get moving! The GUARDIANS are all about speed!


  • Beast Female: What's wrong with you? Get moving!

Chapter 8

(Human Male)

  • Human Male: Last time I saw you, you were running off to do something on Neudaiz. What was that about? Oh. You can't say, eh? Now that your training is complete, I'll bet you're getting some pretty important classified missions.


  • Human Male: Congratulations! You're a full-fledged Guardian now!


  • Reporter: Before, you were talking about the Endrum Collective. Well I did a little bit of research and... What's wrong? You look a bit pale, like you're going to topple over. ... you can't say anything about it, can you?


  • Reporter: I'll hold off on this talk until you've calmed down a little.

(Human Woman) (Before meeting the President)

  • Human Woman: Next time, all right?

(After meeting the President)

  • Human Woman: You want to know about Mellvore? I was very young at the time of the great explosion... so I don't know too many details firsthand. But if you think about it, it's pretty strange. That was an explosion large enough to wipe out an entire city but there isn't a lot of talk about it. I was born and raised on Parum and we never really studied it in school. Even though the source of the explosion remains a mystery, the media seems to ignore it.


  • Human Woman: Perhaps someone is controlling the information concerning what happened on Mellvore? It seems plausible.

(Black Cast) (Before meeting the President)

  • Black Cast: I'm not sure that dereliction of duty is the best way to start a GUARDIANS career...

(After meeting the President)

  • Black Cast: You say you're going to Mellvore? The ruined city... They say that strange creatures settle there because there are no people left. Be careful!


  • Black Cast: Mellvore... It's an abominable place!

(Human Male) (Before meeting the President)

  • Human Male: If there's something I can do, tell me!

(After meeting the President)

  • Human Male: I heard Karen quit the GUARDIANS. I don't know why, but Karen always turned down missions in Neudaiz. Does it have something to do with you running off to Neudaiz the other day? You can't tell me anything? Fine then!


  • Human Male: I don't want to talk to you! ...Get lost!

(Beast Female)

  • Beast Female: Moatoob is a dangerous place. Even in the city you've got to be careful! Although... you made it through training with Tonnio, so you're probably pretty tough!


  • Beast Female: Tonnio can be vulgar but he's a good guy. Make friends with him!

Chapter 9

(Human Male)

  • Human Male: To think there was a RELICS site like that on Mellvore... Is it true that it's supposed to be a trump card against the SEED? What are we supposed to do with it?


  • Human Male: What are we supposed to do with that tower?


  • Reporter: I did a bit of investigation on the Endrum Collective. Their mission is to preserve the RELICS... but they've used that mission to perform pretty brutal acts around those sites. It's unconfirmed, but they seem to have no qualms about kidnapping or murder. As a secret military agency, even the Alliance Military doesn't issue them orders! Someone named Endrum Harness is responsible for them. I tried reading up on him, but his origins are a mystery. Magashi himself isn't even officially acknowledged publicly. At this rate I'll have one heck of an article! I'll show them the power of the written word!


  • Reporter: If I make this into an article, it will definitely be the end of the Endrum Collective!

(Human Female)

  • Human Female: What's with that big tower that appeared in Mellvore? You went to Mellvore recently. Do you have any clues as to what that thing is? Oh yeah, it's probably classified information, right? Well, looking at your calm composure, I can't imagine it's anything too horrible.


  • Human Female: Still, how could something so big lie undiscovered under Mellvore all this time?

(Black Cast)

  • Black Cast: The Endrum Collective... I had an encounter with them while escorting an investigation team to a RELICS site... They were an unpleasant group. Why has the Alliance Military let a group like that run around unchecked?


  • Black Cast: There are instructions from Headquarters to capture and hold members of the Endrum Collective upon discovery. Don't drop your guard!

(Human Male)

  • Human Male: I'm sorry about before... Getting so upset... Whenever I think about Karen I... Er... it's not important!


  • Human Male: Just forget about it!

(Female Beast)

  • Female Beast: You just happened to be in Mellvore? The ancient civilization used that tower to eradicate the SEED, didn't it? But the SEED came back. So does that mean that the seal was broken? And is there a limit on the confinement system?


  • Female Beast: You guys are trying to reinitialize the seal one more time, aren't you?

Chapter 10

(Human Male)

  • Human Male: It looks like they've found that confinement system on Moatoob. That just leaves Neudaiz... The fate of the Gurhal System hangs in the balance. We've got to find that last tower no matter what!


  • Human Male: Something the ancient civilization left behind... Have we really been left no better choice than to rely on those ancient things?


  • Reporter: My Endrum Collective article didn't get published. My editor said it was for my own safety. Since when did safety equal censorship!? I'm so upset!


  • Reporter: I'm so upset! That article would have made a big difference!

(Human Female)

  • Human Female: The towers are essentially huge RELICS sites, aren't they? You don't see that kind of architecture in our own buildings so it's a pretty natural conclusion. I've been to the RELICS countless times, and it's always been apparent that the ancient civilization was far more advanced than we are today. How is it that such a great civilization was overthrown?


  • Human Female: Our ancestors left that device behind for us, didn't they?

(Black Cast)

  • Black Cast: Those huge towers are a confinement system... and our trump card against the SEED. We must protect those towers no matter what the cost!


  • Black Cast: We must protect those towers no matter what the cost!

(Human Male)

  • Human Male: Ethan, I have to ask you something... The Divine Maiden... It's Karen, isn't it? It's okay, you don't have to say anything. These are things I'm sure you're not allowed to talk about. Even if the believers don't realize it, I know it in my heart because I've always watched over Karen...


  • Human Male: Whatever Karen is going through... I sure hope she's happy!

(Beast Girl)

  • Beast Girl: Confinement systems... you mean those big towers! With something that magnificent, all you can do is rely on it's power and hope everything goes as it should. But there's still one we haven't found yet, isn't there?


  • Beast Girl: I'll be praying for your victory!

Chapter 11

(Human Male)

  • Human Male: You say that Magashi was alive all this time? The Endrum Collective was dismantled! What is he trying to do?


  • Human Male: If Magashi really has it in for you, he still may have a couple of tricks up his sleeve. Be careful out there!


  • Reporter: For some reason, recently I've lost all my self-confidence. I used to dream of someday becoming a famous newscaster, like Hal. But I guess that's just a pipe dream, isn't it?


  • Reporter: I need to figure out what I want to do with my life...

(Human Woman)

  • Human Woman: It looks like the Endrum Collective was dissolved... but their true intentions remain a mystery. The Alliance Military plans on launching an investigation into what was really going on, don't they?


  • Human Woman: Are you still worried about Magashi? His organization has been dissolved, you know. Even someone like Magashi couldn't do anything now, could they?

(Black Cast)

  • Black Cast: The unification point is fast approaching. The fate of the Gurhal System hangs in the balance. We've got to fight it out to the end!


  • Black Cast: In this battle, we've got to fight to win!

(Human Male)

  • Human Male: Ethan, I have to ask you... How do you feel about Karen? The thing is, Karen and I both joined the GUARDIANS at the same time. Ever since I met her at school, I always felt she had an element of intrigue to her. But she always pushed herself to become stronger, and I admired that a lot! To her, I'm probably just another Guardian, but... Um... What am I going on about? Just forget it!


  • Human Male: It's all right... Just forget everything I said!

(Beast Girl)

  • Beast Girl: The unification point is almost here. This is the last battle. Give 'em all you've got!


  • Beast Girl: When this is over, let's go have a drink! Whoops, you're still too young, aren't you?

Chapter 12

(Human Male)

  • Human Male: We made it past the unification point. All that's left is the HIVE! You know, you've changed beyond all recognition from back when you were just a trainee. You've done really well to make it this far!


  • Human Male: Leave the HIVE to the Alliance Military Force. We'll clean up the SEED that escaped confinement.


  • Reporter: I've been giving it serious thought, and I've decided to continue on with my work. I may not have the confidence to become a bold newscaster like Hal, but I still have confidence in my ability to do my very best!


  • Reporter: Ethan, you do your best, too!

(Human Woman)

  • Human Woman: After the HIVE is wiped out, this SEED hassle will be over! Hopefully everything will be much calmer after that.


  • Human Woman: If it becomes too peaceful, though, then maybe we Guardians will be out of jobs!

(Black Cast)

  • Black Cast: Are you really going to the HIVE? You'll be there for the Alliance Military offensive! You seem to feel really strongly about protecting people. When I see this in you, it stirs up something similar inside me, even though I'm a CAST.


  • Black Cast: Occasionally a human with a strong spirit, like you, will come around.

(Human Male)

  • Human Male: A little bird told me that Karen has changed... and that change took place when she became an instructor. When I heard that, I was sad because the Karen I knew was gone. I really hated it! But it isn't that she's changed. No, she's just returned back to normal!


  • Human Male: Take good care of Karen for me!

(Female Beast)

  • Female Beast: I heard about you wanting to go to the HIVE. I'm sure you're sick of hearing people say "don't be so unreasonable," aren't you? But your wanting to help your friends isn't any more unreasonable than the president telling you that you shouldn't. I won't tell you what to do, but you should follow your heart and do what you feel is right. Then there'll be nothing to regret!


  • Female Beast: Sometimes regrets are more about what you don't do than what you do.