Episode 3 Chapter 8 Act 2 (script)

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  • Karen[1]: The confinement system isn't that way!
  • Ethan[1]: What? You're going backwards!


[I can't do that.] [I'm not leaving alone.]
  • Ethan: I... can't leave Karen behind. Please try to understand, [Player].
[I'll go get help.] [Just hold on!]
  • Ethan (shouts): That's crazy, [Player]! Just get out of here!
  • Ethan: ...
[Ethan? And Karen?] [So Ethan and Karen are...]
  • Hyuga: ...
  • Hiru (shouts): I'm sorry!
  • Hiru: We were lucky to find you passed out in the rubble, but... We weren't able to locate Ethan or Karen.
  • Hiru (shouts): I can't believe this!
  • Do: *sniff*
  • No: Please forgive us! It's a miracle we were even in time to save you.
  • Do: Waaah!
  • Tylor: It's too bad.
  • Hyuga: I just can't believe it. Ethan and Karen...
  • Lumia: As long as you believe, then no miracle will be too great!
  • Hyuga: Lumia?

Epilogue with Orson

[He's alive?!] [It must be an impostor!]
  • Howzer: A foolish question, [Player]. I was never dead.
  • Howzer: You think I'm an impostor? Ha! You Guardians have quite the optimistic viewpoint.
  • Ethan (shouts): What did you say?
  • Howzer: I do not die. As long as the SEED exist, I will always be reborn.
  • Karen: So you're a SEED-Form then?
  • Howzer (shouts): Do not compare me to such cannon fodder. I am a higher being.
  • Howzer: The SEED-Forms you've faced are but lowly tools of destruction.
  • Ethan: Aren't you the same?
  • Howzer: No. As a matter of fact I am not, I am not. I, and the SEED, wish for what lays beyond destruction.
  • Karen: What lays beyond destruction?
  • Howzer: Does the "Divine Maiden" not comprehend?
  • Howzer (shouts): Why, annihilation, of course!
  • Ethan (shouts): !
  • Howzer: Annihilation of all people from all races. all of civilization, all life, all planets, and even space itself. It is the eradication of all that the SEED desire.
  • Ethan: In other words, there can be no common ground, no peace, between you and life in the Gurhal system.
  • Howzer: Heh heh heh. It appears you finally comprehend. There is, however, common ground between you and I. You, Ethan waber, and [Player].
  • Ethan: What?!
  • Howzer (shouts): I welcome you!
  • Ethan: What are you talking about?
  • Ethan (shouts): [Player]! Let's do this!
  • Howzer: ...
  • Karen (shouts): Wait! Ethan! [Player]!

[I want to know.] [I don't want to know.]
  • Howzer: Wicked acts? That is rather subjective, Arkguard.
  • Orson: How dare you. The start of this whole nightmare was when Dark Falz was awakened from his long sleep.
  • Howzer: That is also subjective. We succeeded in manufacturing SEED from Dark Falz's cells. That was the beginning of a glorious time. But in order to release the true power of the SEED, it would be necessary to restore Dark Falz. And so... We began searching for a vessel for Dark Falz.
  • Ethan: A vessel...
  • Howzer: There were two requirements. First, we needed a strong body, able to contain his enormous energy. And second, the vessel had to flow with negative energy.
  • Ethan: You mean hatred and sadness.
  • Howzer: Heh heh heh. I was a suitable vessel. But should my body be used, then who would lead the Illuminus? And above all, the more vessels the better.
  • Orson: And so they turned to me.
  • Ethan: !!
  • Howzer: Because you'd come to Rykros without even being asked, yes. Why not take advantage of your foolishness? But the Arkguard had been brainwashed by the GUARDIANS and did not entrust his body to the SEED.
  • Orson: Of course not. It wasn't that I was brainwashed. It was that I'd abandoned the notion of human supremacy. Brainwashing is being forced to accept being fused with the SEED.
  • Howzer: You still do not understand. The majestic Dark Falz requires a superior vessel. I have therefore been biding my time until now. Until the Arkguard could break free of his brainwashing.
  • Orson: Biding your time? Don't make me laugh. Who tried to use the CAST Copy Magashi as a vessel, creating an inferior Dulk Fakis?
  • Howzer: Heh heh heh. A trifling matter. That was merely an experiment to grow Dark Falz's cells.
  • Orson: And her. Helga. Was she just another experiment?
  • Howzer: She was more like... insurance. The SEED fusion went rather well, but she was not a suitable vessel for Dark Falz. So I gave up on her. Besides, I'd found much more suitable hosts.
  • Orson: ...
  • Howzer: You, Ethan Waber. And you, [Player].
  • Ethan (shouts): !
  • Howzer: I held the Arkguard hostage to force Ethan to assassinate Dallgun, gradually filling him with negative energy. But like a fool, Ethan failed, and went into hiding. It then occurred to me that his sister would make a perfect hostage, useful against both Ethan and the Arkguard.
  • Ethan (shouts): What?! So that's why you tried to capture her just before the colony fell!
  • Howzer: Yes, but you interfered. I tried again at the Sochee plant, but failed once again. I had grown tired of dealing with you two, but then fortunately I discovered [Player].
  • Ethan (shouts): You never give up, do you?
  • Orson: You tried to kill me without hesitation, so I realized you were targeting Ethan and [Player].
  • Howzer: It's quite ironic that they should both come here on their own.
  • Orson: They came because of their beliefs and convictions.
  • Orson (shouts): You won't be able to overcome their courage!
  • Ethan (shouts): That's right! I'm not gonna listen to anything you have to say!
  • Howzer: ... Mwa ha ha ha ha!
  • Howzer (shouts): Ha ha ha ha ha!
  • Orson: You've lost, Howzer.
  • Howzer: Arkguard. I will admit that your family is quite something. But you will not succeed during the unification point, I assure you.
  • Orson (shouts): We will!
  • Howzer: I still have another trick up my sleeve, you see. I will kill two of you, and use the third as a hostage for Lumia. She will be the vessel!
  • Orson (shouts): No!
  • Ethan (shouts): Howzer!
  • Howzer: She will be far easier to manipulate than the lot of you, I'd imagine. And she will fuse with the SEED.
  • Orson (shouts): You rotten little--!

Epilogue with Lumia

[...] [Talk about Lumia.]
  • Nav (comm): Now now, you'd probably be nervous about your first command mission too, I bet.

Before talking, [Player] is interrupted by the comm.

  • Nav (comm): Now now, you'd probably be nervous about your first command mission too, I bet.
  • Nav (comm): Right, Laia?
  • Laia (comm): Yeah. That's right. [Player] is so cute sometimes.
  • Ethan: Hm... Whatever. I guess. we're going to head for the control room soon.
  • Laia (comm): You'd better keep a cool head.
  • Ethan: Don't you have any faith in me?
  • Laia (comm): It's not that, Ethan. You and [Player] are both essential to Karen's safety.

[I have a secret mission.] [I need to do something.]
  • Ethan: A secret mission? All by yourself? We've come this far... What could possibly need to be kept secret from us?
  • Ethan: What, alone? And you can't even tell us why?
  • Karen: Stand down, Ethan. Sometimes a commander has things they can't discuss. And remember what I said about orders from commanding officers?
  • Ethan: Fine... I get it, Karen.
  • Karen: But will you really be okay alone, [Player]?

[Player] nods.

  • Karen: All right, then we'll leave you here. Ethan and I will head to the control room. You'd better come back alive!

[You're alive?!] [You must be an impostor!]
  • Howzer: A foolish question, [Player]. I was never dead.
  • Howzer: You think I'm an impostor? Ha! You Guardians have quite the optimistic viewpoint.
  • Howzer: I do not die. As long as the SEED exist, I will always be reborn.
[Return Lumia!] [Where is Lumia?]
  • Howzer: Don't get ahead of yourself. She is unharmed... For now.
  • Static (comm): ...ust g...
  • Lumia (comm): [Player]! Hurry! Get out of there! Please, forget about me!
  • Helga (comm): Silence, insolent child!
  • Lumia (comm): Aaah!
  • Static (comm): ...
  • Howzer: "Please forget about me." Heh. Doesn't it just tug at your heartstrings?
  • Howzer (shouts): Hey, don't move. If you take another step, her life is forfeit.
  • Howzer: There we go. Hmph.

[Let's look for Lumia.] [She was a fine Guardian.]
  • Ethan: Don't be stupid, [Player]! The unification point is nearly here. There would be no point in looking for her. Besides, Lumia is already...
  • Ethan: She was a Guardian. I'm sure she knew this could happen and was prepared. So please, [Player], do your duty as a commander.
  • Karen: [Player], no one is more upset than Ethan. I know how you feel, but please. Ethan is right.
  • Ethan: Yeah, she was. [Player] is right. As a Guardian, she knew this could happen and was prepared for it. We have to make sure the unification point succeeds, for her.
  • Karen: Yeah, you're right, Ethan.
  • Ethan: All right, let's hurry to the control room!

[Let's hurry and escape.] [What about you, Lumia?]
  • Karen (shouts): [Player], wait! Lumia, what will happen to you?
  • Lumia (comm): I was released just before Dark Falz was destroyed.
  • Lumia (comm): I was released just before Dark Falz was destroyed.
  • Lumia (comm): Don't worry. Howzer and Helga were destroyed, too. I don't know why I alone survived, but perhaps the four races praying as one created a miracle. Now I'm in an imaginary world created by Dark Falz's memories. But I don't have the strength to escape. I'm using all I have to communicate with you now.
  • Karen: That's...
  • Lumia (comm): Please don't be sad for me. Gurhal was saved! And I'm just fine! I'm so happy I was able to speak with you like this, one last time. [Player], I know I was always a pain, but I hope you can be proud that at least this time, I didn't cry. You came all this way alone to try and save me. Thank you. I know you did everything you could to try and help me. It made me feel so happy. And it gave me courage. So I'm not afraid of anything anymore. I just wa... ...e able... tell yo... ...
  • Static (comm): ...
  • Karen (shouts): Lumia... Lumia!
  • Karen: No... We'd better get out of here quickly, [Player].
[You go ahead.] [...]
  • Karen: What?! You're going to stay here alone? ...I don't even know why I bothered to ask.
  • Karen: ... Heh. I should have known. You're going to try and save Lumia, aren't you? I have to protect Ethan. So it's up to you. Is that all right?
  • Karen: I'm kind of glad Ethan is unconscious. If he weren't, he would stay too. Heh. [Player], in this space, the idea of distance doesn't exist. As long as you can sense Lumia's photon energy, you should be able to travel there instantly, whether she's in the imaginary world or otherwise. I'll give you whatever support I can, but I think you can do this. I'm going to take Ethan back first. Get Lumia back for us!
[You should have faith.] [You let your guard down.]
  • Lumia: Yes, [Player]. I understand that now. So the least I can do is pray for your safety. Heh heh. A rookie to the very end. Even my hallucinations are scolding me.
  • Lumia (shouts): I'm sorry, I'll be more careful!
  • Lumia: Heh. It's like I can still hear [Player] training me. I must still be pretty inexperienced to hallucinate like this.

Lumia turns around and sees [Player].

  • Lumia: Wait, I'm not just hearing things, I'm seeing things too! It's so... real. Wait, it can't be!
  • Lumia (shouts): Are you a ghost?
[Let's go home Lumia.] [We can work on that.] [Don't say that!] [Sorry, I'm still alive.]

Lumia turns around and sees [Player].

  • Lumia: But... You escaped...

Lumia turns around and sees [Player].

  • Lumia: But... You escaped...
  • Lumia: But... You escaped...
  • Lumia: But... You escaped...
  • Lumia: I don't believe it. Did you come here to rescue me? ... How could you... After I promised myself I wouldn't cry!
[You can cry later!] [Aren't we short on time?]
  • Lumia: Yes... All right! *sniff* But where and how are we going to escape? Even if we combine our energy... It won't be enough to transport out of distorted space.
[Believe in your friends.] [Can't you feel everyone?]
  • Lumia: What?

Lumia concentrates.

  • Lumia: Oh... I do. A wish for peace, from all over Gurhal. All our friends praying for our safe return... The energy, it's incredible! With this energy, We should be able to create any miracle we want. [Player], when we get home I'm going to cry a lot! And laugh and smile, right along with you! All right! Let's go home!

Lumia holds out her hand to [Player]. [Player] takes Lumia's hand. Fade to white.

Epilogue with Helga

[What are you doing here?] [You saved me?]
  • Lou: Well, I came on an Alliance Military warship. I couldn't find any trace of Lumia, and I wasn't sure what to do. Then I intercepted Helga's communication to you. And came here.
  • Lou: Yes. I was shocked to find you collapsed. I hastily used restorative TECHNICs. Thankfully... I was able to save you, even though I'm a CAST.
  • Lou: Oh, [Player]... Can... Can you show me your face one more time?
  • Lou: There's no doubt about it. It's you, [Player].
  • Lou: *sniff*
[You're acting odd.] [Who are you?]
  • Lou: No. I Am Acting Within My Defined Parameters. I Am Unable To Act Odd.
  • Lou: Wh-What do you mean? I am Lou, attached to the GUARDIANS Investigation Section. There is only a 0.01% chance that I am not Lou.
  • Lou: ... But in any case, we must hurry and save Lumia. I... I feel...
  • Lou (shouts): Could it be Helga?
  • Lou: [Player]. Hurry, this way. I can feel where Helga is. Perhaps Lumia is there, too.
[Help Lou.] [Glare at Helga.]
  • Lou: I'm all right, [Player].
  • Lou: No. [Player], you are mistaken.
  • Lou: I see. Helga, I understand. Howzer, you are wrong. Helga didn't give herself to the SEED to get revenge on Olson. She did it all for you. She became a SEED to be closer to you. Maybe it isn't what you would call "love," exactly...
  • Lou (shouts): But Howzer... There is no doubt that she was dedicated to you. Understand. Understand at least that much for her.
  • Howzer (shouts): Stop your babbling. What would a puppet like you know?
  • Lou: Oh, I know!
  • Lou (shouts): I know more than anyone else could!
  • Howzer: What?!

Fade to white. Fade in. Lou has become Vivienne.

  • Howzer (shouts): You're Vivienne! I see... Personal hacking! But from where?
[Magashi! You're alive?] [Where did you come from?]
  • Magashi: Heh. It has been a long time, [Player]. Surprise doesn't suit a soldier like you.
  • Magashi: It has been a long time, [Player]. I see I cannot surprise you so easily.
  • Vivienne: You're Magashi?!
  • Magashi: And you are? Heh. I see. You would be my "sister" then.
  • Vivienne (shouts): Stop this! Explain what is going on!
  • Magashi: Very well. I'm sure that [Player] remembers what happened at the base on Moatoob. After that, Helga absorbed me. As you've heard, she has been duplicated over and over, and she was on the verge of collapse due to excessive SEED infringement. To prevent that, she needed to absorb powerful life forms. As the catalyst, she had a duty to Howzer to survive until the end. Even if it meant that the life forms she absorbed were able to overpower her and influence her.
  • Vivienne: Helga...
[Where is Lumia?] [Is Lumia safe?]
  • Vivienne: I don't know. I can sense her photons, but they're faint.
  • Vivienne: Yes. I can sense her photons, but they're faint. They're not enough to tell me where she is, though. I'm sorry.
  • Vivienne: It feels like she is right here, but also miles away. I wonder why.
  • Vivienne (shouts): But it's all right! As long as she's alive, there's hope!
  • Magashi: ...

Area shakes.

  • Magashi: What?!
  • Vivienne: These photons... Is it...
  • Vivienne (shouts): The unification point?! It's starting!

Area shakes. Fade to black.

[So create a reason.] [But you have a soul.]
  • Magashi: Bwa ha ha ha ha! Create a reason? Don't make me laugh. Surely you don't mean to suggest some pathetic notion of atonement? Ha ha ha ha! Never mind. It was a bad joke. Hm... But what about... Yes. That could work.
  • Magashi: Hmph, a "soul"? There certainly is something that drives me, something that flows through my veins. Perhaps I do have a soul, as you suggest.
  • Vivienne: Magashi...

Area shakes.

  • Vivienne: How can this be? We we successful during the unification point! But I am sensing dark photons.
[Magashi, are you okay?] [You mean to be a vessel?]
  • Magashi: Don't look on me with too much sympathy. I have the pride of a soldier. I won't be giving myself to Dark Falz anytime soon.
  • Magashi (shouts): No. I will be fusing with him of my own free will!
  • Magashi: Correct. Dark Falz... He seems to desire me to be the perfect vessel for his full restoration.
  • Magashi: [Player], this will be our final battle. It's not exactly the way I envisioned it, I admit. But if you truly yearn to see peace in Gurhal... No, if you are truly a hero... then you will defeat me. Or indeed you will defeat Dark Falz!
  • Magashi (shouts): Let's have at it! Braaaaaagh!
[Magashi, you're lost.] [Please get back on topic.]
  • Magashi: Grr...
  • Magashi: Hey! We're not done here. Tsk... Forget it.
  • Lumia: I'm glad you're all right, [Player]. You must get out of here quickly. This is a special distorted space that Dark Falz created.
[What will you do then?] [...]
  • Magashi: Who knows? I have no intention of handing myself over to the GUARDIANS. I guess I'll do whatever I can to avoid that. Heh heh heh...
  • Magashi: Don't misunderstand. I've got no intention of forming a relationship with the GUARDIANS. Nor do I plan to hand myself over to them. Heh heh heh...
  • Magashi: However, I am somewhat indebted to you, [Player].

Reference notes

  1. 1.0 1.1 These lines are only spoken if the player attempts to backtrack at the start of each block.