Episode 1 Chapter 11 Mission (script)

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Mission: Defend the Gates

West Kugu Desert: Block A-1

(Scene: Ethan, Leo, Tonnio, Dr. Tomrain, AMF Soldiers) (Ethan and party enter an AMF Field base. A Striker Tank rests by a fence, ready to go)

  • Ethan: Doctor, isn't the confinement system a lot farther ahead?
  • Dr. Tomrain: Yes. But SEED attacks around the confinement system are growing more severe. Because of this, we won't be able to travel by G-Flyer.
  • Ethan: So should we walk from here? It's still quite a ways away!
  • Dr. Tomrain: No, the president arranged to borrow a striker from the Alliance Military.

(The party approaches the tank)

  • Ethan: So this is an Alliance Military striker...
  • Ethan (thinking): Oh, it's the same type that Curtz was riding in before...

(Tonnio turns to talk to an Alliance Military soldier)

  • Leo: We used this before, on that mission to defend the confinement system.
  • Tonnio: It looks like it's ready to go. This soldier says he'll show you how to operate it.
  • Ethan: All right, let's get going!

(End Scene)

(Conversations with AMF Soldiers)

  • AMF Soldier: Personally, I don't like it when they let you humans and beasts use this striker... But an order's an order!
  • AMF Soldier 1: There are quite a few landslides and places where the road is blocked ahead. The striker can take down those things in a single shot. Try not to use up all of your ammunition!
  • AMF Soldier 2: The Alliance Military can handle the protection of the confinement system by itself. Why do we have to work with the GUARDIANS?
  • AMF Soldier 3: I really don't think the likes of you can handle one of our strikers!

(Enter the Tank) (Trial Start) (Fight through Block A-1 & A-2) (Trial Clear)

West Kugu Desert: Block A-3

(Cutscene) (The striker tank glides across the desert sands and slows to a stop next to a doorway leading into the Moatoob Confinement system guarded by two AMF soldiers. The party disembarks from the striker, but are blocked from entering by the two soldiers)

  • AMF Cast 1: Only authorized personnel are allowed beyond this point.
  • Leo: But we are Guardians. We're Dr. Tomrain's escort.
  • AMF Cast 1: Oh? You know anything 'bout this?
  • AMF Cast 2: Not a thing.
  • Ethan: This is ridiculous! We don't have time to sit here and argue with you. Let us through!
  • AMF Cast 1: Who do you Guardians think you are?

(The CAST soldier pushes Ethan away forcefully)

  • Tonnio: Maybe this will help you understand!!

(Tonnio attempts to Nanoblast and charge the soldiers, but before he can move the soldiers cock and raise their rifles to him, forcing him to back down. From behind the CASTs the doors to the confinement system open and Lou steps out)

  • Lou: Sorry to keep you waiting. This way please, doctor.

(The CAST Soldiers step aside. Dr. Tomrain stops momentarily to give them a disapproving look and clear his throat before proceeding inside)

  • Tonnio: Man, what is it with her appearing outta nowhere?
  • Ethan: Yeah...

(End Cutscene)

Confinement System Interior

(Scene: Ethan, Leo, Tonnio, Lou, Dr. Tomrain) (The party stands before the main controls of the Moatoob Confinement system)

  • Dr. Tomrain: Well then, the only thing left to do is the final adjustment, and then everything is done! Please let me express my sincerest gratitude to the three of you! All three confinement systems are currently under heavy SEED attack. They are attacking with everything they've got as if they understand that the activation of this device will be the end of them!
  • Lou: The Alliance Military will defend the confinement system and the doctor. Guardians will take up position in the AMF field base and stand by to repel any SEED attacks. In order to keep the president appraised of the current battle situation, I will be accompanying you on this mission.
  • Ethan: Got it. Well then, Doctor, I guess we'll see you later!
  • Dr. Tomrain: Everyone, I do anticipate a difficult battle, so please be safe out there!
  • Leo: This battle will shape the future of Gurhal...
  • Tonnio: I'm not a believer by any stretch of the word, but at times like this we've to say something...
  • Ethan: I agree.

(Everyone bows their head)

  • Dr. Tomrain: May the Holy Light guide us!

(End Scene)

Confinement System Exterior

  • Lou: First thing, we'll rendezvous with the Alliance Military.

(AMF Casts)

  • AMF Cast 1: We'll handle the protection of the confinement system and the doctor.
  • AMF Cast 2: You don't have any more business here. Scram!

(Fight your way from West Kugu Desert: Block B-1 to B-2)

West Kugu Desert: Block B-2

(Upon entering the last room of Block B-2)

  • Lou: We are almost at the frontline base.

West Kugu Desert: Field Base

  • Ethan: So here it is...

(Cutscene) (Ethan and party enter the AMF Field base and approach a gigantic holographic projection of President Dallgun)

  • Ethan: It's the president!
  • Lou: Here to give a moral boosting speech.
  • Tonnio: You can always depend on him for one of those.
  • Dallgun: My friends! The time has come. We have suffered long and hard because of the SEED. But... we have acquired an ultimate weapon with which we can use to defeat them! It is the Gates of Denikaya, left on each of the three planets of this system! Now, we make our way to the Unification Point, where we'll seal away the SEED forever! However, we must defend these critical Confinement Systems until that time comes! I ask of you, the Allied Army and fellow Guardians, to work together in this most desperate hour! If we succeed, peace shall once again reign throughout the Gurhal System! We must fight on together, into victory!
  • AMF Cast: That's all he's got to say? Lotta hot air.
  • Ethan: Hot air?! You take that back!
  • Leo: Ethan, not now.

(A battle scarred Fulyen Curtz enters)

  • Curtz: Oh, it's you again.
  • Ethan: Captain Curtz!
  • Leo: Hey, you alright? You're injured.
  • Curtz: Keep your sympathy for your friends.
  • Tonnio: He was just trying to be nice, you ungrateful piece of scrap metal.
  • Curtz: All I ask is that when the time comes, you stay out of my way.
  • Ethan: Do us a favor... cut the high and mighty stuff, will ya? We've all risked our lives here.
  • Curtz: And what of it? We have been fighting for over 100 years. Before the SEED, we were fighting to keep the peace between the humans and other races. We have no need of your "emotions" or "greed" in our battles. They're what created the problems in the first place.
  • Ethan: ...
  • Curtz: Since you seem to understand, do us a favor and stay out of our way. Let's go.

(Curtz and the AMF soldier exit)

  • Tonnio: Who does he think he is?! Talkin' about us like we're a bunch of parasites!
  • Leo: Give him a break, he's been at this longer than you.
  • Tonnio: And I suppose you agree with him, right?!
  • Lou: We are both CASTs, but our internal systems work quite differently.
  • Tonnio: Why am I not encouraged by that fact?

(Sirens blare in the distance)

  • Ethan: What's that?!
  • Leo: The SEED have come!

(End Cutscene)

(Cutscene) (Hundreds of Allied Soldiers stand at the ready before the Confinement System. Stampeding towards them are waves upon waves of SEED monsters as far as the eye can see. The soldiers raise their weapons and begin firing. Striker tanks behind them launch volleys of ordinance into the rushing masses. Their offensive is meet with heavy resistance. A Dimmagouls snatches an Allied soldier from the ground and hurls him into his companions sniping from a balcony above the bedlam) (End Cutscene)

(Scene: Ethan, Lou, Leo, Tonnio)

  • Lou: The SEED are surrounding the confinement system. The plant and pipeline supplying the confinement system's energy are both under attack. Due to this situation, command headquarters is splitting up the forces into a number of teams that will then patrol the area. Our party will head out from this base camp towards Area A, cleaning up SEED-Forms and altered native life forms. According to satellite data, the rough equivalent of a battalion of creatures is currently present in Area A.
  • Ethan: A battalion!?
  • Lou: Yes, our mission is to eliminate the battalion.
  • Tonnio: Hey, hold on now! Four against a battalion is crazy! What's our probability of success here!?
  • Lou: According to Headquarters, our probability of success is approximately 6.25%... But you should pay no mind to probabilities at this time.
  • Ethan: !?
  • Lou: If we cannot stop the SEED at this point, the destruction of Gurhal will be certain. The possibility of success is not zero, which is the best we can do for right now.
  • Tonnio: Ugh...
  • Ethan: What, do you want to just wait here while the rest of us take care of it, Tonnio?
  • Tonnio: Nobody said I wasn't going, did they!?
  • Leo: We must all do our best.

(End Scene)

(AMF Soldiers)

  • AMF Soldier 1: You guys are charged with Area A, right? This is the gate for Area B. Captain Curtz is already on his way here.
  • AMF Soldier 2: If you go straight ahead, you'll come out in Area A. You GUARDIANS are covering Area A, right? Do the best job you can!
  • AMF Soldier 3: The GUARDIANS are just a private enterprise. They should let the real military, the Alliance Military, handle SEED counter-measures!

(Human Male)

  • Human Male: Until now, the GUARDIANS and the Alliance Military have never formally worked together. A little bit of friction is to be expected. Maybe one of the reasons Alliance Military soldiers dislike Guardians so much is that they're intolerant of non-CASTs, even though there are a lot of CASTs in the GUARDIANS, too.

(Human Woman)

  • Human Woman: The prejudice against the GUARDIANS is making it difficult to cooperate. Even though, if you calmly analyze the situation, it's pretty clear that the current strength of the Alliance Military is not enough to repel the SEED invasion. We need to all work together on this one!

West Kugu Desert: Block A-1

  • Tonnio: Let hundreds of them come! I'll take them all down!

(Trial Start)

West Kugu Desert: Block A-2

(Defeat 100 enemies)

  • Tonnio: All right! There goes the hundredth one!
  • Lou: Don't slow down now! There are still fifty left!

(Defeat 140 enemies)

  • Leo: Great! Last ten!

(Defeat 150 enemies) (Trial End)


  • Ethan: That looks like the last of 'em.
  • Leo: Yeah.
  • Lou: I've just received a communication from HQ. "Once Area A has been secured, return to HQ."
  • Leo: Fine by me!
  • Tonnio: All right! We get to go home!
  • Lou: Hrm?
  • Ethan: What's wrong, Lou?
  • Lou: I'm receiving a distress signal.
  • Leo: From where?
  • Lou: The plant in Area B. It is from Captain Fulyen Curtz.
  • Ethan: Curtz?!
  • Leo: I heard that Area B was hit the hardest. They're probably short-handed.
  • Tonnio: Hahaha, serves him right! "When the time comes, you guys stay outta our way."... He's not talkin' so proud now. He thinks we're gonna help him??
  • Lou: I have received another communication from HQ. They are abandoning Area B, the zone is too hot.
  • Ethan: What about Curtz?
  • Lou: He is still sending out a distress signal.
  • Tonnio: Ah well, what can ya do?
  • Ethan: We can help him!
  • Tonnio: What?! But wh-why?!
  • Ethan: Because the Allied Army is our ally. Isn't it our responsibility... to help our allies?
  • Leo: yeah, he's right!
  • Tonnio: No...
  • Leo: That's what the GUARDIANS are here for!
  • Tonnio: H-Hey! Wait a moment, now! You mean to tell me that you're going to go off and help him after all that he said?!
  • Ethan: That's right, we don't leave anyone behind. No matter who!
  • Tonnio: Lou, what about you?
  • Lou: I, too, am a Guardian, so I will accompany you, if that is your wish.
  • Tonnio: Oh come on! We've done enough! Can't the damn Allied Army take care of itself?
  • Ethan: That's it, let's go!
  • Leo: Right!
  • Tonnio: No. Come on. But... No, wait for me!! What, you just gonna leave me here?!

(End Cutscene)

West Kugu Desert: Field Base

(Scene: Ethan, Leo, Lou, Tonnio, Bruce) (It's nightfall by the time the party makes it back to the Field Base, which is now deserted)

  • Ethan: *phew* We've finally made it back to camp, but now it's nighttime!
  • Lou: It would appear that the stationed troops have already pulled out.
  • Tonnio: Damn, and I'm almost out of items. I need supplies!
  • Leo: It will certainly be difficult to continue on like this.
  • Ethan: But we've got to help Curtz!
  • Bruce: Hey, you guys! You probably need my help, don't ya?

(Bruce enters)

  • Ethan: You!
  • Bruce: Hey, Ethan! I was watching you work out there... You're willing to help anyone, AMF or GUARDIANS. That's my boy! I've brought you guys some of the best stuff I've got. They're all great deals, so take a look!
  • Tonnio: What the... You're taking our money!?
  • Leo: Living ain't free, Mister. And this offer won't last long!

(End Scene)

(Talk to Bruce)

  • Bruce: Curtz is in Area B. The other Alliance Troops have pulled out. You're the only ones left to save 'em! Show 'em what the GUARDIANS are made of, Ethan!

(Try to exit back to Area A)

  • Leo: Are you going back now!? That goes back to Area A!

West Kugu Desert: Area B-1

  • Leo: Hurry up, Ethan!
  • Ethan: Curtz, hold on! We're coming to help!

(Fight through areas B-1 and B-2)

West Kugu Desert: Distress Signal Origin

(Cutscene) (Ethan and party enter a field close to the wall of the plant. The area is littered with CAST corpses and smoldering striker tanks. Leo bends down to inspect a destroyed CAST)

  • Leo: Man, what happened here...?
  • Tonnio: Don't tell me everyone's dead?
  • Lou: No, I can still detect a distress signal.
  • Ethan: Do you know where the signal's coming from, Lou?
  • Lou: Yes, over there.

(Lou points toward a destroyed striker tank. Ethan races over to it and finds Curtz laying on the ground, propped up against the other side of it)

  • Ethan: Captain! Hey! Hang in there!
  • Curtz: You... What are you doing here?
  • Ethan: We got your distress signal. We came to rescue you!
  • Curts: Get out of here! This place is overrun by the SEED! You'll die if you stay here!
  • Tonnio: Will you shut up? We're trying to help you here!
  • Curtz: I don't need your sympathy. We've already been abandoned by the Allied Army. All my soldiers have been killed. I can't be the only one to leave alive!
  • Ethan: What good will that do? If you care about your men you'll fight to stay alive.
  • Leo: He's right. If you make it, you can fight on for everyone who died here today, all right?
  • Curtz: Mm.
  • Lou: Something is approaching.
  • Tonnio: What? Where?!

(Lou turns and points off into the distance. The party turns to face the oncoming threat) (End Cutscene)

(Trial Start)

  • Tonnio: Are you kidding me!? A Dimmagolus!?
  • Ethan: You know this thing?
  • Lou: It is the most vicious creature in the Kugu Desert.
  • Leo: The bravest rouges'll run away at the sight of one of these!

(Defeat Dimmagolus) (Trial End)


  • Ethan: We defeated it, somehow.
  • Lou: I have received a communication from the doctor. The Unification Point countdown is about to start.
  • Leo: It's only a matter of time now.
  • Tonnio: Hey... Look over there!

(The sky blazes to life as hundreds of SEED streak across the sky and land in the short distance)

  • Ethan: Huh? Where'd they all come from?!
  • Leo: I think we better get out of here.

(Captain Curtz walks up to the party, rifle in hand)

  • Curtz: They're coming too fast. I'll hold them off. You all make a run for it!
  • Ethan: I don't think so. We're all gonna go home together. You need us and we need you.
  • Leo: Hey, the man's got a point.
  • Curtz: Fools! You're more stupid that I thought. You cannot win this fight.
  • Ethan: I love a challenge!
  • Leo: Try saying please, you'll get a better response.
  • Tonnio: Oh well then, can't jump off a speeding train! Count me in!
  • Lou: I have never been called stupid before, but I will stay and help as well.
  • Curtz: Suit yourselves.

(Just beyond the rise of the hill, the first wave of the SEED creatures begin to approach Ethan's party in massive numbers)

  • Ethan: Alright, let's go!
  • Everyone: Yeah!

(End Cutscene)

(Cutscene) (The Moatoob Confinement System tower glows brilliantly and fires a beam of light into the sky. A luminescent symbol materializes above the planet, soon followed by ones on Neudaiz and Parum. Massive bolts of electricity fire as light gathers in the center between the three planets. A bright flash of light flares up, and when it subsides there is a massive photonic seal linking the three planets together. It glows brilliantly, and the beam of light emanating from Moatoob flashes brightly. Like a lightning bolt striking a metal rod, the light crashes into the top of the tower throwing back the cloud cover for miles around and sending off a wave of energy which envelopes the advancing SEED armies. Then they are gone). (End Cutscene)

(Cutscene) (The party stares at the huge photonic seal in the sky in disbelief)

  • Ethan: So this... is the Unification Point...
  • Leo: I've never... seen such power before...
  • Tonnio: Whatever it is, it sure came right on time.
  • Lou: The SEED and the monsters have been sent to an alternate plane.

(Curtz removes his helmet and extends his hand to Ethan)

  • Curtz: Thank you, Ethan.

(Ethan accepts the gesture)

  • Ethan: You, too.
  • Curtz: It would appear that I have misunderstood you humans.
  • Leo: Mm! And beasts!
  • Curtz: Yes, and beasts.
  • Lou: And CASTs.
  • Tonnio: You sure are one to talk!
  • Everyone: Hahahaha...
  • Lou: I do not understand what is so humorous?

(End Cutscene)

Confinement System Interior

(Cutscene) (Ethan, Leo, Tonnio, and Lou return to Dr. Tomrain inside the Moatoob Confinement System)

  • Dr. Tomrain: Mr. Waber, well done.
  • Ethan: We did it, doctor! We're safe!
  • Dr. Tomrain: Yes, from now on, we shall fear the SEED no longer.

(A hologram communication from Hyuga appears before Ethan and Dr. Tomrain)

  • Hyuga: Ethan, can you hear me?
  • Ethan: Hyuga! We did it, man! We got 'em! How are things over there?
  • Hyuga: Not good, Ethan... not good.
  • Ethan: Whaddya mean?
  • Hyuga: We landed right on the small satellite, but it turned out to be a SEED nest!
  • Ethan: What?!

(The hologram switches over to Maya)

  • Maya: It's awful. More SEED are being born every moment!
  • Dr. Tomrain: You mean there's more SEED left?!
  • Maya: The satellite's orbit is outside that of the three planets, so it wasn't affected by the field.
  • Leo: Damn, they're just going to keep coming back!
  • Tonnio: When is this going to end?!
  • Maya: Ethan, we really need your help. Something terrible is going to... Aaaaaack!

(The hologram disappears)

  • Ethan: Maya! Hyuga!
  • Lou: Communication disconnected.
  • Ethan: W-What's going on...?

(End Cutscene)

(Ending Cinema)

Chapter 12 Episode Preview

  • Narrator: Maya and Hyuga are missing. With no way to get to the HIVE, and a fleet amassed to destroy the remaining SEED there, Ethan rushes off to find a way to get there ahead of time to save his friends. Will Ethan be able to save his friends? Are they even still alive? With the newly discovered colony of SEED will it even matter when the fate of Gurhal hangs in the balance? Next time on Phantasy Star Universe: Life Choices.

Chapter 12 Alternate Episode Preview

  • Ethan: Now, the final chapter is near. I'm all pumped for the preview!
  • Lou: Ethan, I have found you.
  • Ethan: Hey, Lou!
  • Lou: The president has ordered you to return to headquarters.
  • Ethan: I'm not going back.
  • Lou: Why are you not going back?
  • Ethan: Because I don't want to.
  • Lou: How can I get you to go back?
  • Ethan: Hmm... Well maybe if you fell in love with me?
  • Lou: That is impossible.
  • Ethan: Ugh... It hurts to hear that! Guess I'm not going back then.
  • Lou: Understood. I shall fall in love with you then.
  • Ethan: That's a problem, though, see... I've already got Karen.
  • Lou: So then, I need to get rid of Karen.
  • Ethan: Woaaah, Hey Lou, I'm only kidding! Calm down!
  • Lou: I must get you to return to headquarters though, Ethan.
  • Ethan: And I don't wanna go back.
  • Lou: It appears that we are at an impasse.
  • Ethan: Yup. Sure does.
  • Lou: I must take something important from you and bring it with me.
  • Ethan: Wha? What are you planning?
  • Lou: The hint is, something important to you.
  • Ethan: Something important? Like Karen? Or the Gurhal System?
  • Lou: Conducting preview. Next, Phantasy Star Universe: Life Choices. Please enjoy. Goodbye Ethan.
  • Ethan: She... she got me...