Episode 1 Chapter 08 Parum (script)

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Holtes City: Central Square

(PPT Caseal)

  • Ethan: Um... Do you by any chance have any relatives at the colony?
  • PPT Caseal: Well, let's see... Being a CAST, it's not strange for there to be one or two other units of the same model.
  • Ethan: I see...


  • Ethan: (Hm, the resemblance is really striking!)

(Green Cast) (Before meeting the President)

  • Green Cast: Just get out of here!

(After meeting the President)

  • Green Cast: Mellvore? Oh... that old city. An abandoned city is worth about as much as a pile of garbage!


  • Green Cast: What kind of business could you have at a place like that nowadays?

(Blue Caseal) (Before meeting the President)

  • Blue Caseal: Run off to Neudaiz or something. Just get out of here!

(After meeting the President)

  • Blue Caseal: Mellvore? That place is finished, isn't it? All those people who died... Yuck!


  • Blue Caseal: The source of the explosion? How would I know something like that?

(Yellow Cast) (Before meeting the President)

  • Yellow Cast: That kind of thing doesn't become news around here.

(After meeting the President)

  • Yellow Cast: Mellvore? ...The remnants of the big explosion? The cause of the explosion is unknown, right? Well, no matter how much you think about it, you can't change what happened.


  • Yellow Cast: It's best to forget useless things... If I don't think about bad things, maybe they'll just go away.

(Traveling Cast)

  • Ethan: You're here! I had a feeling we'd run into each other again...
  • Traveling Cast: Odd, isn't it?
  • Ethan: I think so, too. Um... Are you following me or something?
  • Traveling Cast: Don't you think I'd rather be following around a cute girl instead?
  • Ethan: I don't know what your tastes are...


  • Ethan: I wish I had more free time so I could go see Karen...
  • Traveling Cast: What was that?
  • Ethan: Nothing, just talking to myself.

(AMF Cast)

  • AMF Cast: Hey you! What are you doing!?
  • Ethan: I'm here on official business for the GUARDIANS.
  • AMF Cast: You can't just go where you please around here, you know.
  • Ethan: What, are you going to stop me? You and what army?
  • AMF Cast: Me and the Alliance Military!


  • AMF Cast: You know, you can't just do whatever you want around here!
  • Ethan: What a pain...

Holtes City: West District

(Speal Fonce)

  • Ethan: Hello, Speal.
  • Speal: What is it?
  • Ethan: There are so many cruel CASTs on Parum. It makes me want to see you all the more.
  • Speal: You really shouldn't have such high expectations of people.
  • Ethan: What do you mean?
  • Speal: This is the Alliance Military's turf. Your kind isn't welcome here.
  • Ethan: I see.


  • Ethan: Hey, Speal.
  • Speal: You know, the roots of the CAST supremacy run deep. You won't get rid of it so easily.

(Yokus Melton)

  • Ethan: Hey, Yokus!
  • Yokus: Oh hi, Ethan.
  • Ethan: Are you avoiding me?
  • Yokus: No...
  • Ethan: But...
  • Yokus: I said I wasn't!


  • Ethan: Hey...
  • Yokus: If you really think I'm avoiding you then why do you keep coming here?

(AMF Guard) (Before meeting the President)

  • AMF Guard: You really don't get it, do you? Can't you take a hint? Scram!


  • AMF Guard: I said get out of here!

(After meeting the President)

  • AMF Guard: Did you say Mellvore? What's the point of investigating a city that's been abandoned for eighteen years now? Humans have a bad habit of always looking back.


  • AMF Guard: I swear, nothing useful ever comes from talking to you.

(Mikaris Geid)

  • Mikaris: Oh, Ethan. You came at a good time! There's something I want to talk to you about.
  • Ethan: What's that?
  • Mikaris: I feel weird talking about it here, but... I want a baby!
  • Ethan: Er... Can I change the subject now?
  • Mikaris: Why, what's wrong?


  • Ethan: You've got a twisted sense of humor, Mikaris.
  • Mikaris: What's twisted? I'm completely serious!

G.R.M. Shop

(Stank Geece)

  • Ethan: Hello, Commander Geece.
  • Stank: Hey, Ethan.
  • Ethan: Commander, do you know a boy named Prafo?
  • Stank: ...Have you met him?
  • Ethan: Yeah...
  • Stank: I adopted him. I took him into my care after his human father sacrificed himself to save me.
  • Ethan: Oh, I see...


  • Stank: I didn't intend to cover it up, but if it comes out, it could be unfavorable... Please keep this information to yourself.
  • Ethan: I understand.

(Madris Carn)

  • Ethan: Hi Madris!
  • Madris: Hey you! You here again?
  • Ethan: We ought to work together sometime!
  • Madris: Don't be silly... I’m working now!
  • Ethan: I see... Sorry.


  • Ethan: Madris, what kind of work do you do?
  • Madris: Well, all kinds of things...

Parts Shop

(Prafo Kaluen)

  • Ethan: Hey, Prafo!
  • Prafo: Ah, Ethan! Ethan, when are you gonna become a CAST?
  • Ethan: Sorry, but... humans are humans for life!
  • Prafo: What!? How come?
  • Ethan: Because... that's the way it works.
  • Prafo: That's a weird thing to say.


  • Ethan: Hey, Prafo...
  • Prafo: What?
  • Ethan: ...No, never mind.

Holtes City: East District

(Human Male)

  • Human Male: A friend of mine got put on trial recently. His claims were completely ignored and he was found guilty! There were circumstances beyond his control! It's not like he wanted to do what he did! The judicial system wouldn't listen to a single word. Basted CAST...


  • Human Male: Damn CAST! I'll never forgive them!

(Quiro Medoc)

  • Ethan: Hello, Mr. Medoc.
  • Mr. Medoc: ...
  • Ethan: Mr. Medoc?
  • Mr. Medoc: Oh, it's you... Well, I give up!
  • Ethan: What's wrong?
  • Mr. Medoc: My granddaughter said to me, "Why don't you just die?" Can you believe it?
  • Ethan: ...
  • Mr. Medoc: Maybe she'd be better off if I did.
  • Ethan: That's a horrible thing to say!


  • Ethan: Don't worry, Mr. Medoc. Your granddaughter is sure to come around one of these days.
  • Mr. Medoc: I gave up hope for that a long time ago, Ethan.

(Rol Medoc)

  • Ethan: Hey, Rol. How are you?
  • Rol: I'm fine. Is that all you ever want to know? Geez!
  • Ethan: Fine then. So tell me about yourself. Do you have a boyfriend?
  • Rol: Shut up!
  • Ethan: You know, you really should fix that habit of telling people to "shut up" all the time. That's not gonna fly in the real world.
  • Rol: ...


  • Ethan: You shouldn't give your granddad such a hard time.
  • Rol: ...

Holtes City: GUARDIANS Branch

(Human Woman) (Before meeting the President)

  • Human Woman: Next time, all right?

(After meeting the President)

  • Human Woman: You want to know about Mellvore? I was very young at the time of the great explosion... so I don't know too many details firsthand. But if you think about it, it's pretty strange. That was an explosion large enough to wipe out an entire city but there isn't a lot of talk about it. I was born and raised on Parum and we never really studied it in school. Even though the source of the explosion remains a mystery, the media seems to ignore it.


  • Human Woman: Perhaps someone is controlling the information concerning what happened on Mellvore? It seems plausible.

(Black Cast) (Before meeting the President)

  • Black Cast: I'm not sure that dereliction of duty is the best way to start a GUARDIANS career...

(After meeting the President)

  • Black Cast: You say you're going to Mellvore? The ruined city... They say that strange creatures settle there because there are no people left. Be careful!


  • Black Cast: Mellvore... It's an abominable place!

(Human Male) (Before meeting the President)

  • Human Male: If there's something I can do, tell me!

(After meeting the President)

  • Human Male: I heard Karen quit the GUARDIANS. I don't know why, but Karen always turned down missions in Neudaiz. Does it have something to do with you running off to Neudaiz the other day? You can't tell me anything? Fine then!


  • Human Male: I don't want to talk to you! ...Get lost!