Episode 3 Mikua Tesran (script)

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Episode 3

Clyez City Fifth Floor:

  • Mikua Tesran
  • Gapard Raz

Chapter 4

  • Mikua Tesran: Welcome. This is a GUARDIANS support facility that features a specialized selection of clothes and parts that we get through special distribution channels. I hope to see you here often!
  • [Player]: [Begin Trade]/[Talk]/[Cancel]
[Begin Trade] [Cancel]
[R&D: Trading Station] Mikua Tesran: Oh, you're busy? I see... That's too bad. Maybe next time, then!
  • [Player]: [Talk]
  • Mikua Tesran: I'm Mikua Tesran. It's a pleasure to meet you. Here we provide experimental clothes and parts to Guardians. They're all prototypes made by the R&D division. A lot of them were made by Maya from R&D. Sometimes there are real gems as well... Oh, by the way... When I say provide, I mean for something in trade of equivalent value. Mostly things the R&D division needs for research.

  • Gapard Raz: Hey... You... You're a Guardian attached to the Mobile Defense Force, right? If it's all right, can I have a word?
  • [Player]: [Yes]/[No]

  • [Player]: [No]
  • Gapard Raz: Oh... Oh, yes, of course. Just forget it. Sorry to have bothered you. We have a lot here, so be sure to check it out!!

  • [Player]: [Yes]
  • Gapard Raz: Really? Great! Thanks! I'm Gapard. Nice to meet ya! You wouldn't know it to look at me, but I'm in the Mobile Defense Force too. I'm still a rookie though. ... ... ... What... What I wanted to ask you was... Do you get scared? Like of the SEED and other creatures? There was this Guardian that I really looked up to, see. I felt like I needed to change myself, so I joined up, too. But... It's really tough. My first time fighting was when the G-Colony fell. I made a mistake and got wounded pretty severly[sic]. I'm all healed up now, though. But the truth is... HQ still has me listed as under medical care. It's pathetic, but since my injury, whenever I think about the SEED I can't stop trembling. Of course I'm going through the GUARDIANS rehabilitation program. For the time being, I'm working here while I'm in rehab. Since I've been here, she's done a lot for me. She's been really encouraging in my recovery and return to service. I want to be able to meet her expectations! But I just can't get over my fear of combat. (Shouting) Do you have any answers or guidance for me? If you look at these exchange rates, everything here is costly. It must be terribly difficult to collect all this. You must be really skilled, right? Am I right!? (Speaking) Oh, I'm sorry... I got a little emotional. *sigh* Someone at your level probably can't understand what I'm going through. Rrgh... I promised myself I'd be as good as him...

Chapter 7

  • [Player]: [Talk]
  • Mikua Tesran: Oh, the person beside me is Gapard. He's a Guardian, like you. I requested this assignment to try to meet him, you see. It was an unbelievable stroke of luck that he was assigned to work right next to me while he's recuperating. But... Well... We had a bit of a disagreement that ended badly. Since then, he's been distant, as if he's got something on his mind. *Sigh* Do you think he hates me now? Hey, maybe you could talk to him and see for me. Would you? Oh, but I'm scared of what he'll say!

  • Gapard Raz: Hey, listen. Did you take part in that big operation?
  • [Player]: [Yes]/[No]

  • [Player]: [No]
  • Gapard Raz: Huh? oh, okay. I see... Well, I didn't mean to bother you.

  • [Player]: [Yes]
  • Gapard Raz: Yeah, I figured as much. I mean, of course you did. They needed the full force of the GUARDIANS, right? Yeah... Well... It's kind of hard for me to say this, but... I was called in, and went to the operation HQ. But... In the end I was just so scared... *Sigh* While the other Guardians were fighting their best, I, um, sort of ran away. This was the only place I could come back to, but when I did, Mikua over there really tore into me. It was unsettling but... Well, it actually did the trick. It was the first time, anyone ever called me on something before. Thanks to that, my eyes are wide open again. I always saw this job as something out of an action movie. But after experiencing combat first hand, the reality of war really killed the fantasy for me. Well, it's still terrifying, that won't change. Heh, I guess you can't become a superhero overnight. But now there's something I've got to do. From the moment I got here, that Mikua has done nothing but take care of me. Now I've got to work hard to be the Guardian she expects me to be. I hope someday you and me can work together, too.


  • Gapard Raz: Oh, it's you. Sorry for unloading on you earlier. I'm very grateful you listened though. Take it easy, all right?