Episode 1 Chapter 11 Colony (script)

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Clyez City First Floor: Central Table

(Arsh Milzu)

  • Ethan: Hello, Mrs. Milzu!
  • Mrs. Milzu: Oh hello, Ethan... You know, I feel like there's something you're not telling me...
  • Ethan: Uh...
  • Mrs. Milzu: About Sinenu.
  • Ethan: I'm sorry.


  • Ethan: I'm sorry, Mrs. Milzu.
  • Mrs. Milzu: It's all right. We had a long talk.

(Old Man)

  • Old Man: Hey, Ethan! I had this crazy dream where everything was destroyed by the SEED!
  • Ethan: I think that's a pretty common dream these days.
  • Old Man: Yeah, but I'm not like everyone else. I'm kind of a prophet!
  • Ethan: Great. What's your point?
  • Old Man: The thing is, my dreams never come true!
  • Ethan: (Is that supposed to encourage me or something?)


  • Old Man: Go get 'em, Ethan Waber!
  • Ethan: Oh geez, this is embarrassing!

(Male Beast)

  • Male Beast: I guess the SEED will be repelled by the activation of all three towers at the instant of the unification point. But if there's a mistake, we'll probably all be destroyed, won't we? Until the SEED came, I never even contemplated the end of everything I know and love. This really puts the petty grievances of my past into perspective.


  • Male Beast: Extinction... I guess in the vast history of space, it's probably not that big of a deal.

(Gapard Raz)

  • Gapard: Hey, Ethan... I haven't heard back from the GUARDIANS. Do you think that means I didn't get it?
  • Ethan: No I don't think so. The GUARDIANS have been really busy lately. Headquarters is probably just bogged down. Maybe reviewing applications isn't their highest priority at the moment.


  • Gapard: Nah, I'm too busy to get set up right now.
  • Ethan: Too busy? Huh...

(After speaking to Mikua)

  • Ethan: Hey, Gapard... I've got something to ask you... Are you... involved... with anybody right now? I mean, romantically?
  • Gapard: Hey, I dunno, Ethan. I mean, you're a nice guy... but I don't really swing that way!
  • Ethan: No no no! There's just someone I wanted to introduce you to...

(Newman Male)

  • Newman Male: Confinement works with the same principals as the nano transformer? Will this really send the SEED to some other place?


  • Newman Male: That tower was built over 10,000 years ago, right? I wonder if a system that old would still work today!

(Human Male)

  • Human Male: Because the GUARDIANS forced the Divine Maiden to perform a divination, she collapsed again. The GUARDIANS are always going too far!


  • Human Male: The GUARDIANS went too far this time!

Clyez City Second Floor: Shopping Mall A

(Kumil Godes)

  • Kumil: Hey, Ethan! When you were little, what did you want to grow up to be?
  • Ethan: Hm, that's a tough question. I don't think I really know.
  • Kumil: You didn't want to be a Guardian?
  • Ethan: No, I used to hate the GUARDIANS.
  • Kumil: How come?
  • Ethan: I just thought... they were bad.
  • Kumil: But that's not true, is it?
  • Ethan: No, of course not.


  • Kumil: As for me, I'm thinking of being either a Guardian or a bride.
  • Ethan: You can be both if you want to.


  • Engineer: Some people argue that CASTs have no souls. But really, the boundary between artificial life forms and organic living creatures... Well, it's no so simple. All bodies are composed of a variety of internal organs which are just extremely precise machines. CASTs are able to reproduce these artificially, whereas others must rely on nature. Does having a soul equate to something occurring naturally? If this is the case, do incubator babies not have souls? Or what about people who have artificial limbs or replacement organs? It's something to think about.


  • Engineer: The real question should be, "What is a soul?"

(Mikua Tesran)

  • Ethan: Hey, Mikua... Are you in love or something?
  • Mikua: Maybe...
  • Ethan: I was only joking!
  • Mikua: So Ethan... You say you're a dependable Guardian, who will listen to whatever I have to say, right?
  • Ethan: Well, I didn't exactly say all that...
  • Mikua: You know that beast you're always hanging around with at the plaza?
  • Ethan: Yeah...
  • Mikua: I want you to introduce us!
  • Ethan: You know, that's not really the kind of thing you request from a Guardian...


  • Mikua: So, how did it go?
  • Ethan: Sorry, Give me more time!
  • Mikua: I guess I can't rely on the GUARDIANS after all, can I?

(Human Girl)

  • Human Girl: Do you really think we'll have peace soon? Honestly? I really hope we can rely on the GUARDIANS. Please bring us peace!


  • Human Girl: Please bring us peace!

(Fat Man)

  • Fat Man: The reason I like traveling is I like being able to get a taste of what it feels like to see beyond my own perceptions. You've experienced so much since the time you knew nothing but colony life, right? Fun times and difficult times... If so, then you should be able to understand my feelings when I say that I'm utterly addicted to traveling!


  • Fat Man: When you are activating the confinement system, I'm sure that will be an experience unparalleled by anyone else's!

(Nano Transformer Fan)

  • Nano Transformer Fan: Those huge nano transformers are finally going to be activated, aren't they? Waaah! I'm so excited! But then again... you aren't going there to have fun, are you? Sorry...


  • Nano Transformer Fan: Good luck activating those nano transformers! I wish I could be there to see it happen. Woo!

(Mefon Lead)

  • Ethan: Hello, Mrs. Lead. It looks like Jonb is going to be home on your birthday.
  • Mrs. Lead: That kid...


  • Ethan: (I wanted to be a god son, too...)
  • Mrs. Lead: Ethan, what's the matter?
  • Ethan: It's nothing.

Clyez City Third Floor: Shopping Mall B

(Mischec Pord)

  • Ethan: Hey, Mischec. How're you doing?
  • Mischec: I'm not... good.
  • Ethan: What's the matter?
  • Mischec: My father... he died...
  • Ethan: !! Mischec...
  • Mischec: Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. I've got my mom, at least.
  • Ethan: My dad died while he was on a GUARDIANS mission, too.
  • Mischec: Really?
  • Ethan: Mischec, you and I are sort of in the same boat, aren't we?
  • Mischec: Yeah, I guess so.


  • Ethan: If you ever need to talk about something, please let me know. I'll be here for you.
  • Mischec:: Okay, thanks.

(A-Photon Fanatic)

  • A-Photon Fanatic: I hear the SEED are focusing their attacks on the three towers on each planet. In any case, all I can do is hope that the activation of the towers goes smoothly. If not, there may not be nothing left of us!


  • A-Photon Fanatic: Be it A-Photons or something else, I just want something to save us!

(Photon Fanatic)

  • Photon Fanatic: If the confinement systems work on the same principle as nano transformers... then it just might be A-Photons that manage to save our solar system!


  • Photon Fanatic: I'm so conflicted about A-Photons!


  • Astronomer: Since the towers appeared, there's been an unprecedented amount of sunspot activity. There's been an unusual amount of radiation being emitted, as well. What could be happening?


  • Astronomer: I want to send an observational probe to the sun already...

(Endy Fodz)

  • Ethan: Hey, Endy.
  • Endy: Oh it's you, Ethan...
  • Ethan: By that look I guess things didn't go so well with the girl?
  • Endy: Nah, it didn't work out... On top of that, my missions just keep getting harder. I'm depressed...
  • Ethan: I'm sorry, man. Cheer up, though. It'll pass!


  • Endy: There's nothing like a bad date to cramp your style.
  • Ethan: Sorry, Endy.

Clyez City Fourth Floor: PPT Spaceport

(Jabutz Secbel)

  • Ethan: Hello, Mr. Chief Manager of Operations!
  • Jabutz: ...
  • Ethan: I don't think I got it wrong. Mr. Secbel, Chief Manager of Operations...
  • Jabutz: Shut up! I'm in a bad mood today!
  • Ethan: That is one moody CAST!


  • Jabutz: I'm sorry I yelled at you before.
  • Ethan: Oh, n-no problem!

(Male Beast)

  • Male Beast: When the battle has been won, the SEED should be all gone, isn't that right? And then we will at last have peace!


  • Male Beast: When we are at peace, I think I'll go on a trip!

(Porsh Tuvol)

  • Ethan: Hey, Porsh... You want to tell me about it? About Mayton Pord?
  • Porsh: There was... an accident. A shuttle fuel leak and an explosion...
  • Ethan: He didn't die in battle?
  • Porsh: Hey! Keep your voice down!


  • Ethan: Porsh, was there a cover-up about what happened with Mayton Pord?
  • Porsh: I'm sorry... I can't talk about this any more.

(Keiko Rotta)

  • Ethan: Are you all right?
  • Keiko: There's nothing wrong with me!
  • Ethan: You just seemed liked you had quit running...
  • Keiko: Oh wait... You're a Guardian, aren't you?
  • Ethan: Yes, I am.
  • Keiko: I guess it might actually be Instant Crash Syndrome. I can't tell, myself...


  • Ethan: You should probably get that checked out next time you're in for maintenance.
  • Keiko: Thanks, maybe I should.

Clyez City Fifth Floor: GUARDIANS Headquarters


  • Reporter: For some reason, recently I've lost all my self-confidence. I used to dream of someday becoming a famous newscaster, like Hal. But I guess that's just a pipe dream, isn't it?


  • Reporter: I need to figure out what I want to do with my life...

(Human Male)

  • Human Male: You say that Magashi was alive all this time? The Endrum Collective was dismantled! What is he trying to do?


  • Human Male: If Magashi really has it in for you, he still may have a couple of tricks up his sleeve. Be careful out there!

(Fisul Godes)

  • Ethan: Hello, sir!
  • Mr. Godes: Hey, Waber! You know, I've been hearing about you a lot these days...Even here, in the Resident Security Department.
  • Ethan: Really? Thanks!
  • Mr. Godes: You truly are your father's son...
  • Ethan: Yeah, but... my father didn't exactly make it...
  • Mr. Godes: My grandfather and father were Guardians, too. When I was a boy I always worried about 'em.
  • Ethan: I see.


  • Ethan: I'll do my best to surpass my father's legacy.
  • Mr. Godes: That's the spirit, Ethan!