Episode 1 Chapter 12 Mission (script)

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Mission: Guardian's Calling

(Cutscene) (The Landeel departs from spacedock in the colony and rises slowly until it's cleared any obstacles. The engines glow brightly, and in a flash it's gone) (End Cutscene)

Landeel Bridge

(Scene: Ethan, Leo, Tonnio, Liina, Armed servant) (Ethan and the rest of his friends stand on the Landeel bridge. Ethan notices a Communion armed servant standing beside the shield device)

  • Ethan: Who is that soldier?
  • Liina: He's an Armed Servant with the Communion of Gurhal. They're operating the shield system.

(Ethan extends his hand to the Armed Servant)

  • Ethan: I'm Ethan Waber. Nice to meet you.

(The Armed Servant refuses his gesture)

  • Armed Servant: ...
  • Tonnio: Not very friendly, is he?
  • Leo: No, I guess not.

(End Scene)


  • Leo: Anyway, Ethan... Watch yourself out there!
  • Ethan: You'd better watch yourself too, Leo!
  • Leo: What, you think I can't take care of myself?


  • Tonnio: What a trip that they took us on their ship! I guess even rogues have their good sides, too.
  • Ethan: You mean Tylor?
  • Tonnio: Yeah, I guess.
  • Ethan: You sure have gotten a lot better about him!

(Armed Servant)

  • Armed Servant: ...


  • Liina: I'm so glad we could help you guys out. We may have different lifestyles, be we're all in this together, aren't we?
  • Ethan: Liina, you sure are a sweetheart!
  • Liina: What? Hey! Don't disrespect your elders!


  • Ethan: Lou, your advice was really helpful!
  • Lou: All I can do is provide you with information. You're the one who followed it through. The probability of success in this battle is 5%. But probability doesn't necessarily mean anything, does it?
  • Ethan: No, it doesn't.


  • Tylor: You know, Ethan... I can't guarantee that we'll come out of this alive.
  • Ethan: I know, but I have to do everything I can. There's definitely something going on at that HIVE...
  • Tylor: Well don't worry. I'll definitely get you there.
  • Ethan: Thank you, Tylor.

(After speaking to everyone on the bridge, a cutscene starts)

(Cutscene) (Ethan, Lou, and Tylor look out over the starfield from the bridge. Suddenly, Ethan spots something)

  • Ethan: It's the SEED!
  • Tylor: So they've come... Get to your battle stations, now! Activate the Lattice Shield System!
  • Ethan: Lattice Shield System?
  • Lou: It's the Defense Device that the Communion of Gurhal lent to us.

(Scene changes to a view outside the Landeel. Hundreds of small spherical objects stream out of a compartment and take up positions surrounding the ship. Beams of light emanate from them, interlocking with the other objects and forming a protective shield. The scene then changes back to the Landeel bridge)

  • Ethan: You think it'll hold until we get to the HIVE?
  • Tylor: If we're lucky.

(Ethan turns and approaches the Armed Servant who is operating the shield system)

  • Ethan: Oh, hello... Uh, thank you. We'd never have gotten this far if it wasn't for your help. I am indebted to you.
  • Armed Servant: Is that so?
  • Ethan: Huh?

(The Armed Servant glows brightly, when the light subsides it's revealed that the Armed Servant was really Karen)

  • Ethan: Karen!
  • Leo: What's going on?
  • Karen: Sorry, I didn't mean to surprise you. I heard what was going on from Lord Rutsu, so then I had to help. I can't just let Hyuga and Maya die now, can I?
  • Ethan: Karen... You're the best.
  • Tylor: We're about to reach the HIVE!
  • Karen: There's too many for me to do this alone! I'm going to need everyone's help with this one!
  • Tylor: It's open... Alright everyone, let's look lively!
  • Tonnio & Leo: Yes sir!

(Liina grabs Lou by the arm)

  • Liina: Come on, let's go!
  • Lou: But... I'm a CAST.
  • Liina: Didn'tcha hear, we need everyone!
  • Lou: O-Okay...

(Everyone stands around the Shield System device with their hands out together, focusing their will. The Shield system glows brightly)

  • Karen: Look! It's actually working!

(The scene changes to outside the ship where the Landeel is barreling down on the HIVE. The HIVE glows, and fires off SEED-Projectiles, which bounce harmlessly off the Lattice Shield. A panel on the front of the Landeel slides back, revealing a cannon. It fires a concentrated beam of energy into the HIVE, blasting a hole into it large enough for the Landeel to land in) (End Cutscene)

Inside the HIVE: Block A-1

(Scene: Ethan, Karen, Leo, Tonnio, Lou, Liina, Tylor) (The Landeel rests on a platform within the HIVE, having crashed through the wall. The party stands around the outside of it formulating a battle plan)

  • Tylor: We made it... Somehow we managed to get through!
  • Karen: This was originally a satellite but now it's been completely overrun by the SEED.
  • Ethan: In any case, the first thing we should try and do is try and locate the source of Maya and Hyuga's distress signal.
  • Tonnio: Well then, which way are we gonna go?
  • Leo: I think it would be most efficient for us to split up into two search groups. Tonnio and Lou, you come with me.
  • Tylor: Liina and I will stay here and guard the Landeel. Without it, we wouldn't be able to make it home!
  • Ethan: Then it's me and Karen...
  • Karen: Yes.

(The groups split up) (End Cutscene)


  • Tylor: I'll be here waiting for you. Come back safely!
  • Ethan: Don't worry, I'll bring everyone back in one piece.


  • Liina: Keep an eye out for Tonnio, all right? And get back quickly!
  • Ethan: Tonnio will be just fine, don't worry!

(Try to exit down Leo & Tonnio's path)

  • Karen: We need to go the other way, Ethan.

Inside the HIVE: Block A-2

(Trial Start)

  • Karen: Let's head to Block A-3!

Inside the HIVE: Block A-3

(Trial Clear) (Scene: Ethan, Karen) (Ethan attempts to continue on, but Karen falls behind)

  • Karen: Ethan, wait!

(Ethan comes back to Karen. Karen points down a different hallway)

  • Karen: The distress signal is coming from that room.
  • Ethan: Let's go check it out!

(Ethan and Karen proceed down the hall) (End Scene)

Inside the HIVE: Laboratory A

(Cutscene) (Ethan and Karen approach a strange bio-specimen capsules. Inside them are Maya and Hyuga)

  • Ethan: Maya! Hyuga!
  • Karen: Maya!

(Ethan looks for a way to open it, but can see nothing. He draws his pistol and fires at the device projecting the forcefield, disabling it)

  • Karen: Maya! Maya!!!!
  • Maya: Karen... Is that you?
  • Karen: My sister...
  • Maya: Karen... Is it really you?!

(Karen helps Maya out of the capsule as Ethan frees Hyuga as well)

  • Ethan: Hyuga, are you alright?
  • Hyuga: Ugh... E... Ethan...
  • Ethan: Good to see you, buddy!

(End Cutscene)

(Scene: Ethan, Karen, Maya, Hyuga)

  • Ethan: Are you two all right!?
  • Hyuga: Yeah, thanks to Karen, we feel just fine!
  • Maya: I never thought I'd see the day that I'd get to see Karen use recovery TECHNICs. She really is the Divine Maiden!
  • Karen: Aw, give me a break, sis! I'm just glad you're all right!
  • Ethan: So Maya, do you know where Professor Taragi is?
  • Maya: Yeah, the receiver is still getting a signal. He can't be too far away...
  • Ethan: Let's go get him then!

(End Scene)

(Fight through to Inside the HIVE: Block B-1)

Inside the HIVE: Block B-1

(Try to exit to Block: A-4)

  • Karen: Why are you trying to go back the way we came, Ethan?

(Try to exit to Block: C-1)

  • Karen: According to the map, there's nothing in this direction.

Inside the HIVE: Laboratory B

(Cutscene) (The party advances through the HIVE, following Maya and the tracing device. It pings rapidly. Maya scans the room, and spots Professor Taragi sitting in a similar capsule that she had been)

  • Maya: Over here.

(The group rushes up to Kou's capsule)

  • Ethan: Professor Taragi!

(Ethan fires at the capsule, disabling it's field. Maya rushes to Kou's side)

  • Maya: Kou, open your eyes! Kou! Kou!
  • Kou: Maya... You came to save me?
  • Maya: You're alive... Oh, thank goodness...

(Maya helps Kou to his feet)

  • Kou: Thank you everyone...
  • Ethan: Professor Taragi, I'm glad to see you!
  • Kou: Thank you, Mr. Waber.

(Kou reaches into his pocket and hands Ethan a small device)

  • Kou: The map data leading to the central control room is in here... You need to destroy it... That should put an end to the HIVE...

(Kou suddenly doubles over in pain)

  • Kou: Aaaaaargh!
  • Maya: Kou! What is it?!
  • Ethan: Professor Taragi!

(Kou pushes Ethan and Maya away from him)

  • Kou: Aaaaaarght!
  • Maya: Kou!
  • Ethan: What's wrong?
  • Karen: It's horrible...
  • Hyuga: Look! The professor's body...
  • Kou: Graaah!! Ahhh! Aaaaaah!

(The Professors body immolates in bright light, and when the light subsides a SEED-Form is in it's place)

  • Ethan: What?!
  • Karen: He's been infected by the SEED!
  • Hyuga: This can't be happening...
  • Maya: Kou...

(End Cutscene)

(Trial Start)

  • Maya (shouting): It can't be... Could it...? Kou!
  • Karen (shouting): Calm down, Maya! First we've got to stop him!

(Defeat Carriguine) (Trial End)

(Cutscene) (The Carriguine disappears in a thick cloud of smoke. As the smoke clears, Kou's beaten body lies on the floor. The party rushes to him as Maya kneels by his side)

  • Maya: Kou...
  • Kou: T-There's something I have to tell you...
  • Maya: Not now... please...
  • Kou: I need to say it... I never told you... I love you... I always have...
  • Maya: You fool... it took you long enough...
  • Kou: Maya... I want you to be happy...
  • Maya: But how can I... how will I... How can I be happy now...

(Maya sobs as Kou slips away) (End Cutscene)

(Scene: Ethan, Karen, Maya, Hyuga, Lou, Tonnio, Leo) (As the group collects themselves, a comm message comes in)

  • Ethan: Yes?
  • Lou: Can you hear me?
  • Ethan: Lou! The Comm units are working!
  • Lou: Yes, I was able to hack into the security system successfully.
  • Ethan: We were able to find and rescue Maya and Hyuga. But Professor Taragi...
  • Lou: I have been monitoring your progress. So I'm well aware of your present situation. We were able to locate the missing researchers. However, it appears we are too late...
  • Ethan: Oh no... All right, I guess we'd all better get out of here, then. According to Professor Taragi, if we destroy the control room we should be able to finish off the SEED once and for all. But the Alliance Military's attack should have the same effect. There's not much else we can do here, I guess.
  • Lou: No, Ethan. The problem is...
  • Leo: Sorry, Ethan, but it looks like the three of us are stuck where we are.
  • Ethan: What!?
  • Leo: When we entered this room the door shut and sealed behind us. There's no way out.
  • Lou: I am unable to hack the door lock from inside here. The Alliance Military offensive will begin shortly. I'm sorry, but you must leave us behind and get your team out of here, Mr. Waber.
  • Ethan: What? I can't do that!
  • Tonnio: Listen, Ethan! This time Lou's assessment is right. We screwed up and got ourselves in this mess! You guys have got to get out of here or we'll all be goners! There's no question about it.
  • Ethan: You idiots!
  • Tonnio: What did you say!?
  • Ethan: I came here to rescue my friends... and now you're asking me to sacrifice my other friends? This isn't why I came here! And I didn't join the GUARDIANS so I could leave people behind! If we don't all make it home together...what was the point of coming here in the first place!?
  • Karen: Ethan...
  • Ethan: You said you couldn't open the door from the inside... So is it possible for us to open the door from the outside? Answer me, Lou!
  • Lou: Yes, it may be possible to unlock the door from the outside. But to accomplish that you would need to...
  • Tonnio: Hey, cut it out! Lou, you can't be seriously going along with this! You should know better! Calm down!
  • Lou: I am quite calm. If I am destroyed, other Lou units will continue to exist. I'm just another antenna in the Lou system. But if I allow the two of you to perish... Mr. Waber will no doubt place blame on the remaining Lou units.
  • Tonnio: Huh...!?
  • Leo: All right, fine. I think we lost this one, Tonnio. Let's just put it in Ethan's hands.
  • Tonnio: Fine, do what you want.
  • Lou: As you've heard, Mr. Waber, you've earned their approval. I'll guide you on how to open the lock from the outside. Shall we proceed?
  • Ethan: Yeah, but before that... You said it's all right if you are destroyed... but I want to save you too, Lou number 256!
  • Lou: ...Thank you, Mr. Waber. ... The door seems to have been locked from the central control room. When you find the central control room, destroy it. Once you do that, I should be able to unlock the door from here.
  • Ethan: Understood. Just you wait, I'll get you out of there!

(Ethan hangs up the comm)

  • Ethan: Did you guys catch that? I'm heading to the central control room using Professor Taragi's map data. Hyuga, take Maya back to the Landeel.
  • Hyuga: Yes, that's what I intended to do. I wish I could say I was going too, but I can't leave Maya in this condition.
  • Ethan: You're right. That's okay.
  • Karen: Ethan, will you take me with you?
  • Ethan: Karen... Okay, let's go! This map data will get you back to the Landeel.
  • Hyuga: Thank you, Ethan!
  • Karen: Hyuga, take good care of my sister, okay?
  • Hyuga: I will. You two be careful!

(Ethan and Karen exit)

Inside the HIVE: Block B-1

(Talk to Bruce)

  • Bruce: Welcome! Hey, Ethan and... Karen! Long time no see!
  • Ethan: Bruce! What are you doing here!?
  • Bruce: Me and Tylor go way back. I heard you guys were headed to the HIVE, so I hitched a ride with him. It's not like it's easy to pick up supplies in a joint like this. I brought my whole inventory, so stock up and go tear those SEED a new one!


  • Bruce: Ethan... Try not to get yourself killed out there, all right?
  • Ethan: Believe me, I'll do my best!

(Fight through Block B-2 to Block B-4)

Inside the HIVE: Block B-4

(Scene: Ethan, Karen, Lou) (As Ethan rushes through an open doorway, it closes and locks before Karen can make it through)

  • Karen: What the...?
  • Ethan: Damn! Karen, are you all right?
  • Karen: Yeah, but I don't think I can open this door...

(Ethan's comm beeps)

  • Lou: Mr. Waber.
  • Ethan: Lou?
  • Lou: The central control room is just ahead. If you destroy it...
  • Ethan: The door will open. Got it!
  • Lou: That is correct.

(Ethan hangs up)

  • Ethan: Karen! Wait there! I'll open it up for you.
  • Karen: All right, Ethan! ...I believe in you!

(Ethan proceeds on alone) (End scene)

Inside the HIVE: Central Control Room

(Cutscene) (Ethan enters the control room and looks around in amazement)

  • Ethan: Now we just need to destroy this...

(Magashi enters from behind some of the strange machinery)

  • Ethan: Magashi?!
  • Magashi: I have been waiting for you.
  • Ethan: Magashi, how can you be alive?!
  • Magashi: You have followed my plans perfectly! I knew you would rush over here if we used your friends as bait.
  • Ethan: Magashi, you'll die once and for all!

(Ethan draws his saber)

  • Magashi: Heh heh heh... This is where your corpse wil rot!

(Ethan and Magashi rush each other, blades drawn. They trade blows furiously, dodging and blocking, until Magashi manages to wrest Ethan's saber from him. Ethan dodges Magashi's onslaught of attacks, but is pushed near the edge of the platform. A kick and a broad swing by Magashi sends Ethan tumbling over the edge. Ethan barely manages to grab the ledge at the last moment. Magashi strikes at Ethan's fingers, but Ethan moves them. He swings and vaults himself back onto the platform and draws another saber. Again the pair trade blows in a desperate struggle, until Ethan is able to wrest his first saber back from Magashi. Ethan attacks Magashi with a flurry of blade strikes, eventually disarming him. Ethan slices deep into Magashi's side, then slashes a stunned Magashi across his back. Ethan then discards one of his sabers and vaults towards Magashi, impaling him. Stunned, Magashi stumbles, loses his balance and falls from the platform into the chasm below. Exhausted, Ethan stares down into the void, watching him disappear from sight) (End Cutscene)

(Scene: Ethan, Karen, Tonnio, Leo) (Ethan stands in the darkened central control room, having deactivated the system. Leo, Karen and Tonnio rush in)

  • Karen: Ethan!
  • Ethan: Is everyone all right!?
  • Leo: Yeah, Lou is preparing for our escape.

(The ground shakes violently)

  • Ethan: !?
  • Ominous Voice: You can't escape....

(Fight Dulk Fakis)

  • Ethan (shouting): Did Magashi actually fuse himself to the control system!?
  • Karen: (shouting): The photons... So dark, and ominous...

(Defeat Dulk Fakis first form) (Fight Dulk Fakis second form)

  • Ethan (shouting): We will settle this here and now, Magashi!

(Defeat Dulk Fakis second form)

(Scene: Ethan, Tonnio, Leo, Karen, Lou)

  • Ethan: Is this... Finally over...?
  • Karen: Yeah...

(Lou enters)

  • Leo: Lou!
  • Lou: There is no time left. The Alliance Military will start their attack soon.
  • Leo: This place is falling apart! We've got to get back to the Landeel quickly!

(End Scene)

(Scene) (Ethan and party race through the HIVE on their way back to the Landeel)

  • Lou: How strange...
  • Karen: Why doesn't the Alliance Military start attacking?
  • Tonnio: Do you think... the SEED got 'em?
  • Leo: I can see the Landeel!
  • Liina: Everyone hurry! We can't hold on any longer!

(End Scene)

(Cutscene) (The HIVE belches a ball of flame, from which the Landeel emerges. Before them are scores of Alliance battleships poised for the attack. They fire, a wall of energy weaponry streams towards the HIVE, barely missing the Landeel. The HIVE crumbles under the attack, exploding into a massive fireball. Onboard the Landeel bridge, a holographic image of Curtz appears)

  • Curtz: Good job, Ethan.
  • Ethan: I figured it was you! Thanks for delaying the attack!
  • Curtz: Don't misunderstand. We were just running a little late.
  • Ethan: Yeah, right... Thanks.

(Scene changes to a view from space. The triumphant armada heads back to the Guardian Colony, lead by the tiny Landeel. The scene changes again, this time to the President's Office where Dallgun and Headmaster Nav watch the passing fleet)

  • Nav: So, my pupils did it... as I knew they would.
  • Dallgun: They're not your pupils any more.
  • Nav: Yes. You're right.
  • Dallgun: It's their time- their world now to create anew. With a little hope and faith, maybe they'll lead us into a new era of peace.
  • Nav: Perhaps it is now that the true battle begins.
  • Dallgun: Mmm.

(End Cutscene)

Landeel Bridge

(Scene: Ethan, Lou, Leo, Tonnio, Hyuga, Maya, Vol Brothers, Tylor, Liina) (The camera pans around the bridge of the Landeel as everyone excitedly converses with one another. Ethan looks around at all the friends he's made and people's lives that he's touched, but one seems to be missing)

  • Ethan: ...Karen?

(End Scene)


  • Tylor: You made it back, Ethan! You're just as reliable as I'd suspected you were!
  • Ethan: C'mon, you're overestimating my abilities... Tylor, what are you gonna do now?
  • Tylor: Well, it looks like I'm no longer a wanted man, thanks to Dallgun... But I don't plan on giving up the rogues' life anytime soon!
  • Ethan: So we're opponents again then, are we?
  • Tylor: Hehehe... I wonder... I'm sure we'll meet again, Ethan.


  • Tylor: We'll meet again someday, Ethan.


  • Ethan: Thank you, Liina.
  • Liina: I'm so glad we made it in time, and were able to rescue your friends.
  • Ethan: Absolutely! So do you think you'll ever give up this rogue stuff?
  • Liina: Did Tonnio tell you to say that? I'm not gong to be quitting just yet! But... I do have to think about what Tonnio said.
  • Ethan: I see. I'll let him know.


  • Liina: I need more time to think about what Tonnio said.


  • Ethan: Hey, it looks like probability didn't mean zilch in the end, eh?
  • Lou: Indeed it did not. Perhaps this proves that the power of the heart is not something to take lightly. Having emotions, too... At times they may even prove useful.
  • Ethan: Yeah! I like this Lou better!
  • Lou: Mr. Waber...
  • Ethan: Hm?
  • Lou: May I call you Ethan from now on?
  • Ethan: Of course you can!
  • Lou: Thank you, Ethan.


  • Lou: Thank you, Ethan.


  • Leo: I'm hoping this will finally be the end of all this craziness. I've longed to see my wife and kids' faces. I miss them so much!
  • Ethan: You never told me that you're married!
  • Leo: Huh, I didn't mention that?
  • Ethan: Well, thanks for encouraging me to join the GUARDIANS, Leo. I... I learned something really important.
  • Leo: You know, I learned a lot as well. I think we all did. From now on, I'm going to count on you to keep Gurhal safe!
  • Ethan: Same here!


  • Leo: From now on, I'm going to count on you to keep Gurhal safe!


  • Hyuga: Ethan, you've really managed to hone your talents.
  • Ethan: So have you, Hyuga!
  • Hyuga: I'm... not quite there yet, but you... I think you have the power to do something really great.
  • Ethan: What are you talking about? Where'd this come from?
  • Hyuga: I'm proud to have you as a partner, Ethan Waber.
  • Ethan: T-Thanks, Hyuga!


  • Hyuga: I'm really proud to have you as a partner!


  • Ethan: Tonnio, thanks so much for coming with me to the HIVE!
  • Tonnio: No problem! You know... you've gotten pretty capable, Ethan. This whole thing has made me really proud to be a part of the GUARDIANS.
  • Ethan: So what's going on with you and Liina?
  • Tonnio: Well... Someday I hope I'll be able to convince her to quit that crazy job of hers. Maybe what I did just now will help, though... So guess what? I proposed to Liina!
  • Ethan: Really!? You did!?
  • Tonnio: Yeah, I asked, but she hasn't given me an answer yet.


  • Tonnio: I really hope she says yes.

(After speaking with Liina)

  • Ethan: I talked to Liina and she told me she's thinking about it.
  • Tonnio: Really!? Yee haw!
  • Ethan: (She's just thinking about it.) (I hope he doesn't get his hopes up. Oh well, too late!)


  • Ethan: Maya... I'm so sorry we couldn't help Professor Taragi...
  • Maya: It couldn't be helped... But I've decided that I'm going to take over his A-Photon research to make sure this kind of thing doesn't happen again! Following in his footsteps will help me keep his memory alive. Hey, it's okay. Don't be so gloomy! Karen left all by herself. Hurry and go catch up with her!
  • Ethan: Okay, I will.


  • Maya: Karen's already left, all by herself. Hurry up and catch up with her!

(Hiru Vol)

  • Ethan: Looks like I keep getting stuck with you guys!
  • Hiru Vol: Yeah? Who's stuck with who, ya punk?
  • Ethan: So are you still planning on living a rogue's life?
  • Hiru Vol: I dunno... It's a pretty tough life, ya know? Maybe I'll look into finding a calmer way of life, like being a gardener... Or a dancer!


  • Hiru Vol: Maybe I could be a musician. It's too bad I'm tone deaf...

(No Vol)

  • Ethan: Thank you, No.
  • No Vol: I saw you out there. You... got pretty strong!
  • Ethan: What are you talking about?
  • No Vol: I didn't really think we'd make it this far.
  • Ethan: You may look bad, but you aren't such a bad guy!
  • No Vol: I don't really look bad... Do I?


  • No Vol: I don't really look bad... Do I?

(Do Vol)

  • Ethan: Is this the first time we've talked?
  • Do Vol: Y-Yeah...
  • Ethan: Well, thanks a lot for coming along and helping out!
  • Do Vol: Aw shucks, it ain't no thang...
  • Ethan: You guys aren't so bad!
  • Do Vol: Y-You either!


  • Do Vol: Aw shucks, it ain't no thang...

(Ethan exits the bridge)

(Cutscene) (Karen stands alone in the viewing plaza of the colony, staring out at the stars. Ethan runs in, panting, and approaches Karen)

  • Ethan: So there you are, Karen. You just kinda... disappeared all of a sudden.
  • Karen: Sorry. I wanted to look at the stars.
  • Ethan: The stars?
  • Karen: The sky is so beautiful from here. The stars glitter so peacefully.
  • Ethan: Yeah, it's beautiful. You know, I was here... when the SEED first attacked. So much has changed since then... I joined the GUARDIANS, and stared danger right in the face. And it's made me... realize something. Fighting for the world... is really about fighting for the ones you love...
  • Karen: Fighting for the ones you love... I feel the same way.
  • Ethan: Even if I'm not with you. I will always fight for this world. Because... you're here in it, Karen.

(Tears glitter from Karen's cheek as she embraces Ethan)

  • Karen: Thank you... Ethan.

(Scene fades on the image of Karen and Ethan embracing one another) (End Cutscene)

(Endgame Credits)

Network Mode Preview

  • Ethan: Ah! That was fun! It's finally over!
  • Hyuga: Oh, Ethan, it's not over yet.
  • Ethan: Huh? What do you mean?
  • Karen: This game also has a network mode.
  • Ethan: What?! Really? I didn't know that!
  • Hyuga: You still don't really know much, do you Ethan?
  • Ethan: Oh, right. Like you know everything!
  • Hyuga: I do! And that's why I'm here to explain the Phantasy Star Universe network mode. Network mode allows the player to make their own characters.
  • Ethan: Wait, s-so what happens to me?
  • Hyuga: Hahaha. Same as me. We both become sub-characters.
  • Ethan: What?! That's ridiculous! I'm the HERO!
  • Hyuga: You just don't get it, Ethan. In network mode, everyone gets to be the hero.
  • Ethan: Really?
  • Karen: Participants all get to be Guardians, taking part in the fight against the SEED all over the Gurhal System.
  • Ethan: So then...everyone gets to be a Guardian, and they get to help us?
  • Karen: Yes.
  • Hyuga: And Ethan, you're only one person. We'd be fine without you.
  • Ethan: Hey... watch it, buddy!
  • Karen: Network mode doesn't just continue the story! It also allows for item crafting, selling and trading, and other customizable options.
  • Hyuga: And communication is important too! You can meet a whole bunch of other people from all over.
  • Ethan: Hah! And I bet that Hyuga will only talk to girls.
  • Karen: Players can enjoy their own individual play styles here.
  • Ethan: Hey, that sounds cool. We should hurry up and hop in too!
  • Karen: This is a lot different than Guardian training. The network world is vast and infinite.
  • Ethan: I hope we get to see each other there.
  • Hyuga: Ladies, be sure to keep your eyes peeled for me.
  • Karen: Now let's go! Everyone's waiting for us!
  • Ethan & Hyuga: Okay!