Episode 1 Chapter 10 Moatoob (script)

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Dagora City: Central District

(Faroi Koid)

  • Faroi: Hello, Mr. Waber!
  • Ethan: Hey, Faroi!
  • Faroi: Mr. Waber, don't worry about what I said before.
  • Ethan: I'm not, really.
  • Faroi: I think my dad is a rogue.
  • Ethan: Oh?
  • Faroi: It kinda sucks.
  • Ethan: ...


  • Faroi: Having a rogue for a dad sucks.
  • Ethan: ...

(Emun Ohka)

  • Emun: Grrr! I won't forgive her... I'll tear her up and bury her in the desert!
  • Ethan: ...Huh? Ms. Ohka...
  • Emun: Oh, Mr. Waber!
  • Ethan: You seem awfully upset about something!
  • Emun: Huh? No... no, I'm fine...


  • Ethan: Ms. Ohka, you mustn't resort to violence. Especially not a nanoblast!
  • Emun: Y... You think I could...? Hahaha!
  • Ethan: (She may look pretty, but she's still a beast!)

(Human Woman)

  • Human Woman: Hey kid! You're just in time! I need your help!
  • Ethan: Again?
  • Human Woman: Someone ran off with my money! A joint investor...
  • Ethan: What was their name?
  • Human Woman: It was a rogue.
  • Ethan: A rogue? Don't you know what the rogues are? They are basically thieves!
  • Human Woman: Really? I didn't know...


  • Human Woman: It's all right. I still have some money left. It was an expensive lesson, but I'll reflect on it.
  • Ethan: I guess that's good...

(Fat Beast)

  • Fat Beast: The Endrum Collective was finally dismantled. It might not be all that well known, but a lot of rogue smugglers have been eliminated by the Endrum Collective. Of course you can't say it was all the Endrum Collective's fault...


  • Fat Beast: Now maybe some of the rogues killed by the Endrum Collective can finally rest in peace.

(Bukle Kinron)

  • Bukle: Hey, Ethan!
  • Ethan: Hey, Blukle!
  • Bukle: ...It's Bukle! Meh, forget it... It looks like you don't know, so I'll tell you this once...
  • Ethan: Tell me what?
  • Bukle: About the boss. You never heard of Gawik Vopa? He was a legendary rogue.
  • Ethan: Really!


  • Bukle: You'd better watch how you talk to him. He's been known to kill over nothin'.
  • Ethan: Really?

(Pipi Vol)

  • Ethan: (Her again!)
  • Pipi: Hey, were you trying to avoid me just now?
  • Ethan: Um... Not really.
  • Pipi: Don't be coy! Are you a man or what? C'mere, lemme check for ya!
  • Ethan: What are you talking about!?
  • Pipi: You don't get it, do ya? Let me check out those muscles!
  • Ethan: The GUARDIANS are very busy... Excuse me!


  • Pipi: Finally showing a bit of courage, are ya? Fine, I'll let you go this time...
  • Ethan: Yeah, I'm sorry...
  • Pipi: Hmph... I must be losing my touch.


  • Ethan: Hey, you still doing this?
  • Extortionist: Get away from me, you freak! You trying to make an enemy out of me? That's why I can't stand you Guardians!
  • Ethan: Why won't you listen to what I have to say?
  • Extortionist: I'd rather bleed to death than take orders from a Guardian! A long time ago, I trusted someone and put him in charge of my street gangs. But he betrayed me, and up and ran off to join the GUARDIANS...
  • Ethan: ...Are you talking about Tonnio?
  • Extortionist: Hah... So he's a friend of yours?


  • Ethan: Tonnio wouldn't betray anyone. Open your eyes! You're old enough to know better...
  • Extortionist: Hey! Don't disrespect my age!

(Jonb Lead)

  • Ethan: Hey, Jonb!
  • Jonb: Hey, Ethan! So it looks like I was finally able to get some time off.
  • Ethan: That's great!
  • Jonb: Not that this is any time to be taking breaks...


  • Jonb: My mother's birthday is coming up so I figured I'd go and see her or something.
  • Ethan: Your mother will be so happy!

(Old Cast)

  • Ethan: I'm with the GUARDIANS. Isn't there anything I can do for you?
  • Old Cast: Your charity will bring you no reward. There's no price on my head.
  • Ethan: I can't leave a fellow soldier to die!
  • Old Cast: I hate fighting. But for a soldier, there's no way to escape it other than death.


  • Ethan: ...Isn't that painful?
  • Old Cast: I appreciate your concern. However... my reactor will shut off quickly, and it will be over painlessly.

Synthesis Shop

(Small Beast)

  • Small Beast: The most profitable acquisition I've ever made was a Laconium 87 gemstone. I must have sold that gemstone for near 1,000,000 Meseta... That's what gemstones go for! But if you refine it and stick it in one of the jewelry stores on Parum, you're talking ten times that price at least!


  • Small Beast: Of course Moatoob's valuable underground resources aren't limited to just jewels. That's why there's no end to those coming to Moatoob looking to get rich quick.

Gawik's Pub

(Gawik Vopa) (Before speaking to Bukle)

  • Gawik: Well, well. Mr. Waber! Thanks for your continued patronage!
  • Ethan: (Even though I've never been a paying customer...)


  • Gawik: Take your coat off and stay a while!
  • Ethan: Sorry, I can't.

(After speaking with Bukle)

  • Ethan: Hello, Gawik!
  • Gawik: Well, well. Mr. Waber! Thanks for your continued patronage!
  • Ethan: (He doesn't look like a rogue.) Gawik, I heard you used to be a rogue...
  • Gawik: Gimmie a break! Is that what Bukle's been telling people?


  • Gawik: I washed my hands of that stuff a long time ago. Now my only goal is to keep this place in business.
  • Ethan: Sorry, I didn't mean to pry.

(Old Beast)

  • Old Beast: You're really workin' hard out there, ain't ya? You remind me of me when I was younger. I sold a cure-all wonder drug made of Lunga liver. I went door to door until I couldn't walk no more... all just to earn money for my next business. Little by little I was able to increase my sales. Before I knew it, I was in charge of a mining company! I was a huge success... F-Forget it, though... Just a little nostalgic is all...


  • Old Beast: Back then I had so much energy...

(Beast Male)

  • Beast Male: You're friends with Tylor!? C-Can you introduce me sometime? I'm a huge fan! Hey! You laughin' at me!? Tylor is so punk-rock! With that Landeel, they don't have to rely on nothin' or nobody... Just living a life without laws... That's the life for me!


  • Beast Male: C'mon! Next time you see him, tell him about me, won't ya?

Dagora City: GUARDIANS Branch

(Solen Hanp)

  • Solen: Hello, Ethan.
  • Ethan: Mr. Hanp, you don't look well.
  • Solen: That little punk girl got up in my face...
  • Ethan: She did? To you!?
  • Solen: She's always trying to get me to lick her boots and show off my muscles to prove I'm a man. She's a lot of fun...
  • Ethan: You didn't... did you?
  • Solen: Are you kidding? I gave her a good talking to!


  • Solen: When she calms down, she's not such a bad egg.
  • Ethan: Really?

(Beast Girl)

  • Beast Girl: Confinement systems... you mean those big towers! With something that magnificent, all you can do is rely on it's power and hope everything goes as it should. But there's still one we haven't found yet, isn't there?


  • Beast Girl: I'll be praying for your victory!