Episode 1 Chapter 12 Ethan (script)

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In a far away galaxy, lies a sun, orbited by 3 planets. The Gurhal system.
A place inhabited by humans, and their creations,
CASTs, Newmens, and beasts.
For 500 years, there was war among the races,
a seemingly never-ending conflict. Then finally...
An era of peace and prosperity that has lasted for 100 years.
But now, a darkness has awoken, and threatens the Universe.

(Opening Cinema)

Episode 1 Chapter 12: Life Choices

(Cutscene) (The familiar logo for Gurhal Channel 5 News appears, followed by Hal)

  • Hal: Hi! And welcome to Gurhal Channel 5 Headline News, I'm Hal. And in today's top story: It's been 3 days since the SEED were successfully defeated. However, a new SEED nest has been discovered today orbiting the sun. The interplanetary Congress has dubbed it "the HIVE", and have appealed to the Allied Army for an all-out attack that would destroy the last remaining SEED colony. Sources say the attack could take place as early as tomorrow. If this offensive measure is successful, the Gurhal System would finally and forever be free from the terror of the SEED. You're watching Gurhal Channel 5 Headline News for today. This has been Hal reporting. Bye for now!

(End Cutscene)

Guardians Headquarters: President's Office

(Cutscene) (Ethan stands desperately before Lou and President Dallgun in his office)

  • Ethan: Request for reinforcements denied? Tell me why!
  • Dallgun: All our forces are being mobilized very soon. Your mission would only put more of our troops in unnecessary danger.
  • Ethan: But my friends are on that thing! And the missing scientists might be there, too! I don't understand you. Mr. President, can't you push back the attack for even a day or two?
  • Dallgun: That's impossible. Congress has already made their decision, and I have already received my orders from headquarters. All of our forces will mobilize and attack the HIVE in 7 days. I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do to stop it.
  • Ethan: What about Maya... and Hyuga, my friend? You're going to let them die?!
  • Dallgun: Ethan, I know what you're going through, but there's much more at stake here than your friends' lives. Please understand.
  • Ethan: I... I can't stand around and do nothing! With your permission, sir!

(Ethan turns to leave)

  • Dallgun: Stop, Ethan! Where are you going?
  • Ethan: I'll save them myself, Mr. President.

(Ethan exits) (End Cutscene)

Clyez City: Guardians Headquarters: Fifth Floor


  • Mina: Oh, Ethan! How did it go with the president?
  • Ethan: It was... no good.
  • Mina: Oh, I'm sorry! Don't feel bad...
  • Ethan: It's... It's up to me now.
  • Mina: Don't you go doing anything rash! You know the Alliance Military's attack will start soon...
  • Ethan: But I've got to do something!
  • Mina: If there's anything I can do to help...?
  • Ethan: Thank you, but your support is plenty!
  • Mina: In any case, I'll pray for your safety. May the Holy Light guide you!


  • Mina: In any case, I'll pray for your safety. May the Holy Light guide you!

(Scene: Ethan, Tonnio, Leo) (As Ethan exits the Guardians Headquarters, he finds Leo and Tonnio at the door waiting for him)

  • Ethan: Just in time, Leo! I need your help...
  • Leo: What happened?
  • Ethan: Maya and Hyuga are going to be killed in the Alliance Military armada attack on the HIVE!
  • Leo: Hey, that's serious stuff! But what are you planning to do about it?
  • Ethan: We can't rely on the president. All that's left to do is for me to go save them myself.
  • Tonnio: Whoa there! I admire your spirit, but you're gonna need a spaceship to get to the HIVE. Plus, you'll need considerable armaments to get through. You can't pick that stuff up just anywhere!
  • Ethan: I know. That's why I need your guys' expertise to help me out.
  • Leo: I see... What if we asked Curtz?
  • Tonnio: Alliance Military battleships do seem to hold up pretty well against SEED attacks...
  • Ethan: Yeah, you're right! I'm going to go find Curtz right now and ask him!

(End Scene)


  • Leo: Ethan... I know you want to help your friends, but you mustn't be too reckless.
  • Ethan: I know. But... as long as they're still alive. I've got to do my best to save them!
  • Leo: Let me know if there's anything I can do to help.
  • Ethan: Thank you, Leo!


  • Tonnio: Wow, you've got some guts if you're ready to defy the president! You're quite the big man now...
  • Ethan: I've always been bigger than you! Hehe!
  • Tonnio: Hey! Get a move on! When you go save them, I'm going too!
  • Ethan: That's great, thanks!

Clyez City: Shopping Mall B: Third Floor


  • Lumia: Ethan!
  • Ethan: Oh hi, Lumia!
  • Lumia: I heard on the news that the fighting might be over soon. Is it true?
  • Ethan: Yeah... If the Alliance Military's attack on the HIVE is successful...
  • Lumia: So then you'll have a little bit more free time, right? There's a place I want you to take me.
  • Ethan: Sure! When the battle is over I'll take you anywhere you want to go.
  • Lumia: Promise?


  • Lumia: When the battle is over, you promise to take me, Ethan?

Ethan's Room

(Talk to Pete)

  • Pete: It appears that Maya and Hyuga's request for help has been rejected.
  • Ethan: But their life support systems are still responding! They're alive! Both of them! I can't just abandon them to die there!
  • Pete: Are you planning to go to the HIVE by yourself? I understand your desire to rescue Maya and Hyuga, but... ...
  • Ethan: You can't stop me, Pete!
  • Pete: It appears I cannot. If I find out anything, I will keep you informed. What do you wish to hear about?

(Ask about results of the confinement)

  • Pete: After the three confinement systems were activated, sunspot activity decreased considerably. At this rate, the sunspots should be completely gone within a few weeks. But SEED attacks are apparently still coming from the HIVE. Whether or not we can stop the SEED invasion rests on the success of the Alliance Military armada's attack.

(Ask about the HIVE)

  • Pete: The HIVE was originally an A-Photon reactor satellite. A-Photons are the SEED's energy source, so it's the perfect feeding ground for them. Due to the unprecedented levels of infestation, however, it is now barely recognizable. According to an investigation by the GUARDIANS Intelligence Section, the Endrum Collective gathered the abducted researchers at the HIVE and had them working on the A-Photon reactor.

(Ask again later)

  • Pete: In any case, please come home safely, Ethan.
  • Ethan: Yeah, I promise I will!

Holtes City: Guardians Branch


  • Sheena: Welcome to the GUARDIANS! Making the future of Gurhal! Oh! I was told if I saw you that I should tell you to go back to Headquarters you should!
  • Ethan: Sorry... I can't go back just yet. If you can, can you keep it a secret that I stopped in?
  • Sheena: Umm, I can't do something like that. It's against the rules. I'm sorry. I'm not much help!
  • Ethan: No, it's all right. Don't worry about it! I'm sorry I asked you.
  • Sheena: It's all right, if there is something else I could do, please ask do! The Holy Light will guide safely into you surely!


  • Sheena: If there is something else I could do, please ask do! The Holy Light will guide you most certainly safely.

Ohtoku City: Central District

(Pavilion of Air Guard)

  • Pavilion of Air Guard: Nice job! And I'm sure Mirei would be happy, too! Hm? You look a bit down...


  • Pavilion of Air Guard: If there's anything I can do to help... Sorry, I can't think of anything!

Ohtoku City: Guardians Branch


  • Reyna: Thank you for visiting the GUARDIANS, defenders of Gurhal's future. We currently have no missions that you can take on.

(After speaking with Tylor)

  • Reyna: Welcome to the GUARDIANS! Protecting the future of Gurhal.
  • Ethan: Reyna, do you know about the Communion of Gurhal's shield system?
  • Reyna: Huh? No, I've never heard of such a thing.
  • Ethan: I see... (I guess it's not exactly common knowledge.) Thanks anyway. I'll see you later!
  • Reyna: I pray the Holy Light keeps you safe!

Dagora City: Guardians Branch


  • Mana: Hey, this is the GUARDIANS. We defend the future of Gurhal and stuff. We don't have any missions you can take on here. Not now, anyway.

(After speaking with Curtz)

  • Mana: Hey, Ethan! What's up? I haven't seen any requests or missions for you...
  • Ethan: The thing is... I'm looking for Tylor's rogues.
  • Mana: Alfort Tylor!? That wanted guy?
  • Ethan: Yeah, I really need his help with something!
  • Mana: Yeah but... I don't think you'll get him to come out of hiding that easily! But you know... That's right! Those rogues are always hanging out at Gawik's bar. If you head there you could probably sniff out some clues...
  • Ethan: Really? Thanks, Mana!

Holtes City: West District

(Scene: Ethan, Curtz, AMF Guard) (As Ethan approaches the gate to the AMF Headquarters, a guard approaches him)

  • AMF Guard: Hey, you Guardian! We're on heightened alert status over here. You can't pass through here without permission!
  • Ethan: I'm begging you! Let me through! I've got to talk to Captain Curtz! Just tell him Ethan Waber is here to see him! Please!

(Fulyen Curtz approaches the gate from the AMF building)

  • Curtz: What's going on? Huh? What's wrong, Ethan?

(Curtz gestures to the AMF Guard in pantomimed conversation. Then he and Ethan enter the AMF Headquarters. Scene fades and changes to the AMF Headquarters Meeting room where Ethan and Curtz are discussing the matter privately)

  • Curtz: Hey, thanks for the help before!
  • Ethan: You look great!
  • Curtz: I spent some time in maintenance today. I'm not in perfect running order yet, but I've got to get prepared for the final offensive. Now what can I do for you?
  • Ethan: There's something really important I need to ask of you.
  • Curtz: What do you need?
  • Ethan: Well... I wanted to ask if you could take me to the HIVE.
  • Curtz: What are you saying!? What do you plan to do there?
  • Ethan: I have some friends that are being held there...
  • Curtz: Really!? I wasn't informed of anything like that...
  • Ethan: I've got to rescue them before the offensive begins. Please!

(Curtz walks over to a computer station on the wall and reads the display)

  • Curtz: ...There is not enough time. The armada is planning to strike as soon as we are within firing range of the HIVE. There's not enough time to rescue your friends. I'm sorry.
  • Ethan: Then can you hold off on the attack for a bit? Anything!
  • Curtz: There's nothing I can do. Headquarters chose me to carry out the plan. They won't allow me to make changes in the battle plan.
  • Ethan: It's no use then...
  • Curtz: I'm very sorry I can't be of any help...
  • Ethan: No... It's not your fault. I'll just have to find another way!

(Ethan bows slightly to Curtz and exits. Scene changes back to Holtes City: West District. As Ethan exits the AMF Headquarters he stops to think a moment)

  • Ethan: I don't know what to do...

(End Scene)

(As Ethan attempts to exit back to the Central Square, he is stopped by Lou) (Scene: Ethan, Lou)

  • Ethan: Is that you, Lou?
  • Lou: The president has instructed me to bring you back to Headquarters.
  • Ethan: I'm not going back!
  • Lou: Why won't you go back?
  • Ethan: I don't want to.
  • Lou: What would make you want to go back?
  • Ethan: Well... If I had a way to get to the HIVE, I guess...
  • Lou: So if you are able to determine a way to get to the HIVE, then you'll go back to Headquarters?
  • Ethan: Huh!? Yeah, I suppose... Do you know of a way? Tell me!
  • Lou: There are SEED being launched all the time from the HIVE. A normal spaceship would be destroyed by the SEED before it arrived.
  • Ethan: So what should I do?
  • Lou: You need a ship with a certain level of shielding.
  • Ethan: Where do I get a ship like that?
  • Lou: An Alliance battleship would fit those requirements.
  • Ethan: But Curtz just turned me down!
  • Lou: Other than that... Rogue ships are built quite sturdily...
  • Ethan: A rogue ship... Yeah, I'll go ask Tylor!
  • Lou: Was that a satisfactory answer to your question?
  • Ethan: Yeah! Thanks, Lou! I think I know what to do now.
  • Lou: Well then, shall we return to Headquarters?
  • Ethan: Sorry, but I just remembered something else I have to do. I'll see ya later!

(Ethan exits)

  • Lou: Liar.

(End Scene)

Dagora City: Central District

(Scene: Ethan, Male Beast) (Ethan steps out of the PPT Flyer Base and stops a moment to think)

  • Ethan: Tylor and his rogues are in hiding. How the heck am I supposed to find them?
  • Male Beast: Oww! It hurts!
  • Ethan: What's wrong?
  • Male Beast: Oh man it was so awful, let me tell you! I had a run in with these three jerks that started working at Gawik's bar...
  • Ethan: Three jerks?
  • Male Beast: Yeah. I was just talking about how Alfort Tylor is a coward for going into hiding... and they ganged up on me and started beating on me for no reason at all!
  • Ethan: Could it be...? Was it a black-haired human, a small newman, and a large beast?
  • Male Beast: Y-Yeah... Do you know those guys?
  • Ethan: I believe I do! Thanks for the info!

(End Scene)

(Head to Gawik's Pub)

(Cutscene) (Inside Gawik's pub, the Vol Brothers are hard are work scrubbing tables, washing glasses, and sweeping the floor. Do Vol throws down his broom in frustration)

  • No Vol: Owww, I can't take it anymore! We didn't become rogues to do stuff like this!
  • Do Vol: Yeah, yeah.
  • No Vol: What about our fame? Our glory?! What happened, Hiru?!
  • Hiru Vol: Listen, fame and glory don't happen overnight. What? Did you think it'd be easy? It takes skill, hard work, and a whole lotta luck. And we have the skill, right?
  • No & Do Vol: Yeah!
  • Hiru Vol: And we work hard, right?
  • No & Do Vol: Yeah!
  • Hiru Vol: All we need is luck. Then someday we'll be famous.
  • No Vol: So when's that gonna happen, Hiru?!
  • Do Vol: Yeah, tomorrow? Next week? When?!
  • Hiru Vol: Um... You know, soon... real soon.
  • Ethan: I finally found you guys.
  • Do Vol: Huh?
  • No Vol: I-It's...
  • Hiru, Do & No: Ethan!
  • Ethan: I need a favor. I need your help.
  • Hiru Vol: Wh... whadya want?
  • Ethan: Tell me where Tylor is.
  • Hiru Vol: What?
  • No Vol: We're rogues, remember? We're not gonna just give you that kind of information!
  • Do Vol: Y-Yeah!!
  • Ethan: I don't have time to play your games! My friends' lives are at stake!!
  • Hiru, No, & Do: Your friends...?

(Liina enters)

  • Liina: Hey you guys! Quit slacking off or I'll report you to Tylor!
  • Hiru, No, & Do: Aaaack! Come on. Please, anything but that!! Please! Oh man...

(The Vol Brothers scramble to pick up their cleaning utensils and get back to work)

  • Liina: Don't worry about these idiots. I'll take you to Tylor, Ethan!
  • Ethan: Really Liina?! You're a gem!!

(End Cutscene)

(Scene: Ethan, Liina, Tylor) (Ethan and Liina enter a room in a secret location where Tylor is hiding out)

  • Ethan: Tylor!
  • Tylor: Ethan, it's been a while!
  • Liina: I ran into Ethan at Gawik's bar in Dagora City. He says he needs your help.
  • Tylor: Needs the help of a rogue? Well what could it possibly be?
  • Ethan: I really need your assistance. You know about the HIVE?
  • Tylor: Yeah, it's all over the news. What of it?
  • Ethan: I need to help some friends who are being held captive there.
  • Tylor: Your friends?
  • Ethan: Yeah...
  • Tylor: I see... But that's absurd! Before the Landeel even got close, we'd be gobbled up by the SEED!
  • Ethan: Don't you have something that would fight the SEED off?
  • Tylor: It's pretty hard to procure specialized equipment when you're a wanted man... I wish I could help your friends, but it's just too dangerous. I heard a rumor... that the Communion of Gurhal is developing some sort of anti-SEED shield device. If something like that really existed... and if we could get our hands on it, then maybe... just maybe we'd stand a fighting chance. Otherwise, what you're proposing is pretty much a suicide mission.
  • Ethan: An anti-SEED shield...?
  • Tylor: Don't think ill of me, Ethan. I'm sorry I can't be of any help.

(Scene changes to Dagora Central District. As Ethan enters the scene, he stops to think a moment)

  • Ethan: What should I do? Wait a second... The rumored anti-SEED device! Who knows if it's true, but it can't hurt to ask someone at the Communion about it... I've got to find a way. It's the least I can do!

(End Scene)

Ohtoku City: Central District

(Scene: Ethan, Rutsu, Pavilion of Air Guard)

  • Pavilion of Air Guard: What do you want? I'm sorry, but you can't meet with the Divine Maiden.
  • Ethan: No, today I'm here to see Light Master Rutsu. I've got something important to talk to him about. Can you tell him Ethan Waber is here to see him?
  • Pavilion of Air Guard: All right. Wait right there.

(The guard exits into the Pavilion. The scene fades out then back in as the guard returns)

  • Pavilion of Air Guard: Light Mater Rutsu has agreed to meet with you. Come inside.

(Ethan enters the Pavilion. Scene changes to the Pavilion meeting room where Lord Rutsu stands waiting for Ethan. Ethan enters)

  • Rutsu: What exactly do you want today, Mr. Waber?
  • Ethan: I'm sorry to burst in here like this, but I came to ask for your help.
  • Rutsu: My help? With what?
  • Ethan: I want to help Maya and Hyuga. They're being held captive at the HIVE.
  • Rutsu: At the HIVE...? And what exactly do you suggest that we do?
  • Ethan: I heard that the Communion of Gurhal is developing an anti-SEED shield system. With that, I'd be able to take a ship to the HIVE and withstand the SEED attacks.
  • Rutsu: How did you hear of this shield system, Mr. Waber?
  • Ethan: Please, it doesn't matter! I need to help my friends!
  • Rutsu: The anti-SEED shield system is a top-secret project. You are being very unreasonable, Mr. Waber.
  • Ethan: Will you at least let me speak with the Divine Maiden?
  • Rutsu: I believe I told you that you were no longer permitted to see her. Please leave at once.
  • Ethan: But my friends' lives are at stake!
  • Rutsu: You are wasting your time. Please leave.

(Ethan exits back to Ohtoku City Central District. He stops for a moment to think)

  • Ethan: There's nothing left I can do...

(End Scene)

(Cutscene) (Ethan sits on the floor alone in a viewing plaza on the colony. Leo and Tonnio enter)

  • Leo: Hey, Ethan...
  • Tonnio: So, there you are! We've been looking for you.
  • Ethan: Well, I'm here... sorry.
  • Leo: No luck?
  • Ethan: No.
  • Tonnio: Ah, don't worry, I'm sure we'll be able to find another way.
  • Leo: Tonnio, you got a plan?
  • Tonnio: No!
  • Leo: Man, I thought you had something.
  • Tonnio: Don't look at me! I thought we could come up with something together.
  • Leo: It's amazing you can think at all, with that tiny head of yours.
  • Tonnio: What was that?!
  • Ethan: Cut it out, willya!
  • Tonnio: Oh... Uh... Sorry.
  • Leo: My apologies... I'm taking this whole thing as hard as you.
  • Ethan: I thought... that I could do it... figure something out on my own. But, I guess when it comes down to it, I just don't have what it takes.
  • Leo: Ethan...
  • Tonnio: Come on... Don't be so hard on yourself.
  • Ethan: I don't know what to do...

(Liina enters)

  • Liina: Heh. Now then, there's a depressing sight!
  • Tonnio: Liina!
  • Liina: I've got some good news for you! Hey! Look outside the window!

(Ethan stands up and looks out. Before him he sees the Landeel rise up into view)

  • Leo: The Landeel!
  • Ethan: What... Why's it here?!
  • Liina: Are you that dense? Tylor's agreed to take you to the HIVE if you still wanna go!
  • Leo: What?! Really?!
  • Tonnio: Huh! I don't believe it...
  • Liina: Well, if you don't believe it, then stay here! Tylor's waiting for us. Come on!

(Ethan, Liina, and Leo take off towards the plaza exit)

  • Tonnio: Huh? No, wait! I believe! I believe! I told you we'd think of something!!

(End Cutscene)

Landeel Bridge

(Cutscene) (As Ethan, and his group enter the Landeel bridge, he sees a familiar face)

  • Ethan: Huh? It's Lou again!
  • Tonnio: Man, is there anywhere she's not...
  • Liina: Lou got us permission to dock at the GUARDIANS Colony.
  • Lou: I simply followed the president's orders.
  • Leo: So, the president had a change of heart?
  • Ethan: So it seems...
  • Tonnio: Well, the guy has some guts, after all!

(Tylor enters)

  • Tylor: Ethan, It's good to see you again!
  • Ethan: Thank you... But are you sure about this? I wasn't able to get the Defense Device from the Communion of Gurhal...
  • Tylor: Don't worry. I managed to "secure one" through a connection...
  • Ethan: A connection? But who?
  • Leo: Hey, what's it matter?! We have one now, right?!
  • Tonnio: We're coming along, too!
  • Tylor: Ethan, you have some loyal friends there. And I see why.
  • Ethan: Heh heh... Yeah, thanks.

(The Landeel intercom beeps)

  • Hiru Vol: Captain, all systems good to go!
  • Tylor: Alright. Landeel, full speed ahead!
  • Liina: Aye aye, Captain!

(End Cutscene)

(Scene: Ethan, Liina, Leo, Tonnio, Tylor, Lou)

  • Tylor: Once we've set off, we can't return until we've accomplished our mission. Once your preparations in the city are complete, return to this spaceship dock.

(Mission "Guardian's Calling" Available)

  • Ethan: Come to think of it, I haven't seen the Vol Brothers around...
  • Liina: Yeah, they're down below, cleaning. They skipped out on their duties at the bar. Now they've got to clean the entire ship before the battle is over!
  • Ethan: Wow, the world of rogues is a pretty strict one, too!
  • Leo: Well, all that aside... Everyone needs to act quickly. We don't have a moment to lose! Dismissed!

(End Scene)

(Select "Guardian's Calling" mission from Spaceport counter)