Episode 1 Chapter 01 Ethan (script)

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In a far away galaxy, lies a sun, orbited by 3 planets. The Gurhal system.
A place inhabited by humans, and their creations,
CASTs, Newmens, and beasts.
For 500 years, there was war among the races,
a seemingly never-ending conflict. Then finally...
An era of peace and prosperity that has lasted for 100 years.
But now, a darkness has awoken, and threatens the Universe.

(Cutscene) (Shot pans in of the Guardian Colony)

  • Text: The Alliance Centennial Ceremony at the thriving Guardian Colony....

(Large battleships align in formation and begin firing lasers which explode into beautiful fireworks. President Dallgun stands before the crowd smiling as the display continues outside the domed viewing plaza) (End Cutscene)

(Cutscene) (Ethan walks down a long hallway, when his communicator beeps)

  • Ethan: Hello? Oh, hey Lumia! Yeah, I just got off work. I know, I know. I'll take that shortcut through the alleys and be there before you know it. Okay?

(Ethan hangs up on Lumia and tosses his airboard to the ground. He jumps on and begins zigzagging through the alleyways - ducking and jumping pipes. As he exits the alley into a street, a car barrels down on him and hits him, sending Ethan and his board flying. The car comes to a stop before him, and a servant of the Communion of Gurhal steps out)

  • COG Servant: Hey! Are you okay?
  • Ethan: Ow! My leg! I think... dammit!!

(A beautiful newman girl exits the car and approaches Ethan)

  • Mirei: I'm so sorry, but are you okay?
  • Ethan: What do you think?!

(Ethan bites his tongue as he glances at the beautiful Newman girl)

  • Mirei: Well, it appears you've injured your leg...

(Mirei casts a recovery technique on Ethan's leg)

  • Mirei: How do you feel now?
  • Ethan: Huh?

(Ethan stands on his broken leg and feels no pain, he stomps it in amazement)

  • Ethan: H-Hey... T-The pain's gone! I'm healed!
  • Mirei: I'm so glad!
  • Ethan: Thank you! Hey, was that a TECHNIC?

(Ethan, then embarrassed stammers)

  • Ethan: Um. I'm Ethan Waber!
  • Mirei: My name is...
  • COG Servant: Ma'am, we'll be late for the ceremony. We have to get going.
  • Mirei: Yes, you're right.
  • COG Servant: Now, if you'll excuse us.

(Mirei and the Servant enter the car and drive away - leaving Ethan alone in the street. He looks at his watch)

  • Ethan: Oh man! I completely forgot! I'm gonna be late, too!

(End Cutscene)

(Opening Cinema)

Episode 1 Chapter 1: Of Light and Darkness

Clyez City: Central Table: First Floor

(Cutscene) (Lumia is standing alone by the fountain in the Central Table. She spots Ethan arriving and waves emphatically)

  • Lumia: Hey Ethan! I'm over here! Come on!

(Ethan rides up to Lumia and steps off his board, placing it in his nano-transformer)

  • Ethan: Geez, do you have to shout like that? It's embarrassing, little sister.
  • Lumia: But the ceremony's already started! I want to find a good place to watch!

(Lumia begins tugging Ethan along after her as she exits)

  • Lumia: Come on, Ethan! Let's go!
  • Ethan: All right, all right already!

(End Cutscene)

  • Lumia: Ethan, hurry up! If we don't get there soon, we'll miss the ceremony!
  • Ethan: All right, All right. If I can remember how to get to the viewing plaza... We take the Linear Line right?
  • Lumia: Yeah. I think the platform's on the fourth floor.

(Human Girl)

  • Human Girl: The Colony is huge, so if you're looking to go to the viewing plaza, the Linear Line is the best way to get there. The Linear line is on the fourth floor, last doorway on the right.


  • Human Girl: If you're looking to go to the viewing plaza, the Linear Line is on the fourth floor, last doorway on the right. It's the best way.

(Galmo Veag)

  • Galmo: Sorry about what happened before with the Divine Maiden...
  • Ethan: Huh? What are you talking about?

(Mefon Lead)

  • Ethan: All these Guardians are just hanging around doing nothing during the ceremony.
  • Mrs. Lead: Hey, as long as everyone feels safe, right?
  • Ethan: I guess...
  • Mrs. Lead: You're a weird kid.


  • Ethan: (These Guardians sure seem more busy watching the ceremony than doing their job!)
  • Guardian: What was that?
  • Ethan: Nothing.
  • Guardian: What's with him?

(Black Cast)

  • Black Cast: It's been 100 years since the alliance between the three planets was signed! 100 years since the establishment of the GUARDIANS! The GUARDIANS have protected the peace of our solar system for a century!


  • Black Cast: I've been looking forward to this celebration for so long now! I'm so excited! Too excited, even. My doctor warned me about this...

(Mikua Tesran)

  • Ethan: Hey! Is that you, Mikua?
  • Mikua: Ain't this a sight! What are you doing in the city, Ethan?
  • Ethan: Ah, just taking Lumia to see the ceremony.
  • Mikua: To get to the plaza, take the Linear Line on the 4th floor. You know that, right?
  • Ethan: (What a know-it-all!)


  • Ethan: Hey, Mikua!
  • Mikua: Whoa! If you don't hurry, the ceremony's gonna start without you!

(Yokus Melton)

  • Ethan: Hey Yokus! You goin' to the ceremony, too?
  • Yokus: I think you've got the wrong person.
  • Ethan: Huh? What are you talking about?
  • Yokus: Have we met somewhere before?
  • Ethan: Wrong person, I guess... How strange...

(Try to go up the right stairs)

  • Guardian: Currently, the second floor is off limits. To reach the Linear Line, please use the center elevator.

(Try to go up the left stairs)

  • Guardian: During the ceremony, the second and third floors are closed to all non-security personnel. If you want to go to the Linear Line platform on the fourth floor, use the elevators.
  • Ethan: Guardians think they're so hot, always telling people what to do...

(Try to enter the Guardians Barracks)

  • Lumia: Come on Ethan! Forget about visiting your friends! Lets hurry up and go to the fourth floor!

Clyez City: PPT Spaceport: Fourth Floor

  • Lumia: The Linear Line gate is back there on the right.

(Sinenu Forin)

  • Sinenu: To get to the Linear Line you go straight from here. You're the fifteenth person to ask!
  • Ethan: (Quit your whining!)

(Kitov Milzu)

  • Ethan: Excuse me, the Linear Line?
  • Mr. Milzu: It's right over there. If you're here to see the ceremony, you'd better hurry!

(Arsh Milzu)

  • Ethan: Is that...? Mrs. Milzu?
  • Mrs. Milzu: Is that you, Ethan? It's been so long, hasn't it! Is that little Lumia with you?
  • Lumia: Hello. Mrs. Milzu.
  • Mrs. Milzu: You two came out to see the ceremony, did you?
  • Ethan: Yeah.
  • Mrs. Milzu: Well then, see you later.


  • Mrs. Milzu: You'd better hurry. It's going to start soon!

(PPT Desk Caseal)

  • Ethan: Ah, excuse me!
  • PPT Desk Caseal: Watch it! I don't know what's up, but I sure wish everyone would just settle down already!
  • PPT Information Desk Clerk: Welcome and thanks for using the PPT spaceport. I'm truly sorry, but due to the Alliance Centennial Ceremony, all PPT shuttle arrivals and departures are suspended. We apologize for any inconvenience.

(PPT Gate Attendants)

  • Spaceport Caseal: This gate is for the spaceship dock. This gate is currently closed.
  • Moatoob Caseal: This is the PPT gate for the Planet Moatoob. The PPT is currently not in use.
  • Parum Caseal: This is the PPT gate for the Planet Parum. The PPT is currently not in use.
  • Neudaiz Caseal: This is the PPT gate for the Planet Neudaiz. The PPT is currently not in use.

(Guardians between the 3rd and 5th floor stairs)

  • Guardian: The third floor is currently closed.
  • Guardian: The GUARDIANS Headquarters is currently off limits.If you have a request, come back after the ceremony.
  • Ethan (thinking): As if I'd have a request for them!

Linear Line Platform

(Cutscene) (Ethan and Lumia exit the train, Lumia still tugging Ethan along by the arm)

  • Lumia: Come on Ethan, run faster!
  • Ethan: Why can't we just use my airboard, Lumia?
  • Lumia: You know you're not supposed to ride two to a board!

(No Vol comes bumbling by the pair, knocking Lumia over)

  • Lumia: Aah!
  • Ethan: Watch it, you klutz!

(No Vol goes to leave but Ethan stops him)

  • Ethan: Hey, hold on there a second! You wanna giver he back what you just stole there?
  • No Vol: What the heck?! Get lost. I didn't steal nothing.
  • Ethan: Lumia, check your pockets.
  • Lumia: Huh? Hey! My Meseta Card is gone!

(No Vol sneaks away while Ethan and Lumia are talking)

  • Ethan: You see. you... huh? Hey! Come back here!

(Ethan gives chase, Lumia follows behind)

  • Lumia: Ethan!

(No Vol slyly hops aboard the Linear Line just before the doors shut, locking Ethan out. The train then departs the station. Ethan hops on his airboard and chases behind. At the next stop, No Vol humming a tune hops off the train and strides towards the viewing plaza. Ethan comes up the ramp shortly after No Vol leaves the scene) (End Cutscene)

Linear Line Platform

  • Ethan (shouting): Where did he go?!


  • Guardian: If you're looking for the viewing platform, it's over there. This area is off-limits.
  • Guardian: The ceremony has created some security problems, so this area is currently off-limits.


  • Guardian: Why did I have to get stuck working? I wanted to see the Divine Maiden, too!

(Kumil Godes)

  • Ethan: Did you see a sketchy-looking guy come by here?
  • Kumil: No. Except you.

(Human Male)

  • Ethan: Hey! Did you see a really sketchy-looking guy pass through here?
  • Human Male: Hmm, if you mean that very rude thug, you just barely missed him. He was headed towards the viewing plaza.
  • Ethan: Thanks!


  • Human Male: Did you find that thug you were looking for?

(Fisul Godes)

  • Ethan: Did you see a suspicious-looking guy come through here?
  • Mr. Godes: Well, I was just watching the ceremony...
  • Ethan: Why don't you do your job and guard us? You're supposed to be a Guardian, aren't you?
  • Mr. Godes: What's your problem?

Access Corridor B-1


  • Swindler: That shady-looking guy? He just passed through here.
  • Ethan: Really? Thanks!

(Qurio Medoc)

  • Ethan: The plaza is this way, isn't it?
  • Mr. Medoc: Sorry, but I just got here. I've got no idea where I am or where I'm going!

(Rol Medoc)

  • Ethan: to get to the viewing plaza, I just go straight, right?
  • Rol: I just got here from Parum so I really don't know.
  • Ethan: Okay, thanks anyway!

(Exit hall)

(Cutscene) (Ethan catches up with No Vol and slams into him)

  • Ethan: Ah! Gotcha!
  • No Vol: Huh? You again?! I thought I told you to get lost!
  • Ethan: Now you give me back my sister's card!

(A voice calls out offscreen)

  • Hiru Vol: Hey, buddy! You got a problem with my brother?

(Hiru Vol and Do Vol come walking up)

  • No Vol: Oh, Hiru! Man, this guy won't get off my case!
  • Ethan: Because you stole my sister's card!
  • Hiru Vol: Now, now, now. Just relax, boy. We're the Vol brother, okay? I'm sure you've heard of us. So why don't you

just go back to the hole you came from? Unless you want a piece of me. Understand, chump?

  • Ethan: And if I don't?
  • Hiru Vol: If you don't?!
  • Hiru, Do, & No Vol: Heh heh heh
  • Hiru Vol: I guess this punk hasn't heard of us after all! Now... we'll make sure you never forget us!

(Hiru Vol takes a swing at Ethan. Ethan ducks and jabs Hiru Vol in the eye)

  • Hiru Vol: Uunh! I guess you're a little tougher than you look after all.

(Lumia enters the scene from a hallway)

  • Lumia: Ethan!
  • Ethan: Lumia, you idiot! Get out of here!
  • Lumia: Who are you calling an idiot?
  • Hiru Vol: Wha?! Brothers! Grab her!
  • Do Vol: G-got it!
  • Ethan: Lumia, run! Run!

(Do Vol chases Lumia down, grabs her, and begins dragging her back to the group)

  • Lumia: Aaaah! Lemme go, you jerk! Let me go!!
  • Hiru Vol: Well now. We wouldn't want your little sister to get hurt, would we?
  • Ethan: Damn you...

(No Vol grabs Ethan's arms from behind)

  • Hiru Vol: Now this is more like it!

(Hiru Vol punches Ethan in the stomach)

  • Lumia: E-Ethan!!! You're cowards!
  • Hiru Vol: Whatever, girlie...(turns to Ethan) So where's that tough guy attitude now, eh?

(Ethan punts Hiru Vol between the legs, and then heat butts No Vol who releases him)

  • Ethan: Lumia, duck!

(Ethan steps off of Hiru Vol's back and delivers a roundhouse to Do Vol's face)

  • Ethan: Lumia, are you all right?
  • Lumia: Yeah! Thanks.
  • Hiru Vol: Screw this. Now you're gonna pay!

(Hiru Vol then pulls a photon knife and advances toward Ethan)

  • Lumia: Ethan!
  • Ethan: Don't worry. Just stay close.
  • Voice: Hey! What's going on here?

(Everyone turns to look, and Leogini S. Berafort is standing behind them)

  • No Vol: Damn... It's a Guardian.
  • Hiru Vol: Looks like you got lucky this time. Let's go!

(Trio exits, with Do Vol lagging behind idiotically mumbling)

  • Ethan: Hey! hey, Come back here.
  • Leo: Huh, I'm not surprised. Most of these low lifes don't have the belly for a real fight. Are you two all right?
  • Lumia: Thank you, mister. You rescued us.
  • Ethan: Yeah, thanks for getting in the way.
  • Leo: What?
  • Lumia: Ethan! How could you say that? We could've been in real trouble!
  • Ethan: I could've handled those guys just fine by myself.
  • Leo: Oooh! Sounds like you're quite the tough guy!
  • Ethan: Wanna find out?
  • Lumia: Ethan! Stop being stupid! I'm so sorry! I don't know what's gotten into him! Come on! We're going to be late for the ceremony!

(Lumia tugs Ethan way by the arm as he stares hatefully at Leo) (End Cutscene)

(Scene: Ethan, Lumia)

  • Lumia: Ethan! Why do you always get like this when you see a Guardian?
  • Ethan: Whatever... Everything's okay now, right? We're here to see the ceremony, so let's go see it.

(Ethan exits. Lumia shrugs in confusion)

  • Lumia: Wait for me!

(Lumia exits) (End Scene)

(Cutscene) (Ethan and Lumia enter a crowded viewing plaza filled with screaming fans. They cheer louder as the Divine Maiden takes the stage)

  • Ethan: Huh? That girl...!
  • Lumia: What? Mirei? She's the Divine Maiden. Do you know her?
  • Ethan: Divine Maiden? Really.
  • Lumia: Yes, silly. She's part of the Gurhal Faith, the symbol of the Communion! They say that she can see everything.
  • Ethan: Hmm. Who wouldn've known?
  • Lumia: Maiden! Maiden!! Aaaah! Maiden!!! Over here! Over here!

(Ethan chuckles)

  • Divine Maiden: I pray that the Holy Light may touch you all, and bathe you in it's warmth!

(The Maiden enters a meditation like state and sees a vision of a far off star-like phenomena spewing blue streaks of light toward the colony)

  • Divine Maiden: What? What is this...?

(She gasps in horror as the realizes the vision's meaning, just as the first of the SEED begin tearing through the Alliance Military's fleet. A ship directly behind her explodes into flames)

  • Ethan: What was that?!
  • Divine Maiden: Everyone, listen You must leave this place now!
  • Lumia: Ethan, we've got to get out of here!

(Lumia begins tugging Ethan's arm, leading him away)

  • Ethan: Yeah, I'm coming!

(End Cutscene)

Linear Line Corridor

(Scene: Ethan, Leo, Lumia) (Crowds of people rush through the ruined hallway in a panic, Leo tries to direct them where to go)

  • Leo: Everyone calm down. you're going to be fine. Move quickly now. this way.

(Ethan & Lumia enter and approach Leo)

  • Ethan: Hey, you're that guy!
  • Lumia: I apologize for my brother's behavior before.
  • Leo: There's no time to worry about civilities now. Hurry up and get with the others!
  • Ethan: Why is it that Guardians think they can tell everyone else what to do? We're going this way. Let's go Lumia!
  • Leo: Huh? Hey!

(Lumia bows to Leo)

  • Lumia: I'm so sorry! Ethan, wait!

(Lumia runs off after him) (End Scene)

(Try to exit back to the Viewing Plaza)

  • Ethan: This isn't the right way!

(Proceed through Linear Line corridor)

Linear Line Platform

(Cutscene) (Ethan and Lumia enter the Linear Line platform and find it deserted)

  • Ethan: It looks like everyone's been evacuated.
  • Lumia: That way's blocked off by rubble.
  • Ethan: I guess we've got a long walk ahead of us...

(A rumbling noise)

  • Ethan: Huh?!

(The rumbling gets louder and debris begins falling from the ceiling)

  • Ethan: Lumia! Get over here!
  • Lumia: I-I can't... I'm too scared!

(Rubble falls, separating them)

  • Lumia: Aaaah!
  • Ethan: No! Ugh! Lumia!

(Ethan stands and inspects the rubble, looking for a way through)

  • Ethan: Uh... Lumia!!!
  • Lumia: Ethan...
  • Ethan: Lumia! Are you alright?!
  • Lumia: Yeah... I think so. But, there's so much rubble, I can't see you.
  • Ethan: It's okay. I'll go get help! You stay put. Understand?
  • Lumia: Okay, I'll wait here. Just hurry!

(Ethan turns and exits to Linear Line corridor) (End Cutscene)

  • Ethan (thinking): Damn! Looks like my airboard got busted in all the commotion. Guess I gotta travel on foot.

(Approach the rubble)

  • Ethan: Lumia! Are you all right?
  • Lumia: Ethan! I'm okay, I think... But I don't think I can get myself out of here!
  • Ethan: Don't worry, I'll go get help.
  • Lumia: Okay. Please hurry, Ethan!

(Exit Area)

Linear Line Corridor A-1

  • Ethan: Geez, what a mess. I guess everyone's been evacuated.

(Approach man crushed by rubble)

  • Ethan: ... I've got to save Lumia!


  • Medic (Talking to accident victim): Keep it together! I'm here to help now.
  • Ethan: (He's gonna to have his hands full here!)

(Talk to wounded man - no response)

  • Ethan: ...!! What am I supposed to do?

Corridor B-1

  • Ethan: I guess everyone has been evacuated.

(As Ethan walks further into the corridor another rumbling is heard)

  • Ethan: Wha-!? Was that another collapse? I hope you're safe, Lumia!

(Exit corridor)

(Cutscene) (Ethan spots Leo amid the wreckage and runs up to him)

  • Leo: Sorry, kid. I'm too busy to chat right now. You better get to a shelter...
  • Ethan: My sister... She's trapped behind some rubble. You gotta help me now!
  • Leo: Calm down. I'll call headquarters.

(Leo comms HQ)

  • Leo: Headquarters, this is Leo... I've got a female civilian trapped behind debris. Requesting help.
  • HQ: Roger. We'll dispatch assistance as soon as possible.
  • Leo: Got it!

(Leo turns back to Ethan)

  • Leo: You see, kid. Help's on the way.
  • Ethan: Thanks... I really mean it.
  • Leo: S'alright. Don't sweat it.
  • Ethan: Ok. It's just that no one was around and I didn't know what I was going to do.
  • Leo: Hey. What's happened here? Where's that bravado I saw earlier?
  • Ethan: Huh? What do you mean?
  • Leo: Hey hey, no harm meant. Just glad you didn't do anything rash this time.
  • Ethan: What's wrong with believing in yourself?
  • Leo: Nothing, as long as you know when to ask for help. Listen, you gotta understand you can't do everything by yourself. If you don't learn that now, it'll come back to bite you someday.
  • Ethan: To be honest with you... I don't know what you're talking about.
  • Leo: Well, you'll understand someday, kid.

(Rubble falls in front of them and a SEED Blewme form crashes down through the ceiling)

  • Ethan: Huh? What is that?!
  • Leo: Something's coming out of it! Be careful!

(A SEED-Vance appears from out of the Blewme)

  • Leo: Damn!

(Leo pulls his gun, but it's knocked from his hand and he is slammed to the floor.)

  • Ethan: Hey! Hey!! On no! Are you okay?!

(Seeing no response from Leo, Ethan reaches for Leo's gun)

  • Ethan: Just going to borrow this real quick!

(The SEED form strikes at Ethan, but he rolls and fires at the SEED form, killing it)

  • Ethan: I... I got it... What... is it?

(Ethan then remembers Leo laying injured and rushes to his side)

  • Ethan: Hey, Hey, you alright?! Where are you hurt?
  • Leo: I-I can't move. I'm paralyzed...
  • Ethan: What should I do?
  • Leo: Help is coming soon... You might not be able to wait... Your sister could be in trouble. Take my weapon and go protect your sister!
  • Ethan: Alright. I will.

(End Cutscene)

(Scene: Ethan, Leo)

  • Leo: The name's Leogini Santosa Berafort. My friends call me Leo. And you are?
  • Ethan: Ethan. Ethan Waber.
  • Leo: Waber! Really?
  • Ethan: Yeah. So?
  • Leo: No. Never mind... Ethan. For starters, take this.

(Received Comm Terminal Message)

  • Leo: As long as you hold on to that, we can stay in contact. I'll be able to support you through the terminal, so pay close attention.
  • Ethan: All right. I'm not big on following order from Guardians, but... For Lumia's sake, I'll do what you say.
  • Leo: Please do. Look here. Because of that creature, you can't go down the same corridor as before.
  • Ethan: That's true.
  • Leo: Keep moving down this corridor until you find another platform on the Linear Line, then go up the line until you reach the platform where your sister is trapped. Make your way there first. As soon as I can meet up with the relief forces I'll catch up with you.
  • Ethan: All right.
  • Leo: Also, take this.

(Received Guardians Equipment)

  • Leo: You might be attacked again. If that happens, don't forget your weapon, armor, and photon arts. I'll instruct you further later on. Don't get yourself into anything you can't handle kid.
  • Ethan: I got it. Don't overdo it yourself, pops.

(End Scene)

(Talk to Leo again)

  • Leo: Have you equipped yourself yet? Hurry up, Ethan. Your sister is waiting.

(Exit area)