Episode 1 Chapter 08 Mission (script)

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Mission: In the Ruins

Outskirts of Old Mellvore City

(Cutscene) (The G-Flyer flies gently over the ruined and crumbling structures of Old Mellvore City. A flock of birds, disturbed from the noise in otherwise deathly silent city, takes flight) (End Cutscene)

(Cutscene) (Ethan, Lou, and Maya approach an enormous wall from a grassy field)

  • Ethan: Wow! What is this?
  • Maya: It's the Wall of Mellvore.
  • Ethan: Look at the size of this! It's enormous!
  • Lou: The Parum government had to build this massive wall to contain the toxic debris. There was much of it after the explosion at Mellvore.
  • Ethan: And after that, the entire city was isolated?
  • Maya: Yep. The official government story was that the wall was created for safety. But the damage was so bad, they couldn't clear it all.
  • Ethan: So, it's been like this... for almost 20 years!

(Lou takes notice of something descending)

  • Lou: It looks like we're about to have some company.

(A private G-Flyer craft lands a short distance away. A scientist exits and approaches the group)

  • Maya: Kou... Professor Taragi?
  • Kou: Maya? Is that you?! Never thought I'd see you here! How've you been?
  • Maya: Good...

(Ethan interjects between them)

  • Ethan: Hi, I'm Ethan Waber. It's good to meet you.
  • Kou: Kou Taragi.

(They shake hands)

  • Ethan: You must be a friend of Maya's?
  • Kou: Maya was actually a student of mine.
  • Ethan: Oh really? A student, huh?
  • Maya: Yes. Well, he used to work in my lab, but he got overambitious researching A-Photons.
  • Kou: And apparently Maya still has a problem with that.
  • Lou: We are quite fortunate to have Professor Taragi with us. He is the foremost expert on A-Photon Reactors. Now, to avoid unnecessary confrontations with the SEED, I suggest we take an underground route.
  • Kou: Alright, let's go.
  • Ethan: I'm ready!
  • Maya: ...

(End Scene)

Underground Plant: Block A-1

  • Lou: Everyone be careful. There are many creatures roaming around in here.

Underground Plant: Block A-2

(Scene: Ethan, Maya, Lou, Kou) (Ethan and the party stop for a moment upon entering Block A-1)

  • Ethan: I can't believe there's something this huge built underneath the city!
  • Kou: It appears this was built in secret almost 20 years go. This is the first time I've been here, as well. Even with twenty years of development, A-Photon reactor miniaturization hasn't made much progress. We can't make them any smaller, so the results are what you see here.
  • Maya: It's not very compact, is it? There are photon reactors that can fit on the tip of your finger.
  • Kou: But photon reactors are unstable because they're dependant on spirit energy. A-Photon reactors are an indispensable source of powerful energy.
  • Maya: Then why was this facility abandoned?
  • Kou: That I don't know. There's no mention of this facility in the records.
  • Maya: This huge facility...!?
  • Ethan: (I don't have a clue what they're talking about.)
  • Lou: We don't have much time. Let's hurry.
  • Kou: Yes, that's right. I apologize for lagging. Let's go.

(End Scene)

(Battle Machines attack the group)

  • Ethan: There are battle machines in a place like this!?
  • Kou: Heh... Just as I expected!

Maya: What?

(Scene: Ethan, Lou, Maya, Kou) (After defeating the battle machines the party stops for a moment to regroup)

  • Kou: So they attacked after all...
  • Ethan: Huh?
  • Kou: I noticed someone had followed us here. They must be after me because I'm an A-Photon engineer.
  • Ethan: Do you think it's the Endrum Collective?
  • Kou: You're familiar with the Endrum Collective, Mr. Waber?
  • Ethan: Yeah, I've tangled with them a few times.
  • Lou: We have received similar reports, which is why we're all here.
  • Ethan: That's fine, but... well... Isn't it dangerous for Dr. Tomrain to be here?
  • Lou: The doctor is under the protection of the GUARDIANS Intelligence Section.
  • Ethan: Still, we have to assume they'll attack again.
  • Kou: My safety is in your hands then, Mr. Waber. The Endrum Collective is after me for the sole reason that I am involved with A-Photons.
  • Maya: It serves you right!
  • Kou: I know it's too late for me to say this now, but sometimes I think that it would have been... better... if I'd just stuck to doing photon research.
  • Maya: ...
  • Kou: If I did that, then you and I...
  • Maya: Stop it, don't say any more. It's too late...
  • Kou: Maya...

(End Scene)

Underground Plant: Block B-1

(Scene: Ethan, Lou, Maya, Kou) (Lou stands beside a switch facing the rest of the group)

  • Lou: Here we are, Professor Taragi.
  • Kou: I see, so this is...
  • Ethan: What is it?
  • Kou: This is why I was called here. For the doctor's experiment, an enormous amount of A-Photon *energy is necessary. That's why we must use this abandoned A-Photon plant.
  • Ethan: But this place is... It's a wreckage, isn't it?
  • Kou: No, it's pretty much intact... although there are various places where the control switches have been severed.
  • Ethan: If all it requires is flipping some switches, then we could have handled that ourselves! Why did you need to come with us?
  • Kou: We must carefully calculate the amount of energy circulating or else we could have another Mellvore Explosion on our hands. That's why I was called in.
  • Ethan: Oh. I guess we can use your help, then.

(Fight your way through to Block B-2)

(As you activate the switches Kou will notify you of how many are left)

  • Kou: The number of switches remaining is "X".

(Once you've activated all switches)

  • Kou: Great! All the switches in this area are on. Move on ahead.

Underground Plant: Block B-2

(Scene: Ethan, Lou, Maya, Kou) (The group stands before another switch, which Kou activates)

  • Kou: This time... this machine will be the key to saving people's lives. How ironic.
  • Maya: What was that?
  • Kou: No... It's nothing. Forget it.

(Kou moves ahead, with Lou trailing behind him)

  • Maya: Wait a sec, Kou! ...Professor Taragi.
  • Ethan: What is it?
  • Maya: That person... He's definitely hiding something...

(Maya exits)

  • Ethan: Maya... (That's the first time I've seen Maya look so serious.)

(End Scene)

(As you activate the switches Kou will notify you of how many are left)

  • Kou: The number of switches remaining is "X".

(Once you've activated all switches)

  • Kou: Great! All the switches are on. Let's hurry to the control room where Dr. Tomrain is.

Underground Plant: Block C-1

(Fight through two waves of Battle Machines)

(Cutscene) (All seems quiet as the party enter an adjacent room)

  • Ethan: Finally, we can take a breather.

(Just as Ethan says that, several battle machines fall from the ceiling and face them menacingly)

  • Ethan: Oh man... Here they come again!

(Lou approaches the battle machines)

  • Ethan: Lou! Stay back!
  • Lou: You better leave this to me.
  • Ethan: Huh?!

(Lou summons an array of heavy weaponry from the sky. Fully armed, she sweeps the Battle Machines with a high-powered laser blast, followed by a barrage of small homing missiles. The armament then returns itself to their satellite)

  • Ethan: Lou, what was that?!
  • Lou: A SUV weapon.
  • Ethan: Well, where the heck did it come from?!
  • Lou: It came from outer orbit. You can't have one.
  • Ethan: Wha...?

(End Scene)

Underground Plant: Block C-2

(Trial Start)

  • Ethan: First it's machines and now it's SEED?
  • Kou: This isn't good... but I can't say I'm entirely surprised.

(Fight and defeat a wave of Delsabans and Pannons, as well as a SEED-Vitace) (Trial End)

(Cutscene) (The SEED-Vitace recoils in it's death throes, shaking the ground as it collapses, nearly knocking the party off balance)

  • Ethan: ... Alright, let's go.

(Party Exits) (End Cutscene)

Lake Denes

(Cutscene) (The party walks to the edge of an observatory lobby. Before them is a large lake, surrounded by the ruined city of Mellvore)

  • Ethan: What is this place...?
  • Kou: This is ground zero from the Mellvore Explosion.
  • Ethan: It's worse than I imagined.
  • Kou: There's a Relics at the bottom of this lake.
  • Ethan: Below here?

(Kou points to a large pipe structure leading from the observatory down into the lake)

  • Kou: That energy tube over there transports A-Photons down to the Relics. It is the primary exchange unit.
  • Ethan: And what does that do to them?
  • Kou: I can't explain just yet. You'll see when we get there.

(Kou exits)

  • Maya: You haven't changed a bit.
  • Ethan: What?
  • Maya: Never gives a straight answer. It's like he's always talking in riddles.
  • Ethan: Maya, can I ask you something?
  • Maya: Sure?
  • Ethan: So, what's the real story between you two?
  • Maya: What?! You know... we really don't have time to stand around and chat. We need to get going.

(Maya exits)

  • Ethan: Oh, now look who's avoiding questions.
  • Lou: Mr. Waber, time is running out, we really must keep moving.
  • Ethan: Oh, yes, of course.

(Ethan and Lou exit) (End Cutscene)

Denes RELICS: Block A-1

(Trial Start) (Fight your way from Block A-1 to Control Room)

Denes RELICS: Power Control Room

(Trial End)

(Cutscene) (The party approaches Dr. Tomrain who is standing in front of a series of panels holographically displayed from the floor)

  • Kou: Doctor Tomrain!

(The doctor turns to face him)

  • Dr. Tomrain: Ah, Professor Taragi!
  • Kou: It's been too long.
  • Dr. Tomrain: I really appreciate your help, professor.
  • Kou: I'm happy to help.
  • Dr. Tomrain: I thank you.
  • Lou: Professor, perhaps now is the time to explain our strategy.
  • Dr. Tomrain: Yes, thank you. You're right. The objective of this experiment is to reactivate a Relics called the Confinement System.
  • Ethan: Confinement System?
  • Dr. Tomrain: Actually, it's more widely known as the "Gates of Denikaya." If our theories are correct, then activating the apparatus will surely give us an edge against the SEED. The problem is, the remaining A-Photon Reactors in the Relics won't be able to provide enough power. Which is why we are most fortunate that Professor Taragi agreed to help. We're counting on him to reconnect the inactive power generators in the abandoned plant.
  • Kou: We're wasting time. Let's get moving.

(Kou turns towards the control panels)

  • Dr. Tomrain: Good luck my friend.

(End Cutscene)

(Scene: Ethan, Maya, Lou, Kou, Dr. Tomrain) (Dr. Taragi begins manipulating the Control System while the other stand around watching)

  • Ethan: What exactly are the Gates of Denikaya?
  • Dr. Tomrain: Well, Mr. Waber... You know about the Mellvore Explosion, don't you?
  • Ethan: Yeah. The entire city of Mellvore was wiped out in an instant.
  • Maya: I heard that the center of the explosion was at Lake Denes, right above us.
  • Dr. Tomrain: Indeed. That was eighteen years ago. Dr. Daren and I, among with numerous others, were researching A-Photons in a facility here.
  • Maya: You were here!?
  • Dr. Tomrain: We thought we were working on an entirely new source of energy. We were given an A-Photon reactor, just like the ones now being found in large numbers at the RELICS sites and spent several years building that underground A-Photon reactor. Then, during the activation experiment, there was an influx of energy that we were unprepared for... and then the tragedy occurred.
  • Ethan: But... how did you survive?
  • Dr. Tomrain: Beforehand, a powerful shield was set up around the research institute... as if someone knew an explosion would occur... But regardless of that accident, the dangers of A-Photons were ignored and they were put into practical use. The Mellvore Explosion was treated as an unknown act of terrorism. We were forbidden from revealing the truth. Some of us were confined, like Dr. Daren. Others were assassinated... I was picked up by the GUARDIANS so I was able to continue living my life... For the most part.
  • Maya: But... how could something so big be covered up for so long?
  • Dr. Tomrain: I don't know. But there's a bigger organization than you might think at work here. Something the GUARDIANS are no match for.
  • Ethan: You mean like the planetary governments?
  • Dr. Tomrain: Well...
  • Ethan: Doctor!
  • Lou: The power coupling is nearly complete.

(The Relics begin to rumble. Scene fades out, then back in. The Relics are now alive with activity)

  • Kou: *Phew* It appears that the control system restart was successful.

(The Relics rumble again, this time more powerfully)

  • Ethan: What was that!?
  • Lou: It appears that the SEED have arrived. I have detected an invasion of SEED-Forms.
  • Dr. Tomrain: It's true, then... They're drawn to the A-Photon reactions!
  • Lou: The control system is under attack by SEED-Forms. Output is falling.
  • Dr. Tomrain: We can't continue like this. If we make a mistake with the controls and another cascade occurs we might be facing another Mellvore Explosion!
  • Ethan: What did you say!?
  • Dr. Tomrain: The only thing we can do is go to the central control room and operate from there. If we do that, we might be able to compensate. Mr. Waber, can you get me to that room?
  • Ethan: Leave it to me!
  • Maya: I'm going, too.
  • Kou: Lou and I will remain here to stabilize the output.
  • Dr. Tomrain: We're counting on you.
  • Kou: Maya, be careful.
  • Maya: I don't need you to worry about me.

(End Scene)


  • Lou: I will protect Dr. Taragi, so you take care of the control system.

(Kou Taragi)

  • Kou: Coupling the power system has brought about the SEED attacks. Be careful!

(Human Guardian)

  • Human Guardian: We will stay behind to guard Dr. Taragi. Take care of Dr. Tomrain.

(Beast Guardian)

  • Beast Guardian: Don't worry. We're Guardians, too. Endrum Collective or SEED-Forms, neither of them will lay a finger on Lou or the doctor.


  • Bruce: Welcome!
  • Ethan: What the... What are you doing in a place like this?
  • Bruce: I go where I want. And I'm still a member of the GUARDIANS, so sometimes they let me tag along. In exchange, I get to set up shop in lots of exotic lands! Looks like it's gonna be a rough road ahead. Ya better equip yourself accordingly.
  • Ethan: You seem like you're doing a good job at surviving...


  • Bruce: From here on out it's gonna get pretty tough. You'd better take care!
  • Ethan: Yeah, I know.

Denes RELICS: Block B-1

(Fight through block B-1 - C2)

Denes RELICS: Block C-2

  • Maya: Wait! Something is coming!

(Cutscene) (An enormous two headed De Ragnus swoops through the air towards the party)

  • Maya: That thing's been nesting in here?!
  • Ethan: Doctor! Go! Go back to the last room!
  • Dr. Tomrain: Yes... Good idea!

(Dr. Tomrain exits) (End Cutscene)

(Trial Start) (Defeat De Ragnus) (Trial End)

(Scene: Ethan, Maya, Dr. Tomrain) (Ethan and party take a moment to collect themselves after the fight)

  • Ethan: Hm... Why was that thing hanging around here?
  • Maya: It's almost as if it was protecting this area from something!

(The group turns to face a doorway)

  • Ethan: Is that the control room?
  • Dr. Tomrain: It is.
  • Maya: Let's hurry!

(Party exits) (End Scene)

Denes RELICS: Central Control Room

(Scene: Ethan, Maya, Kou, Dr. Tomrain) (The party walks up a spiraling ramp to a gold and blue spherical object and terminal. As they approach, Kou comms in)

  • Kou: Dr. Tomrain! Are you safe?
  • Dr. Tomrain: Yes, I'm fine. Are you all right?
  • Kou: Yes, fine. In ten seconds, the coupling will be complete. You should be able to control it from there.
  • Dr. Tomrain: Got it. Leave the rest to me!
  • Kou: I'm praying this works!

(Dr. Tomrain ends the communication. Dr. Tomrain approaches the control terminal)

  • Dr. Tomrain: Right after the Mellvore Explosion... it was discovered that the Gates of Denikaya were buried here. The connection between A-Photons, the RELICS sites, and the SEED... I believe the answer lies here. That's why I've been secretly working here with the GUARDIANS for so long... trying to unlock the secrets of this site. And now... the time to find out the truth is at hand! I've cost so many people their lives. This is the way it should have been in the first place. Science... science should be about helping people!

(The RELICS rumble once again. The party turns to see several Volfu appear behind them)

  • Ethan: Doctor! There are creatures in here, too!
  • Dr. Tomrain: It's all right! We won't lose now!
  • Ethan: Doctor...
  • Dr. Tomrain: Look, Mr. Waber... This is the power of the confinement system! This time... the power of A-Photons... ...will save us!

(Dr. Tomrain activates the control panel) (End Scene)

(Cutscene) (Scene changes to a view of Denes Lake, surrounded by the ruined Mellvore City. The water in the middle of the lake churns and forms into a whirlpool. From out of the center erupts a massive tower structure which extends races towards the sky, extending arms which send out an energy wave in all directions. The wave sweeps through Old Mellvore City, until the entirety of the city is under it's protective umbrella. Scene changes to back inside the Denes Relics Central Control Room. The creatures which threaten the party vanish into thin air)

  • Ethan: But... What happened? Where'd they go?
  • Maya: It's like they just... disappeared.
  • Dr. Tomrain: Actually, this is a result of the Confinement System. It looks as though our theories were correct.
  • Ethan: That's great! That means it was activated.
  • Dr. Tomrain: Yes, it would appear so.
  • Ethan: Well come on then, let's go find our friends, huh?

(Party exits and returns to the Power Control Room, but when they arrive, they find no one is there)

  • Maya: Huh! No one's here... I wonder where they went?
  • Ethan: Professor Taragi! Lou!! Hm?

(Ethan notices a hat on the floor and bends down to pick it up)

  • Ethan: What's this...?
  • Maya: It's Lou's hat.
  • Ethan: Was she captured!? The Endrum Collective!
  • Dr. Tomrain: And Professor Taragi, most likely. But don't worry, we know where they are.
  • Ethan: We do? How?

(The Doctor withdraws a GPS-like device from behind his back)

  • Dr. Tomrain: We fitted them with homing devices.
  • Maya: Wait! Professor, you knew they'd be captured?
  • Dr. Tomrain: Yes, we thought so.
  • Maya: It can't be...
  • Dr. Tomrain: He's sacrificing himself to find our missing scientists.
  • Maya: He's always doing this! This was important... and he kept it from me!
  • Dr. Tomrain: Don't be hard on him. Perhaps he only wanted to protect you from the truth.
  • Ethan: Maya...

(Maya falls to her knees, crying)

  • Maya: Uh... Waaah...

(End Cutscene)

Chapter 9 Preview

  • Narrator: A distress beacon is detected in the desert and Ethan and his companions are sent out, only to get caught in the crossfire between the Endrum Collective and the Landeel. Ethan must now escape from Renvolt Magashi wrath. Who is sending out the distress signal? Next time on Phantasy Star Universe: Hot SOS.

Chapter 9 Alternate Preview

  • Hyuga: Ethan...
  • Ethan: What's wrong Hyuga? You sound upset.
  • Hyuga: I'm your partner, right Ethan?
  • Ethan: Of course.
  • Hyuga: I just feel like you've been ignoring me lately.
  • Ethan: Ack.. No... You must be imagining things.
  • Hyuga: Really? I feel like I'm constantly being left out.
  • Ethan: No, not at all. You're just a little worry-wart, see?
  • Hyuga: So, then... you'll take me along on the next mission?
  • Ethan: Yeah, of course.
  • Hyuga: Really? You need your pal for this one?
  • Ethan: Yeah, see! You're feeling better already.
  • Hyuga: Yeah!
  • Leo: Ethan! Something terrible has happened on Moatoob!
  • Tonnio: We don't have enough people! You have to help us!
  • Ethan: Got it. I'm on my way!
  • Hyuga: But Ethan... you just promised...
  • Ethan: Sorry... Next time, okay? Coming up on Phantasy Star Universe: Hot SOS. See ya then!
  • Hyuga: I really do feel like I'm not getting a fair shake anymore.
  • Ethan: Hyuga! It's all in your head!