Episode 1 Chapter 11 Ethan (script)

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In a far away galaxy, lies a sun, orbited by 3 planets. The Gurhal system.
A place inhabited by humans, and their creations,
CASTs, Newmens, and beasts.
For 500 years, there was war among the races,
a seemingly never-ending conflict. Then finally...
An era of peace and prosperity that has lasted for 100 years.
But now, a darkness has awoken, and threatens the Universe.

(Opening Cinema)

Episode 1 Chapter 11: Unification Point

(Cutscene) (The familiar logo of Gurhal Channel 5 appears, followed by Hal reporting)

  • Hal: Hello! Welcome to Gurhal Channel 5 Headline News. I'm your host, Hal. And now for today's top story. The GUARDIAN defense force announced that they have found the locations of the Confinement Device on Neudaiz. They are working day and night to make it operational once again. The Allied Army and GUARDIANS have been mobilized in a massive defense effort. And in other news, a warrant has been issued for a rogue leader. It's been discovered that his involvement with the Endrum Collective has been ongoing for some time. The suspect, Alfort Tylor, is considered armed and dangerous. He is suspected of having supplied the Endrum Collective with stolen RELICS. However, despite authorities efforts, the whereabouts of Tylor is still unknown. This has been Gurhal Channel 5 Headline News for today. This has been Hal reporting. Good night!

(End Cutscene)

Altar of Divination

(Cutscene) (A large black Communion Limousine descends into the altar chamber behind Ethan as he cradles an unconscious Karen. Dr. Tomrain and Lou look on, helplessly)

  • Ethan: Karen!! Karen!!!!!

(Light Master Rutsu approaches Ethan accompanied by two COG medical personnel)

  • Rutsu: I warned you this could happen... Now move out of my way...

(Ethan continues to stare at Karen, unmoving)

  • Rutsu: Mr. Waber!!

(Ethan gently lays Karen on the ground. The COG medical team use TECHNICs to levitate the Maiden and transport her to the craft. Once she in onboard, Rutsu turns to Ethan)

  • Rutsu: You must leave this place and never come back.

(Lord Rutsu turns walks back towards the craft. Ethan, helpless and shattered, stands silent) (End Cutscene)

Ethan's Room

(Scene: Ethan, Pete, Headmaster Nav)

  • Ethan: I had that dream again. Is Karen going to be all right? Ever since the divination, the Communion won't tell me anything... Damn it!
  • Pete: What's wrong, Ethan? Recently you seem to have trouble sleeping.
  • Ethan: Yeah, I've been feeling a little restless.

(Ethan's comm beeps, he answers)

  • Nav: Ethan, are you awake?
  • Ethan: Yes, headmaster.
  • Nav: I've got to talk to you about a mission defending the confinements systems. Come to the meeting room at the GUARDIANS Headquarters.
  • Ethan: I'll be right there.

(Ethan hangs up) (End Scene)

(Talk to Pete)

  • Pete: What's wrong, Ethan? Recently you seem to have had trouble sleeping.
  • Ethan: Yeah, I've been feeling a little restless.
  • Pete: I see... Well, you mustn't push yourself too hard.
  • Ethan: I'll try not to.
  • Pete: Also, I've gathered some new information. Please look it over when you have the chance. What do you wish to know about?

(Ask about the Confinement War)

  • Pete: Twelve millennia ago, there was an epic war between the ancient civilization and the SEED. The ancient civilization's trump card was the confinement system. The use of this device should have resulted in the confinement of the SEED and victory for the ancient civilization. But although the confinement was successful, in the end the ancient civilization was destroyed.
  • Ethan: What caused their destruction?
  • Pete: That, unfortunately, is not known at this point.

(Ask about defense of the Gate)

  • Pete: Currently, the locations of all three confinement systems are known and they have been activated successfully. In the vicinities of the confinement systems, SEED attacks have escalated. Presently, the GUARDIANS and the Alliance Military forces have been mobilized for defense.

(Ask about the Unification Point)

  • Pete: The unification point is in just a few days. By that time, if the confinement isn't successful, then we will have no chance of survival. The GUARDIANS and the Alliance Military are working together to defend the confinement systems.

(Ask about the Divine Maiden)

  • Pete: By request of the GUARDIANS, the Divine Maiden performed a divination. It was announced that she collapsed from exhaustion shortly thereafter. The Communion of Gurhal blames the actions of the GUARDIANS for her condition.

(Ask again later)

  • Pete: Headmaster Nav is waiting for you at GUARDIANS Headquarters.

(After speaking with the President)

  • Pete: Good luck guarding the confinement system on Moatoob!

Clyez City: Guardians Headquarters: Fifth Floor

(Scene: Ethan, Lumia) (As Ethan enters the Guardians Headquarters, he spots Lumia)

  • Ethan: Lumia!
  • Lumia: Ethan...
  • Ethan: What's wrong?
  • Lumia: I submitted my application for the GUARDIANS, but it was refused. They said thirteen is too young to join the GUARDIANS. Can you believe it?
  • Ethan: What, you didn't know that? You've got to be at least fourteen to join the GUARDIANS.
  • Lumia: Well why didn't you or Hyuga tell me!?
  • Ethan: I guess we understood your desire to protect your own world. But you've got a more important job than joining the fight right now. You've got to rebuild this world after the fight is over! When you're a little older we can fight together. Until then, I'll do my best to protect you, so study hard!
  • Lumia: Okay. I'll study and become an even better Guardian than you, Ethan. Just you wait!
  • Ethan: Hey! What are you trying to say!?

(End Scene)


  • Lumia: I'll become an even better Guardian than you, Ethan!


  • Ethan: Hello, Mina.
  • Mina: Oh, Ethan! Headmaster Nav is waiting in the meeting room.
  • Ethan: All right, thanks.

(After speaking with the President)

  • Mina: Welcome to the GUARDIANS, protecting the future of Gurhal! Good luck with the unification point. Don't let us down. I can't do much from here, but I'll be rooting for you!

Guardians Headquarters: Meeting Room

(Cutscene) (Ethan enters the meeting room to find Leo, Tonnio, and Hyuga already there standing before Headmaster Nav)

  • Hyuga: Ethan! I heard what happened on Neudaiz...
  • Ethan: Yeah...
  • Nav: Good to have you here Ethan. Let us begin the briefing. You will need to escort Dr. Tomrain from the GUARDIANS Colony to the Moatoob Confinement System. Once there, you must defend the Confinement System until the Unification Point.
  • Leo: Unification Point?
  • Nav: Unfortunately, it is our last hope. To send the SEED to another plane, we must activate all 3 Confinement Systems simultaneously. That is the Unification Point. If we fail, there is a good probability that all civilization in the Gurhal System will be destroyed. Parum, Neudaiz, and Moatoob. The Confinement Systems on these 3 planets will be defended by Guardians. Understood?

(A holographic projection of Maya appears)

  • Maya: Headmaster Nav!
  • Nav: Hm? What is it, Maya?
  • Maya: I'm requesting immediate backup!
  • Nav: Not possible now.
  • Maya: But, I've located Professor Taragi! He's being held on a small satellite...
  • Nav: What's this?!
  • Maya: Observe for yourself.

(Another holographic image appears, this time of the HIVE)

  • Maya: This is an unknown satellite discovered in orbit outside the Gurhal System. We detected Professor Taragi's homing signal coming from this satellite. But I don't know what we'll find there. Please, can't you spare even just one person?
  • Ethan: I will go!
  • Hyuga: No, I will go.
  • Ethan: Hyuga...
  • Hyuga: Look Ethan. Maya and Dr. Tomrain asked for your help, right? They are going to need all the help they can get.
  • Ethan: Hyuga...
  • Hyuga: I'll go, headmaster.
  • Nav: Very well. You can assist her. You've got your backup, Maya. With our current mission, we can't spare anyone else. I just hope Hyuga will be enough for you.
  • Maya: Yes, Headmaster Nav! Thank you so much!
  • Ethan: Hyuga, you take care of her, okay?
  • Hyuga: Hey, not to worry, okay? We'll be fine.

(Hyuga exits) (End Cutscene)

(Scene: Ethan, Tonnio, Leo, Headmaster Nav)

  • Nav: Well then, the three of you will escort Dr. Tomrain to the confinement system on Moatoob. There, you will defend the installation.
  • Ethan: Yes sir!
  • Nav: Oh that's right, Ethan. The president requested that you stop by the presidential chamber.
  • Ethan: The president...? All right...
  • Leo: Well then, we'll take Dr. Tomrain and head to Moatoob first. Ethan, you go see what the president wants, then come to Moatoob.
  • Tonnio: We'll be waiting at the GUARDIANS branch in Dagora City.
  • Ethan: Got it.

(End Scene)

Guardians Headquarters: Presidents Office

(Cutscene) (Ethan enters the President's office. Dallgun sits behind his desk waiting for him)

  • Dallgun: Welcome, Mr. Waber. And, yes, I've already received a complaint from Lord Rutsu.
  • Ethan: I am sorry, sir.
  • Dallgun: It's not your fault, Ethan. I am the one who should apologize.
  • Ethan: But the Maiden...
  • Dallgun: The Maiden will be fine. That's really what I wanted to tell you. So, you should be able to head to Moatoob without hesitation.

(Ethan sighs and looks away)

  • Dallgun: What's wrong?
  • Ethan: I failed... I couldn't protect Karen... I mean the Maiden.
  • Dallgun: You both made it out alive. That should be enough. I'm sure the Maiden was well aware of the risks involved. I know you did everything you could, Ethan.
  • Ethan: But still...
  • Dallgun: Ethan, tell me what it is you fight for!
  • Ethan: What is it I fight for?
  • Dallgun: I want you to think about what Karen was actually fighting for.
  • Ethan: ...
  • Dallgun: If we can't protect the Confinement Systems, we can't defeat the SEED. If we don't get past this, there will be no tomorrow! It's life you fight for!
  • Ethan: Yes!

(End Cutscene)

Holtes City: Guardians Branch


  • Sheena: Welcoming to the GUARDIANS, making futures for Gurhal! We have no missions here now that you can accept.

(After speaking with the President)

  • Sheena: Welcome to Gurhal's protectors of tomorrow! The GUARDIANS!
  • Ethan: Hello, Sheena.
  • Sheena: Mr. Waber, your mission is current on Moatoob. It's an important mission, too!
  • Ethan: Yes, that's true... And it should put an end to this mess.
  • Sheena: You can do all, Mr. Waber! Please take care of Gurhal! The Light will Holy guide you!

Pavilion of Air

(Scene: Ethan, Guard)

  • Pavilion of Air Guard: You are Ethan Waber, are you not?
  • Ethan: Yes, that's right.
  • Pavilion of Air Guard: What is your business here?
  • Ethan: I'm here to see the Divine Maiden.
  • Pavilion of Air Guard: My apologies, but by Light Master Rutsu's orders, you are not allowed to pass.
  • Ethan: I just want to see if she's doing all right...
  • Pavilion of Air Guard: I sympathize with your position but I can't allow you to enter. And if you attempt to enter by force, it will undoubtedly result in trouble for the GUARDIANS.
  • Ethan: ...All right.

(End Scene)

(Pavilion of Air Guard)

  • Pavilion of Air Guard: Don't say a word... This is what the Divine Maiden wanted too, right? What is there to regret about what you did? The Maiden will surely recover, just be happy for that. That would make the Maiden happy!


  • Pavilion of Air Guard: Protect the confinement system the Maiden risked her life to find! You've got to make it to the unification point!

Ohtoku City: Guardians Branch


  • Reyna: Thank you for visiting the GUARDIANS, defenders of Gurhal's future. We currently have no missions that you can take on.

(After speaking with the President)

  • Reyna: Welcome to the GUARDIANS, protecting the future of Gurhal! Mr. Waber, your current mission has you on Moatoob...
  • Ethan: I know. I'm just here for a quick visit.
  • Reyna: Everyone is doing their best to protect the confinement systems. I will pray that the Holy Light keeps you safe, Mr. Waber.

Dagora City: Guardians Branch


  • Mana: Hey, this is the GUARDIANS. We defend the future of Gurhal and stuff. We don't have any missions you can take on here. Not now, anyway.

(After speaking with the President)

  • Ethan: Oh hello, Mana!
  • Mana: Hey, Ethan! Looks like you've gotten pretty big and strong...
  • Ethan: I've been working out. Uh, is Dr. Tomrain...?
  • Mana: Oh, the doc's in the meeting room.

(After meeting Dr. Tomrain)

  • Mana: Hey, this is the GUARDIANS. We protect the future of Gurhal.
  • Ethan: Yo Mana!
  • Mana: Hey, Ethan! Are you here to protect the confinement system, too?
  • Ethan: Yeah, I am.
  • Mana: Make sure to hold on until the unification point! Gurhal's fate is in your hands. Don't blow it!
  • Ethan: Yeah, just leave it to me!
  • Mana: Oh, and try to come back in piece, 'kay?
  • Ethan: Of course I will!
  • Mana: That's the spirit! You know the Holy Light's watching over ya!

Dagora Guardians Branch: Meeting Room

(Scene: Ethan, Leo, Tonnio, Dr. Tomrain) (Ethan enters to find Leo, Tonnio, and Dr. Tomrain already waiting for him)

  • Ethan: Hello, Doctor! Sorry to keep you waiting.
  • Tonnio: We were all waiting, Ethan.
  • Dr. Tomrain: So were you briefed on our current mission?
  • Ethan: Yes, we'll be taking you to the confinement system, right?
  • Dr. Tomrain: Yes, then you'll protect the confinement system with the Alliance Military.
  • Ethan: Gotcha.
  • Leo: When you're done getting ready, add me and Tonnio to the party. I'll bring the doctor to the flyer base.

(Mission "Defend the Gates" Available)

  • Tonnio: Great. See ya!

(End Scene)

Dagora City: Central District

(Talk to Leo)

  • Ethan: What's wrong, Leo? You look down.
  • Leo: Well... I heard this mission will have us working right alongside the Alliance Military. My experience with them has been trying at best. I'm really hoping we can get through this in a civilized manner.
  • Ethan: The Alliance Military? I'm not a big fan of theirs, either.
  • Leo: Come to think of it, I believe the Communion of Gurhal is cooperating with the defense of the confinement system on Neudaiz, too. And you can't really say that the Communion's been on the best terms with us these days. Well, it's the fault of both sides, really.
  • Ethan: I see...


  • Leo: Well, in times like this, everyone's got to work together, don't they?

(Add Leo to the party)

  • Leo: When you're ready to head to the confinement system, I'll bring the doctor.

(Remove Leo from the party)

  • Leo: All right... This will probably be a pretty tough mission so make sure you're duly prepared!

(Talk to Tonnio)

  • Ethan: So where is the confinement system on Moatoob? You went on the investigative mission with Leo, right?
  • Tonnio: It was found at a RELICS site in the middle of the West Kugu Desert. We had to deal with these really tough Stateria and it got pretty hairy!


  • Tonnio: After a lot of trouble, we eventually got to that confinement system. I think we'll really get the SEED beat! At least, I hope so...

(Add Tonnio to the party)

  • Tonnio: I've been there before, so let me lead the way!

(Remove Tonnio from the party)

  • Tonnio: What the...? Hurry up!

(Select "Defend the Gates" mission)