Episode 3 Chapter 8 Act 1 (script)

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[Understood.] [Leave it to me.] [I'm worried about Lumia.]

Comm signal.

Comm signal.

  • Laia: Get it together, [Player]. What do you think you can do about it, really? This situation calls for a cool head. Otherwise we won't be able to save anyone, right?
  • Nav: And it's just as well. My many years of experience tell me that perhaps Lumia is on Rykros.
  • Laia: Huh?! Do you really think so, Headmaster? Could it be Illuminus remnants? Kidnapping Lumia to try and force us to back down before the unification point?
  • Nav: I don't know. It could be something even worse for all we know. But it'll be up to you to use your own judgment, [Player]. You understand that the fate of Gurhal rests on this, don't you?
  • Laia: Headmaster Nav!

Comm signal.

  • Hyuga (comm): I see that everyone's there.

[But why?] [Please explain.]
  • Laia: I'm not asking a lot am I? As you know, this unification point is our final chance to save Gurhal. So I want as many people as possible lending their support to the Maiden.

[I'm just a little nervous.] [The truth is...]
  • Mina: I see. This is the first time you've had a mission this important since you were promoted to commander, isn't it? Actually, this is my first mission outside of Headquarters, so I'm pretty nervous too. But if someone like you can be nervous, then I feel a little bit better. Hee hee!
  • Mina: We should hurry up and get to Moatoob. We shouldn't keep everyone waiting.
  • Mina: The truth is?

Mina gasps and nervously fidgets.

  • Mina (shouts): Is it that you're in love with me? Y-You can't be. I mean we're both girls and-- N-No, I mean... Certainly I think one should be free to love whomever they want. I don't mean to object to that. But it's just that I'm not-- But then again-- [Player], you are really-- Er, no I mean--

[Player] looks deadpan.

  • Mina: What? It's not that? Oh, uh.... I... I am sorry. This is my first mission outside of Headquarters, you see. I think maybe I got a little carried away. W-We should hurry to Moatoob!
  • Lou (shouts): Commander [Player], please wait.
  • Mina: Lou? If you're still here at Headquarters, then you must be the Host Lou.
  • Lou: Correct. My apologies, but I must speak with Commander [Player]. Can you give us a moment, please?
  • Mina: Oh, of course. For the Host Lou to appear in person, it must be something classified. I'll go ahead to the spaceport. Meet me there?
  • Lou: I appreciate your understanding, Mina.
  • Mina: I'll see you later, [Player].
  • Lou: [Player], allow me to cut to the chase. May I ask your permission to go to Rykros to search for Lumia?
  • [Player] (shouts): Hm!?
  • Lou: As head of security, it is my fault that Helga was able to infiltrate the G. Colony and abduct Lumia. So I have a duty to rescue her.
[What about security now?] [Do you think you can?]
  • Lou: Presently, security is on autopilot. In addition, all colonists have been transported to the planets, where they can gather near the confinement systems to add their spiritual energy to the effort. The G. Colony is nearly deserted. As such, there is little point in me managing security here. If the unification point fails, Gurhal will have no future. In other words, there is little point in my remaining here.
  • Lou: Sending me to Rykros will only increase Lumia's chance for rescue by 0.5%. However, even a 0.5% increase in her chances would give my actions meaning. And though it might be odd for a CAST to say. I sense that there may be another reason I need to go to Rykros.
  • Lou: I have asked Laia Martinez and Headmaster Nav, but they objected. However, as you are the ranking commander on site, they said it is your decision to make. I understand that this is a reckless and illogical request. As such, I am unsure if my analysis of the situation is correct. And so I will accept your decision, either way.
[I will allow it.] [I won't allow it.]
  • Lou: Understood. I will rendezvous with an outgoing Alliance Military vessel, then I shall proceed to Rykros.

Lou walks out towards the spaceport.

  • Lou: And one last thing... Thank you.

Lou looks over her shoulder at [Player], then runs off.

  • Lou: Understood. I will return to my normal duties then.

Lou walks back towards the elevators.

  • Lou: Please do not let it worry you. You have made the correct decision as a commander. By my calculations, there is a 96% chance you have made the correct decision, in fact. Excuse me.

Lou exits.

Fade to black.

[Thanks.] [You too.]
  • Mina: Sure!
  • Liina: Tylor! Good luck!
  • Tylor: Yeah, you too!

[...] [I'm just curious.]
  • Ethan: In any case, this is the unexplored planet.
  • Hyuga: But it feels as if we've been here before, doesn't it? This environment... It's so familiar.
  • Hyuga: But it feels as if we've been here before, doesn't it? This environment... It's so familiar.
  • Ethan (shouts): It's just like a RELICS site!
  • Hyuga: Indeed, I believe you are correct.

[We will begin now.] [Be careful.]
  • Curtz (comm): Understood.

Trial with Ethan and Karen

  • Karen (shouts)[1]: we can't turn back now!
  • Ethan[2]: Hey, we're not done with this block yet!
  • Ethan (shouts)[1]: Hey, we already finished back there.
  • Karen[2]: Hey, [Player], we're still not done yet!

Epilogue with Ethan and Karen

Prologue with the Vol Brothers

[I'll go with the Vol brothers to Area A.] [The Vol brothers will give backup.]
  • Hiru (shouts): Thank you so much, [Player!]
  • Hiru: I see.

Trial with the Vol Brothers

  • Hiru (shouts)[1]: Where are you trying to go?
  • Hiru[2]: Commander [Player], we're not done yet!
  • Do[1]: W-We're already done there.
  • Do[2]: Wh-where are you going? We aren't finished yet!

Epilogue with the Vol Brothers

[Anything else?] [Are you about done?]
  • Hiru: Sorry, [Player].
  • Hiru (shouts): You wait and see! I want you to be our first customer on opening day!

Reference notes

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 These lines are only spoken if the player attempts to backtrack at the start of each block.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 These lines are only spoken if the player attempts to leave each block without activating all the correct transmitters.