Episode 1 Chapter 08 Neudaiz (script)

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Ohtoku City: Central District

(Galmo Veag)

  • Galmo: There is someone pretending to be a newman and posing as a member of the Communion of Gurhal, trying to collect donations. Please be careful!
  • Ethan: Yes, I will!

(After talking with the swindler)

  • Ethan: you're a counselor with the Communion, right?
  • Galmo: Galmo Veag, at your service!
  • Ethan: I saw someone pretending to be a newman, trying to collect donations.
  • Galmo: A woman who says "farewell" and runs off when things go bad?
  • Ethan: Yeah, that sounds like her!
  • Galmo: So she's still up to her old tricks...


  • Ethan: Can't you catch the newman imposter?
  • Galmo: That woman's become a repeated problem! The Communion is currently investigating ways to deal with her. Thank you for the valuable information!


  • Reporter: Dohgi Mikuna used his position as a Light Master to do illegal things... and he was finally overthrown. I find it a little strange that his daughter wasn't dismissed from her position as the Divine Maiden, as well.


  • Reporter: I wonder what the Divine Maiden thinks of this herself?

(Kinian Tope)

  • Ethan: Hey, Kinian!
  • Kinian: Oh hello, Ethan.
  • Ethan: Whenever I'm here, the city seems like it's bustling! Everyone here is so passionate about their beliefs. It's a little overwhelming for me sometimes!
  • Kinian: If you could comprehend faith, you'd understand. The Gurhal Faith is a beautiful, unexplainable thing!
  • Ethan: Hm...


  • Ethan: So is faith like, when everyone sees the Maiden, they get excited?
  • Kinian: No... No, it's more than that.

(COG Newman)

  • COG Newman: The Divine Maiden is back! She's finally feeling better! Hurray!


  • COG Newman: I wonder what happened while she was missing?

Yohmei Shop

(Male Newman)

  • Male Newman: The Divine Maiden is in an influential position. Although there's no political power involved, there is a great amount of adoration The public loves her. And the followers of the Gurhal Faith need a symbol... Someone to give thanks to for the Holy Light... so it's easy to understand the existence of a Divine Maiden.


  • Male Newman: Since I'm not a believer, I'm probably not very persuasive.


  • Swindler: How about a donation for the Communion of Gurhal?
  • Ethan: What the? ...Did something happen to your ear?
  • Swindler: Huh? ...Uh oh, this is bad!
  • Ethan: Hey, you aren't a...
  • Swindler: Your eyes are bad, aren't they? You're very unpleasant. Don't talk to me anymore! Farewell!


  • Ethan: (Those are fake ears... She's really a human!)

(Male Beast)

  • Male Beast: That's not the real Divine Maiden! Don't ask me how I know, but I do! It's not her!


  • Male Beast: Why won't anyone believe me!? The Divine Maiden is an impostor!

Synthesis Shop

(Purol Sieju) (Before meeting the President)

  • Purol: Do you know what the difference between humans and newmans is?
  • Ethan: (This kid's kind of annoying.)
  • Purol: Hey, do you know?
  • Ethan: Yes, I do.
  • Purol: Humans are below newmans!
  • Ethan: There may be people that think that, but all four races are equal!
  • Purol: Hm...


  • Purol: Ethan, what you say is different than what my dad says.
  • Ethan: In the GUARDIANS, everyone is equal.
  • Purol: Hm...

(After meeting the President)

  • Purol: Hey, Ethan! Humans are below newmans.
  • Ethan: (Not this again!)
  • Purol: My mom and dad said so!
  • Ethan: What do you think, Purol? Do you think I'm below you?
  • Purol: Um... I don't know.
  • Ethan: Right! You don't know!
  • Purol: Hm...


  • Ethan: Newmans and humans have to live together in the same Gurhal System. We have to help each other out!
  • Purol: Hm...
  • Ethan: (I hope she gets it!)

(Fat Newman)

  • Fat Newman: Recently the Divine Maiden started making public appearances again. Doesn't it seem like she's more active than before? She even seems stronger than before. I like her new liveliness!


  • Fat Newman: The Divine Maiden's smile is enough to put me in a good mood any time!

Clothing Shop

(Old Woman)

  • Old Woman: I'm so happy the Divine Maiden appears to be fine. She looks like she's getting even healthier, too! Now I feel like I have the strength to keep going, too!


  • Old Woman: When the Divine Maiden is around I just feel more at ease.

Ohtoku City: GUARDIANS Branch

(Bunami Seagol)

  • Ethan: How's it going, Bunami?
  • Bunami: Oh hey, Ethan!
  • Ethan: You look sad.
  • Bunami: I screwed up and got into trouble, and got chewed out by Director Milzu. It just doesn't seem right though... getting yelled at by the director for improper behavior. I mean, he's the one fooling around with one of the receptionists!
  • Ethan: Is that true?
  • Bunami: You don't know? I thought everybody knew!


  • Ethan: So what do you mean by "fooling around"?
  • Bunami: Oh, don't pretend to be so innocent! He should really know better. I mean, he's got a wife at the colony and everything!
  • Ethan: Wow, that's pretty bad...

(Kitov Milzu)

  • Ethan: Hello there, Director Milzu.
  • Mr. Milzu: Hello, Ethan... You know, forget it. I give up!
  • Ethan: What's going on?
  • Mr. Milzu: If everyone in the GUARDIANS was as efficient as you are, my job would be no sweat. But there are those who I just can't do anything about!


  • Mr. Milzu: I'm counting on you to finish your mission carefully!
  • Ethan: I will, sir.

(Sinenu Forin)

  • Ethan: Hey, come to think of it, you were asking me about Director Milzu, weren't you?
  • Sinenu: Oh, was I?
  • Ethan: You were.
  • Sinenu: I'm sorry but I don't remember. I'm busy. If you don't have any other business, won't you please excuse me?
  • Ethan: (Hm... What's going on here?)


  • Sinenu: There's no point in persisting. I'm not interested in younger guys!
  • Ethan: (She may be pretty, but she's kind of mean!)