Episode 1 Chapter 06 Neudaiz (script)

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Ohtoku City: Central District

(Galmo Veag)

  • Ethan: You're that counselor for the Communion, aren't you?
  • Galmo: Galmo Veag, at your service!
  • Ethan: I saw a female newman asking for donations in the city.
  • Galmo: Just as I expected! Recently we've been getting a lot of complaints.
  • Ethan: You can't let that go unchecked. Next time I see her pulling something like that, I'll do my best to stop her.
  • Galmo: Please. I would be grateful!


  • Galmo: The Communion workers hate this kind of work. I have more faith in the GUARDIANS for stopping criminal activity!
  • Ethan: Save the praise until after I've stopped her!


  • Reporter: I can't believe that assassination plans were actually in progress! But I guess every organization has it's problems... There are four people within the Gurhal Communion known as Light Masters. They lead the four divisions of the Communion, which governs all of Neudaiz. It's a huge organization so the political struggles within can be enormous.


  • Reporter: The idea that someone would assassinate a little girl like that... it's mad!

(Kinian Tope)

  • Ethan: Hey, how are you doing? Being an Armed Servant for the Communion must be pretty tough, huh?
  • Kinian: Probably not as difficult as the GUARDIANS, I'd imagine.
  • Ethan: You really think so?
  • Kinian: Well, on the other hand... the oddballs that follow around the Maiden are probably as bad as the SEED!
  • Ethan: I can believe it!


  • Ethan: It's the real Maiden fans that get me... always following her around, shouting her name!
  • Kinian: Yeah, I know what you mean! Don't they have lives of their own? Sheesh!

(COG Newman)

  • COG Newman: Recently the Divine Maiden has been going through so much, yet still she's still gone through the trouble to keep up her public appearances. I can't believe anybody would want such a selfless person dead!


  • COG Newman: What's wrong with people? I can't understand why anyone would want her dead in the first place. The world is crazy!

(Pavilion of Air Guard)

  • Pavilion of Air Guard: You came here to protect the Divine Maiden before, didn't you? Don't mention the assassination attempt to anyone! If you do, I'll have you arrested!


  • Pavilion of Air Guard: Just forget everything!

Yohmei Shop

(Newman Male)

  • Newman Male: You've got quite the reputation as a promising new recruit. You may be a rookie now, but try not to lose that vigor as time goes by!


  • Newman Male: Keep working hard!

(Beast Male)

  • Beast Male: The Divine Maiden was attacked! What kind of person could even think about causing the Maiden any harm? When the criminal is found, we must put them to death! They must die!


  • Beast Male: Dying a million times wouldn't be enough for someone who even thinks about harming the Divine Maiden!


  • Swindler: How about a donation for the Communion of Gurhal?
  • Ethan: You!
  • Swindler: Oh, it's you...
  • Ethan: You aren't a member of the Communion, are you!?
  • Swindler: I don't know what you're talking about! Farewell!


  • Ethan: That swindler pretending to be with the Communion... It's you, isn't it?
  • Swindler: I'm a Communion Worker in finance. I have nothing left to say to you! Farewell!
  • Ethan: (Damn, she's definitely an imposter!)

Synthesis Shop

(Purol Sieju)

  • Purol: Do you know what the difference between humans and newmans is?
  • Ethan: (This kid's kind of annoying.)
  • Purol: Hey, do you know?
  • Ethan: Yes, I do.
  • Purol: Humans are below newmans!
  • Ethan: There may be people that think that, but all four races are equal!
  • Purol: Hm...


  • Purol: Ethan, what you say is different than what my dad says.
  • Ethan: In the GUARDIANS, everyone is equal.
  • Purol: Hm...

(Fat Newman)

  • Fat Newman: For years, the number of followers of the Gurhal Faith has been declining. Originally, during the days when newmans were oppressed by humans, the movement was started to close the gap between the two races. But I guess during times of peace, faith doesn't really seem all that necessary.


  • Fat Newman: Now, because of the SEED, the number of followers has increased rapidly.

Clothes Shop

(Old Woman)

  • Old Woman: I heard that the Divine Maiden collapsed. I hope she gets better soon! All we can really do is pray.


  • Old Woman: I really hope the Divine Maiden gets better soon. She's all I've got left in the world.

Ohtoku City: GUARDIANS Branch

(Bunami Seagol)

  • Ethan: How's it going, Bunami?
  • Bunami: Hey, Ethan! How are you doing?
  • Ethan: I'm doing pretty good!
  • Bunami: It must be nice to be in the Mobile Defense Force.


  • Bunami: If you've got any questions, let me know!
  • Ethan: I will!

(Kitov Milzu)

  • Ethan: Hello there, Director Milzu.
  • Mr. Milzu: Hello, Ethan. Have you... talked to my wife about me recently?
  • Ethan: No, I haven't.


  • Ethan: What's the matter?
  • Mr. Milzu: No, nothing's wrong...

(Sinenu Forin)

  • Ethan: Hello!
  • Sinenu: What is your connection to Director Milzu?
  • Ethan: None, really.
  • Sinenu: Hm...


  • Ethan: Why'd you ask about Director Milzu?
  • Sinenu: No reason.


  • Reyna: Welcome to the GUARDIANS, protecting the future of Gurhal.
  • Ethan: Hello, Reyna.
  • Reyna: Mr. Waber? I thought your next training mission was on Moatoob.
  • Ethan: Oh. I'm just on a little side trip.
  • Reyna: I see. Well, be careful. I pray the Holy Light keeps you safe.