Episode 1 Chapter 12 Colony (script)

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Clyez City Fifth Floor: GUARDIANS Headquarters


  • Reporter: I've been giving it serious thought, and I've decided to continue on with my work. I may not have the confidence to become a bold newscaster like Hal, but I still have confidence in my ability to do my very best!


  • Reporter: Ethan, you do your best, too!

(Human Male)

  • Human Male: We made it past the unification point. All that's left is the HIVE! You know, you've changed beyond all recognition from back when you were just a trainee. You've done really well to make it this far!


  • Human Male: Leave the HIVE to the Alliance Military Force. We'll clean up the SEED that escaped confinement.

(Fisul Godes)

  • Ethan: Hello, Sir!
  • Mr. Godes: Hey, Waber! I'm being sent out on a mission too, after all this time!
  • Ethan: The Resident Security Department is being sent out?
  • Mr. Godes: I heard they found a SEED nest, so I volunteered for the mission.
  • Ethan: Oh, I see...
  • Mr. Godes: Aren't you going, as well?
  • Ethan: Well, maybe... but there's something I have to do first...


  • Mr. Godes: Waber! I'll see you on the battlefield!
  • Ethan: ...Yes sir!

Clyez City Fourth Floor: PPT Spaceport

(Jabutz Secbel)

  • Ethan: Hello, Mr. Chief Manager of Operations!
  • Jabutz: Oh, Ethan Waber... I was going to send you a message. Today is my last day. I'm retiring from service!
  • Ethan: ...CASTs retire too?
  • Jabutz: With technology constantly advancing, my skills are becoming dated. Looks like my time has come...
  • Ethan: I see...
  • Jabutz: Tomorrow I'll be starting my new part time job... on the cleaning staff at GUARDIANS Headquarters. We'll definitely see each other again.


  • Jabutz: When you see me at Headquarters, be sure to say hello!
  • Ethan: I will. And you too!

(Male Beast)

  • Male Beast: Everything is finally over. It looks like there are still a few SEED left, but I'm sure they will be cleaned up in no time. Life will be good again. Thank you for that!


  • Male Beast: You guys really did well!

(Porsh Tuvol)

  • Ethan: Hey, Porsh... Can you tell me about Mayton Pord now?
  • Porsh: All right... Well, I told you the shuttle explosion was the result of a fuel leak, didn't I?
  • Ethan: Yeah.
  • Porsh: In the end, I heard they settled out of court under the condition that the truth be covered up.
  • Ethan: I guess Mishec's mother has to be really careful about what she tells him...
  • Porsh: I got fed up with all the secrecy and moved here to the colony.


  • Ethan: Thank you... for telling me.
  • Porsh: So let's forget about this, okay? And please don't tell the child.
  • Ethan: I won't.

(Keiko Rotta)

  • Keiko: You're with the GUARDIANS aren't you? In this attack, don't just leave it up to the Alliance!
  • Ethan: Don't worry, we'll give it all we've got!
  • Keiko: We seem to run into each other a lot, don't we? But I don't know what to call you. My name is Keiko Rotta. I work here at the arrival and departure gate.
  • Ethan: My name is Ethan Waber.
  • Keiko: Ethan Waber... Good luck out there!


  • Keiko: Humans aren't so bad after all. I don't know why I thought they were before...
  • Ethan: Huh? what did you say?
  • Keiko: Nothing. I was just talking to myself.

Clyez City Third Floor: Shopping Mall B

(Mischec Pord)

  • Mischec: Hey, Ethan! Are you going off?
  • Ethan: Oh hi, Mischec. Yeah...
  • Mischec: Please don't go! I'd be so sad if I lost you, too.
  • Ethan: Don't worry, Mischec. You won't lose me.
  • Mischec: That's what my dad said...
  • Ethan: ...I'm sorry.


  • Ethan: Wait for me, Mischec. I'll see you soon. I promise.
  • Mischec: All right. I'll be waiting for you.

(A-Photon Fanatic)

  • A-Photon Fanatic: It looks like the confinement system was successful. But... We were attacked by the SEED because we employed the use of A-Photons. Are the SEED some sort of a punishment... because we disregarded the importance of photons? If we give up A-Photons, then will the SEED finally leave us alone?


  • A-Photon Fanatic: It won't be so easy to give up an energy source as powerful as A-Photons!

(Photon Fanatic)

  • Photon Fanatic: It might have been the confinement system and A-Photons that saved us, but the ancient civilization that developed A-Photons ended up getting wiped out by the SEED. There's a lesson there for us there, don't you think?


  • Photon Fanatic: We need to better appreciate photons.


  • Astronomer: Could it be that the confinement system affected the sun? I can't see any more sunspot activity! So when there are no more SEED, the sunspots become tranquil. But the SEED will definitely show themselves again someday.


  • Astronomer: It might have sounded like I wanted the SEED to come back...But honestly, I am overjoyed that we now have peace!

(Endy Fodz)

  • Endy: Hey Ethan, are you going to be part of that big fleet attacking the HIVE?
  • Ethan: No. I've got something else to do before that.
  • Endy: What's that?
  • Ethan: Hyuga and my friend Maya are in a bit of a tight spot.
  • Endy: Really? What's up?
  • Ethan: It's... nothing. It's my problem.


  • Endy: Hey, you okay, Ethan?
  • Ethan: I'm all right, don't worry about me. Just worry about your mission!

Clyez City Second Floor: Shopping Mall A

(Kumil Godes)

  • Kumil: Where are you going, Ethan?
  • Ethan: I've got to go help my friends.
  • Kumil: Sounds serious...
  • Ethan: We need everyone in Gurhal to help each other.
  • Kumil: Good luck!


  • Kumil: Hey, I'll help too!
  • Ethan: Thanks, but that's all right. You should head home.
  • Kumil: Fiiiiine!


  • Engineer: We finally have peace! But then now I'm swamped with work repairing machines left and right... I guess that's still a lot better than being exposed to life-threatening danger...


  • Engineer: From now on I'm going to be really busy!

(Mikua Tesran)

  • Mikua: Hey, Ethan! How'd it go? With the beast?
  • Ethan: Oh, that...
  • Mikua: I think I know what's going on, Ethan... You're secretly into me, and are purposely avoiding broaching the subject with him. That's it, isn't it? Well you can just forget it, Ethan. You're far too immature for me!
  • Ethan: This isn't some stupid romantic comedy, Mikua...
  • Mikua: I knew I couldn't rely on you, Ethan!
  • Ethan: I don't have time for this right now...


  • Mikua: So, how did it go?
  • Ethan: Sorry, I need more time!
  • Mikua: Well then, don't talk to me until you've told him about me!

(After speaking to Gapard)

  • Ethan: Hey Mikua, it's all set up. He wants to meet you!
  • Mikua: Yay! Ethan, I'm so happy!
  • Ethan: Am I the best or what?
  • Mikua: Well, I didn't say that...

(Human Girl)

  • Human Girl: Peace at last... I just can't believe it!


  • Human Girl: In a while I'm sure it will finally hit me.

(Fat Man)

  • Fat Man: Once the HIVE is destroyed, it looks like the flight restrictions will finally be lifted! Thanks to all the hard work you guys do!


  • Fat Man: I will finally be able to travel to my heart's content!

(Nano Transformer Fan)

  • Nano Transformer Fan: The activation of the confinement systems was great, wasn't it!? I was watching it with all my friends. You could almost hear a huge uproar echoing throughout the solar system when it happened! I wonder if they'll make it into a regular festival event?


  • Nano Transformer Fan: Images recorded of the confinement will be saved forever!

(Mefon Lead)

  • Mrs. Lead: Ethan, are you going on a mission, too?
  • Ethan: Yeah...
  • Mrs. Lead: This one seems like it's pretty serious, doesn't it? I'll be praying for your safe return!
  • Ethan: Thank you.


  • Mrs. Lead: You Guardians make the Gurhal Solar System proud!
  • Ethan: Gee, thanks!

Clyez City First Floor: Central Table

(Arsh Milzu)

  • Ethan: Hello, Mrs. Milzu!
  • Mrs. Milzu: Oh, Ethan! I've decided to return to Neudaiz.
  • Ethan: Really?
  • Mrs. Milzu: I'm glad we could meet one last time. Please say goodbye to Lumia for me!
  • Ethan: I will!


  • Ethan: Be well, Mrs. Milzu!
  • Mrs. Milzu: We'll meet again on Neudaiz!

(Old Man)

  • Old Man: Hey Ethan, you heading out for a mission?
  • Ethan: Why, do you want to heckle me? Maybe tell me I look too skinny?
  • Old Man: No way! I'm bein' supportive! If you come back with your stomach intact, dinner's on me!
  • Ethan: Hm... that sounds fishy to me...


  • Old Man: After you wipe out that HIVE, we've got to go to the shopping mall! They're going to have this deal where the first ten people can eat for free! Let's go!
  • Ethan: I think I'll pass...

(Male Beast)

  • Male Beast: If we destroy the HIVE, then the solar system will have dodged destruction. So this time it wasn't our fate to be destroyed.


  • Male Beast: I didn't used to believe in fate. But it seems like now there's some greater force that wants us to live.

(Gapard Raz)

  • Gapard: Hey, Ethan!
  • Ethan: Oh hi, Gapard.
  • Gapard: I'm finally a Guardian! Well... still in training school...
  • Ethan: You got into training school? That's great news!
  • Gapard: Yeah, wish me luck! By the way, about that girl you were talking about before... Is she pretty?
  • Ethan: ...Pretty? ...Oh yeah, Mikua. You can see for yourself when I introduce you two later!


  • Gapard: Hey Ethan... Tell me more about this Mikua gal!
  • Ethan: Don't be so impatient! Didn't you say you were a busy guy? I'll introduce you soon enough!

(Newman Male)

  • Newman Male: For now, the confinement system is running safely... but someday the confinement could break down again, couldn't it?


  • Newman Male: I don't know if the next time will be thousands of years later or what... But I think we should start preparing now for that day!

(Human Male)

  • Human Male: The SEED have been holed up in an A-Photon satellite. An energy satellite would certainly be suitable food for the SEED. If we destroy that HIVE, then our solar system can finally exist in peace!


  • Human Male: But I've got an uneasy feeling about this for some reason...

(Traveling Cast)

  • Traveling Cast: Ethan Waber!
  • Ethan: Huh? What are you doing here on the colony? Er, sorry... but how do you know my name?
  • Traveling Cast: We've never been officially introduced, although I do know you quite well.
  • Ethan: Um... Who are you?
  • Traveling Cast: I'm an investigative officer for the president's Internal Investigation Bureau. My name is Holupe Dence.
  • Ethan: Ah...
  • Holupe: I've been involved in your performance review, Mr. Waber. You really are something else!
  • Ethan: T-Thank you!


  • Holupe: We can talk about it sometime over at Headquarters.
  • Ethan: A-All right!