Episode 3 Chapter 6 Act 2 (script)

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[Stand up to her.] [Grovel.] [Tell her what happened.]
  • Lumia: You've got to work with me on this one, [Player]! At certain times, it's best to leave people alone!
  • Lumia and Maya: Right?!
  • Ethan: Hello? Are you listening to yourselves here?
  • Karen: We're not here to amuse you ladies.
  • Lumia: Aww, there's no need to be all bashful, you guys!
  • Ethan: Lumia, I swear... one of there days!
  • Lumia: Ugh, whatever! Next time, though...
  • Maya: Aww, ease up, Lumia. I'm sure they managed to have fun just the same.
  • Lumia: I guess you're right.
  • Ethan: Hello? Are you listening to yourselves here?
  • Karen: We're not here to amuse you ladies.
  • Lumia: Aww, there's no need to be all bashful, you guys!
  • Ethan: Lumia, I swear... one of there days!

[Player] tells what happened.

  • Maya: What? Huh? He said what?

[Player] tells more of what happened.

  • Lumia: WHAAAT? No WAY! Way to go, Ethan! Yowza!
  • Ethan: What? ...HEY! [Player]?! Why'd you have to go and tell her about that?! And wait, why do you even know that, anyways? You were awake then?!
  • Karen: Buh?!
  • Maya: Hm? Your face is a little red, Karen.
  • Ethan: You should be ashamed! Eavedropping on us!
  • Lumia: Aww, don't be like that. You two got your alone time, so everybody wins.
  • Ethan: Can it, Lumia!

Lumia turns and runs into someone.

  • Lumia: Eep!
  • Hyuga: Hey now! Are you okay there? Shouting at a lady? Seems you've taken the rogue thing to heart.
  • Ethan: Hyuga! Are you okay to be out here?!
  • Maya: Hyuga!
  • Hyuga: Sorry to have worried you all. I'm better than ever.
  • Maya: Thank goodness.
  • Hyuga: Now what's your story? Ethan? Karen? What brings you two here?
  • Ethan: Isn't it obvious? We're here to help with the photon generators.
  • Hyuga: Hm, I didn't see you on the cleared personnel list.
  • Karen: It's possible that word may not have arrived yet.
  • Hyuga: I see. Little wonder, I suppose. Ethan isn't a current GUARDIANS member. To say nothing of you, Karen.
  • Karen: I guess there's nothing for it then...
  • Ethan: I'm here because Lumia asked me along. She's a Guardian now.
  • Lumia: Yeah, but it's hardly a surprise that you're not included!
  • Ethan: I just told Laia... I'm officially returning to the GUARDIANS.
  • Lumia: What? Seriously?!
  • Hyuga: That's excellent news.
  • Maya: Oh, wonderful! We all knew you'd come back to us someday!
  • Hyuga: Well, let's move to the control room up ahead for now. Professor Tomrain is waiting for...
  • Laia (comm): Lumia! what do you think you're doing?!

[Go with Ethan and Karen.] [Go with Hyuga and Maya.]
  • Maya: Ugh! Three's a crowd, [Player]!
  • Karen: Hm?
  • Maya: Uh... Nothing! Nothing at all.
  • Ethan: All right. Let's head outside.

[Player], Ethan and Karen start to leave.

  • Karen: Maya, you and Hyuga be careful, too.
  • Maya: You worry about yourself.

[Player], Ethan and Karen leave.

  • Maya: All right, Professor. We're heading off, too.

Tomrain: Best of luck, everyone. Maya starts to leave.

  • Hyuga: Hm...
  • Maya: Hyuga? Is something wrong? Are you ready to start work on the generators?
  • Hyuga: Hm? Oh. Oh, yes.

Hyuga and Maya leave.

  • Hyuga: But wait. Doesn't it make sense to have more people stay by the Divine Maiden's side for her protection?
  • Maya: I'm worried about Hyuga. I mean, you're still just recovering. Right, [Player]?
  • Hyuga: Just recovering? I feel just fi--
  • Maya: Fine, right, until the sudden fits of pain.
  • Hyuga: Sudden fits of...?
  • Hyuga: Ah!
  • Maya: Pain, yes. It's just terrible.
  • Hyuga: Awful, really. I tried to hide it, but you've found me out. Sometimes it just hits me, and I lock up. The pain is paralyzing.
  • Maya: But if [Player] were with us, we wouldn't have to worry, right?
  • Hyuga: Not in the slightest. I'd feel safe as safe as can be.
  • Ethan: ...Right. [Player], you wouldn't go changing your plans on account of us, right?
  • Karen: And Hyuga said he was feeling fine, Maya.
  • Maya: I'm just being safe!
  • Hyuga: Please don't send me out there to die.
  • Ethan: I smell ham...
  • Hyuga: You'd doubt your teammates? Ethan... You've really changed.
  • Ethan: All right, all right! You heard the man, [Player]. It's your show.
  • Hyuga: You be sure to protect Karen, Ethan.
  • Ethan: Okay, Professor. We're heading out.
  • Tomrain: All right. Be careful, and good luck.

Ethan and Karen leave.

  • Maya: Phew... This time, they'd better make it count! Thanks, [Player].
  • Hyuga: I was totally in the dark there for a while. Getting those two alone together under the guise of a mission... You two are good.
  • Maya: We try. Now let's head outside!

Fade to black.

Trial with Ethan and Karen

  • Ethan[1]: Come on, [Player]! Let's get this over with!
  • Karen[1]: There's nothing back there for us!

Epilogue with Ethan and Karen

Trial with Hyuga and Maya

  • Maya[1]: [Player]! That's the wrong way!
  • Hyuga[1]: There's nothing left back there, [Player]!

Epilogue with Hyuga and Maya

Reference notes

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 These lines are only spoken if the player attempts to backtrack at the start of each block.