Episode 3 Chapter 4 Act 2 (script)

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[It was pretty tough.] [Don't worry about it.]
  • Lumia: [Player]... I didn't think you would hold a grudge.
  • Curtz: No... I can't blame you, after what you've been through.
  • Curtz: I'm glad to hear that, [Player].
  • Curtz: You'll have to put up with me until we can destroy Mother Brain and free every single Alliance Military soldier. I owe them an apology, too. I've failed them as a leader.
  • Lumia: ...It's not your fault, Captain Curtz.
  • Curtz: The Alliance Military should be fighting the Illuminus, but instead we're being used by them like puppets.
  • Lumia: The Illuminus are the ones at fault. They took advantage of the system.
  • Curtz: The Illuminus deserve our contempt, of course... But they exposed a weakness in the Alliance Military. Many of the Alliance Military soldiers lost their freedom and died, cannon fodder for the Illuminus without ever even knowing of Mother Brain's existence. No soldier deserves to have their free will removed and ignored. This mission will be an atonement for me and a step towards the revival of the Alliance Military. This mission needs to succeed, for my many fallen comrades.
  • Lumia: [Player] and I will be behind you!


  • Curtz[1]: Where do you think you're going, [Player]?
  • Curtz[1]: We're moving forward, [Player].


[It's part of our mission.] [It's tough for Curtz, too.]
  • Curtz: ... If we avoid this gruesome task, then we risk the entire Gurhal System ending up like this. ...It is a trial we must face.
  • Lumia (shouts): But... but still...
  • Lumia: I know, but still... As Guardians, we're supposed to offer help to those who need it. I feel like I just can't make a difference...
  • Curtz: I cannot express emotions very well... but I do understand painful thoughts.
  • Lumia: ...What do you mean?
  • Curtz: I have seen Ms. Martinez shed tears for a young boy who died while she was on Moatoob purifying SEED-Forms.
  • Lumia: ...!
  • Curtz: I always questioned the reason for Ms. Martinez's tears... I suppose I still can't explain it...
  • Lumia: ...Is that what Laia was talking about before? ... I'm sorry, Captain, I think I understand, kind of.


[Take Curtz.] [Take Lou.]
  • Laia: And that's that, Lou. Sorry, but the data collection's going to have to wait until next time.
  • Lou: I understand.
  • Laia: One of these days we'll need to get your help with data collection, [Player].
  • Laia: Work hard out there, Lumia. If you get in the way you'll have me to answer to!
  • Lumia (shouts): I won't let you down!
  • Laia: And that's that, Captain Curtz. Sorry. No hard feelings?
  • Curtz: It's unfortunate that I won't be able to restore the Alliance Military with my own hands... But I won't bring further trouble to the GUARDIANS. Ms Martinez, [Player]... I accept your decision.
  • Laia: Thank you. Well, [Player], give us some data we can be proud of.
  • Laia: You work hard out there, Lumia. Don't get in anyone's way.
  • Lumia (shouts): I won't let you down!
  • Lou: I shall change to battle mode.
  • Laia: This is going to be a tough mission. Don't any of you get hurt out there! You got that?

Fade to black.

[I do.] [I don't.]
  • Lumia: See?
  • Lou: I believe [Player] is worried about an overall rating... While you are thinking about how you rate compared to others. You are worried about your comparative rating.
  • Lumia: So you're saying I'm too concerned with what others think?
  • Lou: That is correct.
  • Lumia: I... I'll be more careful.
  • Lou: I am not criticizing you. The most important thing is to believe in yourself as every Guardian should. Please do not hesitate to be honest with me.
  • Lumia: I'll, uh... think about it some more.
  • Lumia: ...You don't?
  • Lou: Please remember the other people in your life, Lumia. Laia Martinez or Ethan may have never felt the need to say this, but when you yourself believe something to be in the right, sometimes you have to go against orders or your own beliefs, regardless of how others may perceive you.
  • Lumia: Everyone really believes in themselves, don't they?
  • Lou: Not everyone is so confident. The important thing is your for your beliefs to lead to the best outcome. If we cannot do this, then the organization will end up existing for only selfish reasons.
  • Lumia: So you mean beliefs lead to confidence, which leads to results?
  • Lou: It is a problem when one starts blaming others for one's failures, such as blaming your surroundings or saying you were only following orders. Please do not hesitate to be honest with me.
  • Lumia: All right then!
  • Lou: If there is anything else, please do not hesitate to let me know.

Fade to black.


  • Lou[1]: Where are you going, [Player]?
  • Lou[1]: [Player], let us move on.


[I think you love Ethan.] [Don't you love me?]
  • Lou: Oh for crying out loud!
  • Lumia: Ha ha ha ha ha! That's the first time I've heard you talk like that!
  • Lou: Please do not tease me.
  • Lou: That... I don't know. But... I do have different emotions towards Ethan and [Player]. Maybe it's something that can be expressed with words like respect, friendship or affection.
  • Lumia: Well, now that I think of it... I think maybe you just mean that you're friends.
  • Lou: Yes... Perhaps that is it. I am sorry but that is all I can say, [Player].
  • Lou: Let us end this discussion now, please. Mother Brain is just up ahead. This is no time to tax my mental systems.

[You did very well.] [You have a ways to go.]
  • Lumia: Really!? Thank you! That's even better than hearing it from my brother...
  • Lumia: I do? I'll work hard until I meet your standards, [Player]!
  • Lou: In comparison with [Player] or Ethan, unfortunately you aren't quite at their level yet.
  • Lumia: Hey! You don't have to bring up my brother...
  • Lou: I am merely comparing you to a blood relative. If you'd like, I also have data from Orson Waber.
  • Lumia (shouts): ...
  • Lumia: ...
  • Lou: My apologies. Perhaps this isn't something we should talk about.
  • Lumia: ...No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have teased you. But if it's all right, can you show me my brother's data sometime?
  • Lou: Indeed. For siblings there are many points of comparison. Ethan had many varied fighting abilities. Especially when the parameters involved protecting someone else, his data was off the charts. Even if I were to base a battle program on Ethan's data, unfortunately, no matter how complex, I'd never be able to imitate that. But Lumia... You may inherently have that same ability.
  • Lumia: Protecting someone else...

Reference notes

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 These lines are only spoken if the player attempts to backtrack at the start of each block.