Episode 3 Chapter 6 Act 1 (script)

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[I'll give her an earful.] [That won't happen.]
  • Tonnio: Whoa, look who's grown some claws! Now this I've gotta see.
  • Leo: Enough, you two.
  • Tonnio: Aw, don't be so lame! How often do you get a chance to chew Laia out?
  • Leo: Get off [Player]'s case, Tonnio. If you're so keen on the idea, why don't YOU go complain to Laia?
  • Tonnio: You kidding me? Thanks, but I'd rather not get killed today.
  • Leo: Sigh...
  • Leo: She's usually a stickler for punctuality. I'm sure she's got a good reason for running late like this. It's got to be tough work being the president of the GUARDIANS.
  • Maya: You should drop by the office more often, Leo. I'm sure she'd welcome a visit from you every now and then.
  • Leo: I can't go distracting her from her work.
  • Lou: Plus, she is frequently away tending to external matters. The chances of finding her in on an impromptu visit are less than 0.2%.
  • Tonnio: So you'd have to bust in on her 500 times? Man, no wonder I haven't seen her in a while.

[It's because of you, Laia.] [It's all thanks to me.]
  • Laia: No. I don't think we'd have made it without your support. That goes for all of you. Thank you all.
  • Laia: I'm well aware of all the support you've given me. Thank you, [Player].
  • Laia: Now shut up, get over yourself, and listen! You cocky little...
  • Nav: AHEM! Laia!
  • Laia: Right, right. Sorry. I got a little... Yeah. In any case, all of you have my thanks. ...Even you, [Player].
  • Laia: That leaves the HIVE.
[No problem.] [Ask someone else.]
  • Lumia: Thank you so much! Oh, I'm so glad I came to you, [Player]!
  • Lumia: I see... I wish Karen were here. But the only one I know here that I can ask is you, [Player]. Please? Just... please?
  • Ethan: What's with the whisper committee here? And seriously... The Illuminus just fell, and the president's got folks hunting mushrooms? Talk about going from the sublime to the ridiculous!
  • Lumia: Hey! For somebody who hasn't even officially rejoined the GUARDIANS, you sure have plenty to say about this mission, Ethan.
  • Ethan: And whoever said I was going to join you on this produce picking run? Not me.
  • Lumia: ENOUGH, Ethan! It's not like you've got anything else to do. Look, we need all the help we can get.

[Go with Lumia.] [Go with Maya.]
  • Nav: What's this, now? You're turning me down? I'm afraid I'll need an explanation before I can let you go.
  • Maya: Oh, wonderful! Well, shall we go?
  • Lumia (comm): [Player], are you still at the colony?
  • Ethan (comm): What gives, slowpoke?
  • Maya: Hm? Is that you, Lumia?
  • Nav: What's this now?

Fade to black. Fade in.

  • Nav: Ah, I see.
  • Maya: I should have guessed you'd already be booked. What should we do, Headmaster?
  • Nav: I don't see a problem here. You, Karen, Lumia, Ethan, and Maya all know each other. Why don't you all go together? A nice group trip might help relax Karen all the better, hm? Then it's settled. [Player], they're in your hands.
  • Maya: This'll be fun!
  • Nav: Oh ho ho ho! Alright. Off with you, then.

Fade to black. Fade in.

[Leave.] [Stick around.]

Player tries to walk away.

  • Ethan: H-hey, where do you think you're going, [Player]?!
  • Karen: Listening to Maya squawk, sounds like you weren't in on this little con, right?
  • Karen: Listening to Maya squawk, sounds like you weren't in on this little con, right?

[I'm just a victim here.] [Are you... feeling okay?]
  • Ethan: I can't believe Lumia would ditch her instructor, of all people!
  • Karen: Ugh, I just don't know what Maya and Lumia were thinking! Anyway, let's head out and meet up with them there.
  • Ethan: Y-Yeah, you're right.
  • Ethan: Come on, [Player]. Let's go.
  • Karen: Never better. Welcome to the real me, [Player]. Last time you saw me I was Mirei Mikuna, public figurehead. It's not really a burden. In those situations, it comes quite naturally to...
  • Karen (shouts): Wait, don't think you can dodge that question! If you had a hand in this...
  • Karen: Ugh, I just don't know what Maya and Lumia were thinking! Anyway, let's head out and meet up with them there.
  • Ethan: Y-Yeah, you're right.

Karen walks off.

  • Ethan: It's just been so long since I've seen Karen. I'm pretty nervous here. So come on, don't leave me alone with her! Please?

Fade to black. Fade in.


  • Ethan[1]: Where are you going? Let's keep moving!
  • Ethan[1]: I thought we were done back there.
  • Karen[1]: Aren't we done back there?


[Fall back asleep.] [Stay up listening.]

Reference notes

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 These lines are only spoken if the player attempts to backtrack at the start of each block.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 These lines are only spoken if the player chooses [Stay up listening.].